Chapter 221 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

"This candidate should oversee the counter, and this one should be assigned to the field." In the now-empty Daseogak after Lim Ha-yeon’s departure, I was poring over the applicants' documents, contemplating the optimal staff deployment. I anticipated some applicants would withdraw, but to my surprise, they all applied. This means we have sufficient personnel. I should continue allowing those doing relatively easy tasks to keep working, while letting those with harder tasks either leave early, take a day off, or rotate their duties. "Lim Ha-yeon should primarily work on the second floor." With a beaming smile, I reviewed the documents of the most sought-after freelancer in the bookstore market. Anyone who sees her beauty would be so captivated, she’d stay in their thoughts all day. To meet her if she were an official courtesan, one would need to bring an enormous fortune, but now, she can be seen just by visiting Daseogak. Moreover, given her background, she’s equipped with the perfect customer service skills. Truly, she is the ideal person to sell tea at Daseogak! Once we reopen, we might just rake in the money. "Manager Kang! Thank goodness you're still at Daseogak!" As I was envisioning heaps of money, a member of the literary society opened the door and entered Daseogak. "What's the matter?" "The chairman of the literary society has summoned you." ------ What could it be about? I promptly visited the chairman’s residence. I would become busier soon, but I couldn’t refuse a sponsor who provided staff and wages. Perhaps because I subtly slipped away at the drinking party, or because I pretended to drink but spilled the drink on my sleeve in fear of making a mistake while intoxicated. Maybe it was because I secretly replaced the liquor with water. Being summoned without having done anything wrong made me tense. "Have you been waiting long?" The chairman entered the room where I waited and took the top seat. "I just arrived." "Thank you for staying through the entire event from start to finish. You might have seen it as someone else’s business since you're an outsider." Allowing me to select my employees was no easy feat. It wasn’t a random draw; I could choose based on personal interviews. Such effort was expected. But considering how busy I was, summoning me for such a minor reason? “How could it be someone else’s matter? Finding new talent that will become the great trees of Yichang isn’t just anybody’s business.” Contrary to my inner thoughts, I spoke with a smile, feigning disappointment at the suggestion otherwise. “You truly have a gift for saying what pleases the ear. Indeed, I'm not here just to commend you but also to apologize regarding the work-study students." The chairman, who had been laughing heartily, suddenly adopted a serious tone. Apologize regarding the work-study program? Was he unhappy with the fact that Kang Yun-ho's reputation rose, that talents were migrating to Daseogak, and that half the wages were being paid? A fleeting bad premonition crossed my mind. Could he be withdrawing support and discontinuing the program? “Apologize about what?” “When you first suggested the work-study program, I merely thought you were seeking help to hire staff.” “…” That’s correct. “But it seems I misunderstood.” “Misunderstood?” I slightly tilted my head, gazing at the chairman. “What you said on stage resonated deeply with me. You wished to provide hope to those aspiring to be writers even though you were also in a difficult situation. It was not just a formality but a heartfelt sentiment.” Naturally. I've experienced hunger myself. I fell into this world, clawed my way up from the bottom, and eventually became a writer. Conveying emotions was not difficult. "Given my experience as a bookstore owner, I understood the plight of impoverished writers. Having once led a destitute life, it resonated with me deeply." While my primary goal was capturing Lim Ha-yeon, helping struggling literary figures by employing them stood as a secondary objective. "Indeed. Perhaps you noticed, but one of the selected work-study students tearfully thanked me yesterday, saying they were on the verge of giving up but gained the courage to try once more. That deeply moved me, making me reconsider my previous shortcomings." The chairman seemed troubled, likely pondering the events of the previous day. “How could your efforts be insufficient? Nowhere in Hubei have I seen a system as supportive as our literary society’s in recruiting and nurturing new writers. The award winners will surely become the future greats of Yichang.” Had I heard of a contest for new writers during my early days, I would have headed straight to Yichang without hesitation. Such were the groundbreaking support measures of the literary society. “Is that so?” “While some race towards the goal well-fed and in good shoes, others run barefoot carrying their ailing families. Although I am not your equal, I simply wish to aid those who struggle to reach their goal.” “Originally, I considered you a discerning and shrewd businessman for discovering the talent of author Hopyil. However, you are much deeper than I had thought, young man.” The chairman stroked his beard, regarding me with newfound respect. Yes, the chairman likely viewed me as a bookstore owner skilled at spotting commercially viable writings. ‘I need to maintain favorable ties with the literary society.’ As an influential group in Yichang, staying on good terms could only be beneficial. ‘Let’s leverage his changed perception.’ His open acknowledgment of seeing me in a new light definitely signaled increased favor, but also a lowered guard, offering a chance to elevate that favor further. I mustn't stop at being perceived as a talented merchant. I need to leave a lasting impression on the chairman. “The literary society will write favorable articles and support the supply of manpower and employee wages, won't they?” I opened my mouth to further win the favor of the chairman of the literary society. “There is an old Joseon saying: ‘Earn like a dog, spend like a nobleman.’” Let’s start with an unfamiliar Joseon proverb to pique his curiosity. “What kind of saying is that?” “It means that one should not shy away from lowly work when earning money but spend it in a way that brings fulfillment.” “Earn lowly but spend meaningfully?” The chairman will surely recall me, whom he praised for my business acumen, when he hears the phrase “earn like a dog.” Using his own words as a bridge, I’ll naturally illustrate how I spend money like a nobleman, Kang Yun-ho. “I am a merchant. I strive to earn money diligently through my business. However, I have no intention of stacking that money to the heavens or taking it with me to the afterlife. That’s why I hold a particular belief when I conduct my business.” “What belief is that?” “The belief that business is about leaving a legacy for people.” “Leaving a legacy for people?” “Since I’ve started this business, I will support numerous literati in various ways, and selling good books widely will increase people’s joy and knowledge. The more money I earn, the larger this scale will grow. Is this not leaving a legacy through business?” Simply amassing wealth is viewed unfavorably by literati. Especially those well-educated often harbor resistance towards merchants. There’s a reason why merchants were the lowest-ranked in the Joseon class system—scholar, farmer, artisan, and merchant (사농공상, 士農工商). Accumulate wealth to benefit people. My speech on stage, the proposal for the work-study program, and our current conversation will make the chairman believe I genuinely hold such a belief. ‘Plus, I need to gain fame while earning money anyway.’ To continue building my reputation, I must leave behind people who respect me. “Leaving a legacy through business... Hohoho. It seems I was the one who needed to talk more at yesterday's event, not you.” “How could I possibly outshine you, who once worked in the imperial palace? I am simply saying that I will continue to work with such belief as the owner of a bookstore in Yichang.” So please continue to support us. I spoke earnestly, pledging to the chairman of the literary society. The chairman looked at me for a moment before speaking in a deep voice. “…The late owner of Baikga House often said the same thing.” Daewha Lin's grandfather? “You knew the owner of Baikga House?” “He supported me in my younger days.” “I never knew you had such a connection.” “I once agonized for half a day at Baikga Bookstore because I couldn’t afford a few books. In the end, when I decided on one book at sunset, the owner of Baikga House brought the remaining books and told me he would buy them for me, and that I should come anytime.” “Wow.” An endless stream of good deeds from the grandfather. “My decision to support new writers upon my return was due to the support I received from the owner of Baikga House in my youth.” “I had no idea.” “You said you have a future promise with the granddaughter of Baikga House’s owner?” “Yes. I’m operating Daseogak, which was received from Hua Lin of Dangga, the granddaughter who is now recuperating.” “The fact that the only granddaughter and her husband are carrying on the will of Baikga House’s owner so well would have made him extremely pleased if he saw you.” The chairman smiled at me with satisfaction, as if he were the owner of Baikga House himself. What started as an attempt to make a favorable impression has left a much deeper imprint. It worked well. What is the best response I can give the chairman in this situation? “As the owner of a leading bookstore in Yichang, I will continue to operate Daseogak diligently so as not to tarnish the honor of Baikga House’s former owner.” I bowed to the chairman, as if carrying a weighty resolve on my shoulders. “Yes. For a moment, I felt as though the owner of Baikga House had returned when I saw you. Now that I think about it, I cannot stand idle. How should I help...?” Having already given so much help, he wants to offer more? I barely suppressed a cheer of joy. What could he possibly offer? After ruminating, the chairman of the literary society finally spoke to me. “I will cover the entire wages of the work-study students.”