144 - Blue Dragon Rain Dance Society (14) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

The first match of the 64-strong tournament had ended. While Namgung Jincheon, a direct participant, might have been emotionally distant as if his mind wandered off to a bean field, was that really a matter of significance in the grand scheme of the martial world? To those involved, the only thing of importance was that the first contest, a face-off between house leaders, had come to an end, leaving behind a perfect topic of conversation for a drinking session. "Pour the drinks!" Despite the deepening night, the Inn of the Martial World buzzed incessantly with no chance for the lights to dim. Smoke rose here and there as new dishes were being prepared while the aroma of liquor and bursts of laughter filled the streets. Amongst this lively chatter, one could hear such exchanges: "Didn't I tell you? The Sword Dragon stands unmatched! Even the Extreme Realm cannot contest with the Imperial City." "Ah, how can you judge so simply? Did you not see the arena? At that initial move, the momentum of the Extreme Realm wavered. Surely, the Sword Dragon must have employed some strategy to scatter the Extreme Realm's focus." "What! Are you suggesting the young lord of Namgung resorted to underhanded tactics?" "Well, not exactly that but…" Was it cowardice? Indeed, Namgung Jincheon's flushing embarrassment upon Paeng Do-wol's bewilderment was factual. However, that was a backstory unknown to them. The truth remained buried under the ground as always, while conversations shifted towards the next matchup. "Tomorrow, it's the Battle of the Dragon Fist versus the Dragon Sage!" "Indeed! It might not be as explosive as today, but it'll surely be a match worth watching! After all, isn't it a duel between the heirs of the nine factions? Just the depth of martial arts on display guarantees an exchange of profound techniques!" "How exciting!" "Did you know? Odds for tomorrow's duel have been set at 1:1!" "Hmm, a tough call… Where did you place your bet?" The debates continued nonstop, as uncertain about the outcome as with the previous duel. Could the ferocity of their discussions alone explain the emergence of actual fights? In the midst of such atmosphere, Ilwoon, the very person in question, was seated in meditation at the practice grounds, his face more serious than ever. "Tomorrow is the day." The day of the final battle. It was to mark the end of the disgrace at the Dragon Phoenix Gathering and the turmoil within. Silently, he reassured himself of victory. This was not arrogance like Namgung Jincheon's but a form of self-hypnosis. Ilwoon continually reminded himself, promising that this turmoil would be the last, vowing to carry the heart of a monk within. "Ssshh…" He exhaled. Around Ilwoon, the energy of the Yi Jin Jing shimmered in golden light before being contained once again. Upon opening his eyes, unyielding fighting spirit crowded his pupils, barely contained. * The day had dawned. The arena was abuzz with an indescribable fervor. Ilwoon, engrossed in chanting scriptures until the final moment, was managing his internal turmoil. Without it, he couldn't have endured. The passion within his chest was too fiery. And at the end of its direction was one thing: "Victory." He desired nothing but victory. Ilwoon was determined not to accept anything less in this duel. Even as he recognized a growing sense of inferiority, he continued to be immersed in these emotions, reminiscent of a demon's fixation. Ilwoon thought, if he couldn't secure victory today, the unfinished business would undoubtedly consume him like a demon. At that moment, Mok Riwon declared, "Monk Ilwoon! I shall cheer you on with all my might! You must secure victory!" "Right! You know, right, Monk? We're monks! We can't lose face to Mudo!" Hyewon also started cheering, albeit for a sarcastically trivial reason. Ilwoon couldn't help but smile wryly. "Yes, I must win." And he brought his palms together in a sign of prayer. "I shall return." With that, Ilwoon stepped onto the stage for the match. * Hyun Gong, too, was reflecting upon past events until the moment he stepped onto the arena. It wasn't about Ilwoon. To him, Ilwoon was merely another late-stage martial artist devoid of any worth. 'The Alliance has caught on….' What came to mind was the news from the spy this morning about the Alliance's movements, how they had finally begun reaching the level of the Heavenly Merchant Guild. For Hyun Gong, who represented the interests of the religious community in the Central Plains, it was quite the troublesome revelation. Hyun Gong revisited the situation in his mind once more. 'All potentially incriminating elements were erased long ago.' The origins of the funds used to establish the first guild were laundered. The wealth accumulated and the blood spilled in the process were all buried. The Heavenly Merchant Guild of today was nothing more than the result of a fortunate young man's blood, sweat, and tears. Any connections to the mines, to those who had supported them, were considered unknown to the guild. The Heavenly Merchant Guild had that sort of power. 'But….' Still, there were inevitable worries. Among them was So Gyojoo, whose madness was worsening with each passing day. If So Gyojoo were to reveal his madness infused with demonic energy during this tournament, it would be a great debacle. What to do? As his thoughts continued, an answer emerged. 