
Contract - 4 “Are you suggesting that I become the manager of the Museon Branch?” “Hehe. Manager, you say? If this venture concludes successfully, you’ll already be a merchant running two enterprises. Shouldn't you start preparing to ascend to the status of a ‘Dofang’?” Dofang. In modern terms, it signifies a mid-sized business owner overseeing multiple enterprises. So, managing a branch is meant to help me gain experience? “Can I consider managing a branch part of the test?” “Only the business part. Running the bookstore is compensation for my grandchild's accident.” “But……” There's so much work already; there's no reason to take this on. “However, you'll be allowed to utilize the profits from the branch for your business.” Now, this changes everything. The food delivery business is firmly established in Museon. And Museon is a large city. There are still plenty of areas to expand the business. In a situation where expanding the business easily isn’t possible due to a lack of funds, having the solid success card of the Museon branch can provide the needed cash. This is a solid reward. “How extensively would I be able to utilize the profits from the branch?” “Wouldn't that be a discussion you need to have with the bookstore owner?” “Me, me?” Mangeumjeonju nodded with an approving gaze toward her precious granddaughter. ‘Run the Museon branch while dating, huh.’ The Museon branch belongs to Jegal Hyang. However, you can take the profits while dating, and if you marry, it becomes yours. It’s akin to showing the bride her dowry in advance. ‘Seems Mangeumjeonju is quite anxious about this matchmaking.’ The old man pretends to be unconcerned, but he’s rather worried. I smiled to myself. Considering the matchmaking and the impersonation incident, Mangeumjeonju must have felt the need to offer significant rewards to tie them together. Implying they should meet often at the Museon branch, build rapport, and even if things get annoying, they should endure it by focusing on the branch. The allure was transparently obvious. He must think it’s an irresistible bait. But this time, I was a step ahead. ‘Because we’re already in a contract relationship.’ We’ve already decided on a fake relationship until the test ends. What a pity. No matter how many branches are run, there’s no intention to marry. As long as there's a branch, I can appropriate the funds needed for business. Plus, it's not my store, so even if it fails, I won’t bear the risk. “I will endeavor to maintain a good relationship with Jegal Hyang sojeo.” The test requires not only the principal amount but also additional satisfactory profits stated in the contract. Thanks to the contract relationship, I can meet the requirements a bit more comfortably. ------------------ Matchmaking, blind dates. To me, these are rather foreign words. No matter how much I look back on my life, my memories of blind dates are blank. There was a time when I wanted to have a girlfriend, so I asked for a blind date. But what’s crucial in a youthful romance in the twenties? I wouldn’t know since I’ve never experienced it, but a guy like me, with distinct looks, generally couldn’t enter the so-called battlefield of youth, also known as blind dates. “You’re such a great guy; I’ll personally set you up.” Those words seem hollow when, sometime later, friends would give me a rueful drink after their attempts failed. Now, this matchmaking with Jegal Hyang sojeo is my first official blind date in life. “The pasta is delicious.” At the start of the arranged dinner, I tossed a small topic to ease the tension since I was also a bit nervous about this first blind date. “Oh, yes? Yes! It’s delicious.” Jegal Hyang nodded, not even making eye contact, and resumed eating. Is that all? I pressed gently with a smile, silently urging her to say anything. Hesitantly, she finally spoke after constantly glancing in my direction. “Well, um, that... our co-……” “I don’t think we need to discuss that here.” There might be eavesdroppers. It’s too risky to talk about it here. “Oh, yes. R-right.” “Please don’t worry. I will keep our promises.” I’m only interested in the side benefits, not in performing a ritual outside my duties. “R-right. Of course…” Is something bothering her? Jegal Hyang responded somewhat dejectedly and lowered her head again. It felt like dealing with a conversational black hole. Nothing seemed to keep the discussion flowing. “Is there anything you're curious about me?” “Oh! Well... um……” Is there or isn’t there? Maintaining this awkward contract relationship would be problematic. We needed to show externally that we were getting along, even if just for appearances. I need to take the initiative. “You mentioned you like ‘Tang Ga Poong Woon.’ Have you read all the latest volumes?” “Oh, yes! I’ve read up to Volume 3.” “Jegal Se is up north in Hubei. Isn’t it fascinating that they get ‘Tang Ga Poong Woon’ there as well? Does it also come out in Yuzhong?” “Oh, no. I love books, so I have it specially delivered.” Continuing to engage and empathize with topics she likes. “Volume 3 was hard to get; even people in Yichang lined up for it. I’m delighted as the Museon Branch manager that you enjoy it that much.” “Hehe, a person from Jegal Se stood in line on the release day to get it.” Jegal Hyang spoke with a proud smile. “With your detailed knowledge of ‘Tang Ga Poong Woon,’ you must be well-versed in it.” “Yes, if there was a test on ‘Tang Ga Poong Woon,’ I’m confident I’d get everything right.” “Haha. You’d be a great conversationalist at our Da Seo Hoe meetings.” “What?” Jegal Hyang looked at me with wide blue eyes, not understanding. “It’s a gathering of ‘Tang Ga Poong Woon’ enthusiasts. People in Yichang meet daily to discuss it. I’m sure you would enjoy it.” “T-that’s... not easy.” Jegal Hyang, with a furrowed brow, seemed troubled as she spoke. “Huh?” "Thinking that even the most introverted person would open up just because their favorite is in front of them is a misunderstanding. If someone can comfortably talk about everything they like to a stranger, they wouldn’t have been introverted in the first place. Truly introverted people would rather speak with a pen than try to converse with a stranger." “Haha…” Did I hit a trauma switch? “Oh, um, I-I'm s-sorryyyy.” Realizing her abrupt outburst, Jegal Hyang bowed her head, her face flushed. In moments like these, it's best to reassure her that there's no need to apologize. I adopted a kindly smile and spoke. “Then, from now on, you can do it with me.” “Pardon?” “There’s no need for any burden between us anymore. Think of me as a comfortable conversational partner. You enjoy books, and I own a bookstore, so doesn’t that make me an easy confidant?” After all, this is a contractual relationship. Thinking of us as friends rather than lovers would suffice. Outwardly, we may even appear as a couple. “Kang Gongja and I as confidants?” Jegal Hyang’s sauce-stained lips parted, her eyes wide in surprise. “Yes. I like Dangjeong the most from ‘Tang Ga Poong Woon.’ Do you have a favorite character?” “I-I also like Dangjeong!” “In Volume 1 of ‘Tang Ga Poong Woon,’ I particularly enjoyed…” “Yes! Me too!” Jegal Hyang’s tense expression transformed into one of happiness, and the conversation flowed until she was reluctantly getting up from her seat. Thanks to this one topic, our conversation continued seamlessly. ********** “Sister-in-law, why aren’t you eating well?” Lunchtime at the guesthouse operated by Kang Yunho. Among the Korean staff gathered for a meal, an employee asked Im Ha-yeon, who barely touched her food. “I just don’t have much of an appetite.” Im Ha-yeon was known among the Museon Koreans as the woman of their benefactor, Kang Yunho. Though she vehemently denied it, everyone could deduce the nature of their relationship seeing how inseparable they were. - Reminds me of my wife, who always said spring potatoes were the best. - My partner used to claim she wasn’t buying food for me, but she’d sulk if I didn’t eat it. Nowadays, she’s turned into… Wait, honey, how did you get here? The Museon Koreans affectionately referred to her as “Sister-in-law.” Normally, she’d refute it, saying she’s no sister-in-law, but now she responded listlessly. “It’s understandable. Her husband is out meeting another woman.” Former benefactor and head chef, An Tae-won, casually mentioned the fact everyone was avoiding, as he picked up a piece of meat. “Brother! That’s not something you say!” “……It’s not like that.” There was no conviction in Im Ha-yeon’s