Chapter 285

As much as we use carrier pigeons for our food delivery business, there's one item we use almost as much as the ingredients. "Just give us the amount of paper we ordered, and for the food, give us only half of what we ordered last time." Order forms. To minimize costs, we've been buying large quantities of cheap paper, but it's still something we have to be mindful about purchasing. That's why I came to visit the supplier with Lim Ha Yeon this morning. While I could negotiate myself, the shopkeeper has a weakness for beautiful women, so Lim Ha Yeon usually handles it. Why don't I ever get any extra perks when I come here alone? Even if Lim Ha Yeon is extraordinarily beautiful, isn't this level of preferential treatment a bit too much? "The price of paper has gone up recently, so you'll need to pay more than last time." "But sir, how much paper do we buy from you every week? Surely you can give us a bit of a discount?" Lim Ha Yeon asked sharply, fixing the shopkeeper with a piercing gaze. "I'm serious! The price of paper these days is breaking my back!" "But with all the paper we buy, aren't you making a good profit?" "Actually, because you buy so much, I haven’t brought it up until now. There's no place around here selling as cheaply as I am." Indeed, this place was the cheapest in the vicinity. "Hmmm. Then please give us a discount today as well, shop-keep-er." Lim Ha Yeon seemingly decided to change her approach, her voice taking on a coquettish tone as she made her request. "Ugh. No matter how charming you act, it's not possible this time! It's really tough for me right now." The middle-aged shopkeeper became visibly flustered, trying hard to hide his reddened face as he refused. "Alright then. If you really can't, you can't. But at least give us plenty of scrap paper. That's doable, right?" "Well, I suppose I can manage that much." "Hmph." Lim Ha Yeon smiled satisfactorily, having gotten what she wanted. When she first started managing, she couldn’t even place orders properly. Now, she's a shrewd negotiator who knows how to use her strengths. It's quite an impressive development. "You're really something! Not only are you beautiful, but you're good at housekeeping too! You really lucked out with your wife, haven't you?" "Haha. As I mentioned last time, we're not married." "Then marry her quickly!" "If you keep saying that, it'll make things awkward for her, won't it, Ha Yeon?" "..." When I turned to look, Lim Ha Yeon's lips were slightly pouted. "Ha Yeon?" "What were you looking at?" I was just window shopping, trying not to get in the way of the negotiations. "They have some nice brushes here, so I was just browsing." To be precise, I noticed that they had Korean-made calligraphy brushes, similar to the high-quality one Hwarin gave me as a gift before she left. It was now stored safely in Ui-Chang. "Do you want one?" Lim Ha Yeon asked, trying to gauge my interest. "I was just looking." "They say that seeing something creates covetousness. We're not in a position to indulge right now. We already have the supplies we need." Her tone was like that of a gentle but firm mother advising her child. "I know." Right now, every penny matters as we try to build up the business. Unless it’s a gift, I have no intention of buying an expensive brush. "When all of this is over, we can pick out a nice brush together and indulge a little." Lim Ha Yeon whispered quietly next to me, ensuring the shopkeeper didn't hear. Maybe it’s because the business is doing well. The woman who came to my room crying in despair now seems to harbor hope, thanks to me. It's gratifying. "Alright. By the way, after we finish here, I need to go have lunch." I brought up something I hadn’t mentioned to her yet. "Huh? Let's have lunch together." "Haha. Well... I have someone else to eat with." "Who in the world would you choose to dine with over me in Muhandoo-... Ah." Lim Ha Yeon seemed to realize who it was, grimacing as she looked at me. "I don’t plan to stay long. Just a brief meeting." I needed to gather some information from the branch office before proceeding with our plan. "…Do what you want. It's your business." She spoke coldly and stepped out of the shop. She was smiling just a moment ago and now stormed out with a scowl. She could have at least completed the order before leaving. "Please send the goods to the inn as usual. I'll pay upon delivery, like always." "Sure thing. But are you really not thinking about marriage?" "Haha." "She's a good woman. And it’s not just about her looks. Did you notice how she reacted when you were eyeing that expensive brush?" "Pardon?" "She checked the price tag secretly and sighed to herself." "Haha." There's really no need for her to buy me a gift. Lim Ha Yeon is practically working for free. Although she