Chapter 230 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

A Night in Yichang Even under the night sky, Hubei Province’s second-largest city, situated along the Yangtze River, was pulsating with vitality. I want to appoint Im Ha-yeon to a managerial position. She possesses martial arts skills to eliminate troublemakers, a look that boosts sales, expertise in security checks, thief chasing prowess, deep affection for the Tang Family Chronicles, and academic knowledge learned from the school of thought. Given that I have to manage employees, oversee establishments, expand the business, and continue writing my novel, Im Ha-yeon is undoubtedly the best managerial talent I can select. I should propose this over a meal, but I’m not sure if she'll agree to dine alone with me. As I walked ahead, Im Ha-yeon trailed behind with her hands clasped behind her back, occasionally glancing at me. Is there something written on my face? Or does she have something to hide? Right. Something I had momentarily forgotten flashed through my mind. "Miss Ha-yeon, it seems you have something you need to return." The book that the thieves took. Where is it? “Oh! Right, here it is.” Im Ha-yeon swiftly pulled out the book from her waistband, as if she had been expecting this. So that’s why she kept her hands behind her back. “I thought you had taken it as a war trophy.” I said, lightly joking with her. “I didn’t read a single word! Do you know how hard that was for me? Take it!” Why is she getting angry? Im Ha-yeon thrust the book at me with both hands, as if urging me to take it quickly. “Do you want to read this book?” Im Ha-yeon closed her eyes tightly, as if to make sure she wouldn’t have any regrets, her fingers trembling slightly. You really do want to read it, don’t you? “...It’s not like you’d let me read it even if I wanted to.” She looked at me with a sullen expression, clearly aware of my teasing. Is that so? That’s what you think? “If Miss Ha-yeon desires, I can let you see it.” But you’ll have to accept a simple proposal. I offered, like a serpent making a tempting suggestion. ******** “Really? Why, why would you do that?” Im Ha-yeon, seeing the three volumes I was holding out, couldn’t hide her surprise. “Why do you think?” “Wha...?” Why would he show me something so precious? Im Ha-yeon stared, bewildered, at Kang Yun-ho’s sincere face. Could it be... Does this man really? “If you have dinner with me, I’ll show it to you.” This is ridiculous. I thought he would just buy me dinner and send me off like usual, but to suddenly propose dinner? That’s why he boldly grabbed my wrist at the bookstore. Im Ha-yeon’s heart began to swell with certainty. “Men and women shouldn’t be so close…” But the Tang Family Chronicles is very special. Im Ha-yeon couldn’t bring herself to refuse outright. It’s a trap, Ha-yeon. If you take the bait, you’ll be doomed. Refuse it. You have to refuse it. Im Ha-yeon fought desperately against the temptation. “Then give it back.” “Let’s have dinner together!” In the end, she couldn’t resist the alluring whispers. “You promised.” It’s just one meal, after all. Im Ha-yeon quickly opened to the first page of the third volume, fearing Kang Yun-ho might change his mind. “The greatest threats to children in ancient times were tiger attacks, smallpox, and war, but modern children face indiscriminate... Hmph! A fake novel! What’s this?” The contents of the book were not the Tang Family Chronicles she had been expecting. “Haha, did you think I’d leave the third volume in an easily robbed print shop?” Kang Yun-ho shrugged, laughing lightly. He had been cautious even though he had put a bell on Im Ha-yeon. The third volume had been kept separately. The print shop was instructed to only print the same chapter repetitively, so the completed third volume never existed in the first place. “Then I went through all that trouble for nothing?” No wonder he was so calm even with the robbery. Im Ha-yeon felt utterly deflated. “No, Miss Ha-yeon. Thanks to you, we caught the thieves and prevented a bigger problem. I’m very grateful.” Kang Yun-ho dropped the humor, bowing his head with a serious expression. “...” It’s hard to stay angry at a joke when he’s thanking you so sincerely. Im Ha-yeon found herself at a loss for words, just staring at his bowed head. “To show my gratitude, I’d like to treat you to a delicious dinner.” “Wait a moment!” “Surely, you’re not planning to break your promise?” Kang Yun-ho smiled shamelessly and started walking towards the night streets of Yichang. “Ugh! Really!” Im Ha-yeon sighed softly and trotted to follow him with quick steps. ************ ‘I’ve been tricked!’ Caught off guard, Im Ha-yeon found herself unable to hide her awkwardness as she sat in a high-end restaurant with Kang Yun-ho, cautiously looking around. ‘It’s filled with couples!’ Every couple was looking at each other with eyes full of affection, chatting happily. ‘What’s with that relaxed smile?’ He agreed to treat me to a nice dinner. This isn’t just any restaurant. Im Ha-yeon wanted to glare at Kang Yun-ho, but he was leisurely perusing the menu. “We’d like the house special Western-style pork cutlet set, please.” Im Ha-yeon glared at him as he nonchalantly placed the order. She didn’t like it. It felt like falling into the trap the man had set for her. ‘My first dinner alone with a man, and it has to be with Kang Yun-ho!’ The courtesan sisters had warned her. Never easily follow a man who offers to buy you dinner. Before you know it, you’ll be drinking together. When you’re drinking together, you’ll start touching fingertips, feeling thrilling sensations, and as the man’s face gets closer, there’ll be no turning back. By the next morning, you’ll wake up in the same bed. I have to stay alert. This man might get to me. Im Ha-yeon looked at Kang Yun-ho, who remained calm. “Miss Ha-yeon?” ‘Why am I the only one nervous? No, why should I be nervous?’ He’s the one with feelings. Why am I the one feeling tense? This is unfair. “Miss Ha-yeon!” “Eek! ...Yes?!” Im Ha-yeon, like a mouse trapped in a snare, yelled in surprise. “Would you like bread or rice?” “...Bread. I won’t be drinking.” Is this what they mean by a guilty conscience? Im Ha-yeon felt compelled to add a remark that wasn’t prompted. “Haha. I also have work tomorrow, so I had no intention of drinking.” With just one sentence, Kang Yun-ho made Im Ha-yeon feel oddly defeated. ******** Why is she eating so tensely? She looks like an unaccustomed cat, wary of its surroundings while picking at its food. Whenever our eyes meet, she startles and shrinks back like a frightened kitten. It's quite amusing to see her take a few bites and then widen her eyes, seemingly in appreciation of the food. I’m not going to take it from you. Eat comfortably. “How is work treating you?” To ease her tension, I brought up something we both could relate to. “Yes. It’s somewhat similar to the courtesan work, but easier, so I got used to it quickly.” At my casual question, Im Ha-yeon wiped the sauce from her lips and answered. “That’s good to hear. You’ve worked hard today as well.” “Oh, no. It was just my duty, as per your instructions. Protecting the Tang Family Chronicles is essential.” Looks like she remembered that I told her to keep an eye out for suspicious people. “I knew you’d do well. If you keep this up, I might trust you with the responsibilities I’m considering.” I transitioned smoothly into the main topic, while also creating a pleasant atmosphere with compliments. “What responsibilities have you been considering, Manager Kang?” “I’m planning to select someone to take on a key role at Daseogak—overseeing staff and delegating responsibilities.” “You want me to do that?” Im Ha-yeon’s voice had a slight hint of reluctance. She probably doesn’t like the idea of doing more work for the same pay. But there’s a way around that. “Of course, since the workload might increase, I'm thinking of giving a significant advantage in the selection for outstanding working students.” I dangled the most enticing carrot in front of her. “Outstanding working students?!” “And if you become a manager, you might get a sneak peek at the next volume of the Tang Family Chronicles when it goes to print.” “The Tang Family Chronicles?!!” Im Ha-yeon leaned forward, as if she would instantly bite into the carrot I was offering. Isn’t it irresistible? “That’s right. Of course, Miss Ha-yeon isn’t the only candidate. I plan to give tasks to several noticeable individuals and see who fits the role best.” Now to make sure it doesn’t look like this carrot is just for her. If she thinks she's receiving special treatment because of our familial ties, it could be problematic. Emphasizing that the role would be awarded based on merit makes it more desirable. “Manager position, manager position...” Im Ha-yeon seemed to be mulling over the attractive proposition. “When the third volume of the Tang Family Chronicles comes out, things will get busier. If Daseogak prospers, we can expand the business and assist more impoverished scholars. A person taking on a primary role would greatly help.” To become more famous, one has to work harder. Therefore, I