Chapter 31 - The Panda Cub Bows For Love

Chapter 31: The Brat While she thought so, she dared not approach He Xi for the time being. After all, having finally transformed into her human form, what would she do if the jade turned out to be useless and she reverted back to her original form? Although the food and milk at He Xi’s place were delicious, she was getting tired of having her mouth pried open to brush her teeth at least twice a day! And if she had any sweets, twice a day seemed like a rare luxury! Every time her mouth was pried open for brushing, Jing Dan felt a slight grievance. She was a demon, with a high capacity for cleanliness! Brushing was utterly redundant for her original form! Now that she could transform into a human, she was set on catching up with the backlog of work accumulated over the past month. Moreover, a week had passed since the recording of the show ended, and Jing Dan dared not return home. She was well aware of the popularity of the show, which meant that her appearance on the show could have been recognized by even more people. She still didn’t know how she would face her aunt’s disappointed gaze. However, what made her uncomfortable was that He Xi hadn’t sought her out once this week… During the recording, He Xi would occasionally send messages to chat, though their conversations often went in circles. Nonetheless, it was a form of contact! Now that the show was over, despite both having free time, their communication had ceased… Jing Dan sat in her office with her brows furrowed, wondering what He Xi was up to since she had promised to make food for her... After having tasted He Xi’s cooking, Jing Dan somehow felt that food made by others no longer tasted as good. Meanwhile, He Xi had no idea what Jing Dan was thinking. Holding a cup of water, she knocked on a door. As the knocking echoed, footsteps were heard inside, and the door opened gradually, revealing more clearly the person within. The face, bearing a six-tenths resemblance to He Xi, was filled with a cold demeanor. The skin was so pale it seemed as though it hadn’t seen the sun in years, and the whole person carried a hint of frailty. Yet, facing her closest blood relative, her daughter, she showed no warmth. Meeting her, He Xi’s voice lacked its usual gentleness and was instead tinged with coldness, “Mom, have some water. You’ve been inside all day.” He Xi accepted the water with a faint response. As she closed the door, she looked into He Xi’s eyes, “You’ve been here for a while too. It’s time for you to go back home.” He Xi was taken aback. Their eyes met, but she could not detect any reluctance in those eyes. She lowered her head and chuckled lightly, yet with a touch of self-mockery, “Alright, I understand. I’ll leave tomorrow.” Realizing she wasn’t exactly welcomed here… She had been back for a week already. Even though they lived under the same roof, their encounters were few and far between. He Xi merely nodded faintly, “Then I won’t see you off.” Then, she closed the door. Looking at the closed door, He Xi tugged at the corner of her lips, her expression blank as she turned to pack her things. The next day, true to her word, she didn’t come to see her off. By then, He Xi felt no disturbance in her heart, realizing that without expectations, she couldn’t feel heartbreak or loss. Returning to her home in Huaqing City, she paused in the foyer at the sight of the cold, empty house. It seemed she could find traces of that brat in every corner, yet in reality, the brat was no longer there, leaving He Xi feeling somewhat out of place. Yet, this slight discomfort made her laugh at herself. After having lived alone for over a hundred years without issue, she had grown accustomed to the presence of that brat within just a month, and felt a sense of loss upon her departure. Casually tossing her bag onto the sofa and seeing it reminded her of the brat lying there, sipping on her bottle of milk. He Xi gritted her teeth, that heartless child, leaving without a word... Then again, she hadn’t learned to speak. Shaking her head, He Xi accepted that their parting meant their interactions would likely be minimal from now on. After taking a bath, she lazily lay on the bedroom windowsill, grabbing her phone only to discover Jing Dan had messaged her at some point. How curious, her taking the initiative for once? Upon opening the message, He Xi was left speechless. 【Jing Dan】: Out of food? She shouldn’t have expected any different from her. Food, always food! How could she not get fat? He Xi was infuriated, one brat leaves, and now another? Were these two brats just taking turns exploiting her?! 【He Xi】: No, go eat air! 