115 - Sichuan, China (6)

After the decision was made, Yongbongdan remained silent for several days. The only thing they did during this period was to cut off all communication with Tangmun, sitting in place until they received approval, confined within their quarters. There was no discomfort during the process. With a training ground necessary for practice, a dining room for meals, and everything else required for life's conveniences within the quarters, including the maid Sohyang to assist them, time passed uneventfully until today's return. "It looks like we're ready." They began to prepare to move. In the largest room of the quarters, Dang Hwa-seo swept her gaze over the members seated around the table and said, "By now, they must know we're not just hiding in our quarters. Tonight, with its dark, crescent moon, is the perfect time to move under the cover of darkness." "Finally, we're moving! I've been so frustrated being cooped up inside this whole time!" "You've all worked hard, Mok Sohyup. And everyone else as well." The atmosphere among the members warmed up. No doubt, the excitement was inevitable since they were heading to a land inhabited by a supernatural being. Jegal San giggled and asked, "So, how do we plan to enter the forbidden area?" "With the crescent moon rising, it's a dark night. We can escape from the back of the pavilion and make our move." "Are there no guards?" "There are those guarding the entrance to the forbidden area, but the mountain range is vast. We're bound to find gaps." Mok Riwon cocked his head with a puzzled look, "Aren't the guards too lax for a forbidden area?" It was a valid question. Dang Hwa-seo chuckled and shook her head, "Of course, it's not just guarded by people. The reason no one can enter the forbidden area is different." Tap. Dang Hwa-seo tapped on the table. "There are formations." The members nodded, seemingly in agreement, as Dang Hwa-seo continued, "It's a deceptive type of formation that drives any careless intruder to their death. It's a meticulous formation, not easily solved." "It seems you have a way in, am I right, sister?" "Yes." The members' attention intensified. Dang Hwa-seo recalled a distant past. As a child not yet ten years old, she once entered the forbidden area under the guidance of the family head. "There's a life gate." "Life gate, you say..." "If you move in a specific direction with a certain stride, you can escape the land blocked by the formation. Jegal San, isn't this something you know?" "Hmm... It's a formation I've come across quite often." Jegal San's expression soured. "It's a troublesome formation." That comment hit the nail on the head. Naturally, every person has their own rhythm, breath, stride, and habits. But a formation that demands uniform steps from everyone can lead straight to death if not followed correctly. "How far is the life gate?" "Approximately this much walking is required." "It sounds quite tiring..." Jegal San fell into deep thought. Probably, having a deep knowledge of formations, he had much to consider. However, Dang Hwa-seo wasn’t overly worried, "I'll lead the way, so Jegal San, you guide the members." While Jegal San might have many shortcomings, his knowledge of formations was unparalleled. Even if he frowned now, he would grasp the life gate once the moment arrived. Jegal San nodded, "Understood. I'll give it a try." "Then, there's no need to delay. Let's depart immediately." Dang Hwa-seo rose from her seat. The sky visible through the window had already darkened, It was the perfect time. * Exiting the quarters was easy, almost laughably so, due to an amusing reason: the members were of a higher realm compared to the occasional guards they encountered. After all, which group would place martial experts of the highest caliber in a mere household patrol? Especially since the forbidden area they were now headed to was in the opposite direction of the main family pavilion where the essential personnel were concentrated. Thus, no one was aware of their departure. Nevertheless, having passed through such a process, the members exited the quarters and proceeded past the Tangmun pavilion towards the mountain range. "This place is…" "Yes, this is Tangmun's forbidden area." Mok Riwon looked ahead in astonishment, as did the other members. Dang Hwa-seo urged them on, "From now on, you cannot lose focus." The area ahead was shrouded in fog—not the surroundings, but precisely in front, as if a transparent barrier blocked it, deliberately filled with mist. It was impossible to see even an inch ahead. Without knowing the life gate, death was inevitable. Dang Hwa-seo spoke sternly, "Jegal San, follow me. The rest of you, follow Jegal