109 - One's Heart and Soul (2)

The next day's clan leader meeting was particularly busy for Dang Hwa-seo, who had just returned to the alliance. Even after the meeting concluded, she remained seated, rapidly organizing the changes that had occurred in her absence, and bracing herself for the next meeting by cramming the current martial world affairs into her mind. Just as she was about to leave her seat after finishing all her tasks, late into the evening, Kyun-dong approached her. “Leader Yongbong.” “Hmm? What’s the matter?” “Well… Could you deliver this to Mok Riwon?” What Kyun-dong presented was a small bottle of alcohol, neatly wrapped. Dang Hwa-seo tilted her head in curiosity. “Alcohol?” “Yes. I've heard that Mr. Mok Riwon has reached the pinnacle of martial arts excellence recently. I wanted to congratulate him, but I’ve had no reason to visit his quarters.” Kyun-dong's smile was awkward, devoid of the malice that used to characterise his expression. Could the duel that they had wagered on the other day have caused a change in his feelings? Dang Hwa-seo pondered for a moment before accepting the bottle of alcohol and teasingly asked, “Isn’t this poisoned, by any chance?” It was a joke she could afford to make, given that there were no hard feelings left between them. After all, it’s not like he had committed any grievous wrong against her – a naturally expected gesture. However, Kyun-dong seemed to take her jest differently. “What! Why would you say such a thing! Even if I bear the brunt of being called a coward, I would never commit such a vile act!” Kyun-dong reacted vehemently. Dang Hwa-seo couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “It’s a joke. Make sure to deliver it well to Mr. Mok.” “Eh, ehem! Please be careful, even with jokes.” Relieved, Kyun-dong mumbled and started to look around as if he had more to say, his expression clearly indicating unfinished business. “If you have more to say, please, speak freely.” “Well, it’s just….” Kyun-dong scratched his head and hesitantly asked, “As I’ve been thinking, Leader Yongbong, you always refer to Mr. Mok Riwon as ‘Mr. Mok.’ I was curious about the reason. May I ask?” “Ah….” Dang Hwa-seo let out a soft sigh. This was indeed something that had been on her mind as well. After all, wasn’t that what everyone said? Since stepping into the martial world, Mok Riwon had carried out many significant heroic deeds. Frankly, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to award him the title of ‘Great Hero.’ ‘But….’ Changing the title now would feel awkward. Titles, as she saw it, were largely changed when there was a shift in the relationship between two individuals, and as far as Dang Hwa-seo was concerned, her relationship with Mok Riwon hadn’t significantly changed since their first meeting. Particularly not in terms of romantic involvement. “….” Dang Hwa-seo’s lips pressed tightly together, a faint blush spreading across her face. ‘If I were to change his title….’ A more familiar or closer title would be preferable. For example, For example! ‘Darling, perhaps….’ Dang Hwa-seo’s face flushed as red as a beet. The moment she entertained naming conventions for lovers, an unbearable wave of embarrassment rushed over her, rendering her almost powerless. Overwhelmed by embarrassment, she slammed her hands down on the desk. Boom! “What nonsense!” “Eek!” Startled, Kyun-dong flinched and cowered. Only then did Dang Hwa-seo realize he was still in front of her. Out of sheer embarrassment, she muttered, “Ahem… I was reminded of an unpleasant memory. My apologies.” Kyun-dong's head whipped around as if he had been using some kind of martial arts technique. “No! It’s understandable for people to get angry when they recall unpleasant experiences! Yes! I just remembered I have urgent matters to attend to! Take care!” Kyun-dong dashed out of the meeting room. Dang Hwa-seo sighed out of awkwardness. ‘Hwa-seo, get a grip.’ Lately, she had been acting quite unlike herself. * Upon returning to her quarters, Dang Hwa-seo immediately sought out Mok Riwon to deliver the bottle of alcohol. “Leader Jinwon asked me to deliver this. It’s to celebrate your reaching the ultimate pinnacle!” “Oh! From the leader, you say!” Mok Riwon brightened up and accepted the bottle of alcohol, slightly uncorking it to catch a whiff of its scent, his smile stretching even wider. “Ah… this is nice. It seems like a rather expensive alcohol. Miss, you should try smelling it too.” As Mok Riwon offered her the bottle, Dang Hwa-seo closed her eyes and inhaled the aroma, letting out an impressed sound. “Yes, this is certainly no ordinary alcohol. It must have been quite a stretch for Leader Jinwon. You should thank him later?” “Understood!” Mok Riwon recorked the bottle and said with an excited flush on his face, “Miss! Then, shall we?” “Hm? Where to?” “We should drink it, shouldn’t we!” It seemed his jingling of the bottle signified an invitation to share the drink. Dang Hwa-seo blinked, then readily accepted. ‘...I’m not pressed with urgent matters right now, anyway.’ Having finished all pressing tasks, she was at leisure. Dang Hwa-seo followed Mok Riwon out of the office. * They arrived at a familiar veranda overlooking a quaint pond surrounded by wild grass, the tranquility and stillness of the environment enveloping them. "Here, I'll pour you a glass! Ah! Given it's an expensive alcohol, we mustn't let it chase away the buzz! It's mandatory to get drunk!” Mok Riwon exclaimed with excitement. Dang Hwa-seo could only respond with an awkward laugh. Invulnerable to All Poisons. Dang Hwa-seo's constitution did not allow her to get drunk. “But Mr. Mok, you should be careful...” She paused mid-sentence. ‘...Get drunk?’ Her gaze shifted subtly towards Mok Riwon. Reflecting back, it was true. Mok Riwon enjoyed his liquor and never explicitly avoided getting drunk, but he was not one to binge to full intoxication. He was always careful with his alcohol intake. Meaning, Dang Hwa-seo was yet to witness Mok Riwon’s drunken antics. ‘Mr. Mok’s drunken behavior...’ She swallowed nervously, her wicked desires momentarily conjuring wishful thoughts. -Miss... Imagining a drunk Mok Riwon looking at her with pitiful eyes... -It's too hot... Undressing due to the heat brought on by intoxication... -Ah... They won’t come off easily. And then... -Miss... Would you help me take this off...? Crack! The floor beneath Dang Hwa-seo’s hand shattered. “Eek!” Mok Riwon was startled by the sudden noise. Dang Hwa-seo, realizing her gaffe too late, scrambled for an excuse. "We, we need repairs. The flooring durability is just…" “That so?” "Would I break it on purpose?" Mok Riwon examined Dang Hwa-seo with suspicion, but she maintained her composure, and eventually, his doubt subsided. “...Understood.” Dang Hwa-seo sighed in relief internally. “Let's drink then.” She quickly changed the subject. Mok Riwon nodded and offered her a filled cup. “Shall we toast?” “That would be nice.” Clink— The glasses met, producing a clear, melodious sound. As Dang Hwa-seo sipped the alcohol, the warmth that washed down her throat gave her a hint of its potency. ‘Quite strong.’ She wouldn’t get drunk, of course. “Ah...!” Mok Riwon grimaced slightly, a sign of admiration. “This is the strongest I’ve ever had!” “The strongest…” Could it make one drunk? Dang Hwa-seo felt an odd sense of anticipation. Glancing at Mok Riwon, she noted his face turning red from just one drink. Again, she felt her mouth go dry. Biting her lip slightly, Dang Hwa-seo offered him more drink. ...Her reason was not strong enough to conquer desire. Her justification was merely self-rationalization. ‘I-it’s to see Mr. Mok's drunken behavior in advance. Yes, to prevent any mishaps in the future should Mr. Mok get drunk!’ “Have another drink. I’ll pour for you.” “Oh, thank you! And you, miss...” “I've tasted enough by just sampling. This was prepared by Leader Jinwon for Mr. Mok, after all. He might feel slighted if it's shared too widely.” Dang Hwa-seo was surprised at how smoothly her rationale came out, possibly the most coherent she had managed recently. ‘Control your expression…’ Trying to suppress the rising corners of her mouth was nearly painful. Meanwhile, Mok Riwon finished his second cup. “Ah...” “Here’s another.” “Eh...? Should we not save it...?” “Once a bottle is opened, it won’t keep its flavor if we leave it unfinished. Wouldn't that be a waste?” “Hmm, you do have a point.” Mok Riwon accepted and drank once again. His face was noticeably more relaxed now. After the fourth cup, his eyes glazed over. His attire was slightly disheveled, his eyelids lightly covering his long lashes, closely resembling Dang Hwa-seo’s drunken fantasy of Mok Riwon. “…Here’s the fifth.” “Uh….” Wobbling, Mok Riwon reached for the cup. Dang Hwa-seo filled it, and he drank. “Mm…” His head swayed gently back and forth. He seemed nearly there. Dang Hwa-seo squinted at him, then checked the remaining alcohol. Only one cup's worth was left. ‘Should’ve brought a bigger bottle.’ Grumbling inwardly about Kyun-dong’s stinginess (who would’ve been furious had he heard), Dang Hwa-seo filled the last cup. Unaware, Mok Riwon drank it too. That was the moment. Thud— Mok Riwon’s cup fell from his hand to the ground. “Miss...” Slurring his words, Mok Riwon said, “The world’s spinning...” His head whirling, he uttered, endearingly cute. “Is that so?” Dang Hwa-seo realized she could no longer pull down the corners of her mouth that were betraying her amusement. Her smile peeked through. Mok Riwon’s gaze turned towards her. Their eyes briefly met. Immediately after, Mok Riwon crawled over to Dang Hwa-seo and laid his head on her thigh. "Miss... I'm so sleepy..." Saying so, he firmly grasped Dang Hwa-seo's hand. Thump thump thump thump!!! Dang Hwa-seo felt as if someone was drumming inside her ears. It was her own heartbeat, sounding thunderous. "Are, are you sleepy?" "Uh-huh..." Mok Riwon then rubbed her hand against his cheek. Following this, he began to smile broadly. "It's cool..." 'Insanity!' Dang Hwa-seo almost jumped out of her skin but managed to restrain herself. An electric shiver ran down her spine. For some reason, her head felt flooded with blood. Her nose even started to feel a bit tingly. Her deviousness had reached an unprecedented peak. Dang Hwa-seo looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. However, such measures were not enough to calm the kind of thrill she was experiencing. She lamented to herself. 'Why does his drunkenness have to be so bewitching!' Such a scandalous man! This is a living temptation! A walking calamity, ensnaring everything around him! An unrivaled fox spirit of the mortal realm! Never! Absolutely never! This side of him must not be revealed to the world! A rising determination. And gradually increasing feelings of treachery. Suddenly. '...Wait.' Dang Hwa-seo paused. 'Treachery...?' It was then that she realized. The way she was inflating her sinister intentions, drunk on desire and unable to voice them aloud, was somehow reminiscent of a certain Zhao Zilong. “...” "Miss..." It was an odd sensation. The moment the words treachery and Zhao Zilong popped into her mind, her brain cooled as though someone had cracked open her skull and stuffed ice inside. 'I…' What had she done? Self-reproach washed over her. Dang Hwa-seo shivered. Closing her eyes tightly, she internally screamed. 'Hwa-seo!' Get a grip on yourself! Thus, Mok Riwon's innocence was once again safely preserved for the day.