Chapter 155: Doing His Best (Part 2)

Chapter 155: Doing His Best (Part 2) The next day. I started my training in earnest. The goal was to fully embody the "traits" that I currently possess. I'm not sure how long it will take for them to fully embody, but for now, I have to do my best. "...Wind arrows seem like they will fully embody soon." Honestly, the complete embodiment of the elven traits doesn't hold much significance. Even if my charm increases, there won't be a substantial difference. "But still, there is meaning in fully embodying them." In truth, the most important thing is the complete embodiment of the angelic traits. It is a minimum requirement for it to at least turn from "black" to "red." "I should have used Divine Punishment more often." The problem is that the three angelic traits I am currently acquiring are far from being fully embodied. I haven't had them for very long, especially not Rapture and Battle Angel. I haven't used Divine Punishment very often, so it's practically the same as acquiring it recently. Divine Punishment is closer to complete embodiment, so I'm aiming for that while using it consistently. "But the efficiency of Divine Punishment is too poor." The magic efficiency is so terrible that it frustrates me to death. It's worse than the flames of the spirits. Of course, the flames of the spirits have become tolerable due to the adjustment of "Fire Compatibility," but in the current situation, the efficiency of Divine Punishment is the worst. That's why I left Divine Punishment aside. Using the same magic power, it is more efficient to use the flames of the spirits. "But I have to fully embody it within 20 days somehow..." Yu Hwa gave me a list of ancient relics that are confirmed to be displayed in the museum. There are many useful relics among the celestial relics. To use those relics, I need at least one fully embodied Divine Punishment. "Then let's start again." My magic power should be full now. I finished my rest and stood up again. * * * At that time. The most important hiding place within the organization of the Savior of Truth. "Boss. Here's the report." Maestro handed the report to Unknown. "······." Unknown just stared at the report without any intent to receive it. The look in Unknown's eyes as he looked at Maestro was incredibly cold. It was an expression of disapproval. "······." While looking at Unknown's expression, Maestro chewed his lips lightly. Ever since the Heumit interrogation incident, the trust between Unknown and Maestro has been broken. To be more precise, Unknown can no longer trust Maestro. "It was such a big mistake." The failure of the Yu Hwa kidnapping operation. As a result, we lost an alchemist and returned with no gain. And above all, the fact that Heumit was not a real spy was the final blow. Due to consecutive mistakes, Unknown lost trust in Maestro. Unknown, who was still looking at Maestro with a cold gaze, frowned slightly and received the report without saying a word. Then, without a word, Unknown quickly started reading the report. "Is there anything lacking in the report?" Unknown, who had partially read the report, spoke coldly, fixing his gaze on the report. "······Yes." In response to that question, Maestro's forehead twitched. To be doubted for even such a basic report, it was enough to hurt his pride. "Then you may leave." Without even giving Maestro a glance, Unknown waved his hand dismissively. "······Yes." Maestro quietly left the room. As soon as the door closed, his expression twisted grimly, like a demon from hell. "Damn it." How did things end up like this? I know Unknown's personality well. He despises losers and scoffs at failures. Regardless of whether the failure was a mistake or a lack of skill, a failure is a failure. That is Unknown's philosophy. "How have I been able to endure until now..." Maestro had never made a mistake or failed even once in nearly ten years. That's why Maestro was able to gain the complete trust of Unknown and become the second-in-command as the overall commander of the officers. "It's dangerous." Maestro recalled Unknown's expression. A look that was like seeing a disgusting bug. Maestro knows better than anyone how the officers who were looked at with such eyes disappeared. "Discarded as holy martyrs..." Officers who became useless were used as "holy martyrs" and... disposed of. That is the word of a discarded officer. "Is there a way to turn this situation around?" A way to regain Unknown's trust. If he can't find a way, it will be the end for himself. Maestro chewed his lips while thinking. When would he come up with such a plan? As he was lost in thought, Rust approached Maestro with a sarcastic laugh. "Maestro, you've become quite pathetic~" "Get lost." Maestro growled menacingly. He looked like he could release his magic power at any moment. "Your words are harsh. I came here because I was genuinely concerned." Rust smirked. "You. If you continue like this, you'll be disposed of. You know that, right?" Maestro's expression became more distorted. "That won't happen." "Is there no way? It won't be easy to change the boss's mind with common methods." Maestro sealed his lips. "None?" A sinister gleam flashed in Rust's eyes. "Alright. I have a proposal." "...A proposal?" "Yes. I thought of a way for you to regain the boss's trust." "Tell me." "Good choice." Rust smiled playfully as he looked at Maestro's serious expression. "In the upcoming Lair of the Five Dragon's attack...?" When Gang Seo-yul received the message from Heumit and passed it on to Rust, who then passed it on to Maestro, those were the words that reached Maestro when asked, "Do you understand?" * * * "Rust has contacted me." That night. When I was training alone, Heumit approached me in a black mist and spoke. Needless to say, it was Heumit. "What does Maestro say?" "He hasn't given a clear answer yet, but he will definitely move according to our intentions." Heumit's eyes glowed coldly. "He came up with such a trap that inevitably falls into it like an ant's hell. Kang Seo-yul who thought of such a thing is quite fearsome." Heumit chuckled. "This is dangerous." His eyes turned red when Adam's mark completely transformed. I didn't know I would be caught so easily. Even if I'm an abnormality among the giants, there's nothing to be surprised about. "...But whatever the