Chapter 48

"The efficiency of mana usage also varies, allowing for a greater amplification of physical strength with less mana. The response is peculiarly quick as well. This creates a bit of a disparity." It seemed it would take quite some time to get used to. "It is presumed that the influence of Denok's body plays a part." However, it was mentioned that there’s hardly any difference in appearance. Kaila was not too startled because she had been forewarned that such a thing could happen. Yet, adjusting was not easy since the specifications were beyond expectation. There wasn't even time to worry about the mana heart. "Undoubtedly, engaging in real combat does seem to be the surest way..." That was true. Nothing was as effective as actual combat experience. 'But it's too dangerous.' Given that she was not yet fully accustomed to her body, a misstep in combat could result in fatal injuries. Of course, there was a way. "If you do it, do it where I can see you. And make sure your opponent is a weak monster on the level of a goblin." "Are you sure? It seems you are spending too much time on me..." "I am taking care of what I need to. Don't worry." Moreover, it was more beneficial for Kaila to become stronger now. 'The monster wave is not far off.' At least two months, at most four, was the estimation. Without a precise date, the range of speculation had to be broadened. 'And then, there's the change because of me.' In the past, it would have probably been time to start a new village settlement. However, with various incidents erupting this cycle and the subsequent lack of breathing space, new village settlements had been put off. 'But it'll happen eventually, anyway.' From what had been observed during the last reconnaissance, it seemed unlikely that holding off on just one village settlement would prevent a monster wave. The monster population had increased significantly. Once it began, the domain was likely to collapse more rapidly than in the past. 'It wouldn’t be strange for the mercenaries defending the outpost villages to return to the fortress at any moment.' News had arrived that Langbing was becoming able to move around. A collision with the Baron Owalan and the Merchant Alliance seemed imminent. "Then, may I count on you today?" '...It seems she was waiting for me.' There was a peculiar feeling of being ensnared. Since the timing was good, I accepted her request and went out for combat training, taking Specter with us. That day, Kaila fought merely three goblins, yet she allowed a few of their attacks through. However, she sustained no serious injuries, nor was she poisoned. Despite the considerable setbacks of the day, Kaila’s face never lost its smile. The first night, Despite many mistakes and failures, Kaila’s expression remained bright. I, too, refrained from admonishing her. For what point would there be in scolding someone still in recovery for letting herself be hit squarely by a goblin? 'As long as she improves.' Indeed, facing merely three goblins, she showed significant improvement compared to before the real combat experience. Especially after enduring direct hits, her progress became all the more evident. "Do you plan to spend the night in the cellar again today?" "No. I’ll take a proper rest tonight. Aren’t we going out for real combat tomorrow again?" "I also want to maintain the best possible condition in case of any contingencies." "Understood." After that, Kaila went off to shower, and I prepared dinner for the two of us. As the domain had been isolated for nearly two months, the food situation was rapidly deteriorating. The price of provisions had started to skyrocket to the point where the lord began to control all food supplies. For us, able to hunt, this posed no problem. Even Atina had noticed the situation and made time from her training to go hunting. Although the situation in the monster forest was reported to be poor, Atina and I could easily make do; she overflowed with talent in that regard, and I had accumulated experience. 'And there's Specter.' Specter and Skeleton No. 1 were kept inside a seal. Skeleton creation was still pending, cautiously so. The reason for this delay was tied to the expectation of acquiring quality corpses should a proper conflict break out. As most of the reagents were used up, any trace of black magic used in the basement had been erased. After Kaila returned and we had dinner together, I also went to wash up and prepare for rest. Kaila was sitting on my bed when I returned to my room. For a moment, I thought I had entered the wrong room. But the interior was unmistakably mine. "Is there something you wanted to talk about?" "No. It's just that, I am here to keep a promise I made earlier." "A promise from before?" I couldn't recall for a moment. But then, I realized what she was referring to. "Haven’t I said that I had no intention of using you as a concubine?" "You did mention that." I believe you, said Kaila. "So, would it bother you if I do this? I was quite confident in my appearance, you see." Many have sought after me, she mentioned. Naturally, it wasn't displeasing. Objectively speaking, Kaila wasn’t wrong. During her time as a slave in Kuman, her beauty was such that mercenaries coveted her. She studied my face before speaking. "It seems you don’t mind." I shrugged in response. "Why would I?" "If so, it's alright. I'm doing this willingly, after