San closely." The members aligned themselves in a straight line. Dang Hwa-seo memorized their order, "Jegal San, Mok Sohyup, Monk Ilwoon, White Peak, Sword Dragon." Dang Hwa-seo's gaze sharpened, "Monk Ilwoon, please move to the very back." The thought that the rear was occupied by Namgung Jincheon made her feel uneasy to the point of being unable to proceed without saying something. Fortunately, Monk Ilwoon caught on to her intentions and, with an awkward smile, moved to the very back. Namgung Jincheon, unaware of the reason, just tilted his head in confusion. "...Alright, let's go now." Dang Hwa-seo faced forward and took a step, enveloped by the mist. * Surrounded entirely by pale mist, Mok Riwon focused all his senses on Jegal San ahead of him, following his every move. 'Veer to the right foot towards the southeast.' Thud— ‘Point the tip of the left foot inwards while heading north.' Thud— Mok Riwon had no idea how much time had passed since they entered. 'This is brutal.' The formation within the forbidden area was so formidable that it immediately made clear why the guards seemed lax. First, his sense of direction twisted. Following Jegal San's steps, whether they were actually heading southeast or north was beyond Mok Riwon's knowledge. He could only guess based on their direction upon entering the formation. But was it just a problem with direction? No. It was as if some sleep-inducing agent had been sprayed; Mok Riwon continuously felt an overwhelming urge to sleep, akin to the drowsiness felt after several sleepless nights. '…Move the right foot forward towards the northwest.' At this moment, Mok Riwon was at the peak of his abilities. Yet, considering how his sense of direction was fading within the formation, it seemed impossible to navigate properly without transcending mortal limits. His concerns grew for those behind him. Setting aside Namgung Jincheon, who was adept in physical situations, he was particularly worried about the two monks. Fear of losing sight of Jegal San's movements if he turned his head was strong, yet proceeding without concern was difficult. 'It's hard to sense the energy flow here...' For some reason, the flow of chi was strangely intermixed here, making it exceptionally difficult to identify the other members. Mok Riwon felt as if he was returned to his youth, before he had properly learned martial arts. As he struggled with his steps, "From now on, you must be even more cautious!" Dang Hwa-seo's shout came through. Mok Riwon tensed up even further, recalling her advice. 'Did she say we'd start hearing hallucinations now?' Since it was said to start around seventy percent through the formation, he had a rough idea of how far they’d progressed. Mok Riwon clenched his fists and, covering his ears, focused on Jegal San's feet. Soon, the hallucinations began. "Mr. Mok, could you give me a moment?" The voice sounded like Dang Hwa-seo's, seemingly on the verge of tears. Mok Riwon felt a tight sadness constricting his heart. 'I, I won’t listen!' He clenched his teeth. Since Dang Hwa-seo had said that nobody should speak from this point forward, it was clear these were hallucinations. "Mr. Mok… Can't you hear me?" The sadness in the following voice seemed even deeper, as if drenched in betrayal. It pricked at his conscience. Yet, Mok Riwon overcame it. Then, the voice that came next was different. "My dear disciple…" It was his master, Mok Seon-o’s voice. His gaze faltered. Even knowing it was a hallucination, his feet nearly moved on their own, drawn by the familiar voice—that was the power of a voice missed dearly. "Come here, let me see your face. Hmm? I just want to see my disciple’s face." 'Ah, I won't go! This is just a hallucination, isn’t it?' "My constant worry is that you're too kind and gullible, and I can’t sleep for fearing you might be bullied wherever you go. Will you leave your master worrying like this?" "Hey you brat! When your elder calls, can't you hurry up?" The scolding came from Ma Ilseok, the king of beggars. "Oh~ Ungrateful brat! I knew it when you sneakily ate my chicken leg!" The reality of the voices was absurd. Mok Riwon almost doubted whether they were truly hallucinations upon hearing the scolding about the chicken leg. Had it not been for the mention of the chicken leg, he would have surely taken a step forward. 