Chapter 233 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

"Stop right there, you lecher! Are you running away?!" The third volume of "Storm of the Tang Family" begins with a depiction of the protagonist, Tang Zheng, showcasing his signature deadly technique, the Poisonous Space. "Running away? Such arrogance from a little fledgling who has just stepped into the martial world! How can witnessing a bit of aggression be considered running away?" "Lecherous scum. You're just posturing." Huang Scholar mumbled as he observed how the Lecher widened the distance between himself and the Poisonous Space, nervously glaring at Tang Zheng. "Ha ha, are you scared of the Poisonous Space?" "You insolent wretch! Ouch! One day, I'll slit your throat!" Despite being infuriated to his core, he couldn't approach. Tang Zheng's deadly technique had now reached a level where even the Lecher couldn't act recklessly. Ultimately, unable to vent his rage, the Lecher vanished into the distance once more. "The Poisonous Space has indeed become a source of terror for the Lecher." The Poisonous Space, initially a bluff in the first volume, was perfected in the second and now, in the third volume, had evolved to the point where the Lecher fled before Tang Zheng's provocations. Huang Scholar felt a surge of pride at Tang Zheng's growth, much like watching a friend from humble origins succeed in the civil service examinations. Yet, Tang Zheng's advancement wasn't without its challenges. "Even within the Poisonous Space, I can defeat the Lecher, but I can't capture him once he flees." Tang Zheng lamented as he watched the direction the Lecher had disappeared. As a newly emerged martial artist, the gap in skill between him and the Lecher was undeniable. It was only the unique nature of his deadly technique and the Tang Family's martial arts that allowed him to nullify this gap and target his opponent's life. "Alas, it seems Tang Zheng is not yet ready to defeat the Lecher on his own." Huang Scholar looked at Tang Zheng with pity, recognizing his futile struggle. If he couldn't capture the Lecher alone, perhaps reinforcements were needed. Could that be why new female characters were appearing in this volume? With growing anticipation, Huang Scholar continued reading. "Sister! I found him! It's the Lecher!" "Villain!" "So, they're finally making their appearance! The two most renowned female swordsmen of Hubei! But could they be referring to Tang Zheng as the Lecher?" Surely, they couldn't mean Tang Zheng, the true hero of this era. "I am not the Lecher. In fact, I am pursuing him." "Silence, villain! Purple hair and green eyes! I've heard rumors that the Lecher uses martial arts similar to those of the Tang Family, but to think he was actually part of the Tang Family!" "Sichuan Tang Clan, so it was you all along." "You're mistaken." "Typical lecherous arrogance! Sister, let's unsheathe our swords!" "Tang Zheng fighting against female swordsmen because of a misunderstanding with the Lecher!" The martial skills of the two female swordsmen were exceptional. One stabbed with cold precision while the other swung with fiery intensity. They complemented each other perfectly, becoming stronger through their combined techniques. "Could it be?! Is Tang Zheng falling?" Their formidable prowess was such that no fledgling martial artist could hope to stand against them. Huang Scholar's eyes widened with worry for Tang Zheng. "Ah!" "Ugh!" "Aren't you calm now?" Of course, Tang Zheng, who had clashed with the Lecher in life-and-death struggles, wasn't easily outmatched by anyone. "Yes! This is it!" Tang Zheng only appeared to be in danger as he was merely restraining the two women without harming them. Realizing this, Huang Scholar clenched his fist and cheered in triumph. --- "My apologies, sir. I am Im Mi-ryeong." "Mister, I'm sorry. Hehe. I am Im Min." Im Mi-ryeong and Im Min couldn't lift their heads out of guilt. Im Mi-ryeong had a cold, beautiful face, while her younger cousin Im Min had a cheerful, beautiful visage. Although they had different personalities, both women were equally stunning and were disciples of the same master. "Ah, so you are the famous Azure and Crimson Flowers of Hubei. Ugh!" "Sir! Are you all right? We injured you trying to take your life." "It was just a minor misunderstanding. How could I possibly harm you, who are hunting the Lecher?" Tang Zheng calmly brushed off his injuries with a nonchalant gesture and smiled at them. For a brief moment, the two women were utterly mesmerized by Tang Zheng's demeanor. "Tang Zheng, you fool! Uprightness is good and all, but you're swaying women's hearts with your noble words! Do-unghyang has been waiting for you!" Even as a man, he was impressive. But impressiveness aside, Huang Scholar sighed in mixed feelings. The three teamed up to track down the Lecher. Of course, Tang Zheng was the most proficient among them. He recklessly threw himself into danger, shedding genuine tears for the innocent women harmed by the Lecher, and hiding none of his anger towards the villain. "To be so sincere in the face of others' misfortune. Tang Zheng's rage resonates deeply with me." Reading "Storm of the Tang Family," Huang Scholar's own hatred for evil grew, and his support for Tang Zheng's righteous path intensified. "Fear not, Tang Zheng." "Tang Zheng brother." The