【Jing Dan】: … On the other side, Jing Dan was puzzled by He Xi’s obviously irritated message. Had someone angered her? However, before He Xi could figure it out, another problem arose. Xu Jie knocked and entered, holding a tablet with a somewhat gloomy expression. "Boss Jing, you might want to see this." She handed the tablet to Jing Dan. Jing Dan looked closely and saw that following their hit reality show, many companies had jumped on the bandwagon, with Zhi Huan Entertainment’s show being the quickest off the mark. With both shows airing closely together, comparisons were inevitable. The internet was awash with critiques of their casting choices, lambasting the lack of handsome men and beautiful women in their show, unlike the competitor’s show which was full of attractive participants. Jing Dan: “…” Were these people blind? What was the difference between their selections and ours? Weren’t they all just two eyes and a nose? They didn’t seem that much better looking. Reading the comments below softened Jing Dan’s expression somewhat. Luckily, most people weren't blind, and seeing those mocking their show’s choices made her feel her efforts over the past month weren’t in vain. "This doesn't seem so bad, does it?" Jing Dan looked up, puzzled why Xu Jie looked so troubled. Xu Jie hesitated, unsure how to proceed. "Speak." Jing Dan handed back the tablet, Xu Jie’s expression resembling as though the company was about to collapse without finding a backup plan. Xu Jie silently took back the tablet, saying, "Your photos are all over the internet." Ever since the show became a hit, Jing Dan’s photos had been uploaded online, and some shots were taken in a way that couldn’t have been captured by outsiders. Jing Dan: “…” She was aware that her photos had gone viral and had even been turned into various GIFs and memes, becoming a household name. Yet, she soon realized that Xu Jie might be talking about something else. Xu Jie meant her human form… Noticing Jing Dan’s sudden stiffening, Xu Jie carefully asked, “Do you want someone to take down the photos?” Jing Dan’s gaze darkened, "Can they be completely removed?" Xu Jie shook her head, how could they ever be completely eradicated? If that were possible, the saying 'the internet never forgets' wouldn’t exist. Jing Dan: “…” Then what’s there to discuss? With the effort and cost involved, it wasn’t worth it if it couldn’t be thoroughly done. “Just be careful when you’re out. You might get photographed by paparazzi,” Xu Jie added with a complicated look. Fame indeed brought its own set of problems. Jing Dan: “…” After Xu Jie left, Jing Dan checked the internet herself and saw that people were calling her "wife", suggesting she sleep with me in every manner conceivable. Jing Dan froze, were these remarks really appropriate? Then there were arguments over "She’s my wife, not yours! You’re making me angry, and she’ll have to comfort me," among others. Jing Dan couldn’t bear to read further. The modern human world was too liberated! Nevertheless, Xu Jie’s warning concerned her little. As long as her daily life remained unaffected, being photographed was inconsequential. Besides her newfound fame, He Xi also garnered more recognition, which could be beneficial should she continue her career in the entertainment industry. As Hu Tu had mentioned, with He Xi’s current status, getting her to participate in shows would cost significantly more than before. This was indeed a good development, as it meant more funds to support her dance troupe. At lunchtime, Jing Dan found the food her assistant brought barely palatable. The rice was too hard, the vegetables too tough, and the seasoning overpowering. With each bite, her brow furrowed deeper. Terrible. How could food taste so bad? When He Xi arrived, she found Jing Dan embodying an air of deep misery—eating as if it were a punishment, a stark contrast to the pleasant satisfaction she showed when enjoying good food in the past. "What's with that expression?" He Xi asked, her voice carrying a hint of amusement and disbelief at her own actions. After her spat with Jing Dan, she had actually gone out to buy groceries to cook... Hearing her voice, Jing Dan's eyes immediately brightened. Setting her chopsticks down, she looked up at her. She seemed to have trimmed her hair, enhancing her natural waves and adding to her vivid and commanding presence. "Why are you here?" Though her heart swelled with joy at He Xi's arrival, she maintained a facade of indifference. He Xi sighed lightly, setting down the bags she brought onto the table, her tone laden with resigned exasperation, "Here for a feeding." The office was once again filled with the enticing aroma of delicious food. Jing Dan, seeing the spread on the table, took the initiative to serve He Xi—a surprising gesture to He Xi, given Jing Dan's usual preference to focus solely on her own meals. He Xi nodded, touched by this small sign of growth. After serving He Xi, Jing Dan eagerly started eating her own meal, not even looking up once. He Xi couldn't help but smile, her gaze softening as she watched Jing Dan enjoy the meal. She inquired, "How's everything with the company lately?" Jing Dan didn't stop picking at her food as she replied, "Pretty good. We're preparing for the next variety show and starting casting for a drama series. Once casting is finished, we'll officially form the crew and start shooting." "That's