143 - Blue Dragon Rain Dance Society (13)

Martial Alliance's Meeting Hall. In the depths of this place, four individuals stood arrayed before Sa Baekwoon. They were Dang Hwa-seo, Gi Taewoon, Kwon Pyowol, and Jeagal Muyeon. The reason they had gathered was singular. Dang Hwa-seo had reported information she received from Seo Ye. "So, amongst the participants, miners remain. Moreover, it seems they are supported by Cheonha Commerce Guild. Is my understanding correct?" Sa Baekwoon asked with a serious expression. Dang Hwa-seo nodded. "Yes, the information I’ve received suggests so." "The source is the leader of Hao Sect?" "Yes." "It seems they have no intention of meeting us directly." Dang Hwa-seo nodded again. Sa Baekwoon understood. "...I see, even though it’s a matter involving miners, from the Hao Sect leader’s perspective, it’s risky to prematurely extend a hand." The righteous and the unrighteous paths. The difference in their stances created a gap between the two groups, more significant than one might assume. Above all, the current leader of the unrighteous, the embodiment of all evils, Do Eungang, was a man who knew no compromise. Should this information reach his ears, the Hao Sect might instantly face the wrath of the entire unrighteous world. To push for a meeting, disregarding this fact, would not be respectful to the informant. "Advisor." "Yes." "How reliable is this information?" "Very high. Our internal investigations within the alliance also categorized Cheonha Commerce Guild as highly suspicious. Due to the extent of the guild, we refrained from further investigation, but pushing a bit further seems like it could yield meaningful results." Sa Baekwoon was presented with two choices. 'To overlook this matter or to invest considerable effort into an in-depth investigation.' The decision didn’t take long. The peace of the Martial Alliance and the righteous world was at stake. It was impossible to shy away from this task in fear of offending just one commerce guild. "…Understood. Proceed." Even the slightest possibility must be thoroughly explored, a virtue for those in leadership. At Sa Baekwoon's words, Jeagal Muyeon bowed. "We will definitely achieve meaningful results." "Please, pass the message to the cabinet as well." "Yes. And how will you proceed with the main event?" "No changes. Don’t forget, this mission is highly confidential." It must not be disclosed. Not just for thoroughness alone. There was one more reason to keep this secret: "If this operation leaks, the list of suspects must not grow." Should this operation leak, it would confirm the presence of a spy within the alliance. Under such circumstances, the few here or some martial artists in the cabinet might be implicated. Further expanding the list of suspects was undesirable. "Thanks for your hard work, everyone." And so, the clandestine meeting concluded. * The main matches of the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Tournament were proceeding splendidly. Having finished the round of 128, the round of 64 now began. This time, the order of matches within the Yongbong Clan was the opposite of the round of 128. First up was Namgung Jincheon, followed by Kwon Dragon Ilwoon, and lastly, Mok Riwon. Despite their different schedules, the clan members, busy with their own training, made time to support each other’s matches. "Sword Dragon brother! Good luck!" "Ah, Mok too. As if Namgung brother could lose here. Our match in the top 16, you're getting cheered for too early, which might look bad." "Jeagal Clan Leader really does have a petty heart. There's nothing wrong with cheering for someone." "...Huh, Monk Hyewon these days does tend to speak harshly?" In no time, Jeagal San and Hyewon had started bickering. The two, having not properly reconciled, would squabble at any opportunity. Ilwoon stepped in, today filling in for Dang Hwa-seo, who was absent due to other commitments, attempting to manage the group. "Let's all calm down and stop this. Dang Clan Leader will reprimand you severely." The two flinched and then promptly looked away from each other. Observing the entire scene, Seo Ye had to force an awkward smile. 'These are the future pillars of the righteous martial world….' Could the righteous path really be okay like this? Such a thought unavoidably crossed her mind. Soon after, Seo Ye shook her head. There was no reason to ponder. What could she, belonging to the unrighteous path, possibly do concerning their future? Seo Ye quietly closed her eyes and cleared her mind, then smilingly said to Namgung Jincheon, "Can I look forward to it?" "Expectations are beneath it. Didn’t Jeagal San tell you? This match holds no meaning for me." Namgung Jincheon replied, arms crossed. The arrogance visible on his firm face stemmed from confidence in his martial arts. Seo Ye thought to herself, 'The opponent in today’s match…' He was the young head of one of the Five Great Families, belonging to the Dao of the north’s Habuk's Paeng Clan. Despite being a young head, he was over thirty, so he wasn't considered a late-stage martial artist. "Even though he's a young head of another Great Family, you can say that?" "No one can expect equality with me simply based on their position." "Even the Martial Alliance Leader?" "...The Leader is a transcendent martial artist. He is not my equal." Namgung Jincheon turned away. Aha, evasive to inconvenient questions, it would seem. Trying to project confidence, Seo Ye found the attempt rather charming. She giggled as she approached Namgung Jincheon and whispered, "Don't forget about our bet, okay?" A statement carrying both support and provocation. Namgung Jincheon's eyes widened, a faint blush starting to appear on his face barely noticeable