Chapter 271

Contract - 1 "A contract relationship? Wh-what is that?" I looked at the woman tilting her head in confusion. Jegal Hyang. The youngest daughter of Jegal family head. She possessed a serene, elegant beauty, but the more you talked to her, the more her expressions and reactions became a delightful mess. However, she wasn't the character I remembered from the martial arts dating sim. Thus, the idea of a contract relationship. Had she been the heroine from the original work, I would've gone to great lengths to forge a bond with her, but she was different. Starting and ending a contract relationship based on mutual interests was enough. Of course, she might appear in an alternate route that I hadn't completely cleared, but considering all such possibilities would make the plan too complex. I needed to explain clearly. "Being here, my lady, is merely a way to kill time. Whether you go back to Mangeumjeonju or return to your family at Jegal, the matter of arranged marriages won't change." I made her fully aware of her situation once more. "I suppose so... I know." Jegal Hyang lowered her head and sighed dejectedly. Now that I'd set the stage, time to cast the line. "But there is a method where you wouldn't have to go through these troublesome matchmaking sessions or run away anymore." "Is that what a contract relationship is?" "Yes. It isn't a personal relationship, but publicly we would appear as though we are dating. It’s a form of disguise. And when the appointed time comes, we part ways with an agreed-upon reason." With my situation already complicated by various issues, I couldn't afford to waste time on the problems of a new woman. This was also a good option for me. "A disguise..." "As long as we keep up the contract relationship, my lady won't have to go on any more matchmaking sessions. And since it isn’t a real relationship, you won't have the emotional burden of dealing with me." "Th-then... K. Kang... Kang..." Why was she looking at me and stuttering like a broken record? Was she struggling with what to call me? "Please, feel free. Kang Gongja, Kang Manager, Kang Yoon Ho. Anything is fine." "Then... I'll call you Kang Gongja. Is that okay?" She finally managed to speak, like a machine repaired by an expert hand. "I was also forcibly brought to this matchmaking session, just like you." "Forcibly?" "Your grandfather seized my office and told me that I should attend this matchmaking and pass the test to get it back." I figured she wasn't the assertive type. Someone with such a passive demeanor would feel burdened even by unilateral considerations, thinking they were inconveniencing others. It was better to be honest here: I didn’t want to go on this matchmaking either. "I'm r-r-really sorry because of me!" Or maybe not. Jegal Hyang kept bowing her head, repeatedly apologizing. "It’s not because of you, my lady. I just haven't considered marriage yet. So, like you, I have a reason to enter into a contract relationship." "Contract relationship... Contract relationship..." Jegal Hyang kept muttering, glancing at me intermittently, seemingly not too averse to the proposal. Hesitating over a good offer? I had another method for that. "I understand. I must seem like a less-than-ideal match being a lowly barbarian." In situations like these, pretending to be hurt might encourage her to agree. Make her feel a bit guilty. "I-it's not like that!" "Thank you even if you're just being polite. However, to resolve both your problem and mine, this is the only way." "It's really not like that... Wait, what?" Emphasizing my words with each step, I deliberately walked closer to Jegal Hyang. Noticing me closing the distance, she began to step back, matched to my stride. "If you accept my proposal, we can solve the issues of fake identities and the discord with the Tang family. Plus, you get to date someone you love and marry someone who will love you for life, rather than an assigned match." It didn't matter if she retreated. Like carefully herding a wary prey, step by step, close in. "Eek! Y-you're too close..." Corner her against the wall. "Jegal Hyang." Placing a hand on the wall, I blocked her path for retreat, in the so-called ‘Kabe-Don’ position but with no time for her to realize it. "Y-yes?" Stiff with anxiety, she answered. "Will you enter into a contract relationship with me?" Soft expression and voice, a slightly intimidating stance. I’d laid out the reasons and created the atmosphere. Now, all she had to do was agree. "Uh, ah, um! That’s, um... wait a moment!" No! She's escaping this situation? Jegal Hyang suddenly bent her knees and, curling up, rolled away like a pillbug to hide behind a far-off pillar. Did I just witness her using the forbidden martial arts move, Lazy Donkey Roll (懶驢打滾)? 