Chapter 244 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

"Did you hear about the strange occurrence at the Cho Trading Company?" The Daseogak wasn't just a place for avid readers of "Tang Family Conflicts" but also a hub where customers came to chat about life while reading. Occasionally, if one eavesdropped on these conversations, they could catch intriguing snippets about how the world was turning. "The Cho Trading Company? Isn't that a prominent firm in Yichang? What happened there?" "I heard a thief broke into the head of the Cho Trading Company's residence." "A thief in a wealthy estate? What about their guards?" "That's the strange part. No one realized a thief had broken in until it was too late!" A thief breaking in without anyone noticing? In a rich man's house that would likely have guards hired from martial sects or escort agencies? Heads will roll for this. "The thief must have been skilled. So, what did they steal?" "The fact that there was a break-in is one thing, but the story gets stranger. They say nothing was stolen." Nothing stolen? Even a thief breaking into a poor student's one-room apartment would at least take a secondhand game console. Curious, I leaned in to listen more intently. "Nothing stolen? What do you mean by that?" "There were signs that jewelry boxes, account books, and other valuables were rummaged through, but nothing was taken." "Maybe the owner just got drunk and fiddled with the safe?" "The head was in bed with his two wives that night. He wouldn't have had the energy to get up. And if he did, his wives would surely have noticed." What? "The head of the Cho Trading Company certainly isn't one to have the strength to get up mid-night." "Not to mention, the safe keys were still in the place only the head knew, but the safes were found open." "The world is truly a weird place these days, with all sorts of bizarre happenings." I'm less interested in the weird happenings in the world; I want to know more about what happened in bed with those two wives. However, the customers shifted their conversation to another topic. A thief, huh. While encounters with armed robbers have decreased since my days wandering the Central Plains, thieves and pickpockets are still a concern. Not long ago, there was a break-in at the Daseogak as well. I should focus more on reinforcing security. Fortunately, here at Daseogak, we have a promising talent who might become the greatest thief under the right circumstances. "Lady Hayeon." "......" Didn't she hear me? When I looked at Im Hayeon, she was deep in thought, not responding to my call. Or was she looking somewhere intently? Following her gaze, I saw she was focused on the customers I had just been eavesdropping on. She can't possibly be interested in steamy night-time activities like me; she must be intrigued by the news about a colleague in the same industry. "Lady Hayeon!" This time, I called loudly to get her attention. "Eek! What, what is it?" Startled, she looked at me like a thief caught mid-act. "It's about the thief." "Th-th-thief? What about it?!" Not you, lady. Why are you so jumpy? Yes, I may have learned the art of thievery, but I'm no unreasonable person to accuse an employee of stealing. She might often slack off, but merely standing there helps the store's sales, so it's tolerable. "Why are you so restless? I was about to ask you to ensure the security checks are thorough since thieves seem quite active these days." "Oh, phew. I thought... Well, I'm always on it, so no worries." Im Hayeon heaved a sigh of relief, realizing she wasn't about to be nabbed as a salary thief. "Ah! By the way, I have an errand to run around lunchtime. Can you accompany me?" The manager needs another managerial staff to share the workload. This time, I'll have her come with me. "Why don't you take Soso with you for that?" Why bring up Soso now? Im Hayeon turned her head and replied grumpily. "I took Miss Haseo Soso with me because of the tea leaves last time. There's no reason to take her again now." "There's no reason to take her along? Why not?" Because she's not in a managerial role. Should I reply with that obvious fact? But seeing Im Hayeon's expression softer than before made me change my mind. "It's about the printing press work. Let's go together." The ownership transfer of the printing press went smoothly, but the moving of equipment and arrangement of staff requires frequent commute between places. "Wouldn't it be better to go with someone from the print office management?" That's a valid point. Though everyone from the print office is at the printing press right now. Pouting slightly, I glanced at the now-walled off Im Hayeon. Is she upset because I canceled the dinner service not long ago? Or is she generally in a bad mood these days? One might keep their distance from an irritable person, but today's task definitely needs her presence. What to do. "I want to go with you, Lady Hayeon." I decided to be straightforward. "You want to go with me? Why?" Because I need someone who can swiftly move between the print office and Daseogak. "Because I need you, Lady Hayeon. I'll even buy you lunch on the way back." Im Hayeon widened her eyes, then looked up at me silently. "Lady?" "Alright. I'll go with you." Is it settled? Im Hayeon's expression didn't change much, but her steps as she turned and walked seemed unusually light. "Did you call me just to move this?!" Heading towards the printing press, Im Hayeon shouted at me while pushing the cart I was pulling. "Aren't we the only ones at Daseogak who have learned martial arts?" I thought we had moved all the paper for the printing press, but there was still a lot in the attic on the third floor. It's better to move this heavy paper together than alone. "Ugh! You're the worst!" ----------- The strange thief story in Yichang didn't end in just a day or two. “A thief reportedly broke into the Yunli Escort Agency too.” “A thief broke into Yunli Escort Agency? An escort agency, tasked with protecting valuables, got robbed? Sounds like a rumor spread by a rival agency.” “No, it's true. I heard the head of Yunli Escort Agency was furious enough to make a scene yesterday. Apparently, it’s the same thief as last time. Again, nothing was stolen.” “Breaking into a heavily guarded place and taking nothing? What kind of thief is this?” “Lately, wealthy households have been