Chapter 32 - The Panda Cub Bows For Love

Chapter 32: The Maternal Girlfriend On the other side, Jing Dan was completely oblivious to the stir she had caused online, let alone the bomb she had unknowingly dropped on He Xuan. With a knife and fork in hand, she meticulously cut her steak, slice by slice. Her movements seemed leisurely, yet there was an underlying semblance of venting frustration, though it was unclear what had provoked her. Jing Dan ate with a stoic face, clearly finding the visually appealing dishes lackluster in taste. She lamented inwardly that the chefs here could certainly benefit from some additional training. "Is it not to your liking?" Xu Zhi Huan inquired, eyeing the steak that was nearly diced under Jing Dan's precise cuts. Lifting her gaze, Jing Dan shook her head softly and replied, "It's not that. I just don't have much of an appetite." Her taste buds had grown accustomed to comparing everything to what He Xuan prepared. Against such comparisons, the differences became starkly apparent. Having tasted better, how could she easily settle for less desirable fare? There's a saying among humans: "It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but hard to go from luxury to frugality." Observing her reaction, Xu Zhi Huan pondered for a moment, considering that perhaps Jing Dan wasn't fond of Western cuisine. Maybe next time, she thought, she would take her to enjoy Chinese dishes instead. "By the way, I've heard you're on the lookout for a good TV drama script? I happen to have one. It's from a very popular IP this year. Would you be interested in joining us?" Xu Zhi Huan poured wine into Jing Dan's glass, her voice laced with the solicitude typically shown by seniors who wish to uplift their juniors. However, Jing Dan sensed a red flag with this seemingly kind gesture. Collaborating with Xu Zhi Huan felt akin to making a deal with a tiger; one could never predict when they might be devoured. Despite her internal guards being up, Jing Dan's face betrayed nothing. She treated Xu Zhi Huan as an acting practice partner, honing her skill in maintaining her composure. "No, thank you. It wouldn't be right for me to horn in on something you've all set your sights on," Jing Dan declined firmly, determined to keep her distance. She was someone who took advice to heart. Her aunt had warned her, as had He Xuan; neither would deceive her. Xu Zhi Huan's expression darkened slightly, but she maintained a smile and sighed lightly, "As you wish. However, it's always best if our companies can find a win-win project in the future." In her view, an invitation to collaborate from Zhi Huan Entertainment, a leading company in the entertainment industry, should be seen as a fortunate opportunity falling from the sky. Jing Dan's reluctance seemed somewhat ungrateful, especially when her own company had little to show for itself outside of a variety show. Jing Dan uttered a noncommittal response before disinterestedly placing her utensils down, her gaze fixed on the dissected steak before her. Xu Zhi Huan: "…" Had anyone ever dared to ignore her presence before? Ding— The sound of a phone notification disrupted the moment. Jing Dan's phone, placed on the table, lit up. After a glance, a subtle glint appeared in her eyes, but she maintained her stoic demeanor in front of Xu Zhi Huan, fetching her phone and stating an excuse, "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." Xu Zhi Huan nodded and watched as Jing Dan briskly walked away, her expression turning abruptly grim. Although she hadn't seen the content of the message, she noticed who had sent it. He Xuan… Just the thought of that name brought a surge of discomfort, stemming from her aversion to seeing He Xuan and Jing Dan together, an annoyance that had grown stronger with every photo of them online she encountered. She smirked, feeling a conversation with He Xuan might be necessary to set her straight about whom she should and shouldn’t get close to. Meanwhile, in the restroom, Jing Dan opened He Xuan's message: 【He Xuan】: Where are you now? He Xuan had only seen a photo of Jing Dan dining with Xu Zhi Huan online without knowing the specific location. Caught off guard by the question, Jing Dan didn't fully grasp its intent, yet she saw no need to hide her whereabouts, dutifully sharing her location. He Xuan, upon receiving the message, noted the hotel's proximity to her current location. It wasn’t far, but she'd need to patiently endure a car ride there. Throughout the wait, her heart hung suspended, her hand tapping the gear lever restlessly. After sending her message and being met with He Xuan's silence, Jing Dan's expression slightly fell. She had