all." Kaila glanced down at herself with a hint of disappointment. "I wanted to prepare something more seductive, but it's impossible to find such clothing around here. Though it's just everyday wear, I'll make sure to do my best, so please keep that in mind." "...And what exactly do you mean by 'do my best'?" "I've seen plenty, though I have little, actually, no experience." There’s no point in lying, Kaila added. "When I was a knight in the past, one of the lord's children had set their sights on me. No one dared touch me because of it." Even though that young master was somewhat removed from the line of succession and didn't wield much power, and she, despite being a commoner, was a knight and handled dirty jobs, the lord's son who coveted her couldn't forcibly take her. "Instead, under the pretext of escorting me, he would summon me every night and embrace other women instead." Among those women, there were some who weirdly resembled me, Kaila said. "...Isn't that just twisted?" "I do think he's a scoundrel, but there are far worse people in the world." Such people were common among the nobility, and not limited to them; she had seen many perverted individuals. Dealing with dirty jobs, one comes to know about such matters. "So, I've seen a lot even if I haven’t experienced it. I'll try my best to make sure you feel good." "...Well." If she lacked experience, it didn't seem like it would go as she imagined. 'I'd probably do better.' If she wanted to do it herself, I had no reason to refuse. I slowly moved to sit beside Kaila and asked. "So, I’d be your first... You won't regret it?" Kaila answered with an unwavering voice. The conversation ended there. I then took her by the shoulder and brought my face close to hers, and Kaila naturally closed her eyes. Our lips met briefly before I penetrated her mouth with my tongue. Kaila, slightly startled, gingerly opened her lips to welcome my tongue and clumsily tried to entwine hers with it. With a gentle grip on the back of her head and her waist, I naturally laid her down on the bed while continuing to kiss her. Even as Kaila was being laid down, she clung to my neck, desperately sucking on my lips and tongue, focusing on the caress. In the meantime, I slipped out one hand and lifted her dress upwards. "Ah!" Kaila opened her eyes in surprise. However, upon locking eyes with mine so closely, she quickly shut them again. My hand naturally stroked Kaila’s thigh. True to her knightly stature, her firmness was palpable. While she lacked the softness typical of female bodies, the pronounced line of her moderate muscles demanded attention. Her body's twitching reactions to my touch strangely accelerated my heartbeat. Upon parting our lips, Kaila quickly wiped her mouth and swallowed her saliva hurriedly. "You said you’d satisfy me?" "...You’re quite familiar with women, it seems. I feel somewhat petty. Your kisses and touches..." I had no choice but to be familiar. Back in my first cycle, I was to be sold into the upper ranks as a pleasure slave. I had received plenty of this kind of training by then. "...Well, what I did just now was pretty standard." It was just that Kaila, with all she'd seen, might have felt that way. "Just do as you please. Whatever you do... I won't resist." 'Well, I'm used to that too.' My training had focused more on being the one providing service. With her permission, I began to move as I wished. One hand started at her cheek and slowly moved downwards, while the other began at the back of her thigh and gradually moved upwards. Kaila's face turned red as she felt me explicitly exploring her body's lines, but as she said, she did not resist. Starting from her face, I teased the back of her neck, then gently stroked her collarbone. The other hand slipped under her dress to grasp her buttocks. "...Hmm?" But the sensation felt strange. "You're not wearing underwear?" Kaila turned her head away, avoiding a direct answer. Curious, I placed my hand on her chest, and under the dress, I felt the softness of her skin. I whispered into Kaila's ear softly. "So you were planning to be devoured?" She let out a small gasp. Seemingly not expecting such a direct whisper, Kaila's body jerked in response. "Then I'll do as you expect." I turned her to her side and embraced her from behind. Nibbling gently on one earlobe and weakly sucking on it, one hand caressed her chest over the dress while the other hand moved down, exploring the inside of her thigh. She let out a breath as if embarrassed, her hands reflexively grabbing mine that ventured to her chest and the inside of her thigh, though without any strength. Her not-so-averse reactions encouraged me to continue massaging her chest and caressing the inside of her thigh, leading her to place her hands over mine, breathing heavily. 'Does she enjoy this?' Observing Kaila breathing out hotly, I wondered. Soon, her dress had shifted to reveal almost all of her body. I lifted my body to naturally undress her, admiring the view of her naked back. "...I'm embarrassed." "Strict during the day, but cute at night..." That's when, observing her body, I noticed something odd. "Kaila, your... slave mark..." "...Yes. It's gone. I realized it recently. It seems to have disappeared during the body's reconstruction." Yet, all this time, she steadily called me her master.

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