insisted on not taking a salary to save every bit of money for the business, it makes me feel like a heartless employer. "It’s an expensive item, even though it's mine. Being frugal like that is what makes a good wife. Even if a husband earns the money, the wife manages the household, right?" “I’m well aware of Ha Yeon’s diligence.” "I’ll throw in some good quality paper in addition to the scrap paper, so take care." After parting ways with the shopkeeper and a slightly peeved Lim Ha Yeon, I headed to the restaurant where I was to meet Je Gal Hyang. --- “Ah, hello thereeee.” After completing my morning tasks, I arrived a bit later than planned. Upon entering the reserved room of the restaurant in a hurry, I saw Je Gal Hyang, noticeably tensed, greeting me. “You arrived ahead of me. I apologize for being late.” “I-I just arrived toooo.” Je Gal Hyang stood up suddenly, waving her hands in a flustered manner. Since my letter told her to take her time, she must have arrived around the same time as me. "Excuse me! How long do we have to wait? The other guests who arrived at the same time are already done eatin- Ah, you’ve arrived." “It seems you’ve been waiting for a while. I’m sorry about that.” So she had been waiting. And quite a bit, it seemed. I once again apologized to Je Gal Hyang politely. “It was no trouble at all, really, I enjoyed wa-waiting for youuu.” Je Gal Hyang avoided my gaze as she spoke. It couldn’t have been enjoyable to wait. Seeing her getting flustered and trying to make an awkward excuse, I felt even more sorry. I swiftly directed Jeom So Yi to bring the prepared food and took my seat. 'Why isn't she sitting down?' Even after I had seated myself, Je Gal Hyang remained standing. Instead, she turned towards my direction, her arms slightly outstretched, and turned her head aside. Her body was trembling slightly. Like a small herbivore anticipating its master's touch, watching her trembling made me smile inadvertently. Is she drawing attention to herself? She wasn't wearing the elegant clothes from our first meeting, but rather, comfortable attire suitable for activity. No major changes compared to last time, it seemed. Ah, but I noticed what was different from last time as she timidly raised her sleeves. "Your clothes are quite neat this time." There's no ink stain today. "Oh! I-I got my clothes stained last time because I had just finished painting. I'm really sorryyy." Je Gal Hyang finally started apologizing, bowing repeatedly. It seems she was self-conscious about her attire last time. In hindsight, that visit was quite sudden. "I also came here after work today. If you were worried about your clothes last time, there's no need to be. I don't mind it at all." After all, it's just a contract relationship. "Reallyyyy?!" Je Gal Hyang's face lit up with a childlike smile, as if she had been absolved of all her sins. "Yes. What I enjoy is talking to and getting to know you, Je Gal Hyang, not the clothes you're wearing." To avoid exposing our contract relationship, knowing her well would be essential in case of leading questions later on. What does it matter if she wears a bunny suit, a cheongsam, or dolphin shorts? "....Yes, me toooo." Je Gal Hyang responded with a meltingly shy expression, as if embarrassed about something. "Did you enjoy the book you mentioned reading last time?" I continued our conversation in a relaxed manner. ----------- "Although the location for the Daesugak branch is decided, the official transfer has not yet occurred." After finishing the meal, I retraced the information I had subtly gleaned from Je Gal Hyang. The culprit behind Huh Song's murder remained elusive. Despite extensive investigations by both the government and the martial arts community, it seemed they failed to catch the perpetrator responsible for the bloodshed in the pleasure quarters. The branch had purchased a building in a bustling area, one so expensive that even I, with my limited familiarity with Muhandoo, was surprised at the location. The problem was that the final approval had to come from Man Geum Jeon Ju, who was currently attending a regular meeting elsewhere. "If the Daesugak branch existed, the planned operation would be easier to execute." For now, I must proceed as if it doesn't exist. "..." "Do you like calligraphy brushes?" While waiting for the carriage driver, who was coming from afar, I noticed Je Gal Hyang carefully eyeing a brush displayed in front of a stationery store. "Ah, um, well...." Her response was neither affirmative nor negative. Typically, that implies a yes. "Shall we go inside and take a look?" Given her hobby of painting, she wouldn’t disdain calligraphy supplies. "Those kinds of things are too high-level for meee." She lowered her head, seeming distressed. "There could be more interesting