Chapter 89

### Chapter 89: Unexpectedly, You’re This Kind of Zijing After fitting herself into the little dress, Su Qi prepared to put on the rest of her clothes. Picking up Wang Yun’s black silk stockings, which had been casually thrown on the ground, she began to wrap her small chest layer by layer with the stockings under the astonished looks of the two girls. Over the past few days, Su Qi had become quite adept at this operation. Just as she was about to tuck the side of the stocking in, she saw Wang Zijing grab the side that was to be tucked and give it a fierce tug. Su Qi felt like she was a spinning top from her childhood, with the stockings acting as the spring. After spinning twice, she fell dizzy-eyed into An Ning’s soft, fragrant embrace, her face even bouncing a couple of times as if she had fallen into a cloud. The feeling was so pleasant that Su Qi didn’t want to move. But she was still pulled out like a radish by An Ning. “Do you know how harmful chest binding is for women?” An Ning asked as she looked at Su Qi. Su Qi shook her head. Being a boy before, she had no need to know these peculiarities about women's health. “Chest binding has no benefits. It can cause underdevelopment and flattening of the chest and can lead to dizziness, headaches, and difficulty breathing if too tight,” Wang Zijing added, stepping forward to remind her. The two then continued to impart much knowledge about female health to Su Qi. “Don't tell me you don’t have a bra?” Wang Zijing asked as she noticed Su Qi’s astonished expressions, realizing that this little girl had always seen herself as a male. Hence the question. An Ning remained silent but quietly took a black lace see-through bra out of her bag. Su Qi wanted to mock, why does your bag have such a full inventory? Looking at the bra, Su Qi suddenly remembered that she did have one, and it was far more impressive than the one in An Ning's hand. To put it into perspective, An Ning’s bra might make someone blush imagining the coquettish look a beauty would have wearing it. But Su Qi’s bra, just holding it and glimpsing at it could arouse overwhelmingly exaggerated reactions! “I have one,” Su Qi replied, causing An Ning's eager hand to retreat. “Host, quick, take out the one I stitched and show it to them. My craft is unparalleled!” The tailoring system exclaimed upon hearing the mention of clothing. Su Qi thought of telling the system, taking out that bra would just complicate things. Considering the massive amount of seductive energy added to it, Su Qi suspected putting it on would transform the two girls into ravaging beasts. She wasn't equipped to handle that scenario! Scanning the bathroom, Su Qi, like a little bunny, quickly grabbed her clothes and dashed inside while Wang Zijing and An Ning were putting on their clothes, provoking a bout of laughter from them. “Do you need help?” An Ning called out playfully. Su Qi, recalling the embarrassing play before showering, felt her face heat up with shame. “Remember to wear it properly, we'll check later,” Wang Zijing added. Su Qi shivered at the word "check," considering putting on an outer garment over all these layers, thinking they might not bother with a detailed inspection due to the complexity. Slowly draping the scant amount of fabric over her body, the girl in the mirror had skin as fair as snow, a pretty face flushed with red, and large, watery eyes forming a mist, evoking a desire to tease. Looking at the fabric barely covering her chest, Su Qi thought the designer of this garment was surely a genius. Even the slightest shift would reveal everything, yet it felt more comfortable and lighter compared to a cotton bra. Luckily, these thoughts stayed in her mind. If the tailoring system knew, it would definitely come out bragging. Meticulously buttoning her shirt, Su Qi, wary of sudden checks, tied a small red necktie and tucked in her skirt. Su Qi now felt that dressing as a girl was indeed more cumbersome compared to boys; not only an additional undergarment but also skirts. Unlike the security of pants, wearing a skirt made Su Qi constantly check to avoid any accidental exposure. Unbeknownst to her, because of the system, her natural beauty was so striking that makeup was hardly necessary, which could be the most bothersome part. “Honey, come out quickly, let us wives take a look!” An Ning teased, emphasizing the words “honey” and “wives.” Hearing “honey,” Su Qi felt a shadow cast over her, thinking of those H-game scenarios being used on her, making her feel like the heroine of a game with An Ning’s calls signaling the beginning of an event. Hearing An Ning’s call now triggered an instinctive desire to flee like a mouse seeing a cat. She almost dropped the brown coat in her hand. Two minutes later, after a final check, Su Qi stepped out. It wasn’t the first time Wang Zijing and An Ning saw Su Qi in a JK uniform, but she still appeared more innocent and pure, making them want to paint her in their own colors. However, their priority was checking if Su Qi wore a bra. Touching her shoulder straps, they finally sighed in relief. This made Su Qi blush; she thought they’d verify by directly checking her chest! Stepping out of the room, Su Qi exhaled deeply. This meant the two were no longer under the charm buff and as long as she stayed cautious, she’d be safe. “System, check the favorability levels of the two!” Su Qi asked. “Okay, An Ning’s current favorability towards you is 95, while Wang Zijing’s is 100.” The system responded. “Why is Wang Zijing’s favorability higher than An Ning’s? This doesn’t make sense. Did you make a mistake?” Su Qi questioned again. “Rechecked, no errors detected, host!” The system reaffirmed. Why was that? Su Qi couldn’t figure it out. An Ning’s favorability was 10 points higher than Wang Zijing’s before, ranging from 60 to 55 if she recalled correctly! Not long after, Su Qi slowly figured out the reason. "Wait, what does a favorability of 95 and 100 mean! Doesn’t that indicate the eligibility for various plays?” Su Qi exclaimed in shock. “Host, rest assured, this is due to the charm buff increasing their favorability by 25,” the system explained. Hearing such high numbers made Su Qi’s head spin, her brain momentarily froze, instinctively resorting to finger-counting like a school kid. Muttering to herself: “Borrow a ten when subtracting 0-5, it becomes 10-5=5; then 0-2 again, since the first 0 borrowed from the 8 to become 9, 9-2=7, so 100-25 is 75.” “Thus, 100 is 5 more than 95, making one 75 and the other 70.” A favorability of 70 and 75 was indeed at the lover's level. Su Qi’s quiet mumbling didn’t escape Wang Zijing’s keen eyes. An Ning, however, was engrossed in her phone, oblivious to their conversation. Inside the elevator, Wang Zijing leaned slightly, cautiously whispering into Su Qi’s delicate ear, “Goshujinsama (Master), you’re so amazing. Teach me sometime, the kind that punishes when mad~” Su Qi was stunned: face.jpg I didn't expect you to be this kind of Zijing.

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