一 That disgraceful fool! Better to die with dignity than to embarrass oneself by rolling around on the ground like a clumsy donkey! 一 That guy isn't worthy of being called a martial artist! Let's label him a 'Deserter'. It’s a skill so frowned upon, even in the martial arts world. Wasn't Jegal Hyang a martial artist too? Her passive nature must lead to such unpredictably odd actions. "My lady? I apologize if I was too forward." I apologized earnestly to Jegal Hyang, who was peeking out from behind the pillar, panting. "Th-that’s not it. I-I’ll do it." "Pardon?" "I-I’ll enter a contract relationship." ---------- "Now, let's go to Mangeumjeonju." As soon as Jegal Hyang’s flustered breath stabilized, I urged her to leave. "U-uhm. I haven’t finished carving the wooden doll yet..." She cast a fleeting glance at the wooden pieces in the corner, looking troubled. The wooden doll, was it handmade? "You just need to say you’re going to your grandfather’s house." What would you need a wooden doll for to visit your aunt? I thought. I exited the room with a hesitant Jegal Hyang. "Young lady, where are you going?" As she stepped out of the room, a warrior immediately blocked her path. “T-To visit my grandfather’s house,” Jegal Hyang stammered. “When you leave, you must get permission from the lady or Master Heosong.” “Oh... um, well...” Was she really having trouble handling a firm refusal? Seeing Jegal Hyang’s helplessness, the warrior smirked as if saying 'How typical,' and slowly reached out to her. “The lady is busy with household matters, and Master Heosong is not present. You should go back in. Understood?” Just when I thought I had convinced her, it appeared I couldn't give up. I grabbed the warrior’s wrist as he tried to hold Jegal Hyang. “Does the granddaughter need permission to visit her nearby grandfather?” I asked the warrior incredulously. “Who are you, scoundrel?” So, going quietly was impossible after all. If that’s the case, I had no choice but to reveal myself. Slowly, I reached for the hat covering my hair. The raised voice of the warrior drew everyone’s attention to me. “I am Kang Yoon Ho from Daseogak.” Removing my hat, I introduced myself confidently, like a warrior storming a major sect single-handedly. “An intruder?! We have an intruder!” The estate quickly descended into chaos. “Escort the lady out!” “She’s trying to leave? Where is her brother?” “He went to the tavern yesterday and hasn’t returned since!” “He must have drunk himself unconscious! Hyang! What’s going on?” Jegal Hyang's aunt and Mangeumjeonju's daughter arrived with an angry expression. “Greetings, ma’am—” “Who gave you permission to speak, filthy barbarian?” The middle-aged woman bared her teeth and looked at me with contempt. Like mother, like son. “Ah, Aunt, it’s just—” Jegal Hyang attempted to step in, but if she were capable of handling such situations easily, today wouldn’t have occurred. Her attitude implied she intended to exclude me and force Jegal Hyang into an isolated position. That won't do. “The so-called filthy barbarian is Jegal Hyang’s match,” I said, calmly pushing Jegal Hyang behind me and stepping forward to face Heosong’s mother. “What?! Is that true?” Flustered, she sought confirmation from Jegal Hyang. “Yes, grandfather arranged it,” Jegal Hyang affirmed, poking her head out from behind me. “Has my father gone senile? How could he consider a filthy barbarian for his granddaughter?” “Now that you understand, step aside,” I demanded, taking a step forward. “No.” When I tried to advance, she obstructed our path. “I fail to see why you won’t let us leave, especially with all the security forces here.” “...” “Are you afraid that if it’s revealed Jegal Hyang was kidnapped and impersonated, you’ll be held accountable?” “You insolent barbarian scum! What are you saying!” Lady, your attempts to deny it are transparent. “Lady Jegal. Look at her reaction. Doesn’t my claim seem accurate?” “Y-yes!” Jegal Hyang nodded, peeking from behind me, while I observed the seething woman in front of me. “It’s over. If you don’t want the situation to escalate further, step aside.” “Hyang! Aunt will convince your grandfather to stop