'I should lose this match.' He couldn't afford to waste time on the tournament. It was crucial to manage So Gyojoo more closely. Hence, swinging the sword carelessly and then conceding should suffice for today's match. Hyun Gong decided with a smirk, realizing Ilwoon stood opposite him. "It's been a long time." It was quite evident from his face, brimming with fighting spirit, hardly befitting of a monk. Then again, having observed Ilwoon over the years at each Dragon Phoenix Gathering, he seemed more akin to a warrior than a monk. While he seemed to pursue the way of the Buddhist, upon reflection, this trait only manifested when he was suppressing his temper. "It's all too visible." Born into the Ma family of the Demonic Six Paths, a lineage that had traditionally played the role of strategists within the Demon Cult, Hyun Gong had spent his entire life concealing his true self. Naturally, he had undergone almost lifelong training in reading people's expressions, allowing him to discern the constantly suppressed aura of aggression in Ilwoon's visage. "After the Dragon Phoenix Gathering, here we are, facing off once again. I look forward to it." Ilwoon smiled slightly, which only seemed to deepen his fighting spirit. "Indeed…" A troublesome opponent. Hyun Gong thought as he drew his sword. * "Begin!" With the referee's signal, the match commenced. Ilwoon clenched his fist, recalling the patterns of their previous encounters. 'The Dragon Sage never strikes first.' Hyun Gong, the Dragon Sage, had a laid-back demeanor even in combat, not so much out of confidence but because of the martial philosophy pursued by martial artists— the art of borrowing and redirecting force. Tai Chi Wisdom Sword. It was a secret technique passed down to the principal disciples of the martial sect, and Hyun Gong was its inheritor. If an opponent attacked, he would twist that energy and counter with double the force, making it likely for one to be overpowered if they used a major move right from the start. 'Be wary.' Ilwoon advanced with caution, closing the distance in a flash to where a simple reach would suffice to make contact, and then a straight punch. Boom! A shockwave fluttered the robes. "Aren't you going to counter?" "It felt like we were just exchanging greetings." Hyun Gong smiled faintly, prompting Ilwoon to sharpen his gaze. 'He won't fall for shallow tricks.' Thinking so, Ilwoon thrust his other fist forward. The moment his punch was blocked by the sword, anticipating this, Ilwoon spun, aiming his elbow at Hyun Gong's waist. That instant, a burst of energy flowed from Hyun Gong's body, a clear pale blue energy touching his skin. Ilwoon, too, activated the energy of the Yi Jin Jing. 'If I get caught up, I'll be defeated!' The Tai Chi Wisdom Sword is a martial art that pulls one into its flow. If bewitched by its guiding energy, one would surely fall. Ilwoon gritted his teeth, releasing a more potent burst of energy. 'I can withstand this!' It's the immovable martial philosophy of the Yi Jin Jing. Like a firmly rooted tree, it centered one's mind, standing firm against the pulling flow of martial arts. As long as the will was strong enough. "Ha!" With a shout, he dispersed the flow. Unrelenting, sensing Hyun Gong's wavering energy, Ilwoon thrust his fist forward once again. Though Hyun Gong swiftly retreated, it was of little concern to Ilwoon for his launched energy strike was on its way. Bai Bu Shen Quan. A martial art among the top of the Shaolin's seventy-two sacred arts, capable of hitting a target up to a hundred steps away depending on the mastery level. Ilwoon could strike about twenty steps away, and Hyun Gong had only retreated by about eight. It was within striking distance. Hyun Gong's eyes widened, but he soon regained his composure. Meanwhile, his sword traced a smooth path through the air, sending back the energy Ilwoon had fired towards him. "I anticipated as much!" How could he not have expected it, having been caught by such a tactic before? Ilwoon countered the returning energy with another punch. Bang! A golden energy burst clashed in mid-air, obscuring the view. Yet, Ilwoon could still sense his opponent. Without hesitation, he continued his assault, surpassing four, then thirteen punches, until the space became enveloped in swirling energies. "Woooooah!!!" While the crowd's cheers intensified, Ilwoon ignored it, along with the pounding of his excited heart. He simply punched, driven by the desire to rid himself of the vigor within his chest. Boom! He launched another punch, this one carrying even greater force than before, clearing the dust and golden energy that clouded the view. Hyun Gong stood unscathed, without a single mark on him. Ilwoon felt a slight sense of defeat but wasn't ready to give up, preparing for the next move. With one hand open and the other clenched into a fist, standing with his feet shoulder-width apart, Ilwoon faced forward. He refined his energy flow. 'A technique not yet mastered.' But a challenge was necessary. After all, if the Bai Bu Shen Quan was merely returned by the Tai Chi Wisdom Sword, how could he continue to resort to it? If not for this move, victory was impossible; it was worth the attempt. Ilwoon steadied his breath. The energy, clear as a bell’s toll, enveloped a radius of one jang around him, ready to launch. Changrang. Hyun Gong dropped his sword to the ground. "I concede. The depletion of my energy is severe to the point where I can no longer hold my sword." Saying so, he smiled awkwardly as if embarrassed. For a moment, Ilwoon's face went blank, unable to grasp the meaning of the words immediately. Too startled by the sudden turn of events, he found himself unable to say anything, merely opening and closing his lips. The energy, reflecting his state of mind, had already dissipated into the air. This wasn't the outcome he had desired. Not this kind of duel, not this kind of conclusion, not this unsatisfactory feeling. What Ilwoon sought was a battle where everything was on the line, and victory was firmly grasped in the aftermath. Rejection, objection. Just as these thoughts flickered through his mind, preparing to voice them, the referee's announcement came sooner. "Victory! The Dragon Fist, Ilwoon!" Hyun Gong bowed and then left the spot. Ilwoon could only stand there, rooted to the spot like a stone statue.