good to hear," He Xi smiled, adding more vegetables to Jing Dan's bowl, pleased that Jing Dan was finally opening up and speaking more. "Mm," replied Jing Dan, giving He Xi a quick glance and reciprocating by serving her some food as well. He Xi's smile deepened. After the meal, as He Xi was cleaning up, she mentioned, “There won’t be any food for the next two days. I've got an interview in Baiyan City.” Jing Dan's expression grew even more indifferent. She simply acknowledged the statement with an "Oh," saying nothing more. Seeing her reaction, He Xi teased, "Going to miss me?" Her voice was gentle, almost playfully coquettish, causing Jing Dan’s heart to skip a beat, prompting a quick denial, "Not at all!" Me, miss He Xi? Impossible! He Xi chuckled, easing the tension, "Alright, alright, no need to get so worked up." Jing Dan stiffened, insisting, "I'm not worked up." He Xi shrugged, "I'm off then. Remember to... ” She paused, grinning at Jing Dan's ready rebuttal and continued, “...miss my cooking.” Jing Dan was almost choked with frustration. Jing Dan: “…” Expressionless, Jing Dan conceded that He Xi remained as exasperating as ever. Those feelings of unease after their separation must have been mere illusions. Before leaving, He Xi replenished Jing Dan's office mini-fridge with fresh fruits, filling it up completely. Holding a fruit plate He Xi prepared, Jing Dan pondered whether to reciprocate the gesture, considering she had enjoyed He Xi’s cooking for so long. Cooking should be easy, right? Unbeknownst to He Xi, Jing Dan was contemplating this new idea. If He Xi knew, she would have stopped her immediately to avoid the impending kitchen disaster! As the show's popularity soared, discussions about it and the company increased, sparking anticipation for their next project. Xu Jie relished this situation, often gathering the young staff for brainstorming sessions to sift through valuable ideas that resonated with the youth. Jing Shi Yue, Jing Dan’s aunt, was keenly interested in the show produced by her niece's company. Yet, the more she watched, the more frustrated she became. Seeing her niece clutching a milk bottle on the show, Jing Shi Yue almost wished she could snatch it away. Did Jing Dan really think nobody would recognize her in her non-human form? Beyond Jing Dan, there was also Qiu Shu Huai featured in the show; Jing Shi Yue was heartbroken and irked by his familiar expressions and smiles. Would things have been different if the two hadn’t met? But there were no 'what ifs'. She had ensnared Jing Dan in this endless cycle. How could she free Jing Dan now, and was she even willing to let go? --- Faced with the return of unsavory packed lunches in He Xi's absence, Jing Dan finally reached her limit one day, pushing the meal tray aside in silent protest. Her assistant, startled by the action, asked, "Is today's meal not to your liking either?" This was the third restaurant they had tried in two days. Jing Dan’s frustration was evident; even a glance at the meal tray was too much. He Xi’s cooking had spoiled her for anything else. Recalling Jing Dan's initially lesser pickiness, the assistant wondered... did it all start when He Xi began delivering meals? She gazed at Jing Dan, feeling like she had stumbled upon a significant discovery. "So, you won’t be eating this?" the assistant asked tentatively. Jing Dan commanded, "Take it away!" Just looking at it was irritating. "Right away!" The assistant efficiently cleared the meal, closing the door behind her. Jing Dan faced the now-stocked fridge feeling both grateful and annoyed. Unlike the neatly prepared fruit plates from He Xi, these fruits were haphazardly stuffed into the fridge, some still in their packaging. --- Meanwhile, He Xi was on a sofa in a recording studio, smiling and patiently answering the host's questions. The host, with a hint of provocation, asked if He Xi was considering abandoning her dance career for the entertainment industry. He Xi responded with a serene smile, "Not at all. I'm here because I need money to keep my dance troupe running." She would not frequent variety shows if the troupe didn’t need funding, as she found many programs superficial and unsettling. Rectifying the host's insinuation, the conversation shifted to He Xi’s photos with Jing Dan circulating online, suggesting a close relationship. He Xi's reply was noncommittal, merely stating it was "not bad." Regarding inquiries about Jing Dan becoming an "internet goddess" and the resulting jealousy, He Xi's patience seemed to wear thin. Why did the host insist on linking her to Jing Dan and suggesting jealousy over fans calling Jing Dan their "wife"? He Xi cleverly deflected, "Jing Dan is indeed beautiful, and I see no issue with their compliments. As for jealousy... I'll have to ask her if she expects me to be." The comment elicited laughter from the audience, but He Xi’s amusement waned as the interview progressed, particularly as the focus remained on her relationship with Jing Dan. By the interview's end, He Xi had lost