Chapter 232 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

"Can we also join in on discussing the Daseohui and the Tang Family's tales of valor?" As the number of guests dwindled noticeably, the martial artists of the Tang Family cautiously approached me with this request. "The Daseohui, you say?" I asked, a bit puzzled. "We don't mean to slack off during our duties. In fact, even during our breaks, we wish to stay in the Daseogak and chatter about the Tang Family's adventures." Taking my inquiry as a sign that I misunderstood their intentions, the martial artists raised their arms in a defensive manner. “It's fine by me.” In truth, I welcomed it with pleasure. Just as a doctor reviewing a medical drama or a basketball player commenting on a championship match garners significant interest, a gathering discussing a novel featuring protagonists from Sichuan's Tang Family, with actual Tang Family members present, was bound to stir great excitement. Of course, if they critiqued the novel harshly, I'd have to step in, but all of them were ardent fans of the Tang Family's valorous tales. "May we also join the Daseohui?" Thus, the Tang Family's martial artists began attending Daseohui gatherings. "The martial artists of the Tang Family! Absolutely!" The Daseohui members, already brimming with questions about the Tang Family's exploits, eagerly welcomed them. Is it true that the Tang Family authorized the three volumes of the saga? How does the Tang Family view the novels? Can Tang Zheng genuinely be considered a martial artist of the Tang Family? To these myriad questions, the Tang Family's martial artists began providing answers. "Tang Zheng's triple poisoning isn't impressive just because he managed to poison a seductress." They spoke with such pride, almost as if Tang Zheng were indeed one of their own. "Is there more to it?" "In the second volume, Tang Zheng devises the triple poisoning to defeat the seductress. This means he sourced and combined the poisons locally himself. Imagine the extraordinary understanding of poisons required to create a new one." "Do all martial artists of the Tang Family create their own poisons?" "Just because someone wields a sword doesn't mean they can forge one. Knowing about poisons and having the skill to create new ones are entirely different things." "Indeed! Tang Zheng wasn't just skilled in poison techniques but had deep expertise in poisons themselves." "Tang Zheng was an exceptional martial artist. To secretly poison with two substances without the seductress noticing and then trigger the final poison at the desired moment—that reflects mastery of the highest order." "To hear such praise from the Tang Family makes me admire the novel even more!" "It's the first novel I've seen so vividly and elegantly depict the Tang Family's poison techniques, earning much acclaim." That was expected since the book was written with significant input from experts. "A novel praised even by the Tang Family!" "Our Daseohui was also impressed by how profound the poison techniques were while reading the saga." "Haha. We also have high expectations for the Tang Family's valorous tales as they are now widely recognized." "Indeed!" Hearing praise for a beloved work from experts always enhances the experience. The spot where the Tang Family's martial artists sat was soon overflowing with Daseohui members. After a round of explanations from the Tang Family's martial artists, one Daseohui member asked a rather tricky question. "But, who do the Tang Family martial artists think is the rightful spouse?" "..." Why do they keep looking at me? If the Tang Family martial artists stay silent and keep glancing my way, of course, it's going to look strange. Hurry up and look away. "Surely, you don't think the Sichuan beauty, Gu Suk-jeong, is the rightful spouse just because you're from Sichuan?" Im Ha-yeon, why aren't you working? Why are you fixated on who the rightful spouse is with such fierce eyes? Im Ha-yeon leaned forward as if ready to jump into the conversation, eyes blazing, staring intently at the Daseohui members. Who do the Tang Family martial artists consider the rightful spouse? With a look indicating 'Handle this yourselves,' I turned away. Only then did the Tang Family martial artists end the awkward silence and start speaking again. "Even within the Tang Family, opinions are divided." "Divided even within the Tang Family?" "Both the Sichuan beauty Gu Suk-jeong and the Hubei courtesan Du Unghyang are captivating women. Additionally, a minority