114 - Sichuan, China (5)

Returning to her quarters, Dang Hwa-seo realized belatedly that she had forgotten about her mission. "What a foolish mistake…" She berated herself, but it was already too late. Going back to the headquarter now to ask for cooperation would be a joke. Indeed, after causing such a scene, Dang Hwa-seo wasn’t shameless enough to ask for help. Dang Hwa-seo sighed and sat down in a chair, leaning back. She closed her eyes and cooled her heated head. Suddenly, a small laugh escaped her lips. "…Still, I did speak my mind." It was starting to feel real. Considering that she had never once revealed her true feelings to Dang Sa Geuk in the past, this was progress. "I must have changed." It meant she was no longer a fool who only ran away. The reason for her change came to mind immediately. Mok Riwon. It was the courage that had emerged since meeting him and leaving Suyanghyeon. Gulp— Thinking of him made her heart tighten. Dang Hwa-seo placed a hand over her chest and steadied her breath. Meanwhile, a voice came from outside the door. -"Miss, may I enter?" It was Mok Riwon. Speak of the tiger and he shall appear, she mused, wondering how he could appear just as she thought of him. She couldn’t help but let out an involuntary chuckle as she opened the door. "Did you seek me out?" "Ah, thank you for opening up. How was your journey?" Worry tinged his handsome face. Martial warriors like him, awash with so much sentiment – how could they be put to use? A smile deepened on Dang Hwa-seo's face. "Yes, but I couldn't get a proper answer about the mission. I plan to visit the headquarter again tomorrow or the day after for it." "I see." Mok Riwon replied then hesitated, seeming to have something else he wanted to say. Dang Hwa-seo tilted her head and asked. "Why so?" He hesitated a little more and then, as if making up his mind, lifted his head straight and spoke. "Miss." "Yes." "If you find it too hard to stay here, I think it’s all right to return to the clan." There was a momentary pause. "What do you mean?" "I’ve asked other members as well! The reason for staying here isn't just the mission. But if it’s too hard for you, failing the mission is not the end of the world, everyone agreed so." Dang Hwa-seo's eyes trembled. Mok Riwon smiled gently, continuing to speak to her. "Of course, the mission is important. But nothing is more important than you. Besides, it's not a hunt but merely persuasion. Don’t worry too much, all the members are on your side." Mok Riwon reached out and wrapped Dang Hwa-seo's hand in his. As a warrior, his hand was rough with calluses, yet it was warm. Likely, it was the warmth created by his gentle embrace. Dang Hwa-seo suddenly felt touched. "My side…" Was it because they were just discussing related matters? She felt an absurd urge to cry. But if she started sobbing all of a sudden, it would surely startle him, so Dang Hwa-seo bit her lower lip to hold back the tears. "…Thank you." Indeed, with them by her side, what more was there to fear? Dang Sa Geuk had said only blood could be a true ally, and if his words were to be granted any merit, then that was it. "These people are my family." In tough times, they were the shoulders to lean on. No matter how despicable she appeared, they only saw her in a good light. Therefore, they were also the reason she had nothing to fear. Dang Hwa-seo forced a smile and said. "…And it’s okay." "Uh?" "What do you see me as? Do I seem like a lady who will cry just because she's in an unpleasant place?" When Dang Hwa-seo playfully inquired, Mok Riwon flinched and vigorously shook his head. "That’s not it at all! I was just worried! Really!" "Hmm…" She narrowed her eyes, and Mok Riwon made an even more pleading face. "Please believe me!" "I’ll believe you this once." "Th-thank you!" He visibly brightened, relieved. His relieved appearance was quite appealing. Indeed, it incited a unique sentiment in Dang Hwa-seo. '…But it's not entirely okay.' Meeting Dang Sa Geuk and exchanging words had stirred bitter feelings—she wanted to be a bit whiny. "Mister Mok." "Speak your mind!" "Since you've considered me weak, you should be penalized." "That, that is…!" Mok Riwon’s eyes rolled about, as if looking for a way to escape, but to no avail. Snap— Dang Hwa-seo grabbed Mok Riwon’s wrist, pulled him inside, and closed the door. Then, standing in front of the door, she stretched out her arms. "This is your punishment." "What would you have me…" "Could you hold me for a moment?" She asked with a sly smile, and Mok Riwon stiffened, his eyes trembling as if he was on the verge of pity. Knowing it was a vulnerable thought, yet wanting to exploit even that sympathy, Dang Hwa-seo refrained from speaking out of turn. Fortunately, Mok Riwon didn't delve further and simply came closer. “Um… Is this how you do it?” Mok Riwon opened his arms. It was awkward. The way he bowed awkwardly, the way his arms enveloped her yet his hands hesitated to touch her body, and the way he seemed wary of being rude. ‘How suffocating.’ How much cuter was he planning to act? Dang Hwa-seo chuckled and wrapped her arms around his waist. A bit forcefully. Then, Mok Riwon tensed up. “Mi-Miss?!” “Upon asking for a hug, what's with this acrobatics? Is there an invisible wall surrounding me?” “No, it’s not that…” Mok Riwon’s discomfort intensified. Dang Hwa-seo was in a delightful mood. ‘His embrace is warm, so his heart must also be warm.’ Or was it the other way around? Regardless, it was a welcome distraction. Thump— Thump— Paying attention to the rhythmically pounding heartbeats was already keeping her sufficiently occupied, she didn’t want her mind muddied with needless thoughts. “Just stay like this for a bit.” Dang Hwa-seo melted into the feeling of negativities being washed away, quietly smiling and closing her eyes. They stayed that way for quite some time. * The next day, before Dang Hwa-seo had the chance to visit the headquarter, she received Dang Sa Geuk’s response. “…He says he declines to cooperate with the clan.” Sohyang bowed her head in what seemed like apology. Dang Hwa-seo smiled bitterly. “Why do you look so disheartened? It’s not your opinion anyway.” She hadn’t expected a favorable response, but it still left a bitter taste. Dang Hwa-seo understood what he wanted. ‘He’s telling me to return to the family.’ In return, he probably meant he would cooperate with the clan. Ridiculous. “Well, take a break for now. I have things to discuss with the other members.” Turning her head to look at them, she saw their serious faces. After Sohyang left, Dang Hwa-seo spoke. “As you’ve heard, the result isn’t favorable right now.” “So, what should we do?” “There are many ways, of course.” “Such as…?” Asked Mok Riwon. The curiosity was evident on the other members' faces. Dang Hwa-seo smiled slyly and replied. “We’ll make them have no choice but to accept.” It wasn’t something to lament anew. This was the path they’d embarked upon, already contemplating such outcomes. They had to revert to the initial plan. “You might know, the Dang clan is remarkably secretive. In its history lie numerous secrets, some of which should never be exposed.” “…I’ve heard rumors of such things.” Jegal San furrowed his brows. Namgung Jincheon nodded. “I remember my grandfather saying that the Dang clan wasn’t part of the orthodox sects from the beginning.” It wasn’t a novel revelation. Considering it’s a matter from hundreds of years ago, it’s just that no one nowadays cared, but the original Dang clan was closer to the unorthodox sect. Dang Hwa-seo nodded and continued. “Only the head of the Dang clan knows its history. However, there is a way to uncover it. We’ll dig up that secret and confront the head with it.” “So you intend to threaten?” “That’s correct.” “Sister, won’t that be dangerous?” “What’s there to fear?” Dang Hwa-seo laughed. “You might be busy doing foolish things every day and forget, but we are members of the clan. Except for Master Mok, all team members are successor disciples of major sects. No matter how high the clan leader sits in the Council of Elders, he can’t do anything to us.” Committing mass annihilation out of spite? The likelihood was slim to none. Dang Sa Geuk prioritized the continuity of the Dang clan over anything. If such an incident occurs here and brings disgrace to the Dang clan, or if there’s a chance for that, he would never act on it. ‘Moreover…’ …his body had deteriorated to the extent that it seemed impossible for him to practice martial arts. Remembering Dang Sa Geuk’s appearance from the previous day made Dang Hwa-seo feel more assured. “…Miss?” “It’s nothing.” Dang Hwa-seo shook her head, dispelling the thoughts. “Anyway, there’s only one way to uncover that secret.” Dang Hwa-seo pointed north. “We’ll head to the Dang clan’s forbidden area.” “Forbidden area?” “The most secretive place in this land. I don’t know exactly what’s there. All I know is somewhere in that place lies the clan’s ancient records.” Jegal San's eyes lit up. “Spiritual creatures!” “Hm? You’ve heard something about it?” “Of course! Before I left home, I heard from the clan leader! If you're seeking spiritual creatures in the Central Plains, there’s no place more certain than the Dang clan’s forbidden area!” Dang Hwa-seo chuckled at his unexpectedly animated response. “You’re not wrong. The previous heads had brought spiritual creatures into that place for hundreds of years, hoping to acquire their poison. Maybe we’ll run into one if we’re lucky.” It seemed typical, after all. Namgung Jincheon, proverbially addicted to spiritual medicine, showed the most interest in that topic. "Is it alright to catch them?" "Do as you please. Whether those spiritual creatures live or die is none of my concern." To Dang Hwa-seo, the treasures of the Dang clan held no value. Besides, merely entering the forbidden area was already an unauthorized act; catching a few spiritual creatures wouldn’t make much difference. The implicit permission set all the team members ablaze with enthusiasm. "I, I want to see a Millennium Fire Pear! Even if I don't eat it, just seeing one in person would fulfill my wishes!" "Such modest dreams, little Mok! I’d love to see the Heavenly Silkworm!" "Heavenly Silkworm Threads!" "Yes, those silk-producing worms! If possible, I’d like to get some Heavenly Silkworm Threads as well!" "...I heard the Golden Toad's inner pill harbors immense inner energy." As Mok Riwon, Jegal San, and Namgung Jincheon set the conversation rolling, Hyewoon chimed in. "There are turtles that are said to be good for skin care." "H-Hyewoon! Killing for desire is..." "Then, Il Woon, you won’t take it? Even if it’s an inner pill? A spiritual medicine? You really wouldn’t eat it?" Il Woon found himself tongue-tied. His pupils quaked as if struck by an earthquake. Unable to say anything, he eventually averted his gaze. Dang Hwa-seo let out a snort of laughter and clapped her hands together. "Alright, everyone, calm down. You’re acting like kids, getting all excited at the mention of seeing spiritual creatures." Well, in truth, they were somewhat like children at heart... '...But that’s not what matters.' Dang Hwa-seo collected her thoughts and said, "Our goal is to find the records. If we happen to see spiritual creatures along the way, so be it. If not, let it go. Don't forget!” "Understood!" Mok Riwon replied with vigor, seemingly missing the point entirely.