women initially pursued the Lecher for their personal vendetta. However, upon encountering a true hero who genuinely lamented their misfortunes, they found their hearts further inclined towards him. "Tang Zheng brother, is your shoulder injury okay?" "It's just a minor wound. I'm fine." "I brought medicine. Wouldn't it be better to take a break and recover before continuing the chase?" "Evil will not wait just because virtue is tired. If I pause, innocent women somewhere may be shedding tears." "Yes, that's the Tang Zheng I know!" Even with injuries, he would not sit down. He would not retreat before great evil. This almost foolishly steadfast resolve could only belong to Tang Zheng. Had he been someone to waver due to injuries, he would have long lived happily with the most beautiful women of Sichuan or Hubei. Who was Tang Zheng's true love? Even in the fiercest debates among readers, everyone agreed that Tang Zheng's resoluteness was precisely what the martial world needed. Huang Scholar smiled contentedly at Tang Zheng's words. Tang Zheng's words set not just Huang Scholar’s heart ablaze. As Tang Zheng gazed out the window, reminiscing about the two women he'd left behind, both Im Mi-ryeong and Im Min found themselves irresistibly drawn into the allure of Tang Zheng’s charm. “Tang Zheng, you scoundrel! As if having the hearts of two women wasn’t enough, now you aim to possess them both at the same time!” He should act as a fortress, an impregnable Great Wall. Huang Scholar, a cornerstone of the Hubei’s top swordswomen academy, sighed with exasperation. Yet, he admitted it would have been even stranger if the two women hadn’t fallen for Tang Zheng’s charm. --- Im Mi-ryeong and Im Min, now captivated by Tang Zheng’s allure, began making their subtle advances to win his heart. “Tang brother, say ah.” “Miss Im Min, this isn’t appropriate.” “But you injured your shoulder because of me. Save your hands for dealing with the Lecher.” “Miss Im Min is truly like a spring flower.” Im Min’s gentle nature was like a spring flower, subtly touching the heart with her warmth. Her radiant smile could captivate the hearts of men in an instant, except for Tang Zheng’s. “Miss Im Mi-ryeong?” “This is an herb that grows on a cliff’s edge. Eat it and recover quickly.” “How did you find this in this rural village?” “She’s covering her dirt-stained hands with her sash out of embarrassment! How exhilarating! Cold on the outside but blazing within! It’s incredible how differently these two cousins and fellow disciples express their affection! What lovely ladies… wait, no!” Tang Zheng had not yet fallen for either woman, so how could Huang Scholar allow himself to be swayed? He barely restrained himself, thinking of Du Eung-hyang, the one who awaited him. The conflict between the two women, who were like sisters to each other though cousins and fellow disciples, continued to escalate over Tang Zheng. “Sister, let me apply medicine to Tang Zheng brother's wound from now on.” “You don’t have the dexterity for that.” “Sister! What kind of skill does it take to apply medicine? You’re being sly.” “What are you implying?” “Pretending to be treating his shoulder, but secretly caressing Tang Zheng brother’s solid muscles. You thought I wouldn’t notice?” “I-I was only…” “Ha ha. The two women fighting over Tang Zheng. Why is it so amusing to watch women fight over a man!” The skirmishes for Tang Zheng’s affection amused Huang Scholar endlessly as he watched the two women fight over the man he admired. “Sister, do you remember the man you praised last time?” Their competition grew intense enough to put a strain on their sisterly bond. Feeling overshadowed by Im Mi-ryeong’s superior martial skills and more attention from Tang Zheng, Im Min took a risky move. “Im Min, you…” “Does Miss Im Mi-ryeong have a suitor?” “Sister Mi-ryeong has a hero she admires. Wasn’t his name Yunhyun?” “Yunhyun?” “It’s not admiration but reverence. I was once helped by a swordsman whose techniques were both dazzling and graceful. He must be from a noble sect.” “For Miss Mi-ryeong to speak so highly of someone, he must be extraordinary.” “Yes. The finest swordsman I’ve ever seen… Ah!” Caught off guard, Im Mi-ryeong realized too late the trap Im Min had laid for her as she saw her lips moving, trying to stop the words. “Miss Im Mi-ryeong?” “He he.” “Ugh!” Im Mi-ryeong had been outmaneuvered. Praising another man in front of the one she truly admired. She narrowed her eyes at Im Min, who was laughing slyly, and understood she had fallen into a trap. “How terrifying! Women’s battles with words are even scarier than with swords and fists!” Im Min’s radiant beauty revealed a cunning side in the face of love. Im Mi-ryeong's usually icy demeanor cracked in front of her feelings. Huang Scholar marveled at the fascinating dynamic among the three. “I’ll be leaving.” “Miss Im Mi-ryeong!” Tang Zheng misunderstood her increased talking as a sign of having another man in her heart. Conversely, it backfired on her. Now Tang Zheng would surely believe she was in love with someone else. Unable to bear the frustration and anger, Im Mi-ryeong stormed out of the inn they were staying in. Unbeknownst to her, the Lecher was watching from a distance as she left the inn. “No! It can’t be!” In a panic, Huang Scholar hurriedly turned to the next page.