Chapter 275

Gathering - Part 1 “Heosong's body was found, half of his facial skin torn off, in the red-light district.” Heosong. The real culprit behind the false claim of the Tang Family Wind and Cloud. The grandson of Man Geum Zen Joo ended up as a corpse. “Who could have done such a heinous thing?” “……” Was it me? Pozol stared at me, piercingly. “Seems like there's some misunderstanding here…” “When was the last time you saw Heosong?” “Not recently; I met him once at the Man Geum Library.” “I heard you were involved with him in the scandal of the false writer, Hopyeol.” Are they investigating me as a suspect? Thankfully, they didn't immediately drag me off. It seems my name is just on the list of suspects. “Yes. Heosong used a fake writer to publish novels that I was supposed to publish.” Since they've done their research, it's better to just speak the truth. “Don't you find it too coincidental, the writer impersonation incident and the face-skinned body?” Are they suggesting the "face" being a pun on the writer’s name and that someone skinned his face? Even thinking from the perspective of someone who enjoyed locked-room mysteries where the villain uses his grandfather’s name and tricks to instantly kill an elephant, it does seem suspicious. “I only had minor business conflicts with Heosong. How could one do something so horrific?” I put a hand on my chest, showing an incredibly aggrieved expression. “I heard that barbarians have a custom of killing people and skinning their faces.” Why are there so many rumors about barbarians? Why don’t they just go ahead and say we wear face skins and wield chainsaws? “What?! Do you think we're horseback-riding barbarians?!” “What do you take Joseon people for?!” “Ah, no, that's not what I meant.” The other Joseon people, who had been quietly sitting in the tavern's main room, were filled with indignation and began shouting, causing Pozol to hesitate awkwardly. Great support. Taking a step toward the Pozol, I spoke with misunderstood rage. “Joseon is a nation that respects Confucius and Mencius. Even though I am a foreigner, I've studied the Four Books and the Five Classics since childhood. How could I engage in such barbaric customs?” Even though Gang Yoon-ho used to think of his teacher's voice as background noise and sleep through it, he did learn something. “There are even martial artists who sometimes commit such acts due to grudges.” Then don't talk about barbarians. You people who do things more heinous than these "barbarians." “The impersonation issue is already resolved. If you still doubt me, you can inquire with Jeon Gil-san of Man Geum Bookstore or with Man Geum Zen Joo for more details.” I had been compensated, banned from publishing Tang Family Wind and Cloud, and lost support for my hat. I had no reason to hold a grudge anymore. “Hmm.” Pozol kept scrutinizing me, as if trying to find some clue. “Sir, there doesn't seem to be much difference from what we heard at Man Geum Bookstore.” “As expected. Who in the world could have committed such an atrocious act…?” Have they already investigated elsewhere? “May I return to my work now?” “Yes. It doesn't seem like there’s any solid evidence against you for now. Sorry for disturbing you. You may go.” -------------- “Damn officials. They’re always trying to nitpick at us black-haired folks.” An Suk-soo, sitting me down on the opposite chair in the tavern, gritted his teeth and spoke. “We just have to be more meticulous under such circumstances.” “You have no idea how much I had to suffer at the hands of those officials to get a permit to run this inn.” “They’re the kind who look at hair color and turn a blind eye.” When black-haired vagrants face injustices, they can't rely on public authority. This is the reality I've come to understand living in Zhongyuan. “That's right. …But just to be clear, you didn’t skin a face, did you?” An Suk-soo sneaked a glance at me, half-jokingly. “Haha. Even you, An Suk-soo?” “Well, you made quite a statement at the initiation ceremony, didn’t you? And now the Three Brothers even act like they’d die if you told them to.” I guess it’s because I disposed of many rogue bodies during the initiation ceremony. Even when I smile at them, people from the compatriots’ association get all tensed up, thanks to that ceremony. “That was a duty as the new leader. Besides, if I got caught doing something cruel, wouldn't it affect all our fellow Joseon people?” I have to return An Suk-soo’s words as they