the matchmaking! Just stay in the house for now!” That put me in a bind. Momentarily stunned, I glanced back at Jegal Hyang. Carefully watching me, she closed her eyes tightly and spoke. “Oh, well... I’ll attend the matchmaking.” “Stop that barbarian!” So it’s come to using force. Warriors prepared to draw their weapons. Quickly, using Soyeonsimsang-gyeol to amplify my voice, I shouted. “Where do you think you’re drawing your weapons?!” I couldn’t let Jegal Hyang be taken. Shielding her behind me, I made my voice ring throughout the estate to halt their actions. “Think carefully! If you draw your swords now, you’re drawing them against the man Mangeumjeonju considered for his granddaughter and against the youngest daughter of Jegal Gaju!” Can you handle that? “She’s not just any Jegal; she’s the family head’s youngest daughter?” “Yes, that’s right.” “Do not act recklessly!” No, act recklessly. The person who seemed to be the head guard attempted to calm things down, but I had no intention of letting him. This was the perfect moment to exacerbate the situation quickly. “Even if I don’t leave, things won’t change. No, they’ll get worse. If I fail to leave, I have arranged to inform both Jegal and Mangeumjeong families.” “What?!” “Even though you acted on your master’s orders, if news gets out about this, you won’t avoid repercussions, even if your blood relations do.” You think Jegal Gaju would forgive the person who drew a sword on his youngest daughter? Maybe not the aunt, but not you. Can you handle it? I flashed a sly smile at the head guard who had just tried to calm things down. “What are you all doing?” Recognizing the situation, the warriors hesitated despite the lady’s orders. “Loyalty isn’t blind obedience, but following the correct orders. If you step aside, you can save your lady and yourselves. Think carefully.” Letting us go would be a minor incident, but blocking us could lead to several casualties. I warned the surroundings with a tone carrying grave implications. Fear of the significant consequences hung heavy over the estate, silencing everyone. After a moment of silence, the supposed leader spoke up. “Are you willing to keep today’s events silent?” Finally, a declaration of surrender. “What did you just say?” The woman still didn’t grasp the situation. “Once we leave, everything here will be forgotten as well.” “...Let them pass.” Disguised as a delivery person, I exited the estate with Jegal Hyang, who was carefully holding onto my sleeve. ********** “Seriously. I said let’s go together.” Kim Ha Yeon couldn't sit still for even a moment inside the empty office without Kang Yoon Ho. She paced back and forth anxiously. Nothing will happen. Nothing should go wrong at the estate. If any trouble flares up and rumors about a pink-haired lightweight master spread through the martial world, it would be problematic. If I’m late, just take the letter to Mangeumjeon. No matter how many times she repeated his words, the image of his back as he left alone filled her with overwhelming unease. ‘Please be safe.’ Kim Ha Yeon opened the window and looked towards the estate. She wanted to jump out and head there immediately. Just as she thought that, she spotted a familiar head opening the tavern door. "I'm back... Whoa!" Kim Ha Yeon burst out of the office, leaping down from the third floor in an instant to meet Kang Yoon Ho. “Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?” Ignoring the stares from others, she anxiously examined his limbs, her face filled with worry. Even if someone teased her about being unusually overprotective today, Kim Ha Yeon had no intention of denying it as she usually would. Her priority was to check Kang Yoon Ho's condition. "As you can see, I am unharmed." “Phew, thank goodness. What happened during your trip?” Kim Ha Yeon's already large chest expanded and contracted with the deep breath of relief she took. “I rescued Jegal Hyang, who was being detained. I escorted her all the way to the front gate of Mangeumjeonju’s estate. I also informed Jeon Gil San.” “Does that mean the matter with the Tang family’s discord is resolved now?” “There’s just one more thing to take care of before it’s settled.” “One more thing?” “Well... Ha ha.” Why is he avoiding my gaze? Kim Ha Yeon, sensing the reluctant expression on Kang Yoon Ho's face, felt an instinctive sense of foreboding. “What is it? Tell me.” “It seems... I will need to go through with the matchmaking with Jegal Hyang.”