
Chapter 50 Meeting the Love Rival Beside her, Jing Shiyue suddenly felt a wave of melancholy wash over her as she watched Jing Dan's inexplicably subdued emotions. Lost in thought for a moment, she then perked up immediately upon checking her phone, letting out a deep sigh. She thought this young lad was truly hard to keep hold of. "Auntie, I'm heading back!" Jing Dan texted He Xiang and then informed her aunt. Jing Shiyue: "..." She watched Jing Dan leave without a second glance, showing no sign of intent to stay and have dinner with her soon after returning. However, once Jing Dan stepped out, she realized how effective her New Year's wish had been; from now on, she resolved to save her wishes for the New Year for sure! Returning to the residence near her company, Jing Dan spotted He Xiang waiting at the entrance. Looking at He Xiang, Jing Dan contemplated for a moment. Then, she reached to hold He Xiang's hand, scanning He Xiang's fingerprint on the door lock at her residence, making it easier for her to come and go without having to wait outside. Observing Jing Dan's action, He Xiang by her side smiled lightly. After scanning the fingerprint, she grabbed her suitcase and followed Jing Dan inside. "How did someone get into your house?" Once inside, Jing Dan inquired, somewhat puzzled. Mentioning this matter, He Xiang's expression turned slightly grim, saying, "Perhaps some obsessed fan found out about my house and seized the opportunity to sneak in while I was away." This wasn't a made-up story to justify moving in with Jing Dan; after parting ways with Jing Shiyue, He Xiang found things amiss in her home. There was an unfamiliar scent in the room, signs of towels having been used, and upon closer inspection, several pinhole cameras were discovered. Jing Dan widened her eyes in shock, "Could someone really do this?" He Xiang nodded. She hadn't expected to encounter such a situation herself, speculating that with the increased acquaintances recently, some less rational fans might have tried to infiltrate her home, unlike Jing Dan's tight security measures. "Check if anything is amiss here too," He Xiang instructed, just to be cautious. Considering that Jing Dan's residence was more publicly known online than hers. "Okay." Following He Xiang's suggestion, Jing Dan inspected the items in the room and bathroom, finding no signs of tampering. He Xiang discreetly used her spiritual power to sweep the entire house, relieved to find nothing unusual. It seemed that Jing Dan's security measures were indeed effective; she could come and go as she pleased due to Jing Dan introducing her to the security personnel, who strictly monitored entries and exits. "Everything's fine," He Xiang sighed in relief. Jing Dan nodded, then asked with concern, "Can you still live in your house in the future?" He Xiang turned to Jing Dan, observing her worried expression, then suddenly asked, "What if I can't live there anymore in the future?" Tilting her head, Jing Dan wondered, "Can't live there? You can come live with me if that happens!" She said decisively, as her place was spacious, and He Xiang moving in would finally put the walk-in closet she gifted to good use! Seeing Jing Dan's resolute offer, He Xiang couldn't blame her if she decided to stay for good this time. "I certainly can't live there anymore. I'll put it up for sale eventually, and until I find a new place, I'll trouble you to stay here," He Xiang said with a smile. But Jing Dan didn't consider it a trouble at all. If He Xiang were to move in, she'd have her two bottles of milk every day! It seemed her New Year's wish had truly come true; how could it be considered a bother? Deciding to stay, He Xiang conscientiously wheeled her suitcase into Jing Dan's bedroom and then asked what she wanted for dinner that night. If it were up to He Xiang, Jing Dan would have a myriad of choices for dinner, quickly listing them out as they walked together. Listening to the long list of dishes, He Xiang couldn't help but suppress a smile. Was this still the same Jing Dan who used to lose her temper at the sight of her? "Alright, however, we just got back, and there won't be any groceries in the fridge, so how about going grocery shopping together?" He Xiang suggested. Go shopping together? Jing Dan blinked in surprise. "Hmm?" He Xiang raised an eyebrow. Was she reluctant? "If I carry the groceries, won't that look bad?" Jing Dan asked seriously. Could she, with her aloof image, carry groceries? He Xiang: "...” She wasn't sure whether to smile or not. In the end, she chuckled slightly, "Let's go to the supermarket; they have shopping carts, so you don't need to carry anything." "Ah, okay." With that settled, Jing Dan felt relieved