unless looked at closely. "...Asking the obvious." Namgung Jincheon abruptly turned away. "I'll be back." His steps, from Seo Ye's perspective, seemed rather hurried. "Sly, aren't you?" Such is the way of men, it seems. Seo Ye turned around, noticing the clan members looking at her with odd expressions. Smiling innocently, as if puzzled by their stares, she asked, "What is it?" The clan members quickly shook their heads in unison. * The arena filled with shouts of excitement. Apart from Mok Riwon's opening match, there hadn't been such fervor, almost as if this particular match warranted the immense uproar. It was a match between the young heads of two of the Five Great Families. Namgung Jincheon, known to be unmatchable in the next generation for his dao art, and the Extreme Dao Paeng Do-wol of the Habuk's Paeng Clan, were about to spar. The martial world judged this showdown as too close to call. Namgung Jincheon's talent was, without a doubt, phenomenal compared to Paeng Do-wol. However, time hadn't flowed equally for the two. Namgung Jincheon, with all his overflowing talent, was still considered unlikely to win against Paeng Do-wol—who was born a decade earlier and grew up with every conceivable luxury aiding his martial growth. Yet, there were those predicting Namgung Jincheon's victory. And others, calling these people fools, consistently bet on Paeng Do-wol's win. Such circumstances obviously led to a bustling betting market somewhere within the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Tournament. "The votes are exactly split 5 to 5 for this match!" "I’ve placed my bet on Extreme Dao! How about you?" "It has to be Sword Dragon for me!" Such conversations filled the air. Amidst this intense atmosphere and the financial stakes involved, Paeng Do-wol said, "It’s been a while. Remember when I visited during the last Yongbong Assembly?" Namgung Jincheon tilted his head. Did they meet before? He wasn't sure. Back then, his thoughts were solely occupied by Mok Riwon, who had provoked him right as the assembly began. Namgung Jincheon pondered for a moment on what to respond, and Paeng Do-wol, gauging the mood, laughed heartily. "…Consistent as ever. I guess I’ll have to put my utmost effort into the duel to catch your interest." "Extreme Dao Paeng Do-wol. I haven’t forgotten." "Should I be thankful that at least my name was remembered?" Sshrring— Paeng Do-wol drew his sword, and Namgung Jincheon did the same. Amidst this, Paeng Do-wol inquired, "By the way, how is the Ink Dragon doing?" "Hm?" "My sister is quite enamored with Ink Dragon. Remember her? There was even talk of betrothal with you at one point. You dismissed her, saying you had no interest in a child." He remembered. Paeng Ji-wol, the only daughter of the Paeng family. Namgung Jincheon scoffed at the thought of her being infatuated with the Ink Dragon. "Changing husbands like one changes clothes...a woman without loyalty..." "...I’d appreciate if you did not speak ill of her in my presence. I cannot join in on badmouthing my sister." "I’ll keep that in mind." Paeng Do-wol gave an awkward smile. "Always so unchanging." They took their positions. Namgung Jincheon, too, raised his sword in front. The judge nodded, raised his hand, and without further words being exchanged, as if sensing the calm before the tempest, he swung his hand down. "Begin!" Paeng Do-wol launched forward instantly. When swords clashed, emitting a loud clang, a shockwave burst forth, sweeping across the space. The duel between supreme martial artists unfolded in a manner quite different from those of lesser realms. The density of their intentions and spirit was conveyed through their clashing swords, making the heart race more fiercely. Facing Paeng Do-wol’s powerful martial strength, Namgung Jincheon's eyes became even sharper. Indeed, a confrontation worthy of the young heads of the Great Families. Perhaps the old him would have been unable to win. Before meeting Mok Riwon, submerged in his arrogance, he might have conceded that it wasn’t his time yet, cocooned in self-justifications. 'That cannot happen.' Not anymore. The current Namgung Jincheon knew too well the bitterness of defeat, the height of walls to be overcome, and the shame standing still entailed. And one more thing. "Don’t forget about our bet, okay?" Seo Ye's whisper before the match was lingering in Namgung Jincheon’s mind, bringing a flush to his cheeks. Paeng Do-wol showed a moment of puzzlement. That moment of distraction was all Namgung Jincheon needed. He unleashed a powerful force. Zzzeeerrrrrng! The sword, imbued with the mysteries of the Imperial Sword Technique, pushed Paeng Do-wol back significantly. Then, confining him with a surge of energy, Namgung Jincheon brought his sword down fiercely. Kwaaaang! It didn't end there. Yet, a meaningful blow was landed. Namgung Jincheon did not stop. He swung his sword continuously, fueling his will to win even further. Such action deepened his yearning. 'The bet.' A bet determines a winner and a loser. In other words, to be the loser could mean trembling in misery. Namgung Jincheon had said earlier that he would no longer be someone who faces defeat. That reason alone propelled his current efforts, he reminded himself internally. 'I just hate to lose.' He had little interest in the stakes of the kiss. Truly. This thought crossed his mind amidst his sword swings. Chaaaaeng! "Sword Dragon!!! Swoooooosh!!!" Suddenly, the match was over. Turning his head to glance somewhere in the audience, he saw Seo Ye gently smiling, tapping her lips with her index finger. Namgung Jincheon's face reddened even more. "...Sword Dragon? What are you looking at?" Paeng Do-wol could only ask in frustration and puzzlement.