Chapter 94

### Chapter 94: The Beginner Task Completed “You can let me off here,” Su Qi said as they reached the familiar doorway on the 15th floor. She tried to take her leave at the door. “But our stuff is still inside; we need to pack it up first,” Wang Zijin replied, exhibiting her gentle demeanor. In contrast, An Ning was more straightforward. “Hurry up and open the door, or else you know what will happen!” Emmmmm... Su Qi had no choice but to unlock the door. She had forgotten to open a window before leaving, and the air inside the apartment was already quite stale. As soon as the door opened, a burst of her unique, lingering fragrance wafted out. It's a known fact that olfactory senses are the first to react when transitioning from one environment to another. Why hasn't it dissipated yet? Su Qi grumbled internally. Just then, the system's voice echoed in her mind: “Women’s natural scent is mainly found in their urine, while men’s is in their sweat! Didn't An Ning just tell you this, Host? You're so forgetful!” Hearing the system, Su Qi felt a wave of disgust. She couldn't help but remember a few hours ago when An Ning, while inhaling deeply from her own pale white hand, had explained this knowledge. Shame level max+. The system's words successfully dredged up Su Qi's past embarrassing moments. As the door opened, An Ning and Wang Zijin walked in. One had to admit, these two campus beauties had a remarkable ability to adapt socially. They seemed at ease no matter where they were. Su Qi, carrying her belongings and a basin filled with various items, followed them inside. Standing in front of the sofa, Su Qi began inspecting the shopping receipt. Face wash, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, body lotion, lipstick, face masks, basin, towels, eyebrow pencil, sanitary pads... It was a plethora of items. Su Qi stared curiously at a small bottle labeled “body lotion”, unsure of what it was. Seeing this, Wang Zijin and An Ning came over to give Su Qi a little lesson on how to use these products. They silently sympathized with this little girl who had been pretending to be a man all this time, understanding that it must have been really tough. Listening to their explanations, Su Qi only felt her scalp tingle. She had always admired pretty girls from afar, never realizing that being a girl was so difficult. Take the three basins in front of her, for example. They insisted she use one for her face, one for her feet, and a small one solely for her bottom. Su Qi confessed that she had always used just one basin for everything. During her time in university, the basin she was assigned at the start of the term had gathered a thick layer of dust, as she mostly took showers thanks to the water heater. They also explained how to apply body lotion after a shower. Listening to them, Su Qi realized she had been living quite roughly. A bar of soap and a bottle of herbal essence had always been her perfect solution. Hearing Su Qi mention that she had only ever used soap, the two girls looked at her with envy. Such naturally fair and smooth skin without any maintenance was truly enviable. “Alright, enough chit-chat. I'm so tired. Let’s go to bed!” An Ning yawned exaggeratedly, though Su Qi couldn't see any trace of weariness in her eyes. Su Qi instinctively took a step back, but her arms were immediately caught, one on each side. Wang Zijin smiled to reassure her, “Don't worry, we're not coming over tonight!” Hearing “not coming over,” Su Qi sighed in relief, unaware that she had missed the crucial keyword “tonight”. The bed at Wang Yun's place wasn't a double bed but was slightly smaller. Sleeping three people would indeed be a bit cramped. “How about I sleep on the sofa?” Su Qi quietly suggested, holding her small pillow. However, this proposal was dismissed in less than a second, and she was placed in the center of the bed by the other two. Aware of the allure of her bra, Su Qi only dared to remove her vest and outerwear, clutching her short-sleeved shirt tightly. She knew exposing her bra would result in unimaginable consequences. The two girls found Su Qi’s cautious behavior quite amusing and decided to let it be. They thought it better to let her rest and recover some strength first; playing would be more enjoyable with a little resistance. Before going to sleep, Su Qi set an alarm for four and a half hours later, planning to sneak downstairs when it went off. Given the shockingly high affection levels the two girls currently held for her, compounded by the allure buff, it was too terrifying to risk staying. Setting her alarm, Su Qi lay flat on her back. Although side-sleeping is generally more beneficial for sleep, with the two campus beauties lying on either side of her, staring unblinkingly, lying flat was her only option. The feminine fragrances from both sides surrounded Su Qi's nose, making her feel a bit indulgent. Because of their close proximity, the air around them grew even warmer. Eventually, in this environment, Su Qi, who was just pretending, actually fell asleep. Perhaps tired from physical exhaustion or the day’s exertion, Su Qi even started snoring softly. The sound was faint and adorable, like a “fufu” melody. An Ning and Wang Zijin found the sight of Su Qi even cuter and more irresistible, even when asleep. As the two listened to the adorable and rhythmic snores, they began to feel sleepy too. Inhaling the soft fragrance from Su Qi, they eventually drifted off as well. The clock on the wall continued its relentless work, and when the hands pointed straight to 12 o'clock, the system's small voice rang in Su Qi's mind: “Congratulations, Host, for completing the beginner task: Subtle Influence. Reward: All body metrics +1.” After deliberation, the system added, “Based on the fact that the Host's mental image of the female protagonist remains frail, this system kindly converts 1 point of strength into 0.5 points of intelligence.” Feeling very considerate about this action, the system expected the host to praise it upon waking. Little did Su Qi know she had missed a chance to alter her frail physique due to her indulgence in sleep. ”Current stats for Host Su Qi are: (Strength 3) (Intelligence 7) (Stamina 4) (Appearance 8) (Flightiness 0). With a strength level of 3, Host should be cautious. 80% of adults could easily overpower you, and challenging minors is not advisable, as there's a good chance they'd win too! With an intelligence level of 7, Host's comprehension ability will significantly increase, learning efficiency will soar, cognitive processes will broaden, and thought patterns will expand! Considered a genius. Stamina of 4 means Host’s resistance, though slightly improved, is still lacking. Please take care of your health and keep warm. Appearance at 8, while 7 is already top-tier in the world, 8 generates a subtle halo effect. (Stunning Beauty) Stunning Beauty: Automatically increases affection level by 10 points for anyone who sees the Host's face!” The system quietly muttered, but Su Qi heard none of it in her sleep. Sandwiched like an octopus between An Ning and Wang Zijin, Su Qi felt hot. Groggily, she undid a few buttons on her white shirt to make herself more comfortable. She was dreaming of capturing An Ning and Wang Zijin, watching their terrified faces. In her dream, she felt like a deity, ruling over everything, an immensely satisfying sensation. Unknowingly, Su Qi smiled in her sleep, dimples appearing on her cheeks. Adorable to the extreme~ Little did she know that dreams always come to an end, and they often turn out to be quite the opposite in reality!

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