are. “Quite. Unlike people like me, you are indeed leadership material.” “But what have you been doing all this time? You’re not extorting money from the compatriots, are you?” An Suk-soo sat at his desk, taking down names and sums as the Joseon people queued up and handed over money. “Extortion my foot! You lot, don’t just stand there; greet your leader.” “We last met at the initiation ceremony!” “Hello, Leader! Apologies for the belated greeting!” An Suk-soo had the Joseon people in line do their greetings, then began explaining what he was doing. “I’ve been handling large sums of money for the compatriots.” “Large sums?” “It's hard to get an inn permit in Zhongyuan even if you own a building because you’re a black-haired foreigner. Imagine how much harder it would be to use a money house.” “That must be quite tough. Being foreigners with no status guarantees.” It’s cumbersome to open a bank account or get a mobile phone even in modern times for foreigners, let alone in this martial arts world. “Indeed. Unless, like you or me, one runs a business. Since other foreign compatriots can't use a money house easily, I'm doing it for them.” “If that’s the case, you should’ve handed it over to me.” “That’s even more troublesome. Some stranger showing up for their money, not knowing when they’ll come for it, and informing everyone about the handover would be too much hassle. It's better that I keep doing it as it is.” An Suk-soo, like a seasoned veteran in factory management, declined my proposal, suggesting that enduring hardships without worries was better for maintaining sanity. “You’ve been through quite the struggles.” “Just remember, if you do know, don't skin my face later.” “Hahahaha.” “Let's have a drink tonight after closing. These damned officials soured my mood.” “Sounds good.” That night, we threw a small party at the tavern in celebration of me passing the trial. Though the news of Heosong's death had spread among the compatriots, resulting in ridiculous rumors that crossing the leader could be fatal, I decided to let it be since denying it wouldn’t stop the gossip. ------ “Why didn’t you attend Heosong’s funeral?” It had been a week since the news of Heosong's death. While I was busy running my business and contemplating future expansions, Jeon Gil-san visited my office. “Why should I go to Heosong’s funeral?” Not like I would go just to get a free bowl of noodles. “True, it’s just asking for trouble.” Jeon Gil-san clicked his tongue, looking sorrowful. Even a rascal would feel some pity for a cousin’s death, it seems. “How is the case progressing? The Pozol came several more times to pester me.” They eventually stopped coming, probably finding no further evidence against me. I asked Jeon Gil-san as we had become more informal over time. “It’s bizarre. His corpse was found in the red-light district, which is packed with brothels, inns, and gambling dens—a place where several bodies are disposed of daily.” “So, he might have been killed in a brawl or a robbery?” “But what's puzzling is that Heosong went missing from the day you visited his residence until his body was found recently.” “He might have been murdered somewhere and dumped there.” A long period of being missing suggests it might not have been a spur-of-the-moment killing. “Exactly. Heosong had more enemies than even I did, so he could have been skinned out of spite, or for reasons I don’t even want to imagine.” Jeon Gil-san clicked his tongue again, lowering his eyes, visibly unsettled by his own thoughts. “Are you thinking about the heir test?” “Yes. If we hadn't interfered, Heosong might have skyrocketed through Tang Family Wind and Cloud’s sales. He went missing right after you broke into his estate.” If Heosong was murdered while preparing for the heir test, it would be a serious concern for even the great Man Geum Zen Joo. “Care for some tea?” “Thank you.” Im Ha Yeon offered us some tea before sitting at her desk and listening to our conversation with keen interest. “So, you didn’t skin his face, did you?” Even Jeon Gil-san was asking. Does the fake writer scandal and the face skinning really seem connected? “We resolved the writer impostor issue together. Do I have to suspect you if you suspect me?” “It wasn't me! There’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed! How could I do something so horrible to family?” Jeon Gil-san was visibly shocked and waved his hands frantically. The guy who used to disregard boundaries talking about lines. It’s