Chapter 91

### Chapter 91: Being Threatened Su Qi walked up to the front of the milk tea shop, where a menu showcasing various drinks was displayed. To be honest, ever since Su Qi ran away from home a year ago, he hadn't had any milk tea. First, because he really didn't have the money, and second, being a boy, he didn't share the unique fondness that girls tend to have for milk tea. Moreover, looking at the current prices, even a regular medium-sized milk tea cost 12 yuan. Su Qi felt that Assam milk tea, which was only 4 yuan a bottle, tasted quite good. Su Qi couldn't fathom why this milk tea was so expensive. "One taro bubble milk tea, please. Extra taro, less bubbles, half sweet, and normal temperature," An Ning ordered, then planted a quick kiss on Su Qi's cheek, adding, "The bubbles here are extra fragrant!" This drew envious looks from the crowd, but none were hostile. After all, a beautiful girl kissing another cute girl was always a delightful scene to behold. Su Qi felt extremely embarrassed by An Ning's public display of affection and buried her head deeper into examining the milk tea menu to distract herself. She found that the taro bubble milk tea cost 18 yuan! "One green lemon tea, three-tenths sweet, less ice, medium size," Wang Zijun ordered next to her. Su Qi instinctively glanced over and found it also cost 14 yuan. "Alright, and what would you like, little miss?" The shop manager asked, looking at Su Qi who was still intensely studying the drink descriptions. 'Little miss???' Su Qi felt quite discontent with this form of address. Where do you see that I'm a miss? And why didn't you call An Ning and Wang Zijun 'little miss' when they ordered? Feeling upset, Su Qi looked up to voice her displeasure. But as she raised her head, she saw many pairs of eyes staring at her. The shop manager, upon seeing Su Qi's face, couldn't help but be a bit stunned. Big, innocent deer-like eyes, a fresh face without any makeup, and naturally rosy cheeks—an effect makeup couldn't achieve. Coupled with her timid demeanor, it made others want to coddle her. The shop manager finally understood why these two beauties were so protective of her; she was indeed a treasure. If she had a little sister like that, she would surely spoil her endlessly! "Just a regular milk tea will do!" Feeling the manager's gaze, Su Qi's social anxiety spiked. She also sensed many eyes fixed on her from behind. Su Qi lowered her head further, like she used to when she was a boy, trying to hide her face with her bangs. This method, usually foolproof, failed miserably today. In her former life, Su Qi was an unnoticed, gloomy guy who attracted little attention. But now, she had transformed into an adorably cute girl, instantly attracting more gazes. Not only did boys naturally look her way, but girls also appreciated pretty things. With two beauties standing beside her, it was nearly impossible not to draw attention. This adorable attempt to hide made Wang Zijun and An Ning's hearts melt. This kid must have been raised on cuteness! Tugging her bangs down and shyly looking up was the pinnacle of cuteness, accentuated by those innocent eyes. From her prime position at the counter, the manager got the full impact of Su Qi’s endearing expressions. Feeling like an arrow had shot straight through her heart, the manager quickly composed herself, pinched her own thigh to snap back to reality, and asked: "And the sweetness?" "Half sweet is fine," Su Qi replied, having never tried it before but assuming that starting with a moderate taste wouldn't go wrong. "And the temperature? We have no ice, less ice, more ice, room temperature, and hot." "Less ice is fine! How much is it in total?" Su Qi asked while reaching for her phone, but both An Ning and Wang Zijun stopped her. "Hubby, you've worked hard today. Let me treat you~" Wang Zijun laughed, pulling out her phone to pay. If Su Qi could see Wang Zijun's bank balance right now, she'd probably have called her a rich woman on the spot. The trio sipped their milk teas while searching for a restaurant. Well, not exactly all three; mainly Su Qi was looking, while Wang Zijun and An Ning deferred to her choice. Su Qi, however, interpreted this as her responsibility to treat them. Eventually, she chose a hotpot restaurant named "Sichuan Flavor Spot." Before she ran away, her mother always took her to eat at the Sichuan Flavor Spot in Zhe City. Su Qi thought the taste was quite good but wondered if the one in Su City would be the same. "Are you college students? We offer a 10% discount for college students here!" The receptionist led the three to their seats and cheerfully informed them. Hearing about the discount, Su Qi's eyes sparkled. But in the next second, Su Qi was dumbfounded when Wang Zijun said, "Eat as much as you want. This restaurant is owned by An Ning's family!" Su Qi: ??? Seriously? The rent for such a large restaurant in a shopping plaza must be hefty! Su Qi knew An Ning was wealthy, but not to this extent. It felt quite similar to her rich roommate, Han Yixing! This girl must be a rich woman! Watching An Ning confidently order from the menu, Su Qi remembered a saying: "Life is like this, hard work doesn't guarantee success! But if a rich lady falls for you, success isn't far behind!" Su Qi marveled at her good fortune in finding a rich girlfriend—at least, she wouldn't have to worry about meals anymore! An Ning swiftly completed the order with the skill of someone very experienced. After handing the order to the server, Su Qi was pulled along to the sauce station by the two girls. Su Qi noticed a small detail: both girls' sauces were more liquid-based and looked very glossy. But Su Qi's sauce was different—thicker. Maybe it was a gender difference? Returning to the table, Su Qi felt something was off. Why were there seats on the opposite side, yet the two beauties insisted on sitting next to her? The seats didn’t have armrests, so it wasn't crowded, but the situation felt odd, especially since no one was sitting opposite. "Uh, how about I sit across from you?" Su Qi suggested, afraid to move too much as the slightest movement could brush against something soft. Besides, the two girls were staring at her. "No way! Hubby worked hard today, so we'll feed you," Wang Zijun said, smiling with her eyes narrowed in understanding. "Yes, yes, hubby, eat more. We'll give you a 'reward' tonight," An Ning echoed, her mature voice soothing yet electrifying. Hearing An Ning's lovely voice made Su Qi's ears tingle, while her body shivered at the implied 'reward'. She wanted to decline but was met with An Ning's deep, enchanting eyes. Under Su Qi's gaze, An Ning licked her vividly red lips, exuding intense allure. Then, An Ning's gaze shifted downward, causing Su Qi to hurriedly cover her skirt. The chef bringing the soup for the hotpot found the three sitting together odd but maintained professionalism and stayed silent. They had chosen a dual-flavor hotpot with tomato broth and mildly spicy broth. It was Su Qi’s first time seeing tomato broth in hotpot. Previously, when dining with her dorm buddies or her family, it was always one spicy and one clear broth—unchanging. She never imagined that tomato broth was an option. Wang Zijun brought a small bowl filled with diced beef, prepared earlier while making the sauces. Once the pot was heated, she poured the tomato broth over the beef and garnished with scallions and cilantro. "Here, hubby, give it a try." Wang Zijun's delicate hand held the white porcelain bowl, filled with orange-red broth. Su Qi couldn't help but notice how beautiful Wang Zijun's hands were, though the memory of what those hands did made her shake her head to clear the thoughts. "Thank you, Zijun," Su Qi instinctively thanked her. But then she felt a pinch on her waist. "Call me wifey~" Wang Zijun demanded, in a threatening tone. Su Qi never imagined that one day, she would be threatened by a campus beauty to call her "wifey." The world really is strange.

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