133 - Blue Dragon Rain Dance Society (3)

Roughly a week had passed since then. Mok Riwon was sitting cross-legged in the training ground, meditating. What came to mind were the enemies he had encountered and battled in the martial world so far. It was an exercise in picking apart the sword fights they had shared and the enlightenment he had gained from them. "It's still not enough." That seemed the correct assessment. The reason for this judgment was nothing else. It was because Mok Riwon, without the Heaven-Slaying Star, was not strong as a martial artist. There could have been excuses. The enemies he faced were all of a higher realm than he, and the battles against them were hard-fought ones that had to be won by whatever means necessary. And in most cases, he had used the Heaven-Slaying Star only to the extent that he could control it. But those were meaningless excuses. Mok Riwon admitted it. "I can't keep fighting like this forever." The precarious sword dance performed on a narrow log bridge would eventually lead to falling into an abyss. The path that Mok Riwon had to walk as a martial artist, and as a swordsman, was clear. "Suppress the Heaven-Slaying Star even further." To discard a sword swayed by killing intent, and wield it with finesse and reason instead. For that purpose, he would forge a sword that could not be used without technique. Mok Riwon opened his eyes. Rising from his spot, he immediately grabbed a wooden sword and began to swing it slowly. He was weaving the next move of the incomplete Manyeoneikum. This was fifteen days before the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Assembly. * In the martial world, if one were to name the biggest festival of the year, it would undoubtedly be the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Assembly. Although the enthusiasm for the Yon Bong Assembly was significant, could the martial world be satisfied with just the vigor of young blood? The martial world is vast. And the hermits living within it are as numerous as the grains of sand on a beach. For martial artists always thirsty for new masters and new trends, and for those in the martial world who enjoy ranking one another, there was no festival like the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Assembly to quench their thirst. Indeed, Mok Seon-o, who became known as the Sword Star thirty years ago at the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Assembly, proved their cravings were not in vain. Hubok Mohan The city where the headquarters of the Wulin Alliance was located was buzzing with the heat of the upcoming event. "In fifteen days, the Assembly will begin." "I'm already looking forward to seeing which masters will appear. Haven't you heard that Ha Chang-soo, who fought last year under the name Guest Sword, is entering this time?" "Oh, the runner-up from the year before last?" "Yes, that's right. He didn't appear last year because he went into closed-door training. Rumor has it he's reached an even more refined realm." "Really? That's interesting. But do you know? Un Jeong, the lead disciple of Hwasan, known as Iljigeom, is entering this Assembly!" "Oh!" The guesthouse was noisy. Discussions about who would participate in this Assembly and who would show promising performances were unraveling. Amid these conversations, a man quietly took a seat next to the two men talking. "You gentlemen aren't talking about the real person to watch out for." Smiling, the man introduced himself as Wang Heo. He had become an ardent follower of Mok Riwon's martial arts since the Yon Bong Assembly and had been keeping tabs on him since their last encounter in Seomse. "You are…" "Just a visitor, enjoying the festival. I was over there alone, killing time with a drink when I overheard you chaps. Guest Sword and Iljigeom, surely strong martial artists. But there’s another master you haven’t mentioned yet, and I felt compelled to join in and mention that person." The men's curiosity was piqued. "Well, we're always welcome to good information. Would you like a drink?" "Thank you kindly." Wang Heo took the offered drink and drank heartily. Then, with a thud, he put down the cup and said. "Truthfully, there's only one person I'd pick as the winner of this Blue Dragon Martial Arts Assembly." "Who is that? Is there such a master we don't know about?" "Indeed! An Ink Dragon! How could you consider anyone else as a candidate for the winner?" Wang Heo's voice grew more forceful. The men swallowed nervously, not just them but the entire tavern had fallen silent, hanging on Wang Heo's words. Although it would have been amusing to keep them on edge a bit longer, that wasn't Wang Heo's aim today. So, he went straight to the point. "Ink Dragon! With that man around, why consider others as potential winners?" His voice was laden with firm conviction. The whole area around Wang Heo quieted down. Suddenly, a 'pfft' laugh erupted from somewhere. Fire sparked in Wang Heo's eyes. "Who laughed?!" Turning in the direction of the sound, there was a vagabond-looking person covering his mouth. Clearly, a martial artist of either the third or second rate, and he had laughed as if he had heard the joke of the century before barely managing to speak. "Ah, my apologies. I didn't mean to laugh." "Why are you still laughing if you're sorry?" "But how can I not? Ink Dragon, indeed, he is a monster remaking the records of the martial world with unprecedented speed. But this isn’t the Yong Bong Assembly, is it?" Wang Heo's face turned red as the man continued unperturbed. "Maybe in a few years, it will be a different story. By then, it might be fair to call it the prime of Ink Dragon, standing out and possibly at the pinnacle of the martial world's white path. However, right now, isn't he too inexperienced?" “Just because he’s young…” "It's not about underestimating him. I'm merely stating a fact. I've heard he's only just entered the threshold of the supreme masters. Among those attending this time, how many are there at the inception of being a supreme master? All the true masters from the martial world are gathering because of the prize." A bottle of Spirit-Gathering Dew. It is a treasure too generous for a martial arts contest reward. Wang Heo winced at that because he was well aware. "...Indeed, that's true." Just one bottle could increase