case, I feel a little uneasy." I recalled the events so far. The more carefully I planned, the more catastrophically it fell apart. Just thinking about it made me frustrated. "Is it possible that something like Lucifer's coming or the release of Mephisto Seal might happen?" That's the only thing left for this timing. I have no other plausible explanation for the occurrence of an incident at this moment. "...Seems not." No, it's better not to think negatively. I forced myself to clear away those strange thoughts. Desperately shaking my head, I expelled the ominous thoughts. "Anyway, let's see what's going on." I quickly ran out of the training grounds. Damn it. What is it this time? I had everything planned out, and now... "I have to check." I quickly ran out of the training grounds. Damn it. What's going on this time? I couldn't think of anything that would have happened at this timing. "Please, don't let it be some unexpected event like the opening of a dimensional gate or something." I fervently prayed as I looked at the source of the loud noise. A building was gradually engulfed in flames. The magnitude of the fire was not as big as the sound implied. The surrounding citizens were surprisingly calm. "Phew." It doesn't seem to be anything serious. "What's going on?" The passerby who had just appeared like me asked someone. I listened carefully to their conversation. "It's an accident. It seems like there was a problem when they were transporting captured monsters." "Why did such an explosion happen?" "I don't know. Something went wrong with the magic-powered transport system they were using to contain the monsters." ...I see. It's that kind of situation. So it's not a really serious situation. "It's a relief." I let out a sigh of relief. There's no need to shake people's hearts like that. It annoyed me for no reason. "Is there any news?" As I read the news portals on my phone, I saw the articles. "...Why do the reporters keep bringing up 'Korea' all the time?" Well, if I were a "superhuman" active overseas, it might make sense to promote "Korea" like this. But it's a bit too much, isn't it? "Does this get more views?" Including these kind of "patriotic" phrases. "Oh well. It's embarrassing and makes me feel bad, so I can't bear to look anymore." It's not like it's heaven or hell. The articles are all praises, which is embarrassing, and the comments are all criticism, which is unpleasant. "Oh, so the green portal news is no different from the original world." Anyway, seeing ancient relics raining from the sky... "My 'Volition' has completely embodied as well." Just a while ago, the complete embodiment was achieved thanks to the complexity of using Volition. "The completely embodied 'Arrow of the Wind' as well..." The Arrow of the Wind was a trait I used frequently, so it finished its embodiment quickly. "And even the 'Overwhelming Strength' of the giants' trait." It increased my strength by one rank, so it quickly completed its embodiment. "As expected, the higher the rank, the smaller the increase in power." The complete embodiment of the Beastfolk's trait will probably show an even smaller increase. "And finally..." I took out my phone and checked the messages. [Yu Hwa] [Here's the list of ancient relics that our guild received from the group. Let me know if you need anything.] [Sin Ji Ah] "These are the ancient relics that were supposed to be kept by the Shinwa Group. Let us know if you need anything." Finally, the physical ancient relics have started to flow back and forth in earnest. "Ancient relics raining from the sky..." Adam's birthmark will completely turn red when that happens. "Heh." I laughed without realizing it. At the same time, I got up from my seat. "This is no different from the ruins of Adam." Rest is over. "Divine Punishment, please let it completely embody today." I desperately prayed, about to use Divine Punishment. Kwaaaaah! "!" A thunderous roar resounded from outside the training grounds. My heart raced at the sudden noise. "...This can't be." Did another variable occur? Just as I had everything planned out... "Let's check it out." I ran out of the training grounds quickly. This can't be. What is it this time? I couldn't think of anything that could have happened at this timing. "Please, not something like Lucifer's coming or the release of Mephisto." I desperately prayed as I looked at the source of the loud noise. The building was engulfed in flames. It wasn't as big as the noise implied. The surrounding citizens were calm. "...Whew." Fortunately, it didn't seem like anything serious had happened. "What's going on?" Just like me, someone who had just revealed themselves asked someone nearby. I listened to their conversation. "It's an accident. They were transporting captured monsters when a problem occurred." "Why did such an explosion happen?" "I don't know. It seems like there was an explosion in the magic-powered containment system they were using for the monsters." ...I see. So it's that kind of situation. I breathed a sigh of relief. It's not like it's a huge incident. "I'm glad." I murmured to myself. Now there's no need to worry about any additional damage. "Well, since there's nothing serious, I can't see it anymore." It's not like it's heaven or hell. The articles are all praising, which is embarrassing, and the comments are all criticizing, which is annoying. "What's with these reporters putting 'Korea' all the time?" Well, I guess it makes sense if I'm an active "superhuman" overseas and they promote "Korea" like this. But it's a bit annoying, isn't it? "Is this getting more views?" Including these kind of "patriotic" phrases. "Ugh, it's too embarrassing and annoying, I don't want to look at it." It's not heaven or hell. The articles are filled with praise, which is embarrassing, and the comments are full of criticism, which is irritating. "But anyway, I hope to regain my complete trust now that Divine Punishment is also fully embodied." Just a while ago, Divine Punishment achieved complete embodiment thanks to consistent use. "Once again, let's get started." Rest time is over. "Divine Punishment, let it be fully embodied today." I fervently wished for it as I tried to use Divine Punishment. Kwaaaaaaah! This is not the Korean novel translation I was looking for.

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