Chapter 49

"...Are you not pleased? If you wish, I can reapply the slave's mark..." "No, it's fine." Such things, they weren't needed. There was that much trust between us. I embraced her from behind and naturally pressed my lips against hers. Kaila accepted my kiss with a more relaxed expression, and I reveled in the feel of her while holding her in my arms. After the kiss ended, I too stripped off my clothes. She looked at my body with a slightly surprised expression. "...You're almost without scars. Your body is clean." In the previous rounds, it might have been different, but in this round, there had yet been no reason to sustain significant injuries. I had memories and experiences from past rounds, and I had quickly acquired armor this time. Thus, I had managed to avoid being wounded. Seeing my body, she instinctively curled up, concealing her own body. I approached Kaila, who was huddled up, and as I came directly in front of her, she muttered softly. "I somehow feel... inadequate." "You're beautiful, why would you say that?" "There are so many scars... My body seems closer to a man's than a woman's." She said she had been proud of her body, but in this moment alone, she seemed embarrassed. "Well, if you say that body looks like a man's, that's quite the misunderstanding." There was indeed muscle definition, that much was true. But it was by no means excessive. There was no reason for a mana user to have overly developed muscles in the first place. It was merely how Kaila herself felt. Hidden beneath her armor, her volumes were easily above average, and what muscles she did have only contributed to a sense of vitality. "You're more than beautiful enough. You can be confident." "Are you planning to stay like this? You told me to do as I please, didn't you?" Perhaps persuaded by my words, Kaila's body slowly relaxed, revealing herself to me without reservations. I slipped my hand beneath her breast, whispering in her ear. "Where would you find a man with breasts like these?" The weight in my palm was extraordinary. Even through her clothing, I had felt them, but now I wondered how she hadn't felt suffocated by them. My words seemed to reassure her a bit as I felt Kaila's tension gradually easing. I laid her down, caressing her body everywhere — shoulders, chest, sides, abdomen. As I methodically stroked her and then kissed her all over, she embraced me and exhaled ragged breaths. I enjoyed exploring her body and her reactions. 'Generally, she's quite sensitive.' Sssh "Ah!" Especially sensitive around her nipples. Kaila showed an unguarded expression as I caressed her, embracing me tightly. "Pant, pant..." When I placed my hand on her lower belly, it was evident without looking inside that she was already thoroughly wet. Turning my gaze to her face, I found her spreading her legs before me, covering her eyes. She seemed a bit embarrassed. I stroked her thigh once and then positioned myself at her entrance. She twitched. Looking again at her face, Kaila had moved her hands away from her eyes and was now looking at me. After hesitating for a moment, she reached out her arms towards me. It seemed she couldn't say it outright. With a slight smile, I entered her while letting myself fall into her embrace. "Ah!" Kaila was tight. The immediate tension around me confirmed it was her first time — and the intense pressure around my member was unmistakable. Naturally, there was no hymen. She had once been a knight. Given the rigorous training associated with her profession, it would have been destroyed long ago. 'She does ride, after all.' However, this being her very first consensual encounter added a layer of unfamiliar sensation she struggled to adjust to. She held me tightly with her hands around my neck and her legs around my waist, focusing on the sensation she felt within for a while. "Did you calm down a bit?" "Yes..." "Does it hurt?" "It's just... surprising because it's my first time feeling this." We whispered to each other in embrace. "You can move now. I'll try my best to tighten." "Hmm? Wasn't I supposed to be the one tightening for your pleasure?" The princes she had faced always became more demanding in their fervor, instructing her to tighten more. Hearing such innocent words from her made me momentarily puzzled. "...Alright, go ahead and try your hardest..." With a somewhat resigned feeling, I started moving slowly. Kaila let out soft moans to the sensation of the man stirring inside her. "Ah, ah..." Her claim of trying her best to tighten wasn't false, as she exerted effort with each movement from me. However, she soon seemed to realize it was inefficient, relaxing to let me enter and then tightening as I drove deeper, trying her best to enhance my pleasure. I sat up, grabbing her hands and looked down at Kaila. Her face was flushed with a tinge of pleasure, yet she was also focused on observing me. "Ah... Master. Is it, pleasing to you?" Instead of responding, I kissed her briefly, and she smiled, relieved, wrapping her legs around my waist. Every thrust made her upper body rock appealingly, and