Chapter 227 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

The bookstore manager's responsibilities extend far beyond just tying a bell around a cat's neck. "All staff in charge of first-floor displays, gather 'round. If any books are running low on stock, I've reminded you to report it to the printing room." While they receive plenty of benefits, they must also accept criticism. I proceeded to point out issues to the staff regarding the problems we faced yesterday. "We're sorry. It slipped our minds." "The printing room must operate throughout the day. We need to complete the small print quantities required for the morning as quickly as possible. Make sure there are no mistakes next time." "Understood. We'll keep that in mind!" "I've also set aside some recommended books. Whenever you have time, give them a read. As for those responsible for the printing room, the same applies to you. Why didn’t anyone think to check why there was no report from the first floor yesterday? Didn't I ask you to follow up?" "Apologies. We assumed there were no stock issues from the previous day and proceeded according to the day’s schedule that you provided." "I understand it's hectic. But let's be more thorough. I heard that some of you have experience with printing, which is reassuring, but we must also thoroughly review our work. If materials are running low, request them from our suppliers in advance before stock runs out." "Understood!" "To those in charge of tidying up, don't just stand there idly thinking you have nothing to do. Always pick up any trash immediately and continuously organize the books. Mistakes are inevitable, but let's establish procedures to minimize them." "We'll keep that in mind!" Mistakes will happen in any job. However, if we can reduce errors through constructive criticism, then there must be someone willing to point them out, even if it's unpleasant. "Today, I’ll be visiting our suppliers, so everyone, focus on your tasks." It's a busy morning. After instructing the staff, I headed out of the bookstore. --------- "The type casts break far too often. Isn't the material too soft?" I visited the supplier who provides the lead type for our printing press to address my concerns about the latest batch. "If you keep running it non-stop, of course it'll break! You think casting type is an easy job?! If you have complaints, order from somewhere else!" "Other places mentioned they could do it cheaper than here." "This guy! Can't take a joke, can you! I make these with care!" "Please, take care of this matter." It's impossible for the small printing room attached to our bookstore to handle the entire process of casting lead type. In a bookstore overflowing with paper, we can't risk working with fire, nor can we let the smell of molten lead permeate the café. Someday, when we earn enough, we should set up a proper printing house. Leaving the foundry, I paid a visit to another bookstore. "Are you accepting print orders too? It’s possible, but what about this price?" The bookstore's owner showed me their internal printing room and quoted me a price per copy. "I am aware of the unit costs. Isn't this a bit much?" "My friend, this is the going rate everywhere these days! But why are you looking to place a print order when you have your own printing room at Dasgrak? Are you printing volume three?" "Not quite, but business has picked up lately." "If you're publishing 'Heavenly Winds of Prosperity,' let us sell it. I'll give you a good per-copy rate." The price he offered was tempting, but it wouldn't leave much profit compared to printing the books ourselves with free labor and our own equipment. "I'll come back another time." With faint hope, I inquired at other bookstores, but the responses were the same. It seems we’ll need to print as many copies of volume three as possible before its release. By the time I finished visiting the suppliers, the sun was already high in the sky. While hiring staff has made things physically easier, the burden on me as the manager has only increased. It's like having more arms and legs, but still just one head to control them all. The physical workload has decreased, but the mental strain has doubled. 'I need someone reliable to take on important tasks.' I need a management figure. Living in the Middle Kingdom as an outsider, this is one of the issues. No connections based on blood, regional ties, or education networks. There's no one I can genuinely trust. Since this involves money, the person must be trustworthy. I need someone competent, reliable, and quick enough to handle supplier visits in my stead. There's one person I have in mind, but I’m still pondering when to bring it up. -------- "Manager! Are you here for lunch?" As I settled the bill at the inn where the staff eat, Haso So called out to me. "Ms. Haso So. It's already lunchtime, I see." "Hehe. If you're here for lunch, join us. Ms. Ha Yeon is over there too." Although Haso So didn't specifically point her out, it was easy to spot Lim Ha Yeon. It's easy to notice someone so stunning in a black qipao. Lim Ha Yeon seemed aware of my presence. The moment our eyes met from across the inn, she let out a haughty sound and quickly averted her gaze. If you're not going to acknowledge me, why were you looking? So difficult. 'It would be great if Lim Ha Yeon could take on a management role.' Having a trust relationship formed from a sworn brotherhood is something rare and invaluable. Though the distance between us seems to be decreasing lately, it’s equally hard to discern. It’s tough to gauge how close we really are. 