131- Blue Dragon Rain Dance Society (1)

The entirety of the martial world of Jung Won was in an uproar. Indeed, it was not just any flight of fancy—it involved the Sacheon Dang Clan, one of the pillars of the Baekdo Murim. Moreover, it had been revealed by none other than the clan head herself, Dang Hwa-seo. The ensuing chaos was bound to unfold with countless ramifications. To summarize the impact of this news in a single sentence, it would be as follows: This scandal is the greatest calamity remembered by the living, second only to the Blood Incident. The fall of the Dang Clan, which was nothing less than a pillar of Sacheon, affected the lives of countless people. In the midst of everywhere buzzing with tales of the Sacheon Dang Clan, there stood Dang Hwa-seo in a private meeting with Sabagun. It was a meeting she had requested herself. As Mok Riwon had said, their secluded encounter took place in a hermitage surrounded by bamboo in every direction. “You've been through a lot.” Sabagun said as he poured himself a drink. His expression bore a mix of gloom and bitterness. Dang Hwa-seo understood. The Poison King Dang Sageuk. To her, he was a man of endless resentment, but to this man, he was a comrade-in-arms at one time; it was understandable that he was swamped with mixed feelings. “There wasn't much to it. It was self-destruction.” “Yet, you speak of it. You took a decisive stand in a situation you could have easily avoided.” “I am a warrior of the alliance. It was my duty.” “Haha, such spirit is admirable.” Sabagun emptied his cup in one go. Setting it down, he then addressed Dang Hwa-seo. “Aren’t you going to drink?” “I cannot afford to dull my senses with alcohol. This drink… please enjoy it with someone who can appreciate it more.” “You could just drink. There’s no one else I’d rather share this cup with right now.” “In that case.” Dang Hwa-seo cautiously took the cup and sipped the liquor. It was clear and refreshing. Yet, it left no significant impression on her. With a bitter smile, she spoke. “The reason I asked for this meeting is not for anything else.” “I had my suspicions.” “Please, annihilate the Dang Clan. Leave nothing behind.” Dang Hwa-seo spoke decisively. Sabagun smiled awkwardly. “I'm sorry.” “Why would you choose to spare the Dang Clan?” This was it. The reason for their private meeting. Sabagun had declared he would spare the corrupt Dang Clan and appointed Dang Hwa-seo as its leader. Dang Hwa-seo couldn't understand. The misdeeds of the Dang Clan were not just a problem of one sect. It set a bad precedent for the entire Baekdo Murim. How could Sabagun not punish them severely? The answer he returned was as follows. “Consider it an apology from me.” “Excuse me?” “I knew. Not everything, but I had a vague idea about the extent to which the Dang Clan was using you.” Dang Hwa-seo's mouth closed shut. Sabagun's smile deepened slightly. “Even knowing, I couldn’t intervene. The Baekdo Murim needed more factions. They had to compete and grow together, becoming a sturdy fortress. Yes, I turned a blind eye.” Despite his seemingly apologetic tone, he did not appear regretful. Moreover, his words carried an implicit message. “You're keeping them for ‘necessity’?” “Yongbong Peak.” “Yes?” “The Sacheon Dang Clan is a significant sect.” “I’m aware.” “Even weakened by this scandal, it remains a powerful sect.” “Therefore it should be erased…” “That’s why it needs to be preserved.” Sabagun’s gaze fixed on Dang Hwa-seo. “You need a backing.” Dang Hwa-seo felt her body freeze. Her eyes widened. Sabagun continued. “I understand your resentment and anger. But set those feelings aside and think.” Dang Hwa-seo grasped his point instantly. That’s right. Dang Hwa-seo, as an individual, was only considered a promising late-stage martial artist in the pugilistic world. At her level, one wouldn’t have to search long to find martial artists of a similar age and capability. Her real distinction came from being the successor to one of the Great Five Families, as Sabagun was indicating. “You need to keep the Sacheon Dang Clan, even if you detest it emotionally. That’s the only way you can protect yourself, and we can protect the Baekdo Murim. My not disclosing the Poison King’s use of demonic arts falls under the same principle.” “…” “The scandal? It can be passed off as just revealing the clan's disgrace. Traces of demonic arts? Who in the world could find that now, when the Poison King’s corpse has long since decayed.” He was right. Dang Hwa-seo needed to think it over once more. Sabagun laughed heartily and added, “Do as you please with the clan. You may torment them or ignore them. Giving you the power to decide their fate is my way of apologizing. So carry the Dang Clan on your back. Fortunately…” His smile deepened. “…the current pugilistic world will love you more for your righteousness in revealing the Dang Clan’s faults, rather than despise its misdeeds. It’s the era that your seniors and I have created.” Seniors. Mulling over that word, Dang Hwa-seo eventually nodded slightly. “However, please still punish those involved.” “Of course.” “Then, let’s conclude our discussion on this topic.” “Very well.” Sabagun filled Dang Hwa-seo’s empty cup again. And then another topic was broached. It was about the future actions of the alliance. A rather secretive conversation ensued. * “Mok Ri-won, why do you look like that?” At Yongbong Peak's pavilion. As Mok Ri-won was absentmindedly sitting on the porch, watching the courtyard, he was jolted back to reality by Jegal San's voice. Jegal San was looking at him with a face