Chapter 228 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

There are moments when an unexpected revelation hits you like a blow to the back of the head, leaving you disoriented. That’s what Im Ha-yeon felt now. "Manager Kang Yoon-ho likes me?" What nonsense is this? The man she thought of as a ruthless merchant, the bookstore owner who exploits the loyal readers of Tang Gapung’s novels, and a man who makes her grind her teeth just thinking about him — Kang Yoon-ho likes her? Im Ha-yeon’s mouth dropped open in shock. "Sister, you really didn’t know?" "Didn’t know what?" "Manager Kang Yoon-ho often looks at you intently, you know." Kang Yoon-ho often observed Im Ha-yeon closely, worried she might cause another incident like she did during her participation in the Jeongshil Competition. "It’s normal for a manager to keep an eye on their staff." "Come on, really? Even at meal times? He was just watching you closely a moment ago. He seemed like he had something important to say but was holding back." He looked like someone holding back a confession. Haso-so smiled with a knowing look, playing the role of a love guru. In reality, Kang Yoon-ho was contemplating whether or not to offer Im Ha-yeon a managerial position. "He probably had something he needed to discuss." "Besides, he keeps his distance from the other employees but seems unusually friendly with you." That observation was spot on. "That’s because there’s another reason for it!" Im Ha-yeon shrank her neck slightly, as if she had something to hide. She was his sworn sister. He had helped her several times. Despite showing him a cold demeanor, she never criticized his continued acts of assistance. "And what reason is that?" "It’s hard to talk about." She had been chosen as an employee thanks to the fair evaluation of the Literary Association, but she knew she wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for Kang Yoon-ho’s support. Im Ha-yeon couldn’t bring herself to honestly talk about her relationship with Kang Yoon-ho. Avoiding eye contact, she dodged the question. Haso-so must be mistaken. How could that man like her, especially considering her constant refusals and curt responses to his help? "Sister, have you ever dated a guy before?" "Why would you ask that?" It was spot on. Gyobang is a school for courtesans. Im Ha-yeon trained there like someone trekking through an all-boys school, high school, and technical college, a place forbidden to men. She trained for a long time to become a full-fledged courtesan and achieved top grades, enough to be a candidate for Cheong-gi, but she fled before she could officially become one. The best flower raised by Usan Gyobang, that woman was Im Ha-yeon. Haso-so, realizing her hunch was correct, clapped her hands softly and spoke up. "Wow! It must be true. Sister, you can tell just by Manager Kang’s behavior. It’s certain that he’s fallen for you." Haso-so spoke with unwavering confidence. "Even if it’s true, I’m not interested. He’s an unscrupulous manager." Im Ha-yeon responded bluntly, pouting her lips. "What? An unscrupulous manager? Manager Kang?" Haso-so tilted her head, wondering if she had heard wrong, and asked Im Ha-yeon again. "Isn’t he? Everyone in Yichang knows his cutthroat business tactics." "No way! Sister, you must not have seen truly unscrupulous merchants. Manager Kang supports poor literate families and provides lunch and uniforms for his employees. Where else in Yichang or even Hubei Province can you find a manager like that? He’s just a competent businessman." "That may be true, but... This uniform is still part of his business tactics." Im Ha-yeon touched her cheongsam, feeling overwhelmed by the logic. "So what if it is? Which manager buys silk clothes for their employees? I always wished to wear a silk outfit, but I could only dream of renting one for my wedding." Im Ha-yeon couldn’t respond as she watched Haso-so happily touch her cheongsam. Is Kang Yoon-ho really an unscrupulous merchant? Until recently, she would have nodded without hesitation. But now, she couldn’t easily agree. Helping her during the recent incident at the Usan Port and on the ship, assisting her at the Yichang Literary Association event, and his efforts to support poor literate families... These were things an unscrupulous merchant wouldn’t do. "…He seems to be a good-hearted, unscrupulous merchant." Im Ha-yeon couldn’t fully deny that he was an unscrupulous merchant, considering how the writer Ho Pil was still being exploited, and the fact that she was his sworn sister. Kang Yoon-ho was a kind-hearted, unscrupulous merchant. This was the only compromise Im Ha-yeon could make. "With your looks, you may take more time, but if you keep pushing him away, you might miss out on a