believes a new character to appear in the next volume could be the rightful spouse." "What did you say?" Im Ha-yeon muttered to herself from behind the counter, eyes wide. Perhaps you should just join the Daseohui? I'll write your resignation letter myself. "Still, isn't there a majority opinion? Here in the Daseohui, the Sichuan beauty held a slight lead, but recently, an extraordinary talent from the Hubei courtesan faction emerged, putting our Sichuan faction on edge." "How can anyone push for Du Unghyang as the rightful spouse…” “You there.” Tang Pae grabbed the shoulder of an agitated Tang Family martial artist and looked towards me. “…Sorry.” The martial artist quickly bowed twice to Tang Pae and me. What’s going on? The Daseohui members looked back and forth between Tang Pae and me with curious eyes. This is way too obvious. I let out a small sigh and cast a glance at Tang Pae. Handle it, Tang Pae. Tang Pae seemed to get the message and, with a nod, addressed the Daseohui members. “Ahem! As a Tang Family member, I believe it's improper to voice personal opinions on the rightful spouse here. It could unfairly affect Ho-pil’s reputation.” No comment. A wise decision. The Tang Family leader married a beautiful fiancée, but the Daseogak master is Xiang Ah’s son, making it a sensitive issue. Although "Tang Family's Valor" is a fictional tale inspired by real events, it’s understandable that the Tang Family finds it hard to fully embrace it. "Indeed!" "And Tang Zheng wasn’t just any hero. It’s not a dishonor for such a hero to have multiple women." "Exactly. He'll love them all as his rightful wives!" After my death, the conclusion will be that he accepts all his women, unlike the original history. "Indeed, that's true! A responsible man like Tang Zheng wouldn't abandon his women, regardless of how many there are!" "Th-That's right." Why do they look at me apologetically? Tang Zheng isn't the Tang Family head. "Hmph! At least the Tang Family seems to understand." Im Ha-yeon seemed somewhat satisfied with their answers, nodding her head and smiling lightly. "Considering the Tang Family's remarks, it seems like the right attitude for author Ho-pil to take note of." "Of course, but the rightful spouse is still Miss Du Ung-hyang." Im Ha-yeon, like someone proclaiming that the Earth revolves around the Sun amidst advocates of the geocentric model, muttered proudly as she returned to her duties. ----------------------- The announcement of the third volume of the Tang Family's Valor, the arrival of Tang Family members, and the cheongsam... "What? The Tang Family members are participating in the Daseohui? I need to make time to visit the Daseogak today!" "Did you hear? You can discuss the Tang Family's Valor with the Tang Family members at the Daseogak!" The promotional effect was palpable. "Why are the Daseogak staff dressed like that?" "They're wearing clothes called cheongsam." "It reveals a woman's figure without being immodest, making it both elegant and alluring!" "Not only that! Wearing an apron over it is called a 'maidou' look! Doesn't it make them look like the ideal housewife?" "Indeed." "There's an empty seat at the Daseohui table with the Tang Family members. I'll go first!" "How dare you!" With guests pouring in daily, the constantly running printing press, and the bustling Daseogak, a week went by in a blur. Finally, the anticipated day of the third volume release arrived. "Oh my." "Wow, so many people." As soon as the doors opened, a seemingly endless line greeted us. The Daseogak staff looked at the line with bewildered expressions and murmured amongst themselves. "Mr. Hwang, did you stay up all night again?" The front of the line was once again occupied by the Daseohui members. "Hahaha." "This time, I came along too." A familiar face peeked out from behind Scholar Hwang; it was someone from the literary society who had helped me. "Ah, you're Mr. Hwang's younger brother." Both brothers staying up all night for a copy of the Tang Family's Valor... I'm glad it's my book, but I hope there's no third sibling in the Hwang family. "These friends rolled out their sleeping bags as soon as the Daseogak closed yesterday!" "Hahaha." The Daseohui members shook their heads in astonishment at the two Hwang brothers. "Come on in. The sale of the third volume of the Tang Family's Valor will now begin!" I used the 'So Yun Sim San Gyeol' technique to announce the opening of the Daseogak to the endlessly long line. "The Daseogak is now open!" "The Tang Family's Valor