Chapter 274

Contract - Chapter 5 I had passed Mangum Jeonju's first test, and my contractual relationship with Jegal Hyang was established. Both were joyous news, but the most pleasant news of all was that I wouldn’t have to see that annoying old man for some time. Just for a moment, I thought I wouldn't have to even turn my head towards Mangum Jeonju's mansion until the next repayment capacity assessment. But solving the existing problem only led to a new one. "Why do you keep working inside my office?" The day after visiting Mangum Jeonju's mansion. In my office. Im Ha Yeon had brought a desk to one corner and started working alongside me, revealing a somewhat displeased look on her face. “Is it bothering you?” “It’s not bothering per se, but don’t you have your own room? You usually manage your work just fine from your own room, so why suddenly in my office now?” "......." If you have complaints, speak up instead of pouting. You've been sneaking glances at me since earlier as if you have something to say. If you have something to say, just say it. "Why are you like this? Is it because of that matchmaking thing?" “It’s not that... but you didn't have to agree just because you were offered bookstore management rights, did you?" Bingo. "It was the only way to stop Mangum Jeonju from bothering me, and for me to gain something out of it." "……but." Im Ha Yeon slightly lowered her head and drew out her words. I knew well why she was dissatisfied. But given the situation, that was the best I could do. “I understand your concern that I might be more interested in Jegal Hyang than in business or you, Ha Yeon. But rest assured, I have no intention of marrying Jegal Hyang.” If I married into the Jegal family, it would be a life-turning event. She probably worried I'd pour all my efforts into that. "…Who said anything like that?" The cracks started forming on Im Ha Yeon's previously disgruntled lips. “We ended up on a matchmaking date due to Mangum Jeonju’s strong coercion, but the other party is part of the Jegal family. It was never going to work out from the start.” “That’s true.” “My current goal in Wuhuan is to reclaim Daseogak and protect you, Ha Yeon. So, there’s no need to worry excessively.” I reassured her with a determined tone. “...But the other party might take interest, no... never mind.” “Then, please return to your own space now.” “Let’s work together for now. It feels like efficiency goes up when there’s someone else in the same space rather than working alone.” Im Ha Yeon, with a relieved look as if she never had a complaint, said to me. “If it’s like that, I suppose there’s no other choice.” Was it too obvious that I wanted to slack off after passing the test? I've been overloading Im Ha Yeon with work recently. Nodding towards Im Ha Yeon, I began reading the letter that had been delivered by Seocheonpyoguk. The letter detailed Uichang’s current situation. “Are you reading the letter from Uichang?” “Daseogak is running smoothly. Uichang Seocheonpyoguk has reinforced the manpower, and they are managing the security both at the printers and Daseogak, so there’s nothing to worry about.” Originally, I had trained managerial staff for a branch office. Although there were minor disturbances initially, thanks to the scholars, Seocheonpyoguk, and Baekgajang Chonggwan, things were running well. “Let me see. ...It seems the Do Mun people still believe I’m in Uichang.” Im Ha Yeon furrowed her brows slightly at the mention of Do Mun issues in the letter. Although reduced due to repeated stern warnings, it seemed they still made occasional trouble. “That’s fortunate. I have something to attend to, so I must leave now.” “Where are you heading?” “I have something to attend to.” “Are you going to Mangum Jeonju’s place by any chance?” Why would I go there? It's a place I prefer to avoid unless absolutely necessary these days. “I prefer to maintain my distance from that old man. I'm going to a restaurant in Wuhuan’s bustling street.” “Why a restaurant? Do you have an appointment with someone? Are you, by any chance…” Im Ha Yeon's eyes seemed to quiver slightly. “Did you forget?” Did she not realize? She usually seems sharp, but occasionally there are baffling moments. “Yes?” To jog her memory, I spoke up while looking at Im Ha Yeon's bewildered face. "It’s where Simun Hyangju works, you know.” The head of all Hao Mun's branch offices in Hubei Province. Simun Hyangju. “Ah!” Finally remembered? --------------- Originally, I was planning to go alone, but I thought it would be better if Im Ha Yeon, who was involved, accompanied me. “Both of you, the Hyangju is in the middle of work. Please have your meal; I will inform her.” We were led to a private room, ordered a few luxurious dishes, and waited at our seats. ‘This is a restaurant with authentic martial arts vibes.’ The restaurant was luxurious down to the last decoration; perhaps that’s why the food prices were exorbitant. Even so, the menu items having an authentic martial arts theme felt gratifying. “Here it is. This is a dish called Qingzhengyu. They say it’s a fish dish made by steaming a high-quality fish and pouring hot oil and various seasonings over it. I'm looking forward to it.” I gazed expectantly at the appetizing fish before me and spoke to Im Ha Yeon. “You seem to like these kinds of dishes more than the Zhongyuan people, even though you are not from Zhongyuan.” Im Ha Yeon looked at me curiously. "Because all these foods are exotic to me. The excitement comes from never having tasted them before." “Ah... that... I’m sorry.” Im Ha Yeon looked apologetic and awkward. Did she recall my destitute past? “There’s no need to feel sorry. Let’s eat.” How should I approach this? It looks so fancy that I’m at a loss. Should I just use chopsticks like usual? “Wait, stay still. If you don’t know how to eat it, I’ll do it for you.” Seeing my hesitation, Im Ha Yeon meticulously removed the fish bones with her chopsticks and placed the fish with some vegetables on my small plate. Why the sudden kindness? “Thank you, I’ll enjo…” Just as I was about to take a bite of the Qingzhengyu, the door to the private room opened. “Simun Hyangju!" Emerging into view was Simun Hyangju, who had a warm face that suggested they'd be good at business but also likely enjoyed gaming at home. “Sit down. Sit down. I’m busy, so I’ll have to head out again soon.” “Yes.” Simun Hyangju made a dismissive gesture, indicating they had no time for formalities, and then sat down in an empty chair, looking at me with interest. “Haha. I told you to show your abilities, and you did something quite amusing. Using carrier pigeons to deliver food, huh? I’ve been working in branch offices since I was strong enough to hold a spoon, and I’ve never heard of such a thing.” “Being foreign-born, I simply saw things differently.” “Save the humility for when you’re dealing with orthodox sect folks. Here, it’s better to act like you’re hot stuff.” “Haha. I’ll keep that in mind.” “I’ve heard you’re hiring many of the Simun folks? Providing them with lunch and a decent wage? Some of the branch office people are grumbling about why they aren’t blessed with black hair.” The Koreans I hired were members of the local association and also affiliated with Simun. Hiring Koreans who had no jobs elevates loyalty towards me and earns the approval of Simun. “It’s easier for someone from the same background to manage them. Please let me know if you’re not satisfied, and I’ll correct it.” “No need. Choosing branch office people is up to the patron. You’re doing a good job.” “Can you tell me what’s happening with the Do Mun?” Since they were busy, I wasted no time getting to the main topic. “We’re blocking information and feeding them false information.” “False information?” “That Im Ha Yeon is still in Uichang. No, that she has abandoned the ruined Kang Yoon Ho and fled. We’re providing confusing details.” “Aha.” “They must be in turmoil. The Do Mun would love to grab one of those black-haired patrons in Wuhuan, and torture them to find out where the runaway courtesan is. But then again, the information coming from Simun shows that the lad they’re looking at is a manager who’s shaking up Uichang, protected by Seocheonpyoguk, and noticed by the Sichuan Tang Family.” Simun Hyangju added at the end, also pointing out their own affiliation. “You mean the Do Mun doesn’t want to create more trouble in Wuhuan.” That probably means even the Do Mun doesn't want more attention drawn towards Im Ha Yeon from other Hao Mun groups. “I like how quick you are to understand. This is why they say being close to books is more valuable than food.” “Thank you for your assistance.” “No need for thanks. It’s the Hyangju’s job to look out for family.” “Does this mean you finally recognize me as family?” Simun Hyangju had once said they’d help if they considered me family. “You're family, alright. But you feel like a troublesome relative.” Does that mean I’m lacking? “What more should I do to meet your standards?” “To be recognized in the family, you need to have many subordinates. Don’t you think it feels good when you can boast about the people under you and say, ‘Brother, I’ve got many followers’? That’s when helping someone feels worthwhile.” “I’ll expand the business further then.” If it means having more