132 - Blue Dragon Rain Dance Society (2)

Days filled with never-ending incidents and accidents. It was only then that Dang Hwa-seo truly felt she had returned to the halls of Yongbong Clan. Every day brought increasing absurdity, paired with a rising sense of joy in the familiar. Exactly a week had passed since the end of her task in Sacheon. During that time, Dang Hwa-seo, who had occasionally shown a dazed demeanor from her deep thoughts, had completely regained her usual demeanor. Today was yet another busy day for her. “Causing trouble again, I see.” Today, it was Jegal San and Hyewon. Both were kneeling with their heads touching the ground, hands held above their heads. Jegal San had been caught throwing flirtatious gestures at a cloth store owner’s wife near the Blind Night, and Hyewon had been caught attempting to seduce that very cloth store owner. What vendetta did these people hold against the cloth store? Dang Hwa-seo couldn't help but wonder. “Sister, it was Hyewon who suggested it first.” “What? What are you saying, Master Jegal! Is this how you’re going to play it? We were cooperating. Cooperating!” “...I wouldn’t know about that.” Jegal San feigned ignorance. Hyewon made a face as if wrongfully accused. Dang Hwa-seo quickly surmised the situation. Perhaps they had an errand together and happened upon the cloth store, catching their eye. Given the similar nature of their antics, it was likely they had implicitly conspired who would take which role before being caught. Dang Hwa-seo sighed. “Both of you are grounded for three days.” “What?!” Hyewon gasped, grabbing Dang Hwa-seo’s arm. “Three days is too harsh! Please, make it one day!” “Sister, I will accept the punishment willingly. It was led by the atmosphere… but what can be done. The mistake has already been made.” “You, I have a different punishment in mind, so don’t worry.” Dang Hwa-seo clenched her fist. Jegal San, seemingly not too bothered by being grounded, clearly needed a different form of punishment. It was, of course, a physical one. “Sis-Sister…!” With a thud, Dang Hwa-seo’s fist connected with Jegal San’s solar plexus. A thought crossed her mind that the good feeling in her hand was improving by the day and that someday in the distant future, she might miss this feeling and seek him out for it. “Guhk…!” Jegal San staggered, his head hitting the ground. Hyewon gulped down a dry swallow. Dang Hwa-seo spoke sternly. “The Blue Dragon Martial Arts Competition is just next month. It’s already a stretch not causing trouble on a regular day, and now setting off such a major incident. Where exactly are you leaving your minds?” Both of them clamped their mouths shut. Dang Hwa-seo narrowed her eyes and gave her final word. “...Anyway, keep that in mind and act with due diligence. That’s all.” “Yes.” At least Hyewon, who was relatively unharmed, helped the staggering Jegal San up and exited the office. Dang Hwa-seo let out a small laugh watching their backs. “Always such a lively bunch.” She stood for a moment, watching the empty spots left by her colleagues before sitting down at her office desk. There was much to be done. Mok Riwon, Namgung Jincheon, and even Ilwoon wanted to participate in the Martial Arts Competition, leaving her to handle the aftermath. One might question the fuss over participation, but that was to not understand the Martial Arts Federation. The Federation is reluctant for its members to participate in the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Competition, as it’s organized by the federation itself. Of course, that's understandable. The more members from the federation participating, the fewer there are to manage the competition, implying a natural restriction on the members from the federation itself. ‘First, to handle the tasks originally assigned to the three…’ If members from the clan participate in the competition, their share of work falls to the others. Meaning, the workload for herself, Jegal San, and Hyewon, who are not participating, increases. But look, could the two who just left be counted on for work? Certainly not. There was only one solution. Dang Hwa-seo was willing to singlehandedly take on the work of six people to ensure the competition concludes smoothly. Her hands moved quickly. Dang Hwa-seo’s signature was affixed to the documents, stacking yet another on top. Amidst the continuous paperwork, she paused. “...Ah.” She came across a document she couldn’t just skim over. 