'If I continue to treat her well and build rapport, she might accept a key role.' She has a deep passion for Dasgrak, and I need her. With enough time, I believe I can place her in a management position. However, her extreme enthusiasm for 'Heavenly Winds of Prosperity' delights me as an author but worries me as a bookstore owner. Lim Ha Yeon. Please don’t create any trouble. "Manager?" "Ah! I have a lot of work to do, so I must go. Enjoy your meal." "Why don't you join us for the lunch set……." It's okay. I'm used to eating alone. If I get hungry later, I’ll just take solace in cooking alone like the solitary gourmet Kang Yoon Ho. Ignoring Haso So's disappointed voice, I left the inn. ***** Lim Ha Yeon, after avoiding Kang Yoon Ho's gaze, fell into deep contemplation over the issue that had been troubling her all day. 'I really want to see volume three of Heavenly Winds of Prosperity.' I want to see it. I really want to see it. I want to be the first reader to lay eyes on volume three of Heavenly Winds of Prosperity. Why did he make it clear that volume three was being printed, causing her to be mired in such turmoil? Lim Ha-yeon let out a small sigh of frustration. If only there were a physical distance, even involving umbrellas and windows, it might have been bearable. Why is it that only a single, locked door of the printing room stands in her way? It's as if that door is longing to be opened for her. Lim Ha-yeon found herself gazing at the printing room door numerous times each day, lost in thought. 'I know the security situation in Dasagak inside out.' Dasagak, being a state-of-the-art bookstore, had excellent security. Unauthorized entry would be difficult for any ordinary thief or intruder given the bookstore's well-locked premises. Of course, she could manage it, though. In her mind, Lim Ha-yeon had mapped out Dasagak's security and vulnerabilities. Though she didn't particularly want to, she couldn’t help but see all the flaws; it was the thief in her that she'd been trained to be. After much deliberation, Lim Ha-yeon came to a small conclusion. Breaking in was possible. Even if she had to infiltrate from outside, it wouldn’t take long to get to the printing room. Would that mean she could see Heavenly Winds of Prosperity? ‘No. I must resist.’ She squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the tempting thoughts swirling in her mind. If word got out that someone had broken in, author Ho Pil might be so shocked that he'd stop writing altogether. She dreaded that awful possibility. And then... ‘...that man trusts me.’ She recalled the face of the man who had trusted her. A man who knew what she was trained in, who understood the stories she cherished. Yet, he had asked her to keep an eye out for any suspicious figures around the bookstore. 一 No one dreams of jumping over someone else's wall. 一 Even if they know how to jump over walls, it’s not their dream to do so. ‘Kang Yoon-ho, that man believed in me.’ He had said he didn’t want her to become a thief. The daughter of the Silent Phantom Thief, and a disciple of the same—yet Kang Yoon-ho had grasped her wrist with a trusting look on his face. A strange, tickling sensation bloomed in Lim Ha-yeon’s chest all of a sudden. ‘Still, if I sneak in at night just to take a look...’ But that strange feeling was soon overshadowed by her heavy dilemma. Should I sneak in quickly and read it? No. How could I read the Heavenly Winds of Prosperity in haste, under the cover of night? To savor every word, I should read it in my own room. Lim Ha-yeon continued to wrestle with an unbearable temptation, no matter how hard she tried to resist. “Sister?” “Ugh... I really want to read it.” Heavenly Winds of Prosperity, volume three—it was a powerful attraction. Lim Ha-yeon felt so distressed that she almost wanted to mess up her neatly arranged hair she had spent all morning fixing. “Sister?!” “Huh?” Hearing Ha So-so's loud call, Lim Ha-yeon barely managed to gather her wits. “Manager Kang isn’t coming for lunch.” “I figured as much.” “For saying you knew, you sure put your chopsticks down first when you saw he wasn’t coming.” Ha So-so remarked while pointing at Lim Ha-yeon’s chopsticks, which had been set aside. “...I just didn’t want to wait around watching others eat.” With a slight pout, Lim Ha-yeon feigned nonchalance, pretending she was indifferent. “Sister, do you have something on your mind?” I want to see Heavenly Winds of Prosperity, volume three. Lim Ha-yeon restrained herself from blurting out the eager words and spoke instead: “It’s a bit hard to explain.” Would it be a crime not to open a door she could easily unlock? Reading a book, is that theft? But no. Betraying the trust of Ho Pil and that man... No. It’s not about him; it’s Ho Pil that matters. What am I even thinking? Lim Ha-yeon’s head was a mess. “Is it something you find hard to discuss with me? Is it something to do with Manager Kang?” Ha So-so narrowed her eyes, grinning as if she knew everything. “Why bring him up all of a sudden?” Her words missed the mark, but aimed squarely at a sore spot. Lim Ha-yeon unintentionally raised her voice, questioning back. “Ah! So it is. Hehe.” “As if!” Why is Ha So-so smiling like that? Lim Ha-yeon, despite her denial, felt a small sense of defeat as if she had somewhat conceded the point. “Is it something Manager Kang could help with?” Would he hear me out? No way. How could I tell him, "I don’t want to be a thief, but I want to sneak a peek at Heavenly Winds of Prosperity"? “I told you, it’s not.” “If it’s something Manager Kang could help, talk to him. He’ll definitely listen.” Ha So-so's grin was widening. “Why would I...” “Hehe. Don’t you know? Really?” “What?” What on earth is she going on about? Lim Ha-yeon listened attentively, intrigued by Ha So-so’s enigmatic comments. “Manager Kang likes you, Sister.” “Whaaat?!”