full of questions. “Ah…” Mok Ri-won responded. “…It's Jegal hyung. I was meditating.” “Hmm? Meditating in that posture?” “What posture?” It was only after Jegal San's remark that Mok Ri-won realized he had been rocking back and forth with his legs hugged to his chest. Where had he been mentally wandering off to? Mok Ri-won sighed, yet soon found himself lost in thought again, causing his cheeks to increasingly flush. ‘Again…’ It came to mind. The events in Sacheon, the words Dang Hwa-seo had spoken there, continued to circulate in his head. With each memory, his heart fluttered in disturbance. His face was burning. His thoughts kept chasing after Dang Hwa-seo, becoming so intense that now she was the only thing he could think of, disrupting his training. Even Mok Ri-won himself saw this as a grave situation. Now that Jegal San was nearby, perhaps consulting him would be a good idea. Excluding matters on married women, Jegal San was generally wise. Thinking it a good idea, Mok Ri-won opened his mouth. “Jegal hyung. I think I've fallen into a severe illness.” “Hmm?” “Listen. Lately…” What followed was phrased a bit indirectly. Recently, the visage of one person refused to leave his mind, mentioning how his heart races at the thought of that person. How he finds himself chasing after the scent and embrace of that person. And how his mind was so distracted that he couldn't focus on training. Jegal San was dumbstruck after hearing everything. * “Mok Junior. Don't be like that.” Jegal San said. It clearly wasn't right. ‘Alas!’ Dang Hwa-seo had extended her sinister clutches all the way to Mok Ri-won! Seeing Mok Ri-won’s bashfulness, it was certain that Dang Hwa-seo had subjected him to physical abuse! She must have corrupted this innocent Mok Ri-won! Jegal San grew anxious. “Think about it, will you? Huh? Isn’t the madam no ordinary individual? You might not know yet, but the madam lures people in by patting them on the back, a person who consoles with one hand and wields a knife with the other! Never knew when her clutches would extend to you!” “I, I never said she was a young lady!” “Aigo! Regardless!” With his face flushing, Mok Ri-won bowed his head, the very picture of a girl fallen into her first love. Jegal San clenched his eyes shut. “This won’t do! I must speak up, even if it means suffering diarrhea for a week!” To think she had progressed this far with this young one. Jegal San, appalled by Dang Hwa-seo’s unknown sense of propriety, rose to his feet. “Mok Junior! Just you wait!” And he stomped out the pavilion's hallway. His destination was the chamber where Dang Hwa-seo resided. Indeed, it is said that people tend to entertain thoughts befitting their level. * Dang Hwa-seo watched Jegal San with pursed lips. “So…” “How could you do such a thing! I thought my sister had some discernment, but to ravage and torment Mok Junior to tears like that!” Where had he picked up such nonsense? Why should she be subject to these accusations? The fleeting thought crossed her mind, and Dang Hwa-seo soon found what she needed to do. “Ah, so you haven’t been hit in a while.” Jegal San must have been constipated. That must be why he’s throwing such a fit. Honestly, why act shy about it now? If she didn’t step in during such times, she wouldn’t deserve the title of sect leader. Dang Hwa-seo let her venom show. “Eek!” Jegal San gasped. Dang Hwa-seo sneered quietly. “Where are you going?” She then punched Jegal San squarely in the stomach. Thunk! With a sound full of energy, Jegal San’s eyes flipped for a moment. “Gurk…!” The poison she had introduced was agitating Jegal San’s intestines. His legs trembled. He looked exactly like a puppy desperate to relieve himself. No, indeed, he must be feeling the urge since she had used such a toxin. That should be enough, Dang Hwa-seo thought, turning away. “W-wait…!” Jegal San grabbed Dang Hwa-seo with a worn-out face. Her eyebrows raised. “Oh?” Insisting on it, it seemed. Perhaps Jegal San had developed a resistance to the poison, so Dang Hwa-seo prepared to unleash a more potent diarrhea-inducing poison. Just as she was about to clinch her fist, Jegal San shouted out first. “Then explain!” “Explain what?” “Why does Mok Junior blush when he thinks of my sister!” Dang Hwa-seo froze. Her face turned slightly vacant but soon began to flush with a creeping redness. “What, what are you…!” “Ah! Don’t even think about lying! I’ve heard it all from my Junior Mok on my way here!” Thump, thump. Her heart raced. Dang Hwa-seo involuntarily found herself paying keen attention to Jegal San’s words. What exactly had Mok Ri-won said? No, what did he mean that Mok Ri-won blushed at the thought of her? As Dang Hwa-seo tensely stiffened up, Jegal San continued. “Didn’t you hug Mok Junior in Sacheon!” She had embraced him. “And whispered something in his ear, didn’t you!” She had offered words of comfort. “Mok Junior can’t forget those words! Every time he recalls them, he says his heart pounds like mad! And me, someone who clearly understands the relationships between men and women, do you think I wouldn’t know? Speak honestly!” Gurgle― Jegal San’s stomach growled. Even so, he pointed accusingly at Dang Hwa-seo, clenching his teeth. “Madam! You didn’t ravage Mok Junior, did you…” Dang Hwa-seo’s fist lashed out. Crack― Jegal San’s ribs screamed as he instantly crumpled and passed out, not to stir until Ilwoon entered the chamber for some work shortly after. Throughout that time, Dang Hwa-seo had only one thing on her mind. ‘Mok Junior blushed, did he…’ Dang Hwa-seo was thoroughly flustered and embarrassed.