Chapter 95

### Chapter 95: Zijin's Photo Su Qi didn't expect her alarm clock to fail in waking her but succeed in waking up two hungry wolves. In the middle of her slumber, she vaguely heard rustling sounds. At that quiet early morning hour on the 15th floor, the room was only dimly lit by moonlight. When Su Qi opened her eyes, she discovered that her white shirt had been flung into the air and was slowly drifting down to the floor. Seeing herself in just a lace bra, Su Qi realized what fate awaited her! ... At 1 PM, An Ning pulled open the long-closed curtains and opened the window. The fresh air from outside wafted in, filling her with an invigorating sense of cleanliness. When she turned around, she saw Su Qi huddled in a corner, clutching a blanket tightly with both hands. Her large, lively eyes, reminiscent of a startled fawn, now held a faint blush. At that moment, Su Qi was staring at An Ning warily. Yet, her pure and innocent gaze gave An Ning an almost irresistible urge to reach out and touch her again. Thinking better of it, An Ning decided to let it go—this little girl was probably exhausted. On the other side, Wang Zijin brought over a bottle of solution. It was a complimentary women’s health product she had picked up at a cosmetics store with An Ning yesterday. "Make sure to use this when you take a bath later, alright?" Wang Zijin said, patting Su Qi on the head. Su Qi tightened her grip on the blanket. She felt as if her back had shattered; the very idea of standing up seemed impossible, let alone taking a bath. Right now, all she hoped for was that these two gods would hurry up and go to class. Recalling the scenes from earlier, Su Qi felt a terrible soreness in her legs—a combination of embarrassment and annoyance. As dawn broke, she realized that these scenarios were exactly what she had depicted in her game, where the female protagonist experienced these very moments. Could this be considered retribution from the characters she had drawn? Su Qi wasn't sure. All she knew was that each time a new tool was brought out, she could predict what would happen next, which gave her a deep sense of helplessness. Today, Su Qi truly understood an old saying: "The less you know, the happier you'll be." The two of them ordered a large takeaway for Su Qi and thoughtfully fetched it as well before finally leaving her room. In fact, they were not heading to class. Wang Zijin was busy with her new responsibilities as the student council president, while An Ning had several family businesses to attend to on specific days. It was supposed to happen yesterday, but had been postponed by a day because of Su Qi. Originally, they had planned to say a simple goodbye in the morning, but upon seeing Su Qi in that black bra, their inner beasts couldn't be contained. Before they knew it, too much time had passed. Today, An Ning finally understood what it meant to be a disaster for the nation. If an emperor from ancient times had encountered this little girl, morning courts would certainly be postponed to the afternoon. Hearing the door close, Su Qi let out a huge sigh of relief. She really didn't want to move an inch more. All she wanted now was to shove the blanket and duvet cover into the washing machine and cleanse them with loads of detergent. Seeing the numerous stains on them made Su Qi feel mortified to death! However, still in the midst of recovering her energy, she had no choice but to lie back down on the bed. Just then, the system's voice sounded: "Host, are you happy being with two adult female humans?" Why did the system's words make Su Qi feel so weird!!! "It's alright." Su Qi didn't bother correcting the system's odd phrase "adult female humans" and instead responded honestly. There was embarrassment, but facing two stunning school beauties, Su Qi felt it was a sort of enjoyment as well. The system fell into a thoughtful silence at Su Qi's words. Does this mean more people can be added? "Host, yesterday's novice task has been successfully completed! I kindly converted your most detested strength points into 0.5 intelligence points. Now your intelligence is 7, aren't I amazing?" The system spoke as if seeking praise, leaving Su Qi speechless. She preferred weak female protagonists without the ability to resist, but that didn't mean she wanted to be one herself! Though she wanted to retort against the system, she held back seeing its childlike tone—it was just a kid after all! And rationally speaking, with an average person's strength at 5 points, her own weak 3 points getting boosted to 4 wouldn't make much difference; she'd still be weak, wouldn't she? Honestly, increasing intelligence points seemed much more worthwhile. "Good job, my impeccable system. When I make money in the future, I'll treat you." (Yeah, right.) Upon hearing Su Qi's words, the system giggled in delight. Su Qi couldn't help but feel it was indeed much like a little girl—easy to please! After bantering with the system for a while, Su Qi still felt like she needed to rest her exhausted body. She collapsed onto the bed again! Just then, a multimedia message arrived on her phone. It was from Wang Zijin's number? Su Qi was puzzled—they had just left. Did they forget something? Please don't come back!!! With a nervous heart, she opened the multimedia message. It was a GIF: Wang Zijin's face, brimming with allure, wearing a pink collar. She shyly extended a chain toward the screen and softly whispered, "Master." Startled, Su Qi quickly closed her phone, only to have it begin vibrating in her hand. Who could be calling? Seeing Wang Zijin's name on the screen, Su Qi swallowed hard. Maybe she should just pretend she hadn't seen it. Yes, she's asleep, that's it, she's asleep right now. Su Qi waited for the intense ringtone to stop before breathing a sigh of relief. She then changed the ringtone to a soft beeping sound. The previous ringtone was just too startling. No sooner had she made the change than another message appeared on the screen. The message read: "I know you're looking at your phone. If you don't pick up in one minute, I'll come to your house, Master!!!" Su Qi's scalp went numb upon seeing the message. Is that how you threaten your master? Now she finally understood why Wang Zijin's favorability seemed to have increased so quickly—she had awakened some strange fetish! After three seconds of hesitation, Su Qi returned the call from the recent history. "Hello, is that Zijin?" Su Qi tentatively asked. There was no reply. Su Qi continued, "I was just asleep, I'm sorry for not answering earlier." Only then did Wang Zijin's voice come through: "Call me 'wife', Master." Su Qi found these two titles together oddly discomforting, but she had no choice. "Okay, Zijin... wife." Su Qi said, her voice making Wang Zijin noticeably happier. "So, Master, did you see the picture?" "Yes, it was a beautiful photo!" Su Qi replied honestly. Wang Zijin, already named a campus beauty, looked stunning flushed in the image, especially with that coy, bashful posture. "So, how does Master plan to punish me for threatening you earlier?!" Wang Zijin's tone grew somewhat intense. For some reason, although Su Qi couldn't see the other side, her mind conjured an image of Zijin with a face of passion and eyes full of hearts! In anime, characters with heart-filled eyes usually turned out very peculiar! Giving a shiver, Su Qi pulled the blanket closer around her. (Thank you to the grand patron 'Rain6L' for the reward.)