Chapter 243 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

"Why aren’t you giving me dinner anymore?” Im Ha-yeon’s eyes widened as she questioned me, much like a user shocked by the sudden announcement of a mobile game’s service termination for which they had paid a monthly fee. Dinner provision was akin to a service termination. It certainly was shocking news. Mu Yeong-sin, a runaway without a penny from Uichang, stood before me. I had worked hard to mold her into a subordinate who could smile and answer a call from her boss even after hours. Providing dinner was part of that effort. Indeed, she had been managing her tasks diligently without any issues. Maybe the provided dinners had softened her perception of the notorious manager, Kang Yun-ho. Ceasing the dinner provision might seem strange since it was a significant perk. However, I had valid reasons for stopping her meal support. It wasn’t because I had lost interest in the 'fish' I had caught. Nor was it due to her improving competence in managing tasks with other employees. Nor was it because I wanted to ignore her unfortunate situation. The reason I was ending her meal support was simple. "Today is payday, isn’t it?” You’re getting paid. Now, you can buy your own food. Mu Yeong-sin, who had run away from Uichang without a penny, met a boss kind enough to provide meals. It was a heartwarming story worthy of an anonymous tip to the Uichang Daily. It’s a pity the story didn't make it into the papers, but there’s no need for further altruism. “I know, but still…” “Weren’t you feeling burdened by the continuous dinner provision?” Initially, she had refused the meals, later hiding them in the cupboard lest someone saw. Now she seemed disappointed at the discontinuation, having grown accustomed to it. “That’s…!” Im Ha-yeon, devoid of any valid arguments, frowned at me despite seemingly harboring some complaints. “Besides, you even complained about the food.” “That’s because you kept bringing kimchi dumplings all the time!” What’s wrong with kimchi dumplings? Those middle-state folks don’t know. For someone living alone, kimchi dumplings are a blessing. They’re good for when you’re peckish but not up for a full meal, a perfect snack after work with a beer. Just like cola is essential even in a zombie apocalypse, kimchi dumplings are one of the top three must-have items in a solo dweller’s freezer. “So, what would you like to do?” I shrugged at the disgruntled Im Ha-yeon. I was willing to keep providing meals if she asked directly. But could she muster the courage to ask? "That's…!" Im Ha-yeon seemed hesitant, biting her lip and avoiding my gaze. Having her ask for my help would signify that she considered me a person worth seeking favors from. Previously, she had repeatedly declined help. Could it be that her perception of me had finally improved enough for her to ask for support? I was quite curious too. She seemed lost internally, moving her lips without meeting my eyes. “Manager! Everyone is gathered!” Unfortunately, the gathering of employees interrupted her before she could ask. “Let’s go downstairs.” Leaving behind the somewhat disappointed Im Ha-yeon, I headed downstairs. --- “Manager’s here. Line up quickly!” “Everyone, good job this month.” I looked at the gathered employees on the first floor with a relaxed expression. Maybe because it was payday, they all looked tired yet expectant, their eyes on me. The reason I gathered them wasn’t anything special. I wanted to make sure they knew exactly who was giving them their money, to foster a bit more loyalty towards Daseogak. In modern times, this might sound absurd. People generally get paid for their labor, not out of loyalty to their workplace. Why should they feel allegiance towards their employer? In a typical company, that thought is reasonable. But Daseogak was different. “This is a work-study stipend from Daseogak. Receive it in order.” What I was giving wasn’t a salary but a work-study stipend. The money from Daseogak was akin to a month’s salary, earned through the immense effort and pain a pole carrier endures. None of the employees considered this month’s stipend to be merely wages for their labor. “Thank you!” “Is it really okay to receive this much?” “Thank you so much, Manager Kang!” They all looked at their stipends with gratitude or kept expressing their thanks to me. If I had met a female boss who paid me this well before becoming a Maedamja, I might have fallen for her even if she was a 60-year-old woman with no dating experience, and smelled like chicken breast. “With the release of Tang-gap-hoon, you all did a great job despite being busy. Let’s work hard next month too!” “I’ll devote myself to Daseogak! Thank you!” “I’ll work hard!” The employees were in such poor financial straits that they could skip meals. It was all up to me whether to hire or fire them. They understood better than anyone that they needed to work hard to receive their pay next month. “Shall we have a drink tonight?” “I should head home early on such a nice day!” “Since it’ll all be taken by the wife anyway, let’s enjoy a meal first!” “Sounds good! Let’s have a drink and then go home!” I saw off the cheerful employees and then turned my attention back to Im Ha-yeon, who stood in a corner with her lips pouting. She hadn’t come to collect her stipend earlier. Seeing our eyes meet, she snorted lightly and turned away. The discontinuation of her meal provision must have been quite a shock. I walked up to her and handed her the stipend. “Use today’s pay to buy the dinner you want.” “…” Pouting, she reluctantly took the stipend, looking up at me. “Ma’am?” “Ugh! Fine! I’ll buy it myself!” Im Ha-yeon snatched her salary, sighing as she stormed out of Daseogak. Indeed, quick departures are a must, just like Mu Yeong-sin. “Haah. Seems like I’ll have to ease up for a while.” I murmured softly, closing the door behind her. I understood her frustration. Though I had lured her in with promises of a superior work-study position, managerial tasks naturally entailed more work than other roles. Dragging her around for every task might make the cessation of dinner provisions seem too harsh. But if she’s displeased, she should just say so. For a while, I’ll need to distribute the workload among others to avoid escalating her dissatisfaction. ---------- “Running an errand?” A few days past payday, Im Ha-yeon called