
She didn't even let me sit on her bed, let alone say we kissed. He Xing's face showed a hint of a gentle smile. "But she has done all these things with me. She's willing to, but she doesn't know what's special about them." "What I need to do now is to tell her the uniqueness of this behavior, something that friends cannot do." Hu Tu fell silent, not even saying the last sentence before hanging up the phone. She knew He Xing was telling the truth, but seeing Jing Dan's dejected look, she couldn't help but feel a bit heartbroken. It's better to end it quickly. Hopefully, Jing Dan can understand it sooner. In the evening, Jing Li came back. She immediately found Jing Dan, very excitedly saying, "Come here, Mom will take you to see something fun!" Seeing her mom come back, Jing Dan's heart subconsciously tightened. She hadn't forgotten her mom's words about introducing He Xing to someone when she came back. Now, seeing her and noticing there was no one else with her, she breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't interested in what her mom described as fun. Seeing her lack of reaction, Jing Li immediately grabbed her and said, "Hurry, we'll miss the excitement if we're late. He Xing is about to go on a blind date at the restaurant. Let's go early, pick a good spot, and watch from the side!" Upon hearing this, Jing Dan immediately looked up, looking incredulously at Jing Li. He Xing is really going on a blind date? Doesn't she like me anymore? Finally, Jing Dan didn't know how she ended up being dragged to the restaurant by her mom. This was the tallest restaurant in Huqing City. At night, you could overlook the entire city, especially the beautiful night view. Jing Li found a seat where they could see He Xing's table, but He Xing and the other person there couldn't notice them. Jing Dan stared blankly at He Xing sitting at the window-side table in the restaurant. There was another woman sitting across from her. Her soft and long hair spread out, dissolving some of the coldness around her, making her look softer. She smiled gently at He Xing. The two of them were chatting happily. However, Jing Dan was filled with jealousy and frustration as she watched. The woman sitting across from He Xing was someone she knew, another candidate for the Panda Clan chief position. She didn't expect her mom to set her up on a blind date! Watching the two of them chatting happily, especially seeing the woman reaching for He Xing's hand, Jing Dan couldn't bear it and wanted to get up, but Jing Li pulled her back! "Dan Dan, what are you doing?" Jing Li pretended not to know. Feeling angry and anxious, especially when she saw the woman holding He Xing's hand and examining something, her eyes turned red. "I want to go over there!" Holding hands in front of her! "Dan Dan!" Jing Li held her back, looking serious. "If you don't like He Xing, don't disturb her. And you saw it, Huaisheng is a good person and compatible with He Xing." "Who says I don't like her anymore!" Jing Dan blurted out, but after saying that, she was somewhat stunned. Do I like He Xing? Jing Li was initially happy but then said with some concern, "You better not just blurt out that you like He Xing because of your possessiveness." Jing Dan was a bit flustered. She didn't know how to be sure whether she really liked her, but she just couldn't stand seeing He Xing with someone else, especially when she saw Huaisheng using her index finger to draw circles on He Xing's palm; that feeling grew even stronger. He Xing belongs to me, she can only be mine! She shook off her mom's hand, briskly walking towards He Xing. Seeing Jing Dan's back as she left, Jing Li smiled helplessly, thinking that she seemed possessive and wondering where she got that from. He Xing didn't show surprise when she suddenly appeared. She looked at Jing Dan calmly. Seeing He Xing like this, Jing Dan felt even more aggrieved. She had been neglecting He Xing these past few days, and now that she was facing her and being treated coldly, it hurt. But the primary concern right now was to drive Huaisheng away. She looked at Huaisheng, holding onto He Xing and not letting go, possessively saying, "She is mine, you have no chance!" Oh? Huaisheng raised an eyebrow. This sight was quite rare. Previously, when she was in the clan, she didn't get so angry even when she fought with the other bears. Now she just had a meal with He Xing, and she's this upset? She raised her gaze, seemingly casually looking in Jing Li's direction, and saw Jing Li poking her head out, gesturing that she could leave. Without saying much more, Huaisheng made to go but before leaving, she lingered, drawing out her words, "Well~ I have no chance indeed. I'll leave, but before I do, let me remind you. If you're going to kiss, do it properly. Were you gnawing on a bone before?" She shook her head before leaving. If she could, she felt like making a few tsk-tsk sounds. Jing Dan: "…" He Xing: "…" She looked a bit embarrassed. What kind of description was that? Although it was quite realistic, could they not use such a crass analogy? Huaisheng left, but Jing Dan was still stuck on her earlier comment about gnawing on a bone. She looked up at He Xing, seeking an answer with her eyes, "Is it really like gnawing on a bone?" He Xing fell silent. Why bring it up again! Seeing Jing Dan visibly deflated, like even her silly hair was drooping, she reluctantly said, "No, she's just talking nonsense!" Encouragement is needed for children; don't dampen her spirit. At this, Jing Dan's tone became lighter, somewhat uncertain. "Really?" He Xing sighed. She had no say in this, did she? "Really," she said helplessly. Jing Dan was happy again, holding onto He Xing tightly, reiterating, "You are mine!" Seeing her so serious and earnest, He Xing remained silent for a moment before asking, "Do you know what you're saying?" Jing Dan, still holding onto her tightly, tightened her grip even more and after a long pause, she said, "Teach me." "Teach you?" "Teach me how to express that I like you!" He Xing fell silent, looking at Jing Dan's determined expression, leaning closer to her and asking, "Are you sure? How to express liking me, but do you really like me?" She paused for a moment at this point and then continued, "Or is it that you're just saying I'm yours because of that possessiveness in your heart?" The breath from He Xing's proximity hit Jing Dan's face, causing her to feel a bit dazed. When she snapped back, she saw He Xing's deep gaze, as if there were vortexes within, tempting her to be engulfed and completely buried in her pupils. "It's not entirely about possessiveness!" Jing Dan retorted. She might feel possessive over friends, but it had never been as intense as it was with He Xing. She couldn't stand He Xing having any involvement with others, not even the hand-holding earlier! "But how do I know if you can differentiate between liking and possessiveness?" He Xing questioned. Jing Dan hesitated, then looked into He Xing's eyes and suddenly leaned in to kiss her before pulling back, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. "I am now willing to undress and sleep with you." (End of this chapter)