Chapter 284

Nighttime, when everyone has ended their day and retired to their beds. "Coo coo! Coo coo good!" "People are sleeping. Be quiet." "Coo coo good..." Im Ha Yeon entered her room through the window late at night, issuing a warning to Gu Gu, who followed her in. The pigeon system wouldn't function properly without Im Ha Yeon's supervision. Today, she had finished all her duties at the guest house and took a night walk to patrol two branches run by Jeon Gil San. Of course, it wasn't out of fondness that she moved around so late. Ha Oh Mun and Do Mun could discover her whereabouts at any time. Though Ha Oh Mun’s news agency seemed effective in controlling information, she could never be too cautious. She only moved around the guest house and a few regular clients where safety was secured, and even then, she wore a wide-brimmed hat and a veiled face during the day. Whether she liked it or not, she often found herself working late, utilizing the stealth skills and lightness techniques learned over a lifetime. "Gu Gu, it's bath time." "Coo!" At Im Ha Yeon's words, Gu Gu eagerly fluttered to the washbasin. Pigeons are often thought of as dirty animals, but that's a misunderstanding. Wild pigeons enjoy water so much that they bathe several times a day. While city pigeons might appear less hygienic due to fewer predators making them less diligent about baths, it doesn't mean they dislike water. "Coo coo, coo coo good!" Im Ha Yeon carefully bathed the happy Gu Gu and placed him back in his cage before washing up and getting into bed herself. "......" It had been a tiring day. Yet, sleep did not come easily to Im Ha Yeon. Strangely, whenever she closed her eyes, a certain scene would come to mind. "Je Gal Hyang..." Im Ha Yeon muttered the name of Kang Yoon Ho’s matchmaking partner. Lately, whenever she closed her eyes, the image of the two standing in front of a carriage haunted her. "Why is she so pretty?" She muttered incredulously to no one in particular. Not once in her life had Im Ha Yeon considered her looks inferior to those of others. And with good reason. She grew up in Gyo Bang, an establishment known for training many beautiful women to become entertainers. Among them, Im Ha Yeon's looks were particularly striking. Even the master from Yichang and the entertainers from Wuhan could do nothing but admire her beauty. Everywhere she went in Hubei Province, people remarked that they would never see anyone prettier than her. For such a woman to lose sleep over someone's appearance... That was the effect Je Gal Hyang's beauty had on Im Ha Yeon at first sight. "Why is such a woman having a matchmaking meeting with him?" Je Gal Se Ga is the most prestigious martial arts family in Hubei Province. Why wasn’t the matchmaking arranged with someone of unsightly appearance, a widow with two children, or a woman with a temperament so difficult even her parents were at a loss? No, it had to be someone of unmatched beauty, someone who anyone would agree to marry instantly. Why pair such a woman with that man? Im Ha Yeon couldn’t understand the mindset of the wealthy. "She probably only has a pretty face. Her body must be lacking." Unable to sleep, Im Ha Yeon stood before her mirror. Dressed in a sheer nightgown, she saw a woman with a body any man would lose his senses over. From calves to thighs, her legs offered a sense of robust health sculpted by lightness techniques. Her hips and waist were delicately curvy, leading dangerously towards her pelvis. And a chest that would draw any man's gaze. Although Kang Yoon Ho treated her chest as nothing special — likely out of consideration for her — she could feel his eyes on her when it swayed slightly. Im Ha Yeon didn’t mind his gaze as much as those of other men. She posed seductively in front of the mirror, a technique she had learned from Gyo Bang to allure men. Which man could shift his gaze from such a woman to another? She convinced herself with a sigh and returned to bed. Yet, her anxiety persisted. "The woman from Je Gal Se Ga can’t possibly like him." The thought that her face was beautiful seemed to make it even stranger. Why would a precious child from a prestigious family take a fancy to that man? Certainly, he was thoughtful and considerate. When walking together, other women would glance at him at least once. Though mature, sometimes he exhibited a playful side. Reliable, resourceful, and trustworthy, capable of handling almost anything. "Ugh." She covered her flushed face with her hands. There was no way Je Gal Se Ga's daughter could like Kang Yoon Ho. Reminding herself to sleep, Im Ha Yeon recalled a statement from an employee. "If the other party is Je Gal Se Ga, wouldn’t it be possible to marry even with a broken face? "So, what if she even has a pretty face?" "He likes me. He wouldn't look at anyone else." Surely, it must be a meeting with no real feelings involved. Im Ha Yeon murmured to herself anxiously. But unlike in Yi Chang... Her voice sounded somewhat uneasy. ********** At the mansion of the Gate of Endless Fortune. "Ha ha ha." A silver-haired, blue-eyed beauty furiously waved her arms in a peculiar dance, holding fans in each hand. "The young lady is practicing the fan dance, isn't she?" "Is that even a dance?" Usually, Je Gal Hyang would feel so discouraged just by seeing astonished maids leave that she would hide in a closet, but not these days. No, Je Gal Hyang no longer minded. "Why is the lady acting like this lately?" "Aren’t you aware? Ever since she returned from an outing with Kang Yoon Ho, she has been in a good mood." "That's right. Miss Je Gal Hyang, this Je Gal Hyang, ha ha ha." Je Gal Hyang couldn’t contain her laughter at the whispered conversations outside. "Who am I?" The woman who went to a restaurant with her love interest! Je Gal Hyang! And it