odd hearing about boundaries in the martial arts world. “If I had no sense of boundaries, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.” I could jump over the lines you crossed, Jeon Gil-san, in the Yi Chang incident and the Confiscation of the Five Scrolls. “Ugh. Agreed.” Jeon Gil-san nodded, seemingly having nothing more to say. “Ah, I heard you’re dating my cousin Je Gal Hyang?” “Where did you hear that?” “I’m one of the few relatives with some connection to Je Gal Hyang.” “Ah, I see.” Perhaps it’s because Jeon Gil-san’s family runs the Man Geum Bookstore. “She never leaves her room, but she came to the funeral looking around as if searching for someone. I asked, and it turns out to be you.” “…Did she really ask about Manager Gang Yoon-ho?” Im Ha Yeon's voice was oddly sharp as she, too, had been quietly listening. “Though she left quickly, pale and retching, when more people gathered.” “Haha…” No matter how I think about it, she’s quite an amusing woman. “By the way, brother-in-law.” “Yes?” “What?” Is this guy really calling me that? “If you marry my cousin, wouldn’t that make you my brother-in-law? Family is important.” Jeon Gil-san looked at me with utmost seriousness. “Who is whose brother-in-law now?!” That’s what I want to know. Im Ha Yeon stood up abruptly from her desk, glaring at Jeon Gil-san. “Jeon Gil-san, cut the nonsense.” Regardless of what the two of us said, Jeon Gil-san continued speaking without changing his serious expression. “Although we met through ill-fate, the fact that we’ve helped each other twice now and become business associates cannot be denied. We’ve shared countless drinks, too, haven’t we?” “Cut the crap and get to the point.” The guy really doesn’t suit flattery. “Uh… Can you lower the franchise fee?” “What?” “After Grandfather’s funeral, he gave each grandson another certificate, likely because he thought that those who messed up the first business might resort to extreme methods.” “So, you want to set up another franchise inn?” “Brother-in-law, if I become the next owner of the Man Geum, I won’t forget today and will show you how family should support each other. So, just a small favor today…” “Forget it. No changes to the contract terms.” I cut him off firmly. “You really are heartless, even though you bleed just fine when stabbed!” He bleeds a lot when stabbed. “If you don't like it, don’t do it.” “Huff. I brought the seal. Let’s sign.” It seems like the franchise business is profitable after all. Jeon Gil-san sighed deeply and finally stamped his seal on the second slave contract. --------- “With the franchise fee from Jeon Gil-san, we can secure some urgent funds. Lady Ha Yeon.” Holding the contract stamped by Jeon Gil-san, I called out to Im Ha Yeon, who was muttering something to herself while looking at the ledger. “Despite saying you came out forcefully…” “Young Miss?” “What?!” Why did she startle and shout like that? “Please organize the current budget and write a report. If Jeon Gil-san pays the franchise fee, we need to be ready to establish a branch.” “Once I organize it, I think it’ll still be insufficient. Even if it’s possible, we’d have to pour all our money into it.” The delivery business was thriving every day. However, launching a branch for delivery food tavern was another matter entirely. We had to use messenger pigeons, so we needed to purchase a multi-story building, not just a single-story one. In addition, we had to renovate the tavern and find a location where many people would order delivery food, requiring significant initial capital investment. “Why are the property prices in Wuchang so high?” Sure, Wuchang is the Seoul of Hubei Province, but this is too much. “…You passed the first trial, so maybe you can afford to take it easy.” “Both Man Geum Zen Joo and Shi Mun of Haomun hope for my business to grow, so I have to keep going.” I need to expand the business and hire many Joseon people under Haomun and Shi Mun. “Money doesn’t fall from the sky, and we can only make a profit through bills and business. There’s no immediate solution, is there?” “That’s what you think. Money from the sky… Wait a minute.” Money from the sky? Is there really no way to supplement the lacking funds? No, there is. And it’s a method only I can use. “An Suk-soo!” I hurriedly left the office to find An Suk-soo. “What is it?” “You said you’ve been collecting money from the compatriots and storing it in the money house, right?” “Uh, yes, what about it?” “Show me that ledger.”