Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Just Grit and Bear It "Host, go syu ji nn sa ma, what does it mean?" The system asked Su Qi like a curious baby. ... Su Qi didn’t want to tell the system that it meant "master"—how embarrassing would that be? She could only respond that she didn’t know either. The system, expressing disbelief, gave Su Qi a disgruntled "Hmph~". This almost made Su Qi laugh out loud. This system really acted like a girl! She imagined if she punched it, it would probably cry "boohoo" for ages. When they got off the elevator, Wang Zijin and An Ning flanked Su Qi, each holding one of her arms. Feeling the soft touch on both sides, Su Qi's mind began to wander. Was she living the life of a blessed man? It was 9:30 p.m. A man who had just finished working overtime and was about to go home saw the three beauties walking towards him. Each seemed unique—the pure, the gentle, the domineering. Linking arms, they looked incredibly close. The middle-aged man felt like he was witnessing a breathtakingly beautiful scene of sisterly affection. He wondered if he should hit on them. Just the chance to get close to any one of these beauties would be hitting the jackpot. In the next moment, An Ning took out the keys to a Mercedes. ‘Beep beep~’ The Mercedes-Benz G-Class was already eye-catching, its lofty, silver-white body the dream of many a man. Then he saw the three women walk towards it. In the time he hesitated, the car had already driven away! "Damn it! They’re even rich!" The man cursed his lack of courage. Returning home, the first thing he did was open Taobao. He searched for "how to make a rich woman fall in love with you." A moment later, he spent 20 yuan on a book titled "How to Make a Rich Woman Fall in Love with You." But two days later, when he received the package and opened it, he found it was a workbook—not what he expected at all! Inside the Mercedes G-Class, Wang Zijin, sitting in the passenger seat, started to lecture Su Qi on theories like "men are all bastards" and "they think with their lower parts." Driving, An Ning chimed in occasionally, adding subtle threats like, "If I find you getting close to a man, I'll make sure you can't walk for a few days." Surprisingly, these threats worked on Su Qi. Listening to their theories made Su Qi sweat. She used to be a man, after all, and very well understood male thoughts and tricks. She illustrated her point with Wu Wei from the dormitory, who believed love should come before intimacy, a common view in university. Was he a scumbag for that? Clearly not, as many such situations did end up in marriage. But this didn't negate the existence of good men in the world. Of course, none of this mattered to Su Qi. She didn't like men at all!!! An Ning's car pulled up in front of a luxurious building, still brightly lit and lively even at night. "Be careful, don’t burn your feet!" An Ning said as Su Qi stepped out of the car. Instinctively, Su Qi drew back her legs, scanning the area for danger. Seeing Su Qi's cautious retreat, An Ning and Wang Zijin burst into laughter. Actually, getting out normally wouldn’t have caused a burn. An Ning just wanted to scare her a bit. But injuries did happen. Not long ago, a woman got burned on her calf by the exhaust of a man's Mercedes G-Class while exiting a nightclub. She demanded compensation, but the man refused, believing she was asking for trouble, causing a big commotion. Su Qi was still looking around for danger. An Ning stepped forward, using the car’s running board to lift her out. An Ning and Wang Zijin, being beautiful women in such a striking Mercedes G-Class, had already attracted a crowd. Seeing An Ning carry down another beautiful girl, some people even wanted to approach them. But An Ning and Wang Zijin were well accustomed to this kind of attention. Each of them took one of Su Qi's arms. Smiling, they said, "Husband, let's go eat!" The word "husband" sent a shiver through Su Qi. The surrounding men were visibly distressed by this reality. One even shouted, "Why do all the beauties keep to themselves?!" "What do you want to eat, husband?" Wang Zijin asked Su Qi with a smile. Su Qi, thinking of her bank balance, hesitated. Choosing something too expensive was out of her reach, but something too cheap felt disrespectful to them. Seeing her hesitation, Wang Zijin started pulling her in a direction. "Let’s get some milk tea first, husband." Hearing this, many people turned to see who had the luck to marry such a beauty. Following Wang Zijin's direction, they saw a cute short-haired girl. Her short hair revealed her small, transparent earlobes, tinged with red. Although they couldn't see her face, her school uniform and shy demeanor won their approval. The milk tea shop, called "A Little Bit," was crowded, with about eight people in line. It was very popular. "What do you want to drink, husband?" Wang Zijin asked again, drawing more attention. Feeling ashamed under everyone's gaze, Su Qi was further ignited by An Ning's words: "Husband, I want taro boba milk tea." Su Qi felt even more eyes on her. Especially the couple in front, the girl staring straight at her, making Su Qi want to dig a hole to hide in. "What about you, husband? What do you want to drink?" An Ning asked, finding her reaction too interesting, especially how she tried to hide in her arms with every increasing stare. "Milk tea." Su Qi whispered. "But what kind of milk tea? Look up and see, husband," Wang Zijin said, squeezing in. Su Qi thought she might as well look up, but as soon as she did, she saw many people looking at her, so she quickly lowered her head again. Why weren’t they looking at the beauties beside her? Why were they focused on her? As a social-phobic, she couldn't bear so many eyes on her! With her head down, she quickly said, "Milk tea is fine, anything is okay!" But could this dampen the enthusiasm of the two women? Definitely not! "What sweetness level, husband?" "Do you want ice? How much, husband?" Their repeated use of "husband" almost made Su Qi faint. She felt just like Tang Monk from her studies, realizing how hard it must have been for him with demons seductive as these two on his journey to the West. Plus, why did she feel like even more people were watching? The milk tea boys were also attracted to the trio. Though each had their own charm, the shy, vulnerable cutie in the middle was the most eye-catching. Moreover, men tend to want to protect the weak, making her the main attraction. Thus the queue moved even slower. Luckily, the shop owner was a woman, unaffected by the scene. She scolded the slackers, speeding things up. Seeing this scolding first-hand, An Ning whispered into Su Qi’s ear, "See, women are really strong!" Su Qi understood An Ning's intent to protect her from men, but badmouthing men like this felt unfair to the good ones. But what could she do? She couldn't beat An Ning, and defying her meant weakness. Fine, adapt to survive. Male comrades, bear this burden for now!~

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