one's internal energy by at least fifteen years worth of cultivation. It's why even representatives of renowned righteous factions, who hadn't participated in the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Assembly for years, were now throwing their hats into the ring. Essentially, the majority of the martial world's supreme masters were flocking to this assembly. Even masters from the previous generation were doing so. "I understand your point. Ink Dragon isn’t just any formidable successor, yes? Ahem, with his talent, he could easily make it to the main competition. I won't deny that." Wang Heo’s body trembled at the man's words. They were correct. But he didn't want to accept it. At least the Mok Riwon that Wang Heo knew was a man who wouldn’t conform to others’ expectations and would astound them instead. That impudence and spirit were why he looked forward to the next move. Wang Heo wanted to convey that. Just as he was about to stand and make his point, someone preempted him. "Then, do you know about this?" Wang Heo turned his head. There, an elderly man stood, whose martial arts seemed to be on par with Wang Heo's. Dressed somewhat shabbily, with a brush poking out from his bundle, he looked like someone who might be a scholar. He said, "Ink Dragon grows even in combat. If he just hangs on a bit, all the martial artists participating in this assembly might become mere stepping stones to his experience." "Isn’t that a bit of an exaggeration?" "One cannot see beyond the wall with rigid thinking." The old man smiled slyly, making the previously assertive man flinch. Wang Heo felt an inexplicable fondness for this stranger. It could be called a sense of camaraderie. They were supporting the same person, after all, and he found himself wanting to engage more with him. As the man fell silent, the old man laughed heartily and gestured. "Young man, it seems we could have a good conversation. How about we share a drink?" "Ah, that would be wonderful! I was thinking the same!" Wang Heo joined the old man at his table. Then, with a formal bow, he asked, "My name is Wang Heo. Might I have the honor of knowing yours?" The old man smiled broadly and returned the gesture. "Kwak Chil, my name is Kwak Chil." A refreshing introduction. This was the first meeting between Wang Heo, a third-rate martial artist, and Kwak Chil, the author of "Tales of the Martial Champions". * Yong Bong Dan's pavilion was bustling. The first reason was Dang Hwa-seo's workload had increased as the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Assembly drew nearer. The second was because the nerves of those participating in the assembly were frayed. Namgung Jincheon had been holed up in the practice room, absorbing the energy and internal pills he had accumulated over time. Ilwoon spent most of his day reciting Buddhist scriptures, troubled by something, much like Mok Riwon. "Lady, what do you think a sword is?" He had spent the entire day asking only that question. Dang Hwa-seo had nothing to offer whenever he came to the office inquiring about the sword, considering she wasn't a swordmaster herself. "...Are you deeply troubled?" That was all she could ask. Then, Mok Riwon would give the same answer as always. "I don't know. When I cast everything aside and think only of the sword, I still can't grasp what exactly it is." Mok Riwon seemed disheartened. Their conversations had been enjoyable for a while, given the generally positive atmosphere, but recently seeing him troubled like this made her worried first and foremost. She wanted to help, but again, the sword was something she didn't understand. "Hmm…" Dang Hwa-seo left her paperwork and sat next to Mok Riwon. She grabbed his face and lifted it. Mok Riwon was startled, his face reddening, but even then he noticed something. "You’ve become gaunt." “Hmm…?” "Look at this. Dark circles under your eyes. Have you been sleeping well lately?" Mok Riwon flinched then averted his eyes. Clearly, he had also been cutting down on sleep. Dang Hwa-seo narrowed her eyes. "Mister Mok." "Well, that’s..." "Look me in the eyes and say it." Mok Riwon hesitated, his lips moving without sound before he finally averted his gaze. After a while, he finally managed to speak. "...I want to suppress the Heaven-Slaying Star more. Relying on it any further feels like I’m gambling with myself in the fight." "Ah." Dang Hwa-seo instantly understood. 'That's right, indeed…' She had seen him in such an endearing light she had forgotten. Mok Riwon was the bearer of the Heaven-Slaying Star, constantly struggling to suppress it every moment. Shame flooded her as she had overlooked his internal conflict, only pondering how to overcome this hurdle. Dang Hwa-seo cleared her throat with a soft cough. Mok Riwon then spoke. "I'm sorry. It's something I should be pondering on my own..." "What are you talking about? Of course, we should worry about it together. Aren't we friends?" "Friends...!" "Yes, unparalleled, the only friends for each other in this world." "Um? But there’s also Jegal..." "Between Jegal San and me, who are you closer with?" "You, Lady!" "Good j... I mean, that's right." Dang Hwa-seo corrected herself in time, shifting her expression to a gentle smile. "If it's such a concern, I'll always be there to share it with you. As I've said before, I believe that Mister Mok will never be defeated by fate." "Lady...!" Mok Riwon's face became touched with emotion. 'Hmm, this wasn't the topic we started with.' But since it helped Mok Riwon momentarily escape his worries, perhaps it could be considered a success. Dang Hwa-seo decided to think positively. "Getting too absorbed in the same concern can narrow one's perspective, and lacking sleep certainly won't help with anything. So, how about trying to clear your mind with a good night's sleep today?" "That sounds like a plausible method! I'll give it a try!" Mok Riwon sprang up energetically. "I apologize for causing a disturbance! Then, I will attempt to fall asleep right away!" "Hm? But isn't it still before sunset?" "I'll do my best to sleep!" With those words, Mok Riwon left the office. Dang Hwa-seo looked down at her hand that had just been touching Mok Riwon's cheek, expressing a small sigh of regret. '...I wanted to touch him more.' Dang Hwa-seo admitted to herself a bit more of her desires.