excused herself to the restroom for this exchange, only for such a brief interaction? Annoyed, she pocketed her phone and stood before the sink, turning the tap to wash her already clean hands. As she met her reflection, her brow furrowed in confusion. Was the person mirrored back, bearing a look of loss, truly her? Why should she feel despondent? What was there to be despondent about? Caught in her reflection, she contemplated her emotions as water continued to flow unchecked. "Jing Dan?" Xu Zhi Huan’s voice echoed outside. Snapping back to reality, Jing Dan saw her frowning reflection, closed her eyes momentarily to gather her thoughts, and replied calmly, "Yes? What is it?" Somehow, Xu Zhi Huan had begun to address her so informally. When Xu Zhi Huan, upon hearing her response, entered the restroom, their gazes met through the mirror. She smiled, as if relieved, saying, "Nothing much. You’ve been here a while; I was worried something might have happened to you, so I came to check." Jing Dan: "…" What could possibly happen to her in a restroom? Not to mention, she had been gone for less than five minutes, if her sense of time was accurate. Seeing Jing Dan remain silent, Xu Zhi Huan produced two paper towels from a nearby dispenser and approached her, seemingly intent on drying Jing Dan's wet hands herself. Jing Dan hastily grabbed them, stating flatly, "I can do it myself." Xu Zhi Huan's over-familiarity was becoming a bit too much. After being rebuffed, Xu Zhi Huan smiled and said, "I'll wait for you outside." Jing Dan: "…" Xu Zhi Huan's persistence felt as if she were worried Jing Dan might flee. Once Jing Dan dried her hands and exited, Xu Zhi Huan, true to her word, was waiting. Greeting Jing Dan with a bright smile, Xu Zhi Huan, already stunning, seemed even more appealing, but Jing Dan couldn't help thinking, What's with all the teeth? Was she trying to show off she brushed them? Passing by Xu Zhi Huan without a word, Jing Dan led the way back to their seats. Behind her, Xu Zhi Huan: "…" She was close to being amused by Jing Dan's coldness. In the past, girls Jing Dan's age would have been spellbound by her smile. Returning to their seats, Xu Zhi Huan lifted her glass for a toast with Jing Dan. Jing Dan, with a glass thrust into her hand: "…" Did she ever say she wanted a drink? Before Jing Dan could refuse, the glass was suddenly snatched from her grip. Startled, she looked up to see a familiar face, adorned with an easygoing smile not often seen on her. Watching her take the glass and face Xu Zhi Huan, the smile on her lips grew more profound as she said, "Ms. Xu, Jing Dan's tolerance is quite low. I'd hate for her to be too much trouble after getting drunk. Allow me to drink this on her behalf." With that, she downed the drink in one gulp, leaving no opportunity for Xu Zhi Huan to object. Interrupted by He Xuan’s unexpected arrival, Xu Zhi Huan looked on silently. The drink was already consumed, leaving her with no grounds for complaint. However, seeing He Xuan, her demeanor gradually cooled, especially upon hearing the mention of being difficult to care for when drunk. Her irritation flared. So, He Xuan was here to assert her dominance? Her tone chilling, Xu Zhi Huan regarded He Xuan's captivating eyes, curving her lips and probing, "I heard Ms. He was out of town for an interview. How come you're back so soon?" He Xuan chuckled lightly before asking, "May I sit here?" Despite framing it as a question, she didn’t wait for permission before settling next to Jing Dan. Ignoring Xu Zhi Huan, she continued, "The show ended early, so I came back. Didn't want the kid to start throwing tantrums, that wouldn't be good." Jing Dan, feeling utterly disregarded, remained silent. Xu Zhi Huan’s gaze flickered, asking He Xuan, "Oh? I wasn’t aware Ms. He already had a child. If it’s not too much to ask, how old?" Jing·Little Kid·Dan: "…" Laughing softly, He Xuan replied with a cheerful glint in her eyes, "Quite grown up, actually. Twenty-one." Xu Zhi Huan: "…" Feeling manipulated, her mood darkened considerably, casting a gloomy gaze towards He Xuan. For reasons unknown, every time she faced He Xuan, she struggled to remain calm. Despite their limited interactions, each encounter seemed to amplify her disdain, especially upon witnessing how close He Xuan appeared with Jing Dan, culminating in peak aversion. He Xuan, unfazed by her scowling, finally turned her attention to the silent woman beside her. Noticing Jing Dan's silence, He Xuan internally gritted her teeth at this obstinate child! "How's the dinner, Ms. Jing?" He Xuan inquired with a smile, glancing at the plate in front of Jing Dan. The pitiful state of the steak was enough