『Sacheon Dispatch Reward Proposal.』 A simple title, but the contents were not. What started as a mere request for cooperation turned out vastly escalated in rewards for this mission. One high-grade medicinal pill from the federation to each member, plus a piece of Thousand-Year-Ice, a reward that would undoubtedly make the members flip with joy. While chuckling to herself, Dang Hwa-seo was caught in a dilemma. The medicinal pills could be simply distributed, but the real issue was the Thousand-Year-Ice. It was enough to forge a single sword, but the division of such a reward was problematic. Her train of thought soon reached Mok Riwon. ‘That’s right…’ Long ago, she had promised to gift him a splendid sword. With his sword breaking during the last mission, this seemed like the perfect opportunity. ‘A little persuasion should suffice to convince the others.’ Her thoughts were bouncing. The initial idea of dividing the Thousand-Year-Ice was gone, and in Dang Hwa-seo’s mind lingered only Mok Riwon, who would be delighted upon receiving a splendid sword as a gift. Surely, he would exclaim ‘Miss! It could only be you!’ and overreact in every possible manner. Imagining that sight, a mischievous smile sprung to Dang Hwa-seo’s lips. She tried to compose herself, running her fingers across her lips, but it was no easy feat. Especially since Mok Riwon had lately started avoiding her gaze with a shyness that was increasing by the day. “Mis-Miss! Um...have you eaten?” It was the same today. How could he ask if she had eaten in such a shy manner, his cheeks flushing in a way that was unbearably adorable, almost causing Dang Hwa-seo to lose her composure entirely? Was he only ever bashful? Not at all. “Miss! Try this! I, I ended up making dumplings while helping the cook! They’re sure to be delicious!” He even cooked for her. As Mok Riwon declared, the dumplings were quite impressive, but it was the thought behind them that delighted Dang Hwa-seo. Think about it, how could she not be thrilled when such a handsome face shyly offers his help? “She’s becoming more tempting by the day.” Dang Hwa-seo’s eyes squeezed shut. Her hand covered her face. She was no longer thinking about work. All she could think about was Mok Riwon from the past week. Mok Riwon eating, Mok Riwon coming back from training, Mok Riwon exchanging morning greetings, and Mok Riwon saying goodnight. “At this rate, I could spend a whole day just thinking about Mr. Mok.” Dang Hwa-seo trembled in the joy and dilemma of the situation, then slapped her cheeks lightly. “That’s right.” The Thousand-Year-Ice shall be given to Mr. Mok. Even if it meant resorting to threats on the other members. ...With slightly blurred judgment, Dang Hwa-seo promptly gathered the members. * “Thousand-Year-Ice?!” Mok Riwon exclaimed in astonishment. Dang Hwa-seo nodded. “Yes, we’ve received one piece of Thousand-Year-Ice and one high-grade medicinal pill each as a reward for the recent mission. Given that Mr. Mok’s sword broke and considering his exceptional efforts during the mission, I believe it’s only fair that he receives it. What do you all think?” It was an outright lie, smoothly delivered. Yet, the logic was flawless. The members all nodded in agreement. Even Namgung Jincheon, who usually had a strong desire for such things, didn't object much, having received Thousand-Year-Ice as a reward for nearly winning the Yongbong branch competition. As the atmosphere naturally progressed towards Mok Riwon receiving the Thousand-Year-Ice, his eyes began to sparkle. “Then it’s decided.” Dang Hwa-seo finalized it. “The Thousand-Year-Ice will be given to Mr. Mok. Ah, Mr. Mok. Since you’ll have it made into a sword right away, shall we inform the Blind Night together?” Dang Hwa-seo wore a smile veiled in kindness. Mok Riwon nodded vigorously in response. “I would be delighted!!!” The plan had gone smoothly. * Meeting the Blind Night was over quickly. They hadn’t yet received the Thousand-Year-Ice, and