her smile, puzzled by the host's fixation. She left promptly afterward, keen to distance herself from any discomfort the interrogation caused. Back at the hotel, He Xi reflected on the competitive landscape, particularly Zhi Huan Entertainment's rivalry with Qingzhu Entertainment, growing increasingly solemn. Could today's situation be related to Xu Zhi Huan? Is she planning something against Jing Dan? Indeed, He Xi found Xu Zhi Huan somewhat baffling. It seemed like Xu Zhi Huan wished to win over Jing Dan, yet her tactics appeared aimed at driving Jing Dan into a corner. Such methods hardly resembled normal pursuit tactics. Instead, they mirrored the actions of someone who wished to clip another's wings, to cage them like a canary—a perverted mindset. Considering the uproar caused online by Zhi Huan Entertainment, it was indeed wise for Jing Dan to be cautious of Xu Zhi Huan. Ding— He Xi checked her phone, finding a message from Jing Dan's assistant. Having frequently delivered meals to Jing Dan, He Xi had naturally become acquainted with Jing Dan's secretary and other office staff. They would chat now and then, but despite having each other's contact information, they seldom conversed online. 【Assistant】: [Image] 【Assistant】: [Image] He Xi was puzzled by the initial two images, but her confusion only deepened upon seeing the photos clearly—two pictures of disordered meals. 【He Xi】: ? She couldn't grasp why she was sent these images. Quickly, the assistant sent another image, a profile shot of Jing Dan. Even from the side view, Jing Dan's displeasure was evident—her lips pressed into a thin line, exuding a formidable aura. He Xi raised an eyebrow, somewhat understanding the assistant's intent. Still, she had to admire Jing Dan’s tempered nature. Despite being photographed without consent, Jing Dan remained unangered. Moreover, the photos circulating online clearly seemed to be taken by insiders. After all, no paparazzi could sneak in to capture her working or in meetings. The assistant finally spoke up. 【Assistant】: Teacher He, those meal boxes were for President Jing. She refuses to eat. It's been two days now, and I'm worried she won't hold up if this continues. The message ended with two pitiful emoticons. He Xi: "..." So, what does she expect of me? I can't just rush back to cook for her now, can I? She couldn't help but laugh at Jing Dan's antics. Was this some sort of test? 【He Xi】: But I won't be back until tomorrow... Though her work had temporarily concluded, she couldn't just appear in Huaqing City right now... After all, that wouldn’t match human transportation speeds. 【Assistant】: Tomorrow?! 【Assistant】: Alright! I'll let President Jing know so she has something to look forward to! He Xi: "..." Was using the phrase "looking forward to" really necessary? On the other end, Jing Dan, having received the assistant's message, cast a subdued glance. Did she not know He Xi would return tomorrow? After all, He Xi had mentioned she'd be gone for two days before leaving. But appreciating the assistant's kindness, Jing Dan nodded, then returned her gaze to her screen, seemingly focused on work, though her thoughts were elsewhere. Assistant: "..." Thinking of those who called her a cold beauty wasn't far off. After the assistant left, Jing Dan began searching online for cooking tutorials. After watching a couple of videos, she couldn't believe how simple cooking seemed. If it was so easy, why couldn't others get it right? As she delved deeper into the videos, her phone rang. She glanced over and saw it was a call from Xu Zhi Huan. Remembering the suppression articles released by her company, Jing Dan's expression cooled further, but she answered the call nonetheless. The call connected to silence, Jing Dan's icy demeanor seemingly permeating through the phone to Xu Zhi Huan. Xu Zhi Huan, sensing the silence, smiled gently, "It's been quite a while since we last met. How about we have a meal together sometime?" Since their last encounter at a banquet, Xu Zhi Huan had sent numerous messages to Jing Dan, all met with Jing Dan's distinct coldness—ten messages from Xu would hardly yield one reply. Yet, the colder Jing Dan acted, the more Xu Zhi Huan was intrigued. After all, she hadn't encountered something she couldn't obtain with just a bit more effort and time. Jing Dan: "..." Such subtlety from someone who's been in the entertainment industry for years almost made her envious. Despite her company's online antagonism, Xu Zhi Huan could still invite her out as if nothing had happened. Wishing to learn this art of subtlety—and perhaps understand why Xu targeted her—Jing Dan agreed, "Fine, you pick the place." After all, she wouldn't spend a dime on Xu Zhi Huan! Brightening up, Xu Zhi Huan agreed enthusiastically, even offering to pick Jing Dan up after work. Jing Dan simply acknowledged with a faint "okay" and hung up, not expecting much from the evening meal. After all, the food wouldn't compare to He Xi's, and the company would hardly whet her appetite. Yet, consenting