reinforcing their nighttime security. Even the authorities have patrol officers making rounds throughout the night.” “That must be why patrol officers have been stopping me when I’m walking home drunk at night. Hopefully, they catch that thief soon. But what punishment will they get if nothing was stolen?” “Well, at the very least, they need to break his legs with a cudgel so he can never steal again!” It's almost as if this bizarre thief is building a record of not stealing anything. Recently, Yichang has been abuzz with stories about a thief who takes nothing. “Ugh.” Turning my head, I noticed Im Hayeon letting out a small groan, as if she had just heard nails on a chalkboard. Is the dishwater too cold? Im Hayeon has been acting strange lately. She looks exhausted, her face haggard, and even her usually prominent dark circles are more noticeable. In this job, people often show up looking like zombies and suddenly regain their energy as if by a miracle after work. But with her, it seems serious. It reminds me of Kangmo, who would show up to work like a zombie after staying up all night binge-watching a show that disappointingly fizzled out by its eighth season. Has she been staying up late? A thought crossed my mind, making me approach Im Hayeon from behind as she did the dishes. “Are you up to something late at night that I don't know about?” Clang! Startled by my words, Im Hayeon dropped the dish she was washing. “Are you alright?” “Yes, I’m fine! I'll clean it up!” She waved her hands at Soso, who started approaching, and quickly picked up the broken pieces. “So, it's true.” “W-what are you talking about?” Her trembling eyes betrayed her. Deny it all you want, the body speaks the truth. “No need to hide it.” All the signs point to it. I spoke to her with an air of someone who knows everything. “Hide what? I have nothing to hide.” “I’ve noticed it for a while.” “You noticed?” “Who am I?” “Uh...” “Lady Hayeon.” I took a step closer, lowering my voice dramatically. “What is it?” “I’m disappointed.” I said, unable to hide my dismay. “W-what?” “You could’ve told me, at the very least.” “H-how could I tell you? I mean, not that there’s anyone else to tell, but...” Baffled and tongue-tied, she fumbled her words. It’s really a shame. Apart from me, she has no one she can talk to. Shouldn't she have told me if she had something going on? I’ve treated her to meals, and we’ve gone out together—maybe we haven't bridged the psychological gap yet. If she can’t confess, I’ll have to make her. Like a detective revealing the culprit, I revealed the truth to her. “If you’re staying up late to write, you could’ve at least told me.” “What? ...Oh! Yes! That’s it. I’ve been writing at night.” So my guess was correct? She nodded vigorously as if confirming my deduction. Being a writer while holding a job is indeed exhausting. Even if you confess to writing, it won’t earn you any favors. If lack of sleep from writing disrupts your work, you're just deemed a regular employee unwilling to commit and sleep properly before work. But at Daseogak, our employees are working students. They wouldn't have minded if she mentioned it. It's just disappointing she didn't. “It’s understandable to have creative urges. However, since there are no imminent deadlines, make sure your writing doesn't interfere with work.” Save it for your days off. You’re not a web novel writer who needs to serialize daily. “Understood.” She nodded reluctantly. “And if you have any problems, feel free to tell me.” “Why you?” “Who else would you address as a friend of your pen?” “Oh.” Realizing my point, her slightly open mouth closed as the penny dropped. “Not only can I give advice for the next volume, but I can also serve as a sounding board for various concerns. So, if sleepless nights are weighing heavily on you, come to me for advice.” Being a writer can be lonely. Writers with partners supposedly suffer less, but since I’ve never had a significant other while writing, I wouldn't know. Although Im Hayeon isn’t a top student, as the first employee under Kang Yun-ho’s wing, she should consider herself fortunate. “The fourth volume? Already preparing the fourth?” Is that what she's curious about? “That’s a secret. Regardless, if you have concerns, let me know. I’m always here to listen.” I put on a kind, counselor-like expression, ready to lend an ear to any issue she might have. Im Hayeon looked at me silently for a while before lowering her head and speaking. “...Okay.” ---------------------- Although I told her to take it easy, that was advice for an aspiring writer. For a serialized author, it’s different. No matter how busy work gets, no matter what mishaps the subordinates cause, even with the new venture needing to be placed on track, a writer has to continue writing the next volume. If not for practicing So Yoon-Shim gymnastics, my health would have deteriorated, leading to a collapse by now. Though weary, one must press on. Press on to save the fate of my beloved. As you all strive, so do I. To proudly declare that means I must keep moving forward. Tomorrow, I should write a confident letter. I made a small resolve before drifting into sleep. “Who’s there?” I woke up to a strange presence in the middle of the night. A shadowy figure knelt by my bed, staring at me. Who could it be? A thief? A robber? I immediately sat up. They neither attacked nor fled. What is going on? The mysterious figure just stood there, staring at me. Dressed in a tight-fitting suit adorned with random bits of cloth and wearing a mask that only revealed their eyes, the figure was unidentifiable. “Lady Hayeon?” To an ordinary person, the disguise would have rendered identification impossible. Despite being fully covered, the ample chest and hair color unmistakably brought someone to mind. “...” It was her. She averted her gaze when I called her name. “What’s the meaning of this, showing up at this hour?” Goodness, why did she suddenly appear? I hope it isn’t because she’s here to demand dinner now that I’m no longer providing it. What on earth is going on? As I calmly raised my upper body and questioned her, she continued to silently observe me before finally speaking. What Im Hayeon said was even more shocking than her late-night appearance. “I’ve come to steal something precious from you.” Sorry. Perhaps I won’t be able to write that confident letter after all.