Chapter 231 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

"The third volume of Dangga Pungun is coming out in a week!" News that everyone is eagerly anticipating spreads quickly among the people. The announcement of the third volume's release spread like wildfire. "I heard that Gang from the Dasuh Bookshop had been dragged to Sichuan's Dangga, so I thought the third volume wouldn't come out." "Wow, you're really out of the loop! Gang from the Dasuh Bookshop went to Sichuan's Dangga and even got permission." "No way! After all that commotion when he was taken, the Dangga gave their permission?" "Otherwise, why would the third volume be released?" "We can finally read the third volume of Dangga Pungun!" Whenever entering a guesthouse for a meal or walking down the street, you could hear people talking about Dangga Pungun. "Mr. Gang! Is it true the third volume is coming out next week?" Even the Dasuh Bookshop members couldn't hide their excitement at the news. "Yes. The printing process for the third volume is almost complete, and as soon as the binding is done, it'll be on sale next week." Grinning like a runner seeing the finish line after a grueling marathon, I announced the news to the Dasuh Bookshop members. At last, the third finish line is in sight. We've gone through so much just to release this third volume. "At first, when I saw the beginning of the announcement, I thought author Hophil was declaring a hiatus. It nearly gave me a heart attack!" "Haha. I figured it would be best if Hophil himself announced the third volume's release, so I asked him to make the notice. And he did it in that way." It’s Hophil. Nothing grabs attention like an announcement. Clickbait titles are essential in stirring interest. "We really get to read the third volume?" "A third volume even approved by the Sichuan Dangga." "Just one more week! Let’s hang in there!" With the announcement of the third volume that everyone at the Dasuh Bookshop had longed for, the place buzzed with energy. -------- "Just stepping out for a bit." The Dasuh Bookshop was bustling with activity following the news of the third volume's release. I informed Im Hayeon, who was busy learning managerial tasks. "It's almost lunchtime. Where are you going around this time? And, what's that in your hand?" Im Hayeon glanced at the thick stack of papers in my hand and asked. "It's a notice. I'm going to post it on the literary society's bulletin to announce the upcoming release of Dangga Pungun's third volume." Advertisements are more effective when spread through various channels. Even if the news of the release is widespread, there will always be people who haven't heard it. Im Hayeon looked alternately between me and the stack of papers with tightly pressed lips. Why? Is there something you don’t approve of? "…I'll help." Im Hayeon placed her hand over her chest as though accepting a grave task she had no choice but to take on. "It's alright. Someone needs to be here while I’m gone. Besides, I can take care of this on my way to a client." You are an administrator. We can't both be away from our posts. "Lunchtime is about to start, so it's fine. And if I don't help, you'll skip lunch again." From a barbarian beggar who couldn’t get even one dumpling from Kang Yunho to a bookstore manager offering help. It seems my success story has resonated well. Since that day, she has been slightly warmer toward me. "Then could you post the notices for me? You're quick on your feet, so it will be fast." With your level of martial prowess, it should be a breeze. Plus, your presence promoting the third volume will be advantageous. When you post the notices, your form-fitting cheongsam will draw everyone's gaze like a black hole. "…By myself?" Im Hayeon squinted at me with one eye and asked. "No need for two people to post notices, right?" That would be a waste of manpower. Administrative work needs to be efficient. "…." For a moment, Im Hayeon's beautiful brow furrowed. Her eyes glared through me in disbelief. Do you feel like I'm dumping the task on you? You offered to help, so I'm just handing it over. "Alright, I'll hold the notices while you quickly post them. I'll buy lunch in return." No way around it then. "Fine. Let's go." "Hayeon, wait!" Ha Soso caught Im Hayeon, who was ready to leave, and whispered in her ear. "Huh?" "Since the guesthouse is too conspicuous, ask for somewhere even tastier." "It's not like that!" Im Hayeon shrieked in horror and looked at me with trembling eyes. That's right. It’s not like that. We will quickly eat at a place with good value and return promptly. I shrugged my shoulders and left the Dasuh Bookshop with Im Hayeon, who seemed a bit timid for some reason. ----------- "There are more people coming in, and it's hard to tell if they are customers or robbers." The news of Dangga Pungun’s third volume didn't just bring healthy enthusiasm. During a staff meeting, some employees raised concerns about an increase in troublesome customers since the announcement. "I'll pay extra; can't you sell