'The chicken leg was a perfect crime! Until the day I left, Ma never knew!' It must have been an attempt to prick his conscience. But it was futile. Mok Riwon's expression hardened even more. With a deep breath, he stopped, then moved again. "Mr. Mok…" "My dear disciple…" "You brat…" At first, those three. Then, progressively, the overwhelming voices filled his ears. "Great Hero!" The voice was that of Gwak Chilpyo, the author of Heroes of Jianghu. "Oh, Mookryong." The voice belonged to the Black Sword, Kwon Pyowol, head of the Black Sword Sect. "Gratitude!" The voice of Seon Woo, the young heir of the So family he met in Shaanxi. "Great Hero Mookryong!" The voice of Gyeon Dong, the head of Jinwon Dan. After that, numerous people with whom he had formed bonds called out to Mok Riwon. Ignoring all of them and continuing, "It's all your fault, you heavenly disaster." Came the taunting voice of a man filled with laughter. Mok Riwon’s eyes widened. '…Kwon Ma.' Was it now reproach because persuasion didn't work? Even as the thoughts swirled in his mind, the voices continued. "It's the star you were born under that has driven them to death. Your existence has severed their lives. The cursed Heavenly Killer, pretending to be human, has only led to tragedy." Feeling as though something pierced through his heart, another voice, filled with resentment, followed. It belonged to Yam Horse Oh Kangak. "Just a piece of trash parasitizing on a star, and yet you act so dignified? Lucky you. Your mere existence plunges many into despair." The onslaught didn't stop. Sword Dragon Yeon Rigeon's voice chimed in. "The destiny that carries the sin of Celestial Killer can only lead to ruin." Their voices united in a curse, condemning the fate of one bearing this star, as well as the bloodshed that lay in their future. Mok Riwon's expression started to waver under the weight of their unignorable words. Then, the final blow was struck. "...It wasn't supposed to be you who survives." It was the sorrow-laden voice of Mok Seon-o. "My disciple, it wasn't supposed to be you." The voice was soaked in hatred. In that moment, Mok Riwon felt his heart plummet. It hardly mattered anymore whether it was a hallucination; just hearing such resentment from a loved one was wounding enough. His lips quivered. "Mr. Mok, have you hidden such a foul heart all this time?" "Mr. Mok… no, I refuse to even call you my junior. How can a murderer be so shameless..." "I knew it. It was odd for someone like you to stand against Namgung's sword." The voices of the members overlapped, followed by those he had bonded with, all pouring out their resentment. They all seemed to be nearing death. "How dare a murderer aspire to be a hero!!" "It's your fault the So family is ruined! If it weren't for the star you carry, the demons would have never come to the Central Plains! Murderer! Die!" "I didn't know such a monster existed within the Martial Alliance. You should have died in the duel!" Then, a scream was let out. A scream that faded away. Their deaths. 'This is…' It wasn't just a hallucination. Mok Riwon finally understood. '...It's a formation that targets my fears.' This was a hallucination that forcibly confronted him with what he had avoided facing. It solidified the occasional nightmares he had about bearing this star. What would happen if those he had bonds with learned he was born under the sign of Celestial Killer? It was something he avoided thinking about, yet it incessantly tormented him. Mok Riwon felt his eyes grow hot. 'No…' Those he had met until now wouldn't do this. Having built sincere relationships, they wouldn't intimidate him over something as insignificant as a star. The reassuring words were a self-induced hypnosis, a wall blocking the looming fears. Yet, it was too feeble. "If it weren’t for you, I would still be in this jianghu." His insides twisted, as if someone was slicing open his heart. Though still following Jegal San's steps, it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep up. "Could you not stand behind me? Fearing that a murderer might stab me anytime." The harassing hallucination, as if coming from right in front, nearly broke him. Just when his breath caught in his throat, "Stopppppp!!!" A ferocious bellow came from right behind him. Mok Riwon jumped in shock, his body jolting. 'This isn’t a hallucination!' It was Namgung Jincheon, truly roaring in earnest. Even Jegal San ahead seemed to flinch. "I am not a loser! I am not!!!" Mok Riwon clenched his mouth shut. The booming shout snapped him back to reality. His breathing steadied, and his heartbeat calmed. After a moment, Mok Riwon realized all the negative thoughts that had been haunting him had completely dissipated. '...That was a close call.' Had it not been for Namgung Jincheon, he might have faltered in his step. Gratitude emerged within him. 'The hallucinations Sword Dragon heard...' He had a rough guess. Out of respect, Mok Riwon chose not to delve into what those hallucinations might have been. Shortly after, Mok Riwon emerged from the mist.