out to me as I prepared to leave. “I need to go buy some tea leaves.” “You’re going alone?” Choosing tea leaves was Im Ha-yeon’s specialty. But today, I wasn't planning on taking you along. “Today, I'm going with Ha So-so.” “With So-so? Why?” Im Ha-yeon looked at me with surprised eyes. “Her family runs a teahouse and she knows a lot about affordable, delicious tea leaves. I’ll go with So-so today.” “Hehe. Sister, we’re off!” “Take care.” For some reason, there was a note of discomfort in Im Ha-yeon’s voice despite her words of farewell. ---------- “The lunchbox in the tea cabinet. Is it... for me?” The day after my outing with Ha So-so, Im Ha-yeon looked at the lunchbox with excitement in her voice. “It’s Miss Ha So-so’s.” “What?” “Hehe, you see, sister...” Ha So-so’s voice trailed off awkwardly. “Yesterday, I overheard how Miss Ha So-so’s siblings were skipping meals. Since she helped with the tea leaves yesterday, I bought her some food.” “Oh, just for today?” Ha So-so said to Im Ha-yeon, as if she was someone with something to hide. There was no need to worry since I was the one providing the lunch. “If you want, I can buy more whenever...” “No, no! That won’t be necessary!” Ha So-so exclaimed, waving her hands and glancing at Im Ha-yeon. Maybe rumors were going around that I wasn’t providing for Im Ha-yeon. True, it wouldn’t be fair to give others dinner while excluding her. “...Do as you wish.” Im Ha-yeon squinted at us, then turned on her heel with a single, cutting remark. -------------- “Manager, did you have a fight with Sister Ha-yeon?” “Huh? What do you mean?” “Sister Ha-yeon seems pretty irritable these days, exuding a cold aura.” Im Ha-yeon seemed irritable? I looked at her while she attended to customers on the second floor. “Beautiful as always today, Miss Ha-yeon.” “Please make your order; there are people waiting behind you.” “Huff! Suddenly, I feel a chill!” “She seems the same as always.” It really seemed like her usual self. “No, no. Sister Ha-yeon has always treated customers with a friendly attitude, even if she showed her true feelings to you, Manager. She’s been oddly cold to me as well recently.” “What's going on?” I couldn’t fathom what it could be; she looked the same as usual. “Whatever it is, Sister Ha-yeon seems to be under a misunderstanding.” Ha So-so murmured as if troubled. “What misunderstanding?” With one hand resting on her hip, Ha So-so sighed softly and prepared to give me some pointed advice. “Haa. Manager, I can understand the situation now. Sister Ha-yeon might get discouraged if it seems like you’re pushing her away, especially given her lack of experience in such matters. So please, ease up and be kind to her. Okay?” So-so, I believe you’re the one misunderstanding here. ********* “What’s up with that guy!” Im Ha-yeon exclaimed, kicking a small stone in an empty alleyway. Why the sudden change in his attitude? I’m completely baffled. Could it be because I refused the dinners he offered out of kindness? Or was it because I complained, just as he said? But giving me kimchi dumplings every day for a week was just too much. Or was it because I muttered about the exorbitantly priced stationery sets on the second floor? Or complained about being taken along on every visit to suppliers? Or maybe it’s because, despite being involved with Haowum, I couldn’t offer much help due to my background as a runaway courtesan? “There are just too many possibilities...” Im Ha-yeon mumbled, lowering her shoulders. She stared at her reflection in a puddle. While Ha So-so had a younger sister-like charm, her looks did not compare to mine. How could he be so easily swayed by someone just because she’s affable? He changed his attitude toward me in an instant despite seemingly liking me. Im Ha-yeon knew. Even women with extraordinary beauty might not always hold the top spot in the world of courtesans. Sometimes, courtesans who were slightly less beautiful but could win over customers with their charm kept entire establishments thriving. Yes, Kang Yun-ho is a man. Even if he could resist the allure of a courtesan from Uichang, he could melt in the presence of a woman with a demeanor like spring sunshine. Still, why? Why change his attitude so suddenly? “It shouldn’t matter who that man likes.” Im Ha-yeon muttered, trying to convince herself it was none of her business. A person who makes you think you could win his heart yet keeps you at a frustrating distance, who listens and empathizes, giving the illusion of an opening, keeps you longing, and seems like someone who indulges you even when you act spoilt. If becoming such a person were easy, everyone would have succeeded. “It doesn’t matter who he likes.” It’s okay. It doesn’t matter. Who cares who he likes? But even as Im Ha-yeon repeated this, her reflection in the puddle didn’t seem okay at all. Im Ha-yeon stomped her foot into the puddle. The rippling water’s reflection felt like an embodiment of her tumultuous feelings. Unable to settle her chaotic thoughts, she kicked the stone with all her might once more. "A stone through the window! Who did that?" "Eek! I’m sorry!" --------------- “You’re here.” After work, Im Ha-yeon found herself at the Hao Mun branch due to issues related to a carrier pigeon. “Is something wrong? Your expression seems quite dark.” She addressed the branch leader, who was sitting at his desk with a grim look, staring at a letter. “A message came from the Wuhan branch.” Wuhan was the capital of Hubei Province, where the central Hao Mun operations were located. “Really? What are they planning to do about the Wushan branch issue?” The Wushan branch of Hao Mun had been attacked by a rival faction. Their brothels and businesses were assaulted, even the guildhouse where he lived wasn’t spared. What will Hao Mun do? Will they dispatch warriors? Or will they abandon it? 'If I can gain recognition for this feat, they might erase my registration.' Im Ha-yeon’s registration as a courtesan, known as the gigyeok. As long as her name remained on it, she would forever carry the status of a runaway courtesan. If Hao Mun decides to dispatch warriors, she might be rewarded for reporting the incident, potentially gaining her freedom from the gigyeok. She harbored a glimmer of hope as she asked the branch leader. However, his words were as bleak as his expression. “They want us to escort the runaway courtesan Im Ha-yeon.”