fortune." "What fortune?" "Manager Kang. He’s at a marriageable age. Owning a large building on the main street of Yichang, and managing the most successful bookstore there. Despite being an orphan with black hair, which is a significant disqualification, many would still line up to marry him, you know?" Marriage is often between families of similar status. While his foreign appearance and orphan status were indeed disqualifying factors, they only applied to established or thriving families. Even with these disqualifications, it was clear he was a desirable marriage prospect. "Love doesn't come from material conditions. A love based solely on money isn’t true love." As a book lover who enjoys romantic tales and a courtesan who’s never experienced love, Im Ha-yeon argued this point with Haso-so, feeling dissatisfied. People are more than their wealth. Does this mean courtesans always fall in love with wealthy patrons? No. Even as a courtesan, the person deserving of her heart should be different. Like someone akin to Tang Zheng from 'Tang Family Anecdotes'... "Sister, you’ve really never dated anyone, have you?" Haso-so’s words interrupted Im Ha-yeon’s thoughts. "Ugh." Im Ha-yeon couldn’t find a way to counter. "And if a beauty like you starts dating Manager Kang, those who dare flirt with you will disappear." "It's just Haso-so's misunderstanding. There’s no way that man likes me." How could she not recognize the behavior of a man in love, despite her extensive reading of romance novels? Im Ha-yeon tried to envision Kang Yoon-ho’s usual demeanor. “Argh! Come on, sister! Think about it again. Imagine he likes you and reconsider everything.” Did that man truly like her? Im Ha-yeon replayed Ha So-so’s words in her mind and reconsidered her interactions with Kang Yoon-ho. Was it really just because she was his sworn sister that he helped her? If that were the case, he should have given up when she refused his help. So why did he continue to help her until the end? Could it possibly be that the reason he helped her was because... 'No way, could that man really like me?' Ha So-so quickly caught the change in Im Ha-yeon’s expression. "See? Doesn’t something come to mind?" "No, that can't be." "Sister, don’t be like that. Why don’t you share your worries with Manager Kang? He might listen and things could turn out well for you." I’m telling you, it’s a misunderstanding. There’s no way things could work out like that. Im Ha-yeon found it difficult to voice her thoughts. Tang Ga-pung, Volume 3. Maybe it’s a misunderstanding that he likes her, but if she asked him to read Volume 3 together, would he show it to her? There was no need to steal it, after all. "F-fine, I’ll think about it a little." The temptation of Tang Ga-pung Volume 3 was overwhelmingly strong for Im Ha-yeon. ****** I was getting hungry. At times like this, I wish I were a freelancer who could afford to order special grilled dishes to my heart’s content and finish with a cup of oolong tea, spending over 100,000 won on a single meal. But reality is harsh; I have debts to pay this month, clients to take care of, and employees to look after as a small business owner. After finishing a task, I quickly solved my late lunch with efficiency and cost-effectiveness. "No, it’s not like that." "Yes, it is. Sister, just think positively. If things go well, please look after me in the next term." Upon hearing familiar voices, I turned my head and saw two women drawing the attention of passersby with their striking outfits. "Ssangsoo Soja?" Were they heading back after lunch? I had just handled some errands and eaten. "Wha—what are you doing here?" As soon as Im Ha-yeon saw me, she covered her face with one hand in an embarrassed expression. Haven’t you gotten used to seeing my face yet? "Manager! I’m here too!" Ha So-so cheerfully raised her hand and called out to me. "Ah, Ssangsoo Soja." "Manager Kang, you only have eyes for Sister Ha-yeon, even from a distance." Ha So-so looked up at me with a disappointed tone. "Haha, I just called out to whoever I saw.” "But you only called Sister Ha-yeon by name.” What could I say? "So-so Soja" sounds strange. Don’t you think, Im Ha-yeon? Im Ha-yeon, what’s wrong with her now? She looked like she had done something wrong, her eyes shaking as she looked at me. "Ssangsoo Soja?" "Sister, wasn’t I right?" About what? Ha So-so poked Im Ha-yeon’s abdomen with her elbow, looking smugly at me. "No, it’s not like that." "Ssangsoo Soja, I’m busy and have other places to go, so take this for dinner. Last time you complained it was kimchi dumplings every time, so today it’s inari sushi.” It’s the food that becomes a superstar when everyone brings kimbap for outings. I tried to hand over the inari sushi, which is tasty