denial. “Isn’t it? Then, perhaps my food is tasteless.” Chef An Tae-won confidently swallowed a piece of the side dish. Despite being expensive, the food delivery business thrived due to An Tae-won’s exceptional cooking skills. “Chef!” “Alright, don’t worry too much.” Head Chef An Tae-won looked at the anxious woman of their benefactor with a somewhat reassuring gaze. “Brother. It’s contradictory to set a fire and then say not to worry.” “If you eat richly flavored food and then taste something bland, it seems completely tasteless. Miss Im is indeed beautiful. I haven’t seen anyone more beautiful in all of Museon.” Regardless of who the match is with, as long as Im Ha-yeon is here, no one else would catch Kang Yunho’s eye. An Tae-won’s clumsy attempt at consolation. “Indeed!” “That’s right.” “There’s no reason the benefactor would stray to another woman!” “But it's Jegal Se guy; even if her face is smashed, wouldn’t he still marry?” “…….” The table fell into a chilling silence at the employee’s harsh remark. Seeing Im Ha-yeon’s trembling chopsticks, a few employees swallowed their dry saliva. “You idiot!” “Get that tactless guy out of here!” “Sorry! No, I misspoke!” “That guy’s on delivery duty to the farthest place tomorrow!” Ultimately, the employee, who made an insensitive comment, was dragged away and sentenced to eat plain rice without any side dishes. “Sister-in-law. Don’t worry. We all know how dedicated you are to supporting him. No way our loyal benefactor would do such a thing.” “…….” Im Ha-yeon couldn’t speak with her face etched in worry. “Indeed. So don’t offend the person who prepared this meal and eat a lot. It’s much more charming to see a woman eat heartily than to pick at her food.” “Brother. That’s because you’re a chef……” “You tactless fool! Shut it!” Good people. Watching the Koreans bicker at the table, Im Ha-yeon smiled softly, momentarily forgetting her worries. Yes, they’re right. The whole situation arose from the whims of wealthy individuals. The black-haired bookstore owner and the woman from Jegal Se have no common interests or mutual ground. Their perception of each other must be dreadful. Moreover, I made a clear statement about my appearance in front of him today. It’s just a trivial matter instigated by capriciousness. It will end soon. “I’ll enjoy the meal.” Im Ha-yeon picked up her chopsticks again. ---- “Sister-in-law, why have you been standing by the door for so long...?” “Shh. Do you want to be sent on the farthest delivery route tomorrow too? Use your sense.” “Oh….” Despite the commotion behind her, Im Ha-yeon’s gaze was fixed on a figure in the distance. A man with long black hair tied back, immaculate as always, yet his refined appearance irked her today. He was leisurely walking towards the guesthouse. “Are you back?” Im Ha-yeon, hiding her worries, swiftly went out to greet him. “Yes, I am back.” His voice was subdued, and he seemed entirely drained, with an expression of disappointment. Im Ha-yeon recognized that look. It was the same distressed look on the courtesans when they faced their first client with high expectations, only to return crushed by the vulgar treatment and lecherous eyes, sometimes crying in agony. No matter how hard you work your entire life, there are things you simply can’t reach. After all, they belong to a different world. From a beggar to a bookstore manager, Kang Yunho had lived a hardworking life. Had this kind of shock hit him similarly? “Come in. I’ve already done the inventory. Later, let’s go to Jeon Gil-san’s place and grab something tasty to eat.” Im Ha-yeon grasped Kang Yunho’s sleeve. They could enjoy a good meal later and regain their spirits together. Suddenly, Im Ha-yeon's previously heavy steps felt light. “Mmm.” Kang Yunho, seemingly with something on his mind, didn’t readily follow her lead. “Did someone say something harsh to you? Are you disappointed in Jegal Se?” Should she console him differently? A fleeting thought crossed Im Ha-yeon's mind. “No.” “Then what is it?” “Well... It actually turned out well.” “What?” For a moment, Im Ha-yeon doubted her ears. No way. She must have misheard him. But Kang Yunho's next words brutally shattered her hopes. “I'll be continuing to meet with Jegal Hyang sojeo for the time being.”