need someone to take care of miscellaneous tasks. I framed myself as a benevolent hero, emphasizing that her assistance was needed. After scrutinizing me as if searching for something, she finally spoke with a look of curiosity. “Why are you being so nice to me?” An unexpected question. Who is she curious about me being kind to? Im Ha-yeon? The working students? It doesn’t matter. Her question itself is an opportunity. Showing interest in others translates to concern. If I respond well, I can gain favor. “Have you ever been hungry?” I looked her straight in the eyes, letting my face show a bit of the sorrow of imagining a difficult past. Starting with a question. By reflecting on her likely past experiences, I aimed to draw empathy. “After my mother passed away, yes, until I became a courtesan apprentice.” “I’ve had similar experiences. As a barbarian coming to the Central Plains, there were more days without food than with it.” “...” Im Ha-yeon’s expression hardened, seemingly taken aback by my sharing of past hardships. “When a starved barbarian is shown a morsel of kindness, say, given a dumpling, that would be wonderful. But reality was colder. More often than not, I was kicked aside, told to get lost.” “That is...” “It was then that I resolved to make money by any means necessary and succeed. I vowed to become someone different from those people.” To have her trust and take on a managerial position, I knew I couldn’t continue to be viewed with suspicion. The notorious merchant, Kang Yun-ho. Of course, it's not easy to change her perception of me overnight. But she has seen me act generously towards others. So, all I need is a narrative. If my cunning business strategies are revealed to be a means to help others, it would replace the image of the notorious merchant with that of a kind benefactor. “...” Perhaps my brief tale of rags to riches was a shock. Im Ha-yeon couldn’t close her gaping mouth. “Of course, I am not a ruler and cannot help everyone. I start by helping those I consider my people.” “My people...” ****** He’s truly an enigma. Im Ha-yeon watched Kang Yun-ho recount his sad past nonchalantly while smiling, and she pondered. He sometimes acts childishly, helps others like a chivalrous hero, operates like a shrewd businessman, and is generous with his employees. Im Ha-yeon found it difficult to pin down how to think of him. ‘In my youth, becoming a courtesan was everything to me.’ This man came from a foreign land and rose from being a beggar to owning a large bookstore. Normally, that would lead someone to covet wealth, yet he hasn’t lost his willingness to help others. Im Ha-yeon felt smaller in comparison. ‘Does he help me because I am one of his people? Or is it really...’ She couldn’t bring herself to voice the certainty swelling in her heart. Somehow, questioning his grand motives felt trivial. “Starting tomorrow, give me those management tasks.” Kang Yun-ho: A Kind yet Ruthless Merchant. But a merchant with reasons behind his ruthlessness. If the reasons are justified, perhaps it's alright to assist him. "Understood." ‘The man who couldn’t even get a single dumpling now dresses his employees in silk robes.’ Im Ha-yeon stared blankly at her cheongsam, then began to eat with him. As they ate in silence, she found herself sneaking glances at Kang Yun-ho’s face. Normally, he looked annoying, but today, strangely enough, he seemed much more significant. ---- "Here. Have some kimchi dumplings." Im Ha-yeon handed a package of dumplings to Kang Yun-ho. "Why kimchi dumplings right after a meal?" "...Just take them. You can eat them for breakfast tomorrow." Im Ha-yeon’s ears were oddly tinged with a blush. "But..." "The meal was delicious. See you tomorrow!" In the end, she forced the dumplings on him and disappeared in the blink of an eye with the lightness skill of Muyeong Shintu. Watching in disbelief as she vanished into the night, Kang Yun-ho muttered quietly to himself, "Wait a minute... I’m the one paying the bill." —— Amidst dealing with the theft incident, assigning management tasks to Im Ha-yeon, and the print shop running day and night, the days were busy inside and outside Daseogak. The number of people inquiring about the release of the third volume of Tang Family Chronicles increased day by day. Finally, a familiar notice was posted at Daseogak. [Notice from Hophil....] [Thanks to your support, the next volume of the Tang Family Chronicles will be released next week...] “The third volume of the Tang Family Chronicles is coming out soon!!!” “It’s here!! The Tang Family Chronicles!!!”