Simun-affiliated Hao Mun under my wing, it’s doable. I need to keep growing the business anyway. Simun Hyangju nodded in satisfaction at my words. “Keep doing what you’re good at. I'll cover today, so eat well and get fueled. With such nourishing food, you should be able to, ahem, perform three times tonight. Or more, since you’ve got black hair, right?” Simun Hyangju glanced at Im Ha Yeon with a mischievous smile. “Th-that’s not the relationship we have!” “Sure it isn’t. You were deboning fish for each other right under everyone’s noses. Quite an eyeful.” “But... that was in a private room…” “Wouldn’t have done it if the door was open?” “…….” “During the day, you debone fish. At night, you help remove other things.” “Until I am fully accepted, I will protect Ha Yeon with utmost care.” Seeing Im Ha Yeon's face turning redder, I decided to jump in. “Right. If word goes out that the treasure of Usan Gyo Bang can’t settle for anyone without black hair, both the Gi Mun and Do Mun will foam at the mouth. So once you catch her, don’t think about letting her go.” “Ugh…” “Hahaha! I’ve got to be off. I’ll be in touch when the time comes.” “Thank you. Safe travels.” “Oh! I almost forgot something important.” Simun Hyangju paused and turned back towards us. “What is it?” Is there something more critical than the news about Im Ha Yeon? Could it be something bad? With a serious expression, Simun Hyangju pulled out a small piece of paper and spoke to us. “What would you like for dessert? We’ve got vanilla ice cream and green tea ice cream.” I chose green tea ice cream. --------------- “Simun Hyangju is quite straightforward, which I appreciate.” Quite unlike that old man, indeed. “You’re Uncle Gwak’s deputy, after all. From Simun Hyangju’s perspective, you’re a person sent by his closest companion; hence, he treats you well.” Im Ha Yeon added that it was rare for the branch office chief to readily offer cooperation. “I don’t think I inspire that much confidence as a deputy.” “Do you even know what kind of position the Hao Mun Hyangju holds? The way Hyangju treats you would have shocked any other Hao Mun members watching.” “I thought he was just a laid-back person. If that’s the case, he should resolve the Do Mun issue promptly.” “Even for Simun, clashing with the Do Mun would be uncomfortable. But at least we now know why the Do Mun hasn’t figured out our location.” “Simun’s capabilities seem quite impressive.” It appears Simun Hyangju has partially accepted me as family and is extending his support. “We have limited activities. We don’t frequent gambling dens or giru, and don’t use carriages, so the only reports on us would come from branch office folks. And their information is tightly controlled by Simun Hyangju.” “At least we can carry on with our business without worry for now. But to gain full recognition from Simun Hyangju, expanding the business to a few more inns might not suffice.” It seems you’ll need to be a reliable pillar supporting the Hao Mun members affiliated with Simun. “You do have a method, don’t you?” Im Ha Yeon’s voice unexpectedly took on a peculiar sharpness. “You mean opening a branch of Daseogak? That isn’t something that can be done right away, and it would take time for the branch to stabilize enough to generate profits for distribution. It seems like it would take too long.” We don’t even know when we’ll be granted the Daseogak branch, so it’s awkward to just wait indefinitely. With no response from the silent Im Ha Yeon, I turned my steps back towards the inn. ----------------- “There’s no one here!” What’s going on? As we arrived at the inn, several people dressed as rough-looking constables were loitering inside with stern expressions. “What’s the matter?” “We’re from the local government office.” “The government office is visiting our inn?” What could this be about? I paid my taxes properly and obtained all necessary licenses. Could it be they’re here to demand a bribe? “No, we’re not here because of the inn. We’re here to see Kang Yoon Ho.” “What brings you here?” “We’re here to verify some facts as part of an investigation. Do you know someone named Heo Song?” The constable had an assistant lift a brush, ready to write, and then mentioned a familiar name to me. “Heo Song? Are you talking about the Heo Song who opened the Mangum Book Storage?” “That’s correct.” “Has Heo Song lodged a complaint against me?” Did he resort to using the authorities out of unfairness? Mangum Jeonju won’t let this slide quietly if they find out. Such a petty move. But the constable’s words were unexpected. “That’s not it. He was found dead.” “What?” “Heo Song was discovered dead early this morning.”