Chapter 154: Doing Our Best (1)

Chapter 154: Doing Our Best (1) The next day. I arrived at the airport with a farewell from the Oni Guild. "I apologize once again." The man who got out of the limousine with me bowed his head. Until right after the incident yesterday, everyone doubted and suspected me of doing something wrong. After the frivolous speculations of the journalists, and after the senior research scientist from the Oni Guild insisted that there was no way I would do such a thing, the attitude quickly changed. It couldn't be helped. The world of the supernatural industry is all about image. Considering that, it would be best for me to avoid any friction at the moment, especially when I'm currently a hot potato. The fact that Japanese companies themselves pay a lot of attention to brand reputation makes it all the more unique. Anyway, this is the current situation. Even if I say that I'm fine, I keep bowing my head. I don't even know how many times I've heard apologies already. "It's alright. Nothing happened, and you've even compensated for it." I showed him the carry-on luggage in my right hand. Inside it was the ancient artifact handed over to me by the Oni Guild. "Are you sure about that?" "Yes, it's enough." The Oni Guild said they would give me proper items rather than just these shabby antiques, but I declined. "This is good equipment, and it can also be obtained through a contract with Mr. Jeong Il-Yong... It's more fitting as a gift for acquaintances." I even sold Ji-A and Yu-Hwa's names. Since it's a well-known fact that I have a personal relationship with the two, I demanded the ancient artifact as a form of repayment during this opportunity. "The Secret Project... was it?" "Yes, it's a government project... They said they lacked artifacts to decorate the interior." It was different from before when negotiations with foreign guilds weren't going well. "That's right. There shouldn't be any problem with ancient artifacts inside Korea, but if we want to acquire foreign artifacts, we need the permission of the respective country." "Yes, and Japan in particular is quite conservative." If we don't have a clear reason like this incident, the government will not grant permission. "Hmm." The man stroked his chin with a serious expression. His name was Nakamura Shigeo, right? At first, I thought he was just a secretary, but then I was shocked to hear that he was the 3rd in command of the Oni Guild. Hearing that, I was extremely surprised. "To be honest, the Oni Guild did not thoroughly consider the Myth and Dissolution proposals. The government put pressure on us, and honestly, we weren't very interested." "Yes, I thought so." I understand. "But then, yesterday I listened to what Kang Seo-Yul said and took a closer look at the Secret Project proposal..." A glimmer appeared in Nakamura's eyes. The eyes of a businessman. "To be honest, there was no reason to refuse that proposal." "That's right." The proposal sent to only the Oni Guild, one of the largest guilds in Japan. In short, the proposal stated that in exchange for ancient artifacts, I would hand over Mr. Maiden's proprietary technique. "Did you... know about it?" Nakamura's pupils slightly enlarged. He must have been surprised to learn that Maiden and I were sharing business secrets and had a relationship. He seemed to be thinking about the relationship between me and Maiden with a strange expression on his face... Well, Japan is a country of imagination, so I'll just let it be. "So, what do you want to say?" It's not important. "Ah, ahem." Nakamura cleared his throat and regained his composure. "After discussing it internally within the guild yesterday... it was decided that we would accept the special contract proposal related to the Secret Project." Just as I thought. The tone of his words made me think that. "If this proposal is still valid, I would like to meet in person this time and have a conversation. The guild leader said so." Now I can take one more gift when I return home. * * * After a short flight, I arrived in Korea. Incheon International Airport was always bustling with people. Thanks to that, I was able to go unnoticed just by wearing a mask and sunglasses. It's troublesome when too many people gather. I quickly left the airport. "Little brat!" Let's go to the agreed-upon place. Maiden greeted me with a bright smile as she embraced me. "You did well!" She then patted my back roughly and laughed. "You really are as lucky as they say. I thought the plan would fail... no, that the plan would fall apart, but it turned out like this." Maiden playfully tapped me on the back as she burst into laughter. "Are you okay? Considering the details of the proposal, it seemed like Maiden would suffer a lot." The conditions were better than I had imagined. "It might be the case right now." "Right now?" "I mean, yes." Maiden crossed her arms and smiled triumphantly. "Kid, you said so yourself. It's only for now." "Only for now?" "That's right." Maiden triumphantly placed her hands on her hips. "Little brat, you said that the world's common sense will completely go awry soon." "Yes." The magical techniques of dragons, angels, demons, and dwarves are beyond the reach of humans. "That's why I offered my skills in exchange. Once