
Chapter Sixty: It's Mine He Xiang couldn't quite articulate her current mood. She had never imagined that Madame He would do something for her, but now seeing her paving the way for her future, her emotions were indescribable. "After you make your decision, come find me," He Yuan said calmly. Jing Shi Yue turned to Qiu Shu Huai, but Qiu Shu Huai shook her head. It wouldn't work. If someone wanted to harm Jing Shi Yue and knew about their relationship, all they had to do was kill her, and Jing Shi Yue would be doomed! Seeing Qiu Shu Huai shaking her head, Jing Shi Yue did not give up. With many people around, it wasn't a good time to discuss their matters openly. She planned to talk to her later when they were alone. Jing Li looked at He Yuan. She didn't expect anyone else to have a solution, let alone one that involved such a great risk. She could see that He Yuan, with her confident proposal to divide the demon core, was able to handle the risk with ease. This person reminded her of someone, the genius that the White Crane Clan had always been proud of. "I haven't asked yet, what is your name?" He Yuan raised his eyes and said softly, "He Yuan." Jing Li secretly thought that except for the genius the White Crane Clan was so proud of, no one else could have the ability to say those words. Jing Dan poked her head out from He Yuan's arms and looked at He Xiang eagerly. He Xiang: "..." Before He Xiang could say anything, Jing Dan suddenly felt darkness in front of her and a hand covering her eyes. Jing Dan: "..." The corner of He Yuan's mouth curved slightly, and he stopped teasing her, returning Jing Dan to He Xiang. Jing Dan, back in He Xiang's arms, clutched her clothing tightly, afraid of being taken away again. He Xiang chuckled and rubbed her head. Members of the Jing family: "..." Can't they show a little dignity? Seeing Jing Dan like this, Jing Li felt it was necessary to expedite matters. If they stayed like this, the Jing family's reputation would be tarnished. They didn't want everyone to think they were all as clueless as Jing Dan! He Yuan glanced at the two of them and then said, "I've booked a room at the Yujiang Hotel. If you need anything, you can find me there." "Mom!" He Xiang spoke up. She didn't want her mother to stay at a hotel with her daughter present, did she? "He Yuan, just stay here with us. No need to go through all the hassle of a hotel," Jing Shi Yue suggested. He Yuan shook her head, "I have some personal matters to deal with. Staying at the hotel is more convenient." With her decision made, there was no room for objection. After He Yuan left shortly after her arrival, the group continued their conversations. "When are we planning the next outing?" Jing Shi Yue asked Jing Li. Jing Li shot her sister a look, "I have important matters to attend to! It's not just leisure!" Clearly not convinced, Jing Shi Yue didn't press further. Jing Li turned to He Xiang and then to Jing Dan, a smile on her face, "He Xiang, do you like pandas?" He Xiang looked down at the panda in her arms and smiled, "Who doesn't like pandas? They're adorable!" Jing Li chuckled, but sensed mischief in Jing Shi Yue's smile. "Since you like pandas, we have some eligible suitors in our clan. The family is eager for a wedding. Would you like to meet them? If things go well, you could be married this year and have cubs next year!" Jing Shi Yue, who was taking a sip of water, choked on her drink at her sister's unexpected words, tears almost welling up. Qiu Shu Huai, sensing something amiss, handed her a tissue and patted her back. Upon hearing Jing Li's proposal, both He Xiang and Jing Dan were taken aback. He Xiang couldn't fathom Jing Li's sudden decision. Hadn't she already accepted her as a mother figure? Why this sudden attempt to arrange a match for her? Meanwhile, Jing Dan was utterly flabbergasted. He Xiang getting married and having cubs with someone else? Before He Xiang could respond, Jing Li gave her a look to stay quiet and declared, "It's settled. Tomorrow, I will finish up clan matters. The day after, I will bring a suitable match to meet you. If one doesn't work, there will be another. Rest assured, you'll have a panda to hold every day!" After receiving Jing Li's silent approval, He Xiang looked down at the little cub in her arms, still processing the unexpected turn of events. She hesitated but didn't decline. Seeing He Xiang's tentative agreement, Jing Dan panicked. Clinging tightly to He Xiang, she objected, "I don't want to meet those suitors. I can hold a panda every day with her!" She was the most beautiful in the Panda Clan and the most comfortable to hold! Jing Li, in a predicament, glanced at Jing Dan, "Having you around is not enough. He Xiang is old enough to get married. Once she does, you can't stick to her like this. Her partner won't be happy." Perplexed by Jing Li's words, Jing Dan turned to He Xiang, "Isn't having me enough? Why look for someone else? They aren't as pretty as me!" Though the truth, it was quite self-centered. Initially amused, He Xiang saw the distress in Jing Dan's eyes and realized it wasn't the time to laugh. She intended to help Jing Dan understand the boundaries between friends and lovers. "As long as I like someone and they like me, looks don't matter to me," He Xiang gently removed Jing Dan's hand from her waist. "By the way, when we get back, I'll move out." As her hand was pulled away and faced with He Xiang's decision to leave and the prospect of her marrying someone else, Jing Dan felt a rush of emotions. "Why? Why do you want to move out?" And if you like me, why marry someone else? Concerned for Jing Dan, He Xiang knew she had to make her understand. If they couldn't be lovers, then they couldn't be friends either. "You know I like you, but we're not a couple. Friends don't sleep together like we do," she said firmly, seeing Jing Dan on the verge of tears. Unable to endure more, He Xiang chose to leave before she surrendered to the confusion of their uncertain relationship. "Talk more with Mom at home. I'll pack up and move out." With that, she disappeared. Expecting to grab on to He Xiang, Jing Dan was left empty-handed. Bewildered, she looked at Jing Li, unsure of the sudden matchmaking. Approaching Jing Dan, Jing Li embraced her gently, "Sweetie, you're all grown up. There are some things you may not understand, but liking someone can complicate friendships. In the end, there are only two outcomes - you either become a couple or part ways." Jing Dan couldn't comprehend why friendship wasn't an option anymore. Weren't she and He Xiang good friends? Why the sudden change? Watching the scene, Jing Shi Yue and others couldn't say much. While pushing Jing Dan a little harder might be necessary, leaving her in ignorance wasn't ideal either. It was hard to predict how long one could sustain such feelings for someone who seemed perpetually clueless. --- After leaving her aunt's place, Jing Dan's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. She was upset and distressed by He Xiang's sudden departure and disappearance of her possessions. When she couldn't reach He Xiang on the phone, receiving only a message to not worry, she felt something was amiss. Seeing those four words, she felt puzzled. He Xiang never been so distant before, never keeping her whereabouts a secret. Feeling a wave of emptiness and confusion, Jing Dan's eyes brimmed with tears. In the past, any emotional turmoil would have her seeking solace from He Xiang. But now, it was He Xiang who prompted these feelings, and she felt lost without her. Seeing Jing Xiaodan so despondent, Hu Tu finally decided to leave the office and headed to the stairwell to call He Xiang. "What's going on with you guys? Why is Jing Dan feeling so down?" Hu Tu couldn't wait to ask as soon as He Xiang picked up the phone. He Xiang fell silent for a moment on the other end of the line, shaking her head before replying, "It's nothing. Just letting her understand the boundaries of friendship." Her words weighed heavily on her, but now that things had progressed this far, she couldn't reverse her actions and go back to what Jing Dan considered a comfort zone. Hearing He Xiang's response, Hu Tu paused for a moment and said, "You know how she is. In the short term, you need to make her understand..." "He Xiang," He Xiang interrupted, questioning, "Would she want to sleep next to you or kiss you?" Hu Tu: "How could that be possible."