220 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Humans do not live merely to eat and sleep but to dream. It is not enough for me to simply provide for Im Ha-yeon's basic needs; she wouldn't come to me just for that. I need to make working at Daseogak seem like the only way for her to achieve her dreams. To her, I must appear as the sole lifeline, one worth grasping even if she has to set aside some personal feelings. The single lifeline has now been cast. Im Ha-yeon, you have no choice but to grasp it, do you? When I spoke about the benefits awarded to exceptional work-study students at Daseogak, the surroundings erupted in excitement. “Author Ho-pil helping with revisions?!” “Wow. Isn't that better than any award?” “Are you kidding? Winning an award means getting support from the literature society—nothing compares to that!” “Are you writing just to be comfortable? We write to leave our mark on the world! What could be better than having revisions guided by Author Ho-pil, who is known by everyone in Ichang!” “Now that you say it, you do have a point.” “Revisions from Author Ho-pil and a book publication….” “Why isn't my name on the list?” “Get real! Ask that belly fat of yours that eats meat three times a day!” “Ugh. How come my grandpa gave up his official post, and my father became a landlord? Life is unfair!” Though there are some odd remarks, most of the reactions seem favorable. “That wraps up the introduction to the work-study program. Those who have been named as eligible candidates, please gather around me after the event. I will hand out application forms with your names on them. Submit the completed forms by sunset tomorrow.” I ended my speech with satisfaction and descended from the podium. --------------------------- After the literature society event ended and I pulled out the prepared documents, the work-study candidates flocked toward me. “Judge Kang! I'm one of the named work-study candidates!” “Take your application.” “Please give me one too!” While hurriedly verifying personal details and distributing the application forms, the most coveted candidate approached. “Im Ha-yeon, you’re here too. Take it.” Fish are most cautious when they are about to bite the bait. No need to grin unnecessarily. Like an experienced angler calmly casting his line, I mechanically handed her the document. “….” Not taking it? True to form, Im Ha-yeon hesitated to the last moment, debating whether she would die after eating the bait. She reached out, then retracted her hand, wavering. “If you’re busy and still undecided, step aside. Next applicant, please.” I don't particularly care, you know. Trying to sound mildly annoyed, I pushed her document aside. Startled by my tone, Im Ha-yeon shrank back a little and stepped to the side. “I have a question.” As Im Ha-yeon stepped back, a man approached. “Are you an applicant?” I didn’t recall his face among those slated to be selected as work-study students. “No, I just received the encouragement award.” “Ah! I was so preoccupied on stage that I didn't remember faces. My apologies. What can I do for you?” Why interrupt me when I’m about to witness Mu-yeong Shintu biting the bait live? Having received an award, he should be living comfortably, well-fed, and financially supported by the literature society while writing leisurely! Suppressing my irritation, I responded. The man surprisingly asked, “Can I also apply for the work-study program?” Why would an award recipient want to be a work-study student? “Didn’t you just receive the encouragement award? The work-study program is for those who didn't win an award. Award recipients get separate support from the literature society.” “If I forgo the benefits, can I receive revisions from Author Ho-pil?” So that was his aim. “Haha. Is there any need to go to such lengths? With the support from the literature society, you'll naturally produce better work in a more comfortable environment.” “No. I know my writing best. The piece I submitted was one that I had devoted years to crafting. I don't believe that receiving support would result in better writing. I'd rather forgo the benefits and receive revisions from Author Ho-pil a hundred, even a thousand times over.” You must be desperate for feedback. Writing in isolation often feels like losing your way. At such times, you might seek advice from family, friends, or acquaintances, but even that isn't always ideal or easy to come by. I understand your situation. “We have a fixed quota and concerns about fairness, so accommodating that request would be difficult.” No. You’re not a struggling aspiring writer; you’ve already won an award and can receive support from the literature society. There are countless aspiring writers in far more desperate situations. My goal is to accept those who are truly in need of becoming Daseogak employees to sustain themselves. “Is there really no way?” About to refuse outright, I glanced at Im Ha-yeon’s expression. Still hesitating? She looked like someone debating whether to eat instant noodles, then nearing a decision after seeing someone else savoring theirs. Here’s the best solution for you. “There is a way to erase the name on the application of someone who withdraws their work-study application and substitute it with yours, but all the applications are taken except this one.” Take away the noodles she’s about to eat. I subtly touched Im Ha-yeon’s application. “Is this the application of the person who's withdrawn? Then I'll erase the name and fill…” “What are you doing?!” Startled, Im Ha-yeon grabbed the document with a sharp tone. “Didn't you decide not to take it?” “Good heavens! I was just thinking it over! Give it to me!” “Here. Submit it by sunset tomorrow. This time, I won't wait. Make sure you submit it quickly.” “Hmph!” Clutching the document dearly, as if retrieving a nearly lost opportunity, she ran off. Though hesitant, she was going to take it anyway. "Excuse me, is there no application left for me?" "That was the last one." "Oh…." --------------- The next day. Suffering from a hangover because I had a few drinks with the literature society members last night, I made my way to Daseogak, trying not to show it. Should I use my limited energy to either drive out the alcohol from my system using my internal energy or should I save what little energy I have left to receive the documents... While contemplating this like a gamer deciding when to use a rare consumable item, the applicants started gathering. "I brought my application!" "Me too!" "Here it is!" They all came prepared with their application forms. Of course, they did. 