items inside. Let’s have a look. Leaving now would feel like a missed opportunity." After all, she was in a contract relationship and even had to endure a meal with a man she wasn't particularly keen on, and on top of that, I was late. Since she seemed too shy to enter a shop alone, accompanying her would be a considerate gesture. "A missed...yesyesyeeesss!" Je Gal Hyang looked up at me and, after a moment of thought, nodded enthusiastically. "Please go inside for a moment. I will tell the driver to wait a bit longer." "Wh-what? Together...?" "I'll be back shortly." Sending Je Gal Hyang into the store, I quickly ran towards the carriage driver approaching from a distance. ------------------- "You have good taste, sir! For a lady like you, this brush is perfect!" After requesting the driver to wait, I entered the store. "N-no, that's not..." "Too expensive, you say? Nonsense! This brush is favored by renowned painters in Hubei! If Miss doesn't buy it, who will?" "It's ok, reaallly...." "What about an inkstone to go with the brush? We have ones made of black stone." "Um, um, no thanks, this is enough." "Why rush? How about a water dropper to match the black stone inkstone?" "Um, excuse me, um, that's..." Je Gal Hyang seemed on the verge of tears, almost forced into a purchase. "We will continue browsing for now." "Tch. Very well." With a heavy expression, I approached the shop assistant. Seeing me, the assistant clicked his tongue and retreated to his station. "Whew." Je Gal Hyang sighed in relief. "It's unnerving when you're just browsing and they push you to buy, isn't it?" "Yeessss. They offer to let you try things and then glare at you when you don't buy." With a hint of tears in her eyes, Je Gal Hyang seemed to recount her experience, feeling somewhat wronged. "Haha. I'll make sure the assistant doesn't bother us. Take your time looking around." Standing next to her, I smiled reassuringly, making sure she was out of the assistant's view. "..." Je Gal Hyang looked up at me with her mouth slightly agape. Was I too close? "Miss?" "Oh! Yesss, yesyesyes! Haha." Je Gal Hyang giggled, covering her smile with her hands. And so our window shopping began. While the earlier store was a stationery shop selling office supplies, this one appeared to specialize in high-end items. "This brush seems good, but it's cheaper than the others. If you were to buy one, this would be a good choice." I pointed to a brush to engage Je Gal Hyang, who was intently examining the brushes. "No, it's not." "Sorry?" When I turned back, Je Gal Hyang's expression was the most serious I'd seen all day. "This is a Yang-ho brush, made from sheep's wool or tail hair. Yang-ho brushes have low elasticity, which makes it difficult to control the pressure when writing, often resulting in weak and boneless characters. There's even a saying that no manuscripts written with a delicate Yang-ho brush have been handed down to future generations. The Yang-ho brush is..." Je Gal Hyang criticized the brush in front of her as if it were a sworn enemy. "Miss...?" "Oh, um, that..." It was as if she suddenly returned to reality, her eyes trembling as she looked up at me. "You must really like brushes." She's an amusing lady, you never know when she might suddenly get enthusiastic. "It's a hobby of mine. Sorryyyy. I made another mistaaaake..." Je Gal Hyang’s body trembled violently. "Miss Je Gal?" "Haha. In the end, I'm... there's nowhere to hide..." As if resigned to some fate, Je Gal Hyang turned her attention toward the space under the desk. "You're enlightening me about something I don't know, so why be embarrassed? I know little about brushes, so I’d love to hear more from you." "...Really?!" Her expression quickly changed. As if forgetting her momentary resignation, Je Gal Hyang's eyes sparkled as she approached me. "Yes." "Hahaha. Then, shall I start with this one? This is called a Jia-ho brush. And this one, this is a Jian-ho brush. Oh? This one here is the best quality among all these brushes." "Huh? But aren't there more expensive ones too?" "Expensive, but ah, just cheap ones." "Sorry?" "I-I only said that because I’ve used better brushes with the same hairs before..." "Ah, I see." Standing before me was the youngest daughter of the immensely wealthy Je Gal family. Naturally, the items used in her household would be of superior quality. "Conversely, this one is meticulously crafted, organizing high-quality hairs in great proportion. It's surely made by a skilled artisan." "Since Miss Je Gal says so, it seems indeed to be an excellent brush." "...." "Miss?" "Um, uh, M-Master Kang!" Suddenly, Je Gal Hyang grabbed the Jian-ho brush tightly and extended it towards me. "Yes?" "C-Could I p-p-possibly gift you this brush?"

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