Mok Riwon’s request was simple. “Make it this size! The handle should be just this long, and place the center of gravity exactly in the middle! I mix various sword techniques, so a sword that leans to one side would be cumbersome!” “I’ll see to it.” The Blind Night, an elderly man who had been in the trade for three generations, laughed heartily, elevating Mok Riwon. “To think I’ll be making a sword for the future supreme warrior! This brings me vitality! Look forward to it!” “Su-Supreme warrior! That’s too generous...!” “Too generous? No need for modesty here.” Mok Riwon blushed. Dang Hwa-seo found the scene entirely satisfying. “Let’s return, then.” Dang Hwa-seo, looking forward to the ensuing reward, led Mok Riwon away, and as they walked through the Federation, she broached the topic. “It’s fortunate. The Federation just happens to have a smith skilled with Thousand-Year-Ice.” “Indeed! I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ve always dreamt of wielding a magnificent sword! Now that dream will finally come true! And with Thousand-Year-Ice no less! I can’t wait to see how well it cuts…!” Mok Riwon was almost bouncing with excitement, talking even more than usual. “Ah, with a new sword coming, I’ll need to devise new techniques for my Manlyon Sword by then! Hmm! If until now I’ve only focused on perfecting my swordplay, now I need to consider the sword’s capabilities too! Using a sturdy and fine sword will certainly make me stronger!” “What an interesting thought.” “The name of the new technique… Hmm…!” Mok Riwon squeezed his eyes shut, deep in thought. After all, he was the mastermind behind the formidable Manlyon Sword. His contemplation on martial arts would continue even at this moment. Dang Hwa-seo waited patiently. Then, Mok Riwon smiled brightly and spoke. “I can’t think of anything right now! I’ll need to set aside time later to deeply ponder it!” “You’ll figure it out.” As they walked, they found themselves in front of the Yongbong Clan’s premises. At that point, Dang Hwa-seo began to feel slightly anxious. ‘What about me?’ What about her role in securing the Thousand-Year-Ice? She tried to convey this with her gaze, but Mok Riwon wasn’t even looking at her, seemingly too excited about his new sword. Sweat trickled down Dang Hwa-seo’s back. It wasn’t really a situation to panic over, as it made sense for Mok Riwon to receive the Thousand-Year-Ice. Still, given the anticipation she had, leaving without any acknowledgment felt disappointing. Dang Hwa-seo’s gaze intensified. Not bragging about her own contributions was Dang Hwa-seo's last shred of pride. Thus, with trepidation, her steps continued—one, two, three—and soon reached twenty. The moment had arrived when the two had to part ways. “We must say our goodbyes here!” Mok Riwon stated energetically. Dang Hwa-seo was left dumbfounded. Would there be no praise for her, even to the end? Despite understanding how childish her feelings were, Dang Hwa-seo couldn’t help feeling somewhat spiteful. It was an unavoidable emotion. Recently, Mok Riwon's responses had been somewhat promising, almost encouraging thoughts of 'Is this something worth trying?' especially after what Jegal San suggested. Yet, as it often goes, great expectations can lead to great disappointment. As Mok Riwon attempted a farewell, Dang Hwa-seo felt a sinking feeling. “Miss.” “Yes, take care.” She tried to smile, but her voice lacked energy. Dang Hwa-seo regretted it instantly, but Mok Riwon seemed not to notice. He was merely blushing. Dang Hwa-seo was puzzled. “…Mr. Mok?” “I’ve been meaning to say this, but I just couldn’t find the words.” “What is it you wanted to say?” “Thank you.” Mok Riwon spoke shyly. Then, he reached out and gently grasped Dang Hwa-seo’s index fingers with his hands. Dang Hwa-seo’s heart skipped a beat. “It can only be you, Miss. I think… that’s how it is.” Mok Riwon smiled sheepishly. Then, he abruptly turned and walked away quickly. “Ha-have a good night!” Left alone, Dang Hwa-seo found herself rooted to the spot, standing in a daze for quite some time. “Sister? Why are you standing there looking so… EEK!” Jegal San, upon seeing her, jumped back, startled by the ominous look on her face.