'Because I personally selected them.' Using the pre-submitted personal information from the contest applicants, I had assessed each of their family situations. I wanted to make sure that none of them were pretending to be more destitute than they actually were, writing sob stories about their poverty and grateful mothers while flexing their wealth. I compared their attire—whether they were dressed in rags or in fine clothing. Finally, I completed the verification process with the help of the literature society members. Even though the system was designed to ensnare Im Ha-yeon, I genuinely picked those who were in desperate need of assistance. "Am I late?" A man barged into Daseogak. "It's not even noon yet. Hand over your application." "Is it true you’re offering the same pay as a Sichuan laborer’s monthly wage?" The man asked in a tone that suggested he found it hard to believe. "Absolutely. With the usual scribe's salary, one can barely put food on the table, let alone sustain a life." Those working as scribes at taverns are usually teenagers. Though they work at the tavern, their salary is often just meals and pocket change, not enough to be considered proper wages. On the other hand, Sichuan laborers, who carry heavy loads over long distances, have a backbreaking job but earn enough to support their families. "Yes, that’s true. But to offer such pay to a mere assistant... it’s bewildering." "Daseogak is the top-performing bookstore in Ichang, and we can afford to pay such wages. Moreover, helping struggling writers will ensure they repay us by providing outstanding works to Daseogak. So why wouldn’t we help them?" In reality, their wages are part-funded by the Ichang Literature Society and partly by myself. I suggested the work-study program and created the perks for outstanding work-study students, so it's fair for me to take some credit. "Yes, of course. Although I may look shabby, I am not ungrateful." "Understood. In return, remember to focus on your work rather than just thinking about writing." Getting caught jotting down ideas during work hours and getting reprimanded is something Kangmo Writer already experiences enough. "Yes, of course." After lunchtime, most of the applicants had submitted their documents and left. Except for one woman. Where is she, Im Ha-yeon? ------------ 'Is she really not coming?' Looking outside, the sun was beginning to set. I had hoped to see Im Ha-yeon rushing towards me with her pink twin-tails fluttering, but she hadn't appeared. 'I've extended my hand as far as I can, Im Ha-yeon.' I've done all I can. If she doesn't show up now, it's a loss to cling to any more hope. I already have the necessary employees for Daseogak. Although there’s the problem of the former warrior-turned-employee Mu-Yeong Shintu, I can always hire additional guards for a fee. It's time to close up shop. Just as I was about to give up on her... "I'm not late today, am I?" A woman with pink hair peeked her head through the door. "Aren't you late too often?" I asked with a slight complaint in my tone. "The sun is only just starting to set." She pouted her lips in a slightly aggrieved manner. "Hand over your application." As I extended my hand, she rushed into Daseogak and stood before me. "Um, are you really paying the same as a laborer’s wage?" She tried to speak nonchalantly, but her face and eyes were full of anxiety. "Yes." I confirmed, hoping to dispel her worries. "And if I become an outstanding work-study student, you'll publish my book too?" "Yes." "And Author Ho-pil will help with the revisions, right?" "If you've written to a level worth reading, yes." "I’ll work hard." "Then give me your…" Give me the application already. As I reached out, she grabbed my wrist with both hands. What’s this? I don't need your hands; I need your application. "I'll work hard." "…." Im Ha-yeon looked straight at me and said. In her gaze, I saw neither fear nor hesitation, no playful expression, but only the determined resolve of a woman striving to realize an uncertain dream by any means possible. "I'll work hard and become a writer." Her determined look was akin to that of an athlete declaring their intention to win a medal by giving their all. Im Ha-yeon's eyes were filled with unwavering determination. "I'll be cheering for you." As a senior writer. As a supporter of a young woman full of dreams. Looking at her purely, I wished her the best. Im Ha-yeon seemed taken aback as she met my gaze. Got something to say? She soon averted her eyes, fidgeting with her lips and lowered her head, handing over the document. "...Here." As soon as I took the document, she swiftly exited Daseogak. She moves so fast; why is she always late? Just like that friend who lives five minutes from school but is perpetually tardy. I held her document up high. [Work-Study Applicant: Im Ha-yeon] Finally got it. The lengths I went to obtain this one document… In the end, I successfully captured her. Imagining her working diligently at Daseogak, I whispered a small declaration of victory. "Im Ha-yeon, you're mine."