
He Xing also smartly got up. Jing Dan, sitting up immediately, leaned over to He Xing and sniffed around her until she really sensed no one else's scent on her. Her complexion improved significantly, but she still made a slight hum, feeling angry that He Xing hadn't taken her to see Xu Yu together! Hearing her soft hum, He Xing inexplicably felt like laughing. Even when she was angry, she looked so pitiful and adorable. "Can you tell me why you're angry?" He Xing asked softly. She was already upset before having smelled anything on herself, so it was unlikely that the source of her anger was someone else's scent. Seeing He Xing asking her so gently and patiently, Jing Dan didn't want to keep the discomfort to herself. She muttered, "You went out for a meal with someone else today!" "Ah—" He Xing still didn't understand the reason for her anger. Just because she went out for a meal with someone else? Was this not allowed in Jing Dan's eyes? In the past, she had gone out to eat with others, and Jing Dan hadn't reacted this strongly. "You should take me with you!" Jing Dan said bluntly. Without her, how could she see Xu Yu! He Xing was slightly stunned, then looked at Jing Dan's slightly aggrieved expression and couldn't help but smile. "Alright, I got it. In the future, when I eat out with others, I'll definitely take you with me!" She felt a bit stifled inside. Why was this starting to feel more and more like those clingy girlfriends? Thinking of the term "girlfriend," He Xing's heart felt warm. When would she truly become her girlfriend? Satisfied with He Xing's response, Jing Dan felt relieved. Now that He Xing had promised her, she would definitely not secretly go out to eat with Xu Yu without telling her again. However, she didn't expect that before He Xing could take her to see Xu Yu, she would meet Xu Yu first without He Xing's knowledge. This goes back to when she went to the set to check on the shooting progress. She had only intended to inspect briefly, but unexpectedly found Xu Yu in the actors' dressing room, professionally applying makeup to the actors. Her professional demeanor easily suggested she was a makeup artist. Their eyes met as Xu Yu raised her head. After finishing her work, Xu Yu took the initiative to invite Jing Dan for a chat. The two found a café nearby and, after ordering two cups of coffee, they simply gazed at each other without speaking. Seeing this woman up close, Jing Dan realized she looked even more beautiful than in the photos. A kind of charm was displayed vividly on her, coupled with her eyes that always carried a hint of seduction, making her look more like an enchanting fairy. Unfortunately, she couldn't enchant Jing Dan; she remained expressionless. Observing her stoic expression, Xu Yu lightly chuckled and said, "Miss Jing, I've heard so much about you." Jing Dan remained poker-faced and just nodded coolly. Feeling a bit uneasy about the fact that this woman liked He Xing, Jing Dan felt there was an awkward taste in her mouth. She and He Xing were obviously incompatible! They didn't match at all, there was no chemistry! These thoughts made Jing Dan's expression grow colder. Seeing her expression, Xu Yu smiled faintly and asked, "How long have you known He Xing?" Jing Dan was puzzled by the sudden question. Looking into her eyes, Xu Yu chuckled softly and said, "It's probably less than a year, right? But as for me, I've known He Xing for many, many years." As she spoke, a deeper smile appeared on her face, almost with a hint of nostalgia. "We've known each other for too many years. I know most of her past, and she knows most of mine. We are like the people who understand each other the most in this world. She is like another me to me." Jing Dan's face turned completely cold. She glared at Xu Yu but remained silent. Seeing Jing Dan like this, Xu Yu smiled gently, about to speak, when the coffee was served. Jing Dan picked up the coffee, its bitter American taste spreading through her mouth, making her nose slightly sour from the bitterness. She felt like crying, but Xu Yu was in front of her, and she couldn't show any weakness in front of this person! Setting down the coffee cup, she said softly, "Although you know He Xing very well now, do you think one year with her can compare to the many years of deep connection between us?" Xu Yu tried to make her point with emotion and reason. Jing Dan frowned, finding her words strange. Didn't they contradict what she said before? Xu Yu was left speechless. "But I know many things you don't!" Xu Yu said, raising her chin to display her pride. This made Jing Dan feel even more stifled. She was aware of the time she had known He Xing. How much could Xu Yu really know about He Xing? Xu Yu got up, looking at Jing Dan calmly. "Miss Jing, if you really don't like He Xing, I hope you can keep a good distance and not give her too much unwarranted hope." After saying this, she left. Jing Dan looked at the brown bitter coffee in front of her, suddenly reminded of the pervasive bitterness from earlier. Did she like He Xing? She furrowed her brows, finding this question really hard to understand. How do you even discover if you like someone? And how do you show it? She had watched those TV dramas where people in love would kiss and even end up in bed, but they had never kissed or slept together without clothes like that with He Xing? She sat in the café for a long time, only to be brought back to reality by the sound of He Xing's call. "You working late tonight? Why haven't you come back yet?" He Xing's gentle voice always seemed to carry a smile, comforting to hear. Jing Dan involuntarily pursed her lips, smiling faintly as she glanced at the sky outside, realizing she had been sitting here for too long. "No, I'm coming back now." "Do you need me to pick you up?" Jing Dan was startled for a moment, memories of scenes from TV dramas where someone goes to pick up the person they like after work flashing in her mind. She quickly shook her head, "No need! I can go back by myself!" He Xing on the other end of the phone heard her slightly excited tone, feeling a bit puzzled, but she didn't say anything further. She would ask Jing Dan about it when she returned. When Jing Dan returned, He Xing had already prepared dinner, sitting at the table, leaning her head on her hand and smiling at her. Jing Dan paused in her steps. The scene before her looked so much like those who cooked and waited for their loved one to come back from work. She felt like she must have been brainwashed by Xu Yu. Why did such a common gesture, something that had happened countless times before, now make her overthink things? If it weren't for Xu Yu's meddling and all the confusion, she wouldn't be in this state of constant turmoil! "What are you thinking? Come wash up and join me for dinner," He Xing said. Jing Dan: "...Okay." Would He Xing really fall in love with Xu Yu in the future? And then, like in TV dramas, would they kiss, take off their clothes, and end up in bed? Her face fell, the heaviness in her chest growing larger. (The end of this chapter)