to Xu Zhi Huan's invitation was about more than learning to mask emotions; it was to discern Xu's motives against her, considering their past interactions had been relatively conflict-free. Unbeknownst to Jing Dan, Xu Zhi Huan, far from offended by the call's conclusion, chuckled delightedly and began preparations for their dinner, eager to impress the internet-dubbed beauty, Jing Dan. --- At six o'clock, Jing Dan received Xu Zhi Huan's message saying she arrived downstairs. Responding with a terse "ok," Jing Dan leisurely tidied her desk before heading down, arriving ten minutes later. Xu Zhi Huan greeted her with a beaming smile, lacking any sign of impatience. Those unaware might mistake her for a gentle and beautiful figure, but Jing Dan remained unimpressed, her demeanor icy. During the rush hour, many witnessed Jing Dan getting into Xu Zhi Huan's car, fueling curiosity among those who thought they should be at odds based on online narratives. Unbeknownst to Jing Dan, her moment of entering Xu's car was secretly captured by lurking paparazzi. "Boss, how come they're together?" Paparazzo One asked, puzzled by Xu's radiant smile as they drove away. Admiring the illicit photos, their leader commented on their potential to stir conversations, reveling in the irony of apparent enemies seen in private friendship. Paparazzo One, recognizing the scoop, hurriedly followed the leader's order to keep tailing them. Meanwhile, Jing Dan coolly observed Xu Zhi Huan piloting the car, maintaining silence throughout. Xu broke the ice, asking if Jing Dan was upset over the online fiasco, to which Jing Dan denied any disturbance, finding the situation merely nonsensical rather than infuriating. Xu Zhi Huan's laughter hinted disbelief, suggesting such conflicts were normal in their industry, aiming for heightened publicity from each clash, casting a speculative light on Jing Dan's nonchalant response. "As long as you remain in this circle, you will encounter more of these situations. You need to learn to adapt." Jing Dan remained silent, wondering if this was what they referred to online as PUA tactics. Her expression cold, she chose not to engage with the skewed values being presented to her, not expecting to be able to pull Xu Zhi Huan back from such distortions—nor did she wish to try. Seeing Jing Dan's lack of response, Xu Zhi Huan's smile faded slightly, and she spoke less during the remainder of the ride. Jing Dan appreciated the silence. By the time they arrived at the restaurant Xu Zhi Huan had booked, it was nearly 8 p.m. They had been stuck in rush hour traffic for almost two hours. Normally, Jing Dan would have already had her dinner by this time. Xu Zhi Huan led her inside to a table with an excellent view. Through the window, they could see the river outside, with thousands of lights reflecting on its surface, forming a dazzling ribbon of colors. In the darkness of night, it was a beautiful sight. Xu Zhi Huan noticed Jing Dan observing the scenery and knew she had chosen the right place. She passed the menu to Jing Dan with a smile, "Take a look. What would you like to eat?" Jing Dan turned her attention to the menu, her eyes lighting up with anticipation at the exquisite dishes listed. She hoped they tasted as good as they looked. As she ordered, Xu Zhi Huan's gaze lingered on her, her intentions clear to anyone who observed them. Their encounter was secretly photographed by nearby paparazzi, who were excited by Xu Zhi Huan's revealing glances, sensing a lucrative story. Unaware of the online buzz regarding her dinner with Xu Zhi Huan, Jing Dan began her meal. Many online were speculating about Xu Zhi Huan's feelings towards her, some even shipping the pair based on their visually pleasing interaction. He Xi stumbled upon this news. Clicking through, she saw several high-resolution photos. In them, Jing Dan's simple black suit and white shirt exuded an air of restraint and elegance, her cold demeanor adding to her mystique. He Xi smiled, amused by the online community's portrayal of Jing Dan as an unattainable figure, knowing all too well her indulgent love for food. Yet, upon noticing the other person in the photos, her mood soured. He Xi: "...Why is she with Xu Zhi Huan?" Her focus shifted from Jing Dan to closely examining the photos and reading the accompanying text, her expression darkening. Did Jing Dan realize what kind of person Xu Zhi Huan was? Seeing Jing Dan dining with Xu Zhi Huan made He Xi uneasy. Xu's gaze was almost predatory, and yet Jing Dan seemed unbothered by it. Frustrated, He Xi thought, "Can't this brat cause less trouble?" Annoyed, she got out of bed to pack her things and check out of her hotel room, feeling unable to stay a moment longer. She worried about leaving Jing Dan alone with Xu Zhi Huan, aware that Xu was capable of anything to get what she wanted. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, wishing she could drag the disobedient brat back and teach her a lesson to ensure she wouldn't act so recklessly again. (End of Chapter)