was just the two of them! Je Gal Hyang continued waving her fan, dancing gleefully, and then covered her face with the fans, smiling broadly. "It feels like I've climbed one more step on the stairs of womanhood! Ah ha ha ha!" She'd actually climbed a step on the general human experience, but to her, it was all the same. With no conversation skills and unimaginable fear of dining alone with a man, her encounter with Kang Yoon Ho left an indelible mark. "I... I knew I could do it if I tried..." Je Gal Hyang reminisced about her previous meeting with Kang Yoon Ho. How perfect it had been. Their conversation flowed seamlessly, like the course of the Yangtze River. It was even enjoyable, despite her usual dread of talking to others. "Ha ha ha. Mister Kang... Mr. Kang Yoon Ho!" Je Gal Hyang blushed as thoughts of her match, Kang Yoon Ho, filled her mind. How could he converse with her so effortlessly, without feeling awkward, avoiding her, or finding her burdensome? It felt like talking to a longtime childhood friend. Not that she had ever had one, but she had read about it. It must be just like the books depicted. Much like the male childhood friend she read about, Kang Yoon Ho could have been such a friend. "How’s it going with that guy you reconnected with?" As Je Gal Hyang pictured her imaginary childhood friend, Kang Yoon Ho, dancing once more, she overheard the maids' conversation. "No idea. I think we might have to break up." "Why?" "He came to meet me wearing his dusty work clothes right after work!" "Why is that a problem? If he came straight from work, it makes sense." "If we’d been together a long time, it wouldn't matter. But we haven’t, and he thought it was okay to meet me in dirty clothes? He must think I'm easy." "Now that you mention it, I suppose that makes sense." Suddenly, Je Gal Hyang remembered something. "I had ink all over me when we met…” Kang Yoon Ho had visited her abruptly. Overcome with anticipation, Je Gal Hyang had rushed out to meet him. She was in the middle of an intense painting session, and she had ink stains on her sleeves. For it to be considered rude… For it to suggest he thought little of her… Je Gal Hyang stood there, mouth agape in horror. “Could it be that Kang Yoon Ho…” All sorts of unuttered thoughts surfaced in her mind. "Does he not think of me as a lady?" "Everything I say must sound odd. He must be humoring me." "I took him to an upscale restaurant, and I didn't even show basic courtesy.” “Aaah! Nooo! That's not true, Mr. Kang!” Je Gal Hyang, 18 years old. Her first date had ended, and now, so had her romance. It's over. The future held only one scenario for her. "How old is Hyang this year? Goodness! Twenty-four? Why? Is there something wrong with her? "Auntie Hyang! Why didn't you get married?" "She’s so pitiable at her age, still unmarried." "She’s the family’s burden! It can't be helped. She’ll have to be sent off as a concubine!" “Aaahhhh!” Her first, and now irretrievably lost, chance at romance was over. Je Gal Hyang writhed in distress. “I, I, I must apologize to Mr. Kang.” With trembling hands, she picked up a brush. She needed to pour her heart into it. She had to convey her true feelings to Kang Yoon Ho. She started writing, "I was taken by surprise during your sudden visit. Next time, I’ll wear clean clothes. I look forward to our next meeting." Je Gal Hyang began to write her heartfelt sentiments on paper. [At the arrival of early summer, I hope this letter finds you in good health.] [During this midsummer season, I hope you and your family are in good health.] "My feelings are too formal." She scrapped the letter immediately. "Ugh." Je Gal Hyang banged her head on the desk in frustration. What casual tone should she use? What should she write to Mr. Kang? Even during a romance, would it be inappropriate for a woman to send the first love letter? Would it offend him? And what if there’s no reply? What if he found her appearance with ink stains disgraceful? What if he thought of her as impolite and decided never to meet her again? "I will never recover from this." Je Gal Hyang, 18 years old. The young lady who had been dancing with a fan now sat crouched under her desk. "Let's put off writing the letter today. Calm yourself." First, she needed to sleep. The letter could wait until tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Perhaps Mr. Kang would send a letter first. Maybe she should wait a week. Would a week be too short? Mr. Kang might be busy, so she could wait a little longer. Ordinarily, she would have given up. Conversations had always been a challenge, and she would usually retreat to a quiet corner. But this time was different. "I want to meet Mr. Kang again." The experience had been too intense. She had experienced her first romance. Blushing, Je Gal Hyang confessed her true feelings candidly. But what to do? She was afraid to send the letter, yet she wanted to meet Mr. Kang. Je Gal Hyang couldn’t make sense of her feelings. "Lady Je Gal Hyang, a letter has arrived from Mr. Kang. Shall I bring it to you later if you're busy?" The letter was what finally calmed her down. "What?! ...Ouch!" Startled, Je Gal Hyang bumped her head while getting up from under the desk. "Miss?" One of the maids opened the door, alarmed by her cry. She found Je Gal Hyang crawling towards her, clutching her head and tearing up. "My…" Je Gal Hyang desperately crawled on her hands and knees to reach the maid. The maid kindly refrained from mentioning that she looked like a mudfish emerging in response to welcome rain. "Yes?" "Please give me the letter..." Tears gathered in her pained eyes. Yet beneath those glistening tears, a smile appeared on Je Gal Hyang's face—a smile so captivating that no man could help but be entranced by it.

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