it to me in advance?" "Why not sell it now since you already have copies ready? How is that a crime?" "You can’t access the printing room." "I was just curious to see the printing process! Is that any reason to get angry at a customer?" Promoting before sales is important. Whether it's a book or a game, the initial few weeks after release are when the most sales occur. Raising expectations to the highest point, making a short but impactful promotion, and then releasing at once. It’s a solid plan, but the heightened expectations are drawing all sorts of customers. "We found signs of tampering near the printing room window outside the Dasuh Bookshop." And with a recent break-in, we can't ignore the possibility of more theft.” Im Hayeon raised her hand and informed everyone about the break-in attempt discovered yesterday. "Shouldn’t we stay up to guard the place?" It's a good suggestion, but the students working here are literary people. In a world where even thieves practice martial arts, staying up all night could be dangerous. "How about selling the third volume right now?" "We need to ensure ample initial stock before selling. The binding process is ongoing, and we'll sell as scheduled." Initial stock must be sufficient to meet all anticipated demand. If the new volume sells out too quickly, it could lead to dissatisfaction, illegal copies, or even customer losses, reducing sales. "What’s the best course of action then? Should we report unruly customers directly to young lady Hayeon?" "That’s one way, but I have another solution." I grinned confidently at the assembled staff. “What do you have in mind?” A very effective plan. It would prevent any amateur thief, unless they’re as skilled as Moyoung Shintu, from even considering theft. “Kang Gongja! We’ve arrived!” “Is it true that the third volume is finally coming out?” Robust martial artists appeared at the entrance of the Dasuh Bookshop. They were the best security money couldn't buy. “Purple hair and green eyes?” “Sichuan’s Dangga warriors!!!” “Why are warriors from Sichuan’s Dangga here?” "Allow me to introduce our temporary protectors. These are warriors from Sichuan’s Dangga." What could be more fitting than having Sichuan’s Dangga warriors guarding Dangga Pungun? ------------ “Kang Gongja, we felt rather left out all this time with our offers of help being turned down,” said Tangpe, the vice-head of the Euihak branch, my guard on my way back from Euihak. Anyone could see that, despite his words, Tangpe looked well-fed and well-rested, clearly preferring this to being under the Euihak head's thumb, where he was ready to lay down his life. "I didn’t want to rely on help endlessly. Also, it was necessary to get the staff adapted to their tasks." I needed to maintain distance from Sichuan’s Dangga for my own safety and due to political reasons. It’s not wise to be constantly indebted to them. "I heard rumors of a break-in. We’ll stay at Dasuh Bookshop for the time being, providing tight security.” Tangpe and the warriors of Sichuan’s Dangga looked resolute, determined to guard the bookshop as if protecting the family’s secret martial arts manuals. "I hope I’m not troubling you too much.” I put on an apologetic face, like someone asking friends with high-paying professional jobs to help with moving house on a weekend. Although, in reality, I’d still make them do it despite the expression. “Not at all. It’s Kang Gongja's Dasuh Bookshop, and guarding the third volume of Dangga Pungun is an honor.” "Your words lighten my mind a bit." I mentally dismissed the last of my concerns. “Haha. We were dreading the thought of explaining what we did upon reaching Euihak, but now we are glad to be part of the third volume’s release.” “I will make sure to pack extra copies for you when you return to Sichuan, so please take good care of us.” “Rest assured!” With a booming voice, Tangpe began positioning the Dangga warriors around the bookshop. “Could you sell me the third volume a bit earli—” “What seems to be the matter?” “Oh, why are Sichuan warriors here?” “If even Sichuan’s Dangga are awaiting the release date, why would you ask for an early sale?” “I apologize!” "Who are you to enter here if you are not staff?” The presence of the Dangga guards worked wonders. Even the most volatile customers turned into model citizens. The effect of having the Dangga warriors as guards extended beyond just deterring troublesome customers and thieves. “Purple hair and green eyes? Why are Sichuan’s Dangga warriors here?” “Sichuan’s Dangga is guarding Dangga Pungun?” “Dangga is guarding their own story. Does that mean Dangga Pungun is officially recognized by Sichuan’s Dangga as genuine?” “How exciting must the third volume be for the Dangga to get involved!” The fact that Sichuan’s Dangga was guarding Dangga Pungun created unparalleled promotional value. As a result, the interest in Dangga Pungun and Dasuh Bookshop skyrocketed even more. “May I ask what brings the Dangga warriors to Dasuh?” “Is it possible for us to join the book society as well?”