and followed He Xiang out to shop for groceries. Seeing Jing Dan's concern for appearances, He Xiang found it amusing. How many times had her character been shattered? And she was worried about carrying groceries? Entering the supermarket together, He Xiang carefully chose fresh produce while Jing Dan pushed the cart beside her, occasionally scanning the products, looking for her favorites. Back in Huqing City, they had become more well-known, but due to Jing Dan's distant demeanor while out, many people hesitated to approach, opting instead to snap photos from a distance and whisper in excitement. Their interactions really did seem like those of an old married couple! When they finished shopping, having bought too much to carry back and mindful of Jing Dan's image, He Xiang, fighting back laughter, arranged for the supermarket delivery service. She paid the fee and had the groceries delivered to their door. Jing Dan was pleased. Since the supermarket was close to their residence and they had not driven there, on their way back, they saw the delivery personnel from the supermarket following behind on a three-wheel vehicle, creating a comical scene. —Haha, are they reenacting a drama! —Hahaha, I can't help but feel that the three-wheeler trailing behind them doesn't quite fit their image! —Please, Mister Driver at the back, can you go a bit faster! Deliver straight to the destination and let them be! No need to sluggishly tail behind them like this! The two were unaware of the amusement they sparked online. Upon returning home and bringing the groceries inside, He Xiang began preparing dinner. Now that she was staying there, she had to take on more responsibilities. Ensuring the homeowner was well-fed was a crucial task! And thus, the two began living together. Once He Xiang had sold her house, she would be essentially homeless and need to appeal to the landlord – Jing Dan. However, one day, the landlord inexplicably became angry. She refused to drink the milk He Xiang offered and ignored her, even coldly turning away upon seeing her. Confused by the sudden change, He Xiang struggled to understand. All she did was go out for dinner, why was the landlord acting this way? And it seemed like the anger was directed at her? If it were directed at someone else, the landlord would have come to express her grievances; that's what He Xiang would have done at least. "What's wrong?" Seated beside her, He Xiang looked at Jing Dan's icy expression, feeling a sense of nostalgia creeping in. It had been a while since she last saw Jing Dan giving her the cold shoulder, and now that she witnessed it again, there was a sense of novelty. Sitting down, as the landlord's perfume, not belonging to He Xiang, wafted around her, a sinking feeling enveloped her. Rising with a cold demeanor, she returned to her room and sprayed perfume towards He Xiang as she came out! Startled by the sudden spray of perfume, He Xiang froze in place, "..." Why did this scene feel so familiar? Upon closer reflection, she couldn't help but smile faintly. Wasn't this the same as when she was still a young lad and, after an encounter with the Bureau personnel, Jing Dan came back and sprayed perfume on herself to get rid of any lingering scents? So, this time, did she catch a whiff of someone else's scent on her and feel a little annoyed? "What's wrong? Do you find the scent on me unpleasant?" He Xiang asked, looking up at her. Seeing Jing Dan smiling even as she sprayed perfume at her, He Xiang felt a wave of confusion. So, Jing Dan went out for dinner with Xu Yu tonight and didn't come back for dinner here! وداع سبتمبر يا شطـــــان.setUsername:hecate-Password:193248936228شانج موون。 Thinking of what Hu Tu said, and suspecting that Xu Yu had ulterior motives towards He Xiang, Jing Dan had been itching to witness Xu Yu's schemes for herself. How could He Xiang go out to dinner with Xu Yu without informing her? If she had taken Jing Dan along, she would have been able to see it all! Fortunately, He Xiang was unaware of the reason for Jing Dan's anger. If she knew that Jing Dan was upset because she went out to dinner with Xu Yu without inviting her, who knows what expression she would have seen. It would probably be one of despair, realizing that waiting for Jing Dan to come around might be futile. — When He Xiang emerged from the shower, she found Jing Dan lying on the bed with a sullen expression, turned away from her, clearly still upset. Pausing for a moment, He Xiang hesitated before climbing onto the bed and peeking over to catch a glimpse of Jing Dan's face. In a gentle tone, she said, "Can you smell to see if there's anyone else's scent on me?" At the mention of this, Jing Dan struggled to sit up.