to infer the answer. Ah, such a gourmet who used to eat anything now has become picky. Jing Dan, seeing her smile, felt somewhat blocked, as if He Xuan was merely watching a play. She pursed her lips and remained silent in response to He Xuan's question. He Xuan slightly raised her eyebrows, no longer insisting on a response, and instead turned to engage Xu Zhi Huan in conversation. Xu Zhi Huan’s lips curled, but her expression hardly looked friendly. Extracting a business card and sliding it across the table to He Xuan, she fixed her with a direct gaze, her tone somewhat aloof, "Ms. He, perhaps we should dine together sometime." He Xuan's eyes landed on the ivory business card pushed her way, replying with a smile, "I’d be honored." Receiving a reply, Xu Zhi Huan’s smile faded even more, mentioning, "I have prior engagements tonight and must excuse myself." Her eyes softened slightly as they moved to Jing Dan, "Jing Dan, I apologize for tonight. Let's have a proper meal another time." Jing Dan slightly lifted her eyelids in acknowledgment but remained speechless. Xu Zhi Huan pursed her lips, ultimately leaving without further comment. After her departure, tranquility enveloped the table, He Xuan silently observing Jing Dan, who remained equally silent. The more Jing Dan withheld, the more uneasy He Xuan felt. After a moment of silence, He Xuan finally spoke, "Didn’t I tell you to keep your distance from her?" Jing Dan, seeing He Xuan's dispirited demeanor, bit her lip. Though she knew He Xuan meant well, it still unsettled her. She was no longer naive and understood certain realities. "I just wanted to learn something from her," Jing Dan muttered, looking away. Xu Zhi Huan's success in the tumultuous entertainment industry was no mere fluke. Jing Dan saw no harm in learning from her proximity. He Xuan: "..." Witnessing Jing Dan's sullen appearance, He Xuan sighed inwardly, emphasizing, "In her presence, you resemble a lamb to the slaughter. She could devour you in one bite!" Jing Dan grew even more dissatisfied, insisting internally that she was a panda! A giant panda known as an iron-eater, not some helpless bunny! "I'm an adult now, not a clueless child," Jing Dan stated firmly. Seeing Jing Dan’s expression, He Xuan paused, her gaze fixed upon her without wavering. She suddenly realized the truth in Jing Dan's words; she was no longer a child but a responsible adult. Though He Xuan had habitually referred to her as a "naughty child," she had to admit, by human years, Jing Dan was indeed an adult, even of marriageable age. Silently conceding she might have overstepped, He Xuan recognized Jing Dan wasn't the young child she often treated her as. "I apologize; I assumed too much," He Xuan offered a begrudging apology, realizing her previous protective stance might have been unnecessary. Jing Dan, with slightly furrowed brows, replied, "That's not what I meant." She didn’t blame He Xuan; she merely wanted to express her capability to protect herself. He Xuan smiled softly, soothing the furrow between Jing Dan's brows, "Let's not dwell on this. What would you like to eat? I’ll cook for you." Jing Dan was momentarily taken aback by the gentle touch, which seemed to carry a hint of warmth and a faint fragrance that tickled her heart. "Here?" "Yes, I’m on good terms with the owner of this restaurant; using their kitchen won’t be an issue," He Xuan patiently explained. Jing Dan pondered for a moment, realizing she was keen to eat anything prepared by He Xuan. "Anything you make will be fine," Jing Dan said courteously, her demeanor noticeably softer. He Xuan chuckled and lightly tousled Jing Dan's hair before heading off to speak with the restaurant's manager. Jing Dan, stunned by the touch, was reminded of how He Xuan would pet her in her panda form, sparking a chain of thoughts as she played with the jade pendant she always carried. The smooth jade, infused with a magic that calmed the soul, seemed to lessen the odd sensations she felt near He Xuan. Indeed, her condition had vastly improved compared to before. Unbeknownst to them, the paparazzi that had stealthily followed them hadn’t left. Excited by He Xuan's appearance, they were ready for drama. Yet, the direction of events, notably the peculiar interaction between He Xuan and Jing Dan, baffled them. "Does it seem odd to you, their dynamic?" the lead whispered to his partner. His partner, observing Jing Dan seated alone, nodded earnestly, "It's beyond weird! Like a maternal girlfriend!" How could it not be strange! The action, the smiles, it all seemed so unconventional! Lead: "..." Suddenly, it struck him that his partner's assessment was spot-on. It indeed resembled a