Chapter 270

The Imposter - 5 Author Hopil’s closest friend. Kang Yunho. The man who discovered the hidden talent of Author Hopil, the businessman who brought *Dangga Fungyun* to the world, the manager of the top bookstore in Uichang. The inseparable friend who risked his life and was dragged to Sichuan Dangga in place of Author Hopil. That name was deeply etched in Jegal Hyang’s mind. Because he was the last match she ran away from. That Kang Yunho had come to find her. To unmask those who dared to impersonate Author Hopil. “I-I-I-I-I-I, I am sorry.” Jegal Hyang lay flat, trembling so much that she couldn’t lift her head to face Kang Yunho. “Raise your head, please. Apologizing blindly doesn’t change anything, Author Hopil.” You fraud. When Kang Yunho referred to her as Author Hopil, that’s what it sounded like to Jegal Hyang. “I-I-I, th-th-that…” She carefully lifted her head to glance at Kang Yunho, then quickly bowed it again. I can’t. I just can’t look up. She had fled from the marriage meeting, and now she had committed the grave sin of impersonation. Moreover, the victim of this incident was standing right in front of her with a stern look. Jegal Hyang wanted to hide in a fruit box or something. “Please stand up. I want to hear the reason behind the impersonation, Author Hopil.” Author Hopil, he says. Normally, it was a name of respect, but now that name had filled her with guilt and remorse. Every word Kang Yunho spoke weighed heavily on her heart. What do I do? How is it that Author Hopil’s closest friend has come? I can't bear this. Jegal Hyang desperately racked her brains and finally, resolutely, she stood up and faced Kang Yunho. “W-well, my name is…” I should at least introduce myself. “Jegal Hyang, Miss. I know.” “Oh… yes.” It’s over. There’s nothing left to introduce other than my name. What else do I say in an introduction other than my name? Jegal Hyang. I was home yesterday, and I’ve been at home for the past week, and a month ago I was at my parents’ house. No, that’s not what’s important. Why did he call me Author Hopil even though he knows my name? He must be extremely angry. What do I do? Jegal Hyang was confused. In fact, this entire situation was orchestrated by Kang Yunho. He had heard about Jegal Hyang’s timid personality. Through guilt and by controlling the conversation, he had taken the upper hand, but she had no way of knowing that. In the short conversation, Kang Yunho had confirmed that her personality was even more reserved than what he had heard. And that she was aware she had done wrong in the current matter. “I understand that my sudden arrival startled you. Take a deep breath.” “Huuuup. Huaaaa. I can’t calm down. C-can I practice breathing exercises?” “As I’m here disguised as a delivery man, I don’t think we have that much time.” “Oh… okay…” Another mistake. Though the other person spoke thoughtfully, what was I even saying? To start practicing breathing exercises to calm down. What was I thinking? Jegal Hyang sighed internally at her unfortunate conversational skills. Kang Yunho sensed Jegal Hyang’s desire to hide again and spoke with an even more considerate tone. “The reason I’m here is to understand the impersonation, not to harm or rebuke you. Can you explain the situation to me?” Jegal Hyang glanced at Kang Yunho, who seemed willing to listen to anything, and took a deep breath. Okay. Jegal Hyang. You can at least explain this much. Just tell him everything. Holding herself together, Jegal Hyang opened her mouth to speak. Just explain calmly. Stay calm. “Well, you see, I ran away from the match. No, I mean... wait a moment…” It was impossible. How could she explain this long story? She overestimated herself. Jegal Hyang quickly ran to the desk and dipped a brush in ink. Writing would be easier. I’ve written many letters. [Hello, I’m Jegal Hyang.] [Since I was young, I’ve been timid. I usually stayed at home… ] No, that’s too much information. Jegal Hyang quickly crossed out the useless parts and left only the essential details. Then, with a trembling heart, she handed the letter to Kang Yunho. ************ “So you mistook your aunt and cousin, Miss Heo Song, as Author Hopil? And no matter how much you explained, they didn’t believe you?” After reading the heavily edited letter, I asked Jegal Hyang. I have seen this handwriting somewhere. It looks oddly familiar. “Y-y-yes. Yes.” She nodded her head vigorously. I looked at Jegal Hyang with a slightly bewildered expression. Just as I heard, she is indeed beautiful. If Kim Ha-yeon has the aura of an aloof and proud cat, Jegal Hyang’s beauty was more like a small animal, fearful that someone might reach out to touch her. Her expressive face changed quickly with every word exchanged. Now, her face showed a crying expression. Judging by her behavior and the personality I’d heard about, the words she wrote are likely true. ‘One of the situations I had anticipated. I’ll proceed with the planned strategy.’ Faced with this unexpected situation, I must win her over before she runs away. “I was deeply shocked to hear that you fled from our marriage meeting.” To do that, I should start by making her feel even more guilty. I put on the face of a man greatly distressed, like someone who found no woman willing to sit next to him at a banquet. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Jegal Hyang lowered her head, seemingly at a loss for words. I’m not just trying to make her feel sorry. With a look of understanding, I spoke to her. “I understand. Marrying a black-haired barbarian must be revolting at the mere thought. Running away was probably the better option.” I took a few steps closer to her to better display my look of being wounded. I mustn’t push her too hard. If pressured too much, Jegal Hyang would just run away. Turn her into the wounded party. Make Jegal Hyang feel like the definite wrongdoer. She needs to feel so guilty that she approaches me herself. “N-n-no, that’s not it! B-but rather!” “Rather?” I wondered what she was going to say as I looked at her intently. “Your face is too close!” Maybe I was too close for someone with her timid personality. Jegal Hyang, her face slightly reddened, hastily covered her cheeks with both arms and took a step back. “Heo Song. She said something like this. Hopil—that is, that Miss Jegal Hyang was heartbroken because of me. So I thought you were spiting me because you couldn’t stand the thought of a daughter of the Jegal family having a marriage meeting with me.” I clutched my chest in torment as if my heart was pierced. “What?! That’s not true at all!” Jegal Hyang exclaimed as she looked at me with wide eyes, then quickly averted her gaze, finding it difficult to make eye contact. Not true? It doesn't matter. I’ll keep piling on the guilt. “But the damage remains unchanged. I was planning to open a *Daseogak* branch in Wuan soon, but I faced significant losses because of this. And imagine how shocked Author Hopil would be to hear that one of his followers impersonated him...” “Ugh…” Jegal Hyang made a pained expression as if she couldn’t bear the guilt. It must be an excruciating situation for her. But what can she do when the person who suffered more is standing right in front of her? Now, she’s the complete wrongdoer. Time for the next step... “Miss?” Where did she go? Jegal Hyang suddenly vanished from my sight. “H-here…” Somehow, Jegal Hyang was once again bowing deeply on the floor, offering me a small pouch. “What is this?” “This is all the money I have with me since I ran away from home…” With a heart-wrenching determination, Jegal Hyang tried to hand me her allowance pouch. No. I didn’t come here for money. It seems she’s inherently kind-hearted, but she’s really putting me in an awkward spot. “It’s fine.” “I have dutifully saved up my New Year’s money since I was young, so if I go back home... No, even if I don’t go back home! Somehow! I’ll give you my New Year’s money too!” “There’s no need for that.” I need to move on to the next step. If she shrinks back now, it’ll be troublesome. As I was feeling a bit awkward, I heard the voice of the warrior from the direction of the door. “Ahem. Miss Hyang! The delivery person who just went in hasn’t come out.” ----------------- A deep silence spread for a brief moment. “Ah! That, that’s because...” Did I stay for too long? Jegal Hyang hurriedly stood up but had a flustered expression, not knowing what to do. “She said she wanted to return the dishes right away, so I waited. It seems she really enjoyed the food.” “...Is that so?” “Yes, yes, that’s right.” “I’ll step back then.” Until the warrior’s footsteps faded away, Jegal Hyang and I stood facing each other in silence. Thank goodness. That was close. Jegal Hyang must have shared the same thought as she sighed in relief. She could’ve driven me away but decided to protect me, so the first operation was a success. Now, on to the next step. ‘Although misunderstood, it’s a situation where it's hard to take sides.’ Author Hopil and the maternal cousin. While I am tormented by the misunderstanding, it’s also fearful to ruin the cousin’s life. I understand her feelings. But even for this, I had a plan in mind. Directing my gaze toward where the warrior had gone, I spoke to Jegal Hyang, who had risen. “Heo Song probably knows you’re the fake Hopil.” If it’s hard to choose sides, create an enemy. “What?” “Have you ever thought it strange, the way the guards are positioned? It’s not to guard against external threats; it’s to monitor you.” “It’s probably because I’m so good at running away.” She’d rather see the fault in herself than suspect others. But she’s wrong. That’s the role of parents, not a cousin. “I visited Heo Song a while ago, and she prevented me from meeting Hopil, even though Hopil and I are inseparable friends. A cousin would monitor one and forbid a friend’s meeting. This concludes one thing.” “Oh, what is it?” “You’re a scapegoat.” I told her the cold truth, like someone revealing the real story. “W-what?” “Just as you said, it might’ve been a misunderstanding at first. But since you kept denying it, the thought that we all might have been wrong would’ve crossed their minds. But why did they persist? Because you are the youngest daughter of the Jegal family head. Even if you’re impersonating, blaming everything on you would be the easy solution. That’s why they monitored you.” In Hubei Province stands the Jegal family. Just like in Sichuan Province stands the Sichuan Dangga. If the youngest daughter of the Jegal family falsely claimed authorship, even the Daseogak, Mangum Jeonjang, or even the Sichuan Dangga would end up in a scolding situation. Heo Song likely thought it was a gamble worth taking, given the otherwise dormant bookstore. “Yes. As I kept talking, the number of guards increased. T-then what should I do now?” Jegal Hyang, now catching on to the situation, opened her eyes wide. The fact that she’s looking to me for assistance is a good sign. “Let’s leave.” “Pardon?” “You wrote you’ve been confined indoors because the guards said the outside was dangerous. It’s okay. As the youngest daughter of the Jegal family head, you should gather your courage and say you want to visit your maternal grandfather’s house. They won't be able to stop you.” Jegal Hyang now simply stayed at her aunt’s house. But if they forcibly prevent her from leaving? It would be a case of the Jegal family head’s youngest daughter being detained. No one would be able to stop it then. “Um, it’s just…” “Are you afraid you’ll have another marriage meeting if you go back?” “…” Bullseye. “Miss. What if there’s a resolution to both my plight and yours?” There is a way. “Is there?” “Yes. Just grant me one favor.” “What kind of…” I gazed at Jegal Hyang for a moment. Among my thoughts was the plan to intertwine her impersonation of Hopil with the broken match and sabotage it. But is that really the best course of action? The enigmatic Mangum Jeonju tests me. He’s an extraordinary figure I wouldn’t normally even have the chance to meet. While it seems like he’s putting me in a difficult situation, I sense a hidden act of goodwill in his promise to wipe out an immense debt in one stroke. Moreover, he’s already decided to pair me with his granddaughter. Even if this marriage meeting goes awry, there's no telling where another bride from the Namgung family or the Huashan Sect might suddenly come from. I need to reclaim Daseogak. I want to clear all my debts. I aspire to expand my business in Wuan. I want to write *Dangga Fungyun* soon and make a name for myself with other novels. And... the anxious face of a pink-haired lady waiting for me flashed in my mind. Right. I also want to resolve Kim Ha-yeon's miracle dilemma. Thus, I need to find a better solution than sabotaging the marriage meeting. And I do have that solution. A method that will satisfy Mangum Jeonju and at the same time, swerve around his expectations. A good plan for both Jegal Hyang and me. I took a bold step toward Jegal Hyang and proposed an important offer. “Let’s enter into a fake relationship.”