each time I pulled away, Kaila tried to keep me close, looking disappointed. I let go of her hands to grip her swaying breasts. "Gasp..." Her hands, having lost their place, started moving down slowly to my shoulders. "Ah..." Now it was my turn. Whether because of the pleasure from having her breasts touched or from learned behavior, it was unclear, but Kaila raised her hands to my chest, gently caressing with her fingertips. Hearing my light moan, she smiled satisfactorily despite being penetrated. In a sort of revenge, I thrust into her more forcefully. "Eek!" Kaila's legs unwrapped from around my waist, and I immediately took them, spreading them wide. "Ah, ah..." Despite the embarrassing position, Kaila's hands didn't stop. Just like I had caressed her, she explored my body, trying to find where I felt the most pleasure. However, failing to find a spot as effective as my nipples, her hands eventually returned there. But soon, Kaila's movements halted. "Ah..." When I moved up her legs and grabbed her ankles, she clenched tightly around me. "Ah! Ah..." Testing a theory, I started caressing and nibbling on her right ankle, to which she reacted swiftly. It seemed one of her most sensitive spots was this leg that I had healed. I looked down at Kaila with a wide smile, rubbing and licking her right ankle as I shook my hips vigorously. "Ah! Ahh! Ah!" Her moaning grew louder until her body reacted strongly. Kaila's foot curled, her hips twisted slightly, and she arched her head back. Inside, it was even more intense. She clenched and unclenched around me wildly. Soon, she stretched her arms, wrapping them around my neck, and pressed herself against me. I let go of her legs and hugged Kaila as she clung to me. She wrapped her legs around my waist and convulsed in pleasure for quite some time. "Pant, pant..." As the afterglow of pleasure faded, her body relaxed. She slightly pulled away within my embrace and said, "I'm sorry. I was supposed to please you, but I ended up..." "This was fun in its own way. It's fine." "…This time, let me serve you." With that, Kaila positioned herself to face me, propping herself on my shoulders and began moving her hips. "Did you learn this too?" "Yes." Though her experience was limited, confidence in her physical ability showed as she quickly found a rhythmic movement. She bounced her hips back and forth, pressed our lower bodies together tightly and rotated, slightly altering the angle now and then to gauge my reaction. Suddenly, as if remembering something, she carefully pulled my face to her chest. My head nestled between her breasts, and I felt their softness against my cheek. However, not comfortable with the face-to-face position, she pushed me down onto the bed and climbed on top to start moving earnestly. "Ah, ah..." Kaila was above me, swaying her body. Her lascivious moans and the sweat drenching her as she strived for my pleasure were incredibly enticing. She soon bent down to bury her head against my chest. Slurp. "Ah..." Probably having noticed my reaction when she targeted my nipples before, she seemed determined to focus there, rolling and flicking them with one hand while her mouth and lips took care of the other, all while grinding her hips against me. Indeed, this area was particularly sensitive, and I could feel a response building up in my body. "Ah..." Seeing my brows furrow, Kaila pushed herself to move her hips even faster. "Ah, ah... ah..." Feeling my response, she too seemed to become excited again as her breath quickened alongside mine. "You can release, ah, whenever you want. I'm, ah, okay with it..." "Ah!" Her words acted like a catalyst. The urge to climax surged quickly, and soon pleasure washed over me from head to toe. "Ah!" As I climaxed, a look of pleasure mixed with satisfaction crossed Kaila's face, and she lightly convulsed, evidently pleased with herself for bringing me satisfaction. After my climax, she collapsed atop my body. "...Were you satisfied?" I stroked her head in response, and Kaila smiled happily. After enjoying the moment for a while, she sat up, moved down towards my lower part, and began cleaning up with her mouth. Although not particularly skilled, her effort to care for me was undeniable and deeply appreciated. After finishing, she curled back into my embrace, and we fell into a satisfied sleep. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw were Kaila's blue eyes. She seemed to have woken up before me and was quietly watching me from my embrace. "Did you sleep well?" "Yes. You?" She responded with a smile. "You're cute." "Huh? Ah, I mean, your smile is cute." The words slipped out before I realized. At my comment, Kaila smiled again in response. After her leg was healed, Kaila had become more expressive than before, but today, she seemed even more so. Perhaps that's why I asked something I normally wouldn't have. "Come to think of it, weren't you avoiding sexual relations?" Given how vehemently she had warned me, risking her life, she had been avoiding such relations.

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