maternal girlfriend dynamic! Their gaze shifted back to Jing Dan, their enthusiasm barely containable, especially given her behavior around He Xuan—it was too compelling! Was this truly the untouchable flower they knew? On the other hand, Jing Dan noticed the duo’s prying eyes and quickly deduced their roles. She chose not to intervene, seeing no harm in being observed while dining out. Primarily, she found dealing with them too bothersome. As she contemplated joining He Xuan in the kitchen, a waitress approached, presenting a dessert specially prepared by He Xuan, suggesting she enjoy it while waiting. Close inspection of the legendary beauty left the waitress starstruck. Jing Dan appreciated the dessert’s appearance—colorful taro balls in sweet syrup, adorned with fruits, igniting a spark in her eyes. It had been two days since her last taste of He Xuan's cooking. Just the sight alone made her anticipate its delightful flavor. "Thank you," Jing Dan politely thanked the waitress, who blushed in response, still amazed by Jing Dan's flawless appearance. After the waitress departed, Jing Dan enjoyed the dessert, its sweetness spreading pleasantly without overwhelming her palate, perfectly aligning with her preferences. She indulged more joyfully, mindful of maintaining her public image, especially with the paparazzi lurking nearby. However, she considered mentioning to He Xuan about tightening security in the restaurant to avoid future intrusions by paparazzi. While she savored the sweet soup, the earlier dishes were cleared, and soon, new courses arrived one after another, leaving the paparazzi dumbfounded. Was Jing Dan’s appetite this impressive? To follow one meal directly with another? And where had He Xuan gone? After some time had passed, He Xuan could be seen heading toward Jing Dan, rolling down her sleeves as she moved, a smile gracing her lips. She looked like a stunning and gentle elder sister. Even the paparazzi couldn't help but be moved by such a sight. He Xuan took a seat opposite Jing Dan, noticing that none of the dishes had been touched and raised an eyebrow, "Why didn't you eat? Don't you like it?" However, the bowl of sweet soup in front of her was empty. Jing Dan shook her head, "I was waiting for you to eat together." He Xuan paused for a moment, then smiled, picked up her chopsticks, and served Jing Dan a piece of fish belly, saying softly, "Alright, let's eat together." Jing Dan, understanding the gesture of reciprocity, also served He Xuan some food. He Xuan chuckled to herself, always finding Jing Dan seemingly indifferent on the surface but very lively and perceptive at heart, quietly absorbing and learning, even this act of serving food to each other—He Xuan wondered where Jing Dan had picked that up from. Their harmonious meal contrasted sharply with the frenzy erupting online. The initial buzz surrounding Jing Dan and Xu Zhi Huan now included He Xuan, propelling the topic to the forefront of online discussions. The increased attention, coupled with several high-definition images released by the paparazzi, sparked excitement among some and condemnation among others for the paparazzi's disregard for privacy. Eating a meal in peace seemed impossible without it being broadcasted for all to see, prompting discussions about respect for personal space. However, the louder the online chastisement, the more the paparazzi rejoiced. In their line of work, criticism equaled popularity, and silence signified oblivion. With the release of photos showing He Xuan and Jing Dan together, some netizens felt their "DNA activate". —Ms. He, how could you cheat! Have you forgotten Daidai by the Da Ming Lake? —A major cheating incident (eats popcorn.jpg) —Daidai fainted in the restroom. —Although, and I mean although, Ms. Jing is quite a catch, beautiful and wealthy, a great match indeed. But, but! Ms. He, you can't just move on so quickly!!! How long has it been since Daidai left!!! Gradually, #HeXuan'sMajorCheatingIncident made its way to the trending topics. He Xuan, browsing through her phone while eating, stumbled upon the trending tag bearing her name, followed by the word "EXPLODE" in a bright red frame. He Xuan: "..." She cheated? He Xuan was momentarily stunned. When did she have a relationship? Without a partner, how could she cheat? With a mental image of disdain, she clicked on the trending topic, curious to see what rumors were being spread about her. What she found were photos of her interacting with Jing Dan, touching her hair, serving her food, all captured in ultra-high definition. Additionally, there were many pictures of her and Daidai. So, her "cheating" was on Daidai? He Xuan: "..." (End of Chapter)