even when cold, to Im Ha-yeon. "Manager Kang even prepares dinner for Sister Ha-yeon?" Had Ha So-so not asked that question in a surprised voice... Oops. I missed the mark. I had been secretly providing dinner for Im Ha-yeon, unlike other employees. "Ahem. I make sure to provide meals for employees who can’t afford dinner, unlike others." "And that’s just Sister Ha-yeon?" This is why I don’t like perceptive kids. "Haha. It might look like favoritism, so please keep it a secret from others." I shrugged my shoulders and spoke nonchalantly. "Really? Hehe." It seemed like Ha So-so didn’t think it was nothing. She kept glancing between me and Im Ha-yeon with a knowing smile. It looked like she’s got the wrong idea. "It’s not like that!" Im Ha-yeon also seemed to notice and hurriedly denied it, but it seemed too late. "Manager, don’t worry. I won’t spread rumors. And Sister, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything." "N-o-i-t-i-s-n-t." Im Ha-yeon tried to correct Ha So-so’s misunderstanding with a stern face. Her reaction looked very familiar to me. —Hey, your boyfriend just passed by. —Yeah, he’s my boyfriend. —Nonsense. Why are you girls picking boyfriends for each other and getting mad? Give me a choice, too. I also have eyes, you know. Neither of you made the cut. "Ssangsoo Soja, take it." I’m not dealing with this alone. Hurry up and take it. I handed the inari sushi to Im Ha-yeon again. "I d-don’t need it!" She was quick. Im Ha-yeon looked at the inari sushi as if it were a ticking time bomb, then hurriedly ran off in disgust. She might as well have accepted it since it was too late anyway. Inari sushi does taste good. "Manager Kang! Hang in there! I’m cheering for you." What am I supposed to hang in for? ---------------- Kang Yoon-ho locks up meticulously. It had been a tiring day. After closing the doors of the bookstore, Dasulgak, and checking the security devices, I was about to head to the bedroom. Had it not been for the murmuring I heard. "Where is it? Really, why isn’t it in the usual place?" A frustrated voice came from one side of the second floor. What’s this? All employees had already left for the day. A thief, perhaps? I always knew this day might come. I grabbed a throwing star from my pocket. Darn it. Let’s catch this thief and get an award for maintaining public order this month in Yichang. My reputation will soar. I carefully approached the source of the voice. Who is it? What are they up to? As I got closer, the silhouette before me seemed very familiar. "Ms. Ha-yeon? What are you doing here?" The thief turned out to be Im Ha-yeon. So, she finally caused an incident. She’s here to steal Tang Ga-pung? Hey, no matter how much I protect you, I won’t overlook you crossing the line. Im Ha-yeon, upon meeting my eyes, murmured with a face as pale as a ghost. "I-I forgot to take dinner..." Upon closer inspection, I realized the cabinets on the display counter were open. This was where I usually left dinner for Im Ha-yeon when I left for the day. “Ah-ha.” So that’s what happened. Now that I thought about it, if she were planning to steal *Tang Ga-pung*, she would have gone to the printing room, not the display counter on the second floor. "I didn't tell you where I put it because you ran off." You ran away, so I ate it myself. "How did you get in when the door was locked?" "That’s..." *Crash!* Im Ha-yeon’s answer was cut off by a loud noise that echoed throughout the bookstore. "It’s the security alarm! Could it be the printing room? A thief?!" "What did you say?" What kind of day is this? I hurriedly ran towards the printing room, with Im Ha-yeon hot on my heels. ----- As we approached the printing room, figures that shouldn’t have been there came into view. "What the heck! A throwing star just flew at us!" "A bookstore with a security system? No wonder it was so hard to get in!" "Hurry, find *Tang Ga-pung*!" "A thief!" With a single word, Im Ha-yeon swiftly subdued one of the thieves with a martial arts move. Kicking in a cheongsam? Bold. Her white calves reflecting in the moonlight were quite a sight. "Run!" There were three thieves in total. With one immediately knocked out, the other two escaped through the window they had entered. "Did those guys steal *Tang Ga-pung*?" "The door to the printing room is open." "I’ve been holding back for so long! How dare they! These rookies messing with security and trying to steal *Tang Ga-pung*! Unforgivable!" "Hey, Ha-yeon Soja, calm down." It looked like she was ready to kill someone. "How can I calm down? I will definitely catch them! Just wait!" Hold on a moment. Before I could even try to stop her, Im Ha-yeon darted off, showcasing her incredible *Geongong* skills as the shadowless swift-fist master she was.