the legends such as dragons return, my proprietary techniques will be worthless. Right?" "...Yes, that's right." It was the eyes of a businessman. He understands very well that I possess information about the future that only I know and use it. Since he looks strange, it seems like he has strange thoughts... Well, Japan is a country of imagination, so I'll let him be. "Anyway, with this, the collection of ancient artifacts is over. Now I just need to focus on constructing the Museum of Time and Space." This time, she smiled like an artist. * * * After seeing off Maiden, I returned home. "Rest well then." "Yes, I'll contact you again." After seeing Maiden off, I removed all the security measures like fingerprints and retinal scans, and entered the house. The house was very quiet. Is everyone taking a nap? Thinking that, I quietly made my way to the living room. No one was there. They must be still napping. I made my way to Lena's room. The door was half-open. I glanced into the room through the crack in the door. "Gold Ho, how is it? Does it look similar?" "Nyaang." Lena sat on the edge of the bed, using her magic to create something. It was quite a vast amount of magic power. Because of that magic power, Gold Ho and White Ho probably didn't notice my presence. If it were a stranger, they would have, but they wouldn't notice because I'm familiar to them. "What about you, White Ho? How does it look?" "..." White Ho gazed at what Lena had created, tilting her head before letting out a deep sigh. "...!" I was taken aback. So, this magic construct is supposed to be 'me'? However, Lena's bright expression quickly disappeared, replaced by a gloomy sob. Waka! The magic construct began to crumble. "Hyiiing!" Like a balloon deflating rapidly, Lena cried out as the magic construct rapidly decreased in size. She sobbed with a desolate voice as she looked at the magic construct completely disappear. "I miss it... I want to see it." She murmured with such a sorrowful voice. Crack! She suddenly fell onto the bed, holding Gold Ho and White Ho, burying her face in my chest. Her arms around my waist trembled faintly. ―You've come back quite early. I tried to act nonchalant. With a flat voice, I said: ―I was enjoying my freedom alone, you know. Couldn't you have come back a little later? She buried her face in my chest while saying that. I absentmindedly smiled as I gently stroked Lena's head. "It turned out that way. I ended up finishing early, so I came back quickly. Should I have come back a little later?" Lena's ears perked up again. ―Th-That, yes. I was starting to get a taste of 'living alone.' You came back too early. A truly Lena-like response. Of course, she must have been quite fearful. The fact that her hugging strength has been growing stronger is evidence of that. ―Trauma isn't something that's easily resolved. Without realizing it, I let out a wry smile. "Anyway, why don't you show me that thing I asked about earlier?" Before I could finish my sentence, Lena instantly froze. ―I-I don't know what you're talking about. My eyes gleamed mischievously. Lena's expression turned pensive, like she was thinking, 'Surely, he wouldn't...' "Why? Isn't it something like your made-up magical doll? Your... Seoyul, something..." I couldn't finish my sentence. "Kyaak!" In an instant, Lena jumped away from me, screaming. She quickly dashed out of the room. "Kukkuk." I couldn't help but laugh at her vivid reaction. "Nyaang." "..." Seeing my amusement, Gold Ho and White Ho approached and nuzzled against me. White Ho even went so far as to rub her body against me. She really is consistent. Either way, both of them were welcoming me. I bent down and gently stroked both of their heads. "I'm back." * * * That night. I sat alone at my desk, looking satisfied as I stared at the densely filled notebook. "Okay, this should be enough." Operation Unknown Resolution. With the codename 'Giant Killing,' I am prepared enough for it. "Although there may be unforeseen variables..." We can't calculate each and every variable. Of course, I'll do my best to minimize them. 'Solving trauma is not an easy task.' Without realizing it, I let out a bitter smile. "But for now, only short-term skills and perfect assimilation are efficient for improving abilities." Among those skills, perfect assimilation is the most crucial. The more red to black tattoos I have, the fewer ancient artifacts I'll be able to use. Perfect assimilation is like securing 'bullets.' "Then what's left is..." I stood up and made my way to Lena's room. The trio of Lena, Gold Ho, and White Ho were sound asleep. After playing with them all day, it seems they were exhausted. I quietly closed the door and left the house. "Ah, the weather is nice." I enjoyed the warm summer night air as I walked. After about 10 minutes, I called out the name, no, the code name of one person while sitting on a quiet bench in a nearby park. "Hermit." In an instant, darkness began to creep up behind me, gradually forming a shape in front of me. That darkness quickly transformed into Hermit. "It's a nice night." Like Hermit said, it was quite a poetic night. "Hermit, I have something to ask of you." The bright moonlight shone on Hermit.

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