is mine! Move aside!" "Gahhh! Anyone causing a ruckus, regardless of when they arrived, will be thrown out!" As expected, the Tang Family's martial artists were as imposing as tigers at the entrance, and the boisterous guests turned docile as lambs. Once the brief commotion subsided, Scholar Hwang was the first to step up to the counter for the third volume of the Tang Family's Valor. Just buy it already. Why are you hesitating? "A lot has happened. This novel, nurtured by Yichang, almost saw its legacy end due to injustice and tyranny." Scholar Hwang continued with a reverent gaze fixed on the third volume, as if it were a sacred text. "I was so afraid we might never see the third volume of the Tang Family's Valor!" "I prayed for months!" "Ugh! I yearned for Shopkeeper Kang's return and fervently hoped that author Ho-pil wouldn't abandon his writing!" Others in the Daseohui group couldn't hide their surge of emotions, recalling their previous anguish. I went through hell, but you'd think it was the Daseohui members who bore the brunt of it. "After enduring so much, here we are, standing before the third volume of the Tang Family's Valor." With a gaze as tender as that of a lover, Scholar Hwang approached the third volume. "This third volume stands as evidence that no matter the trials and tribulations, one can rise again. It is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of humanity!" "Today, we will witness the third appearance of Tang Zheng, the new-age hero!" "The book is almost radiating light! Is this the famed 'Sun Fist' martial art?" "No, I could die content now!" "How can you say that? You should at least read it first! My, my heart is already fluttering." "I'm getting excited down there just thinking about meeting the two maidens!" "..." "Other customers are waiting." The preamble is dragging on too long. Consider the other customers in line. At my urging, Scholar Hwang picked up the third volume and approached me with a respectful bow. "Mr. Kang, welcome back. Thank you so much." As an author, it's impossible not to feel elated with such enthusiasm. "Thank you for waiting." It was a long journey, for those returning and those waiting. Surely, each person found it challenging in their own way. As Ho-pil, and as the manager of the Daseogak, I offered a polite bow to the Daseohui. "Please ring up three copies for preservation, appreciation, and distribution." "This time, it's limited to one copy per person." "Oh... I see." On the release day of the third volume of the Tang Family's Valor, the throng of customers forced the Daseogak to extend its hours well into the night. That day's sales effortlessly surpassed even the record-setting sales of the second volume. ********* "You two! Where have you been all night?" The two pillars of the Daseohui, Scholar Hwang and his brother, hurriedly returned home with tense steps. "Brother." Holding the third volume of the Tang Family's Valor as if it were an invaluable gem, Scholar Hwang's brother looked at his elder sibling. "Brother." Scholar Hwang, holding the third volume more preciously than his certificate from passing the civil service exam, looked back at his brother. "You young masters? What is happening?" The servant, perplexed, could not comprehend the situation as both brothers, after being out all night, returned holding these odd books and stared at each other. "It's been tough." "The struggle was worth it, brother." "Thinking that Shopkeeper Kang returned and we can now read the third volume of the Tang Family's Valor feels like a dream." "I’m also struggling to control my wildly beating heart." "When I enter my room, I don't plan to come out for at least half a day." "Half a day? That's far too short. I'm planning to stay in for a full day." "When I said half a day, I meant reading, reflecting on it, then sleeping and revisiting the novel in my dreams." "Let's agree not to discuss our thoughts for a full day and instead immerse ourselves in the novel." "Agreed." Like comrades who had shared the trials of a long war, Scholar Hwang and his brother exchanged a knowing look before heading to their respective rooms. "Young masters!" "Do not call on us! We'll see you tomorrow!" Scholar Hwang hurriedly took the third volume and retreated to his room. The long-awaited third volume of Tang Family's Valor. He carefully calmed his trembling heart, ensuring he didn't damage the book as he gently opened the cover. The third volume that he had yearned for contained a story that justified the prolonged wait.