Chapter 39 - A Sweet Girl Won’t Be Fooled By The Villainess

Chapter 39: Keen Eyes Recognize the Hero Medene's sudden struggle and incoherent speech made the soldiers immediately sense something was amiss upon hearing the word "saintess." One of them raised his hand and struck Medene's neck, knocking her unconscious. Apologizing to Amelia once again, the soldiers swiftly departed, leaving a bewildered Ifia, who had no idea who the saintess mentioned by Medene was. She begged forgiveness for her recent arrival in this world, and the fact that she was bedridden in the slums upon arrival, unaware of even some common knowledge about the Sis Empire. Meanwhile, Amelia raised an eyebrow in surprise at the unexpected display of power by the church’s Tiffany. However, the recent display of the silver sword lacked the impact to maintain Amelia's interest. Instead of these inconsequential characters, she was more interested in entertaining a new, delightful toy. "Ifia, I have instructed the steward to prepare some desserts, including your favorite caramel pudding. Will you come back with me?" Upon hearing Amelia mention desserts, Ifia's attention immediately shifted. Getting to know Amelia was truly fortunate for her! However, despite her intense desire for the delicious desserts, Ifia considered the unfinished purchases of ingredients and customized pots, and struggled to suppress her reluctance. Ultimately, she shook her head and declined. Desserts could be consumed at a later time, but the gift could not wait! "Sorry, Amelia, I have something else to do." "It's okay, just make sure to stay safe!" Although Ifia declined her, Amelia did not become upset. She smiled, reached out to touch Ifia's silky black hair, and whispered softly into Ifia's ear, "The caramel pudding will be delivered to your dormitory. Remember to check for it later." With that, Amelia waved casually and turned to leave. Left behind, Ifia was still immersed in the sweet fragrance that lingered on Amelia and the envious gaze of Jessina, who was lurking nearby. As soon as Amelia left, Jessina rushed over to Ifia, placing her hands on Ifia's shoulders and, with residual reason, controlled her excitement and gently awakened Ifia's senses. When Ifia came to, she immediately noticed Jessina's flushed cheeks and increased breathing, her hazel eyes fixed on her with a dangerously focused gaze, almost like she was about to interrogate a criminal. Seeing this, Ifia swallowed nervously. If it weren't for the enclosed space, she would have run away! "Ifia, you actually know Miss Barren!!!" This was the first time that the starstruck Jessina had stood so close to her idol. She felt so happy that she was about to faint. Although Miss Barren didn't speak to her, Jessina wasn't disappointed. After all, someone as outstanding as Miss Barren would never greet someone as ordinary as her. Just receiving a glance from her was a blessing! Now, being able to see Miss Barren, she had no regrets in life. However, when Ifia called Miss Barren by her name, Jessina felt that the world was truly fantastical! The commoner friend Ifia she had made at Pris Academy actually knew her admired idol, Miss Barren. And it seemed like the two were very close! In fact, it was Miss Barren's concern for Ifia's safety that had prompted her to rush over with the soldiers. This incredibly beautiful friendship was so enviable! In an instant, Ifia's image in Jessina's mind grew significantly, and she felt a hint of satisfaction. She had previously thought highly of Ifia, and now, realizing that she had Miss Barren's approval, made her even more worthy. Jessina chose to overlook their not-so-harmonious start, and she transformed the situation into her having the insight to recognize a hero, and persevering to become friends with Ifia among the many students at Pris Academy. In other words, she had a good eye for people! "Be calm, be calm. It's just that Amelia is so popular that I didn't dare to speak out!" Thankfully, amidst her excitement, Jessina was able to control her emotions. However, even so, Ifia quickly escaped from Jessina's grasp and stepped back to maintain a safe distance. Having seen too many fangirls in her past life, Ifia needed to protect herself from overzealous fans! "Do you usually meet with Miss Barren? Is Miss Barren very knowledgeable and humble? What is the private residence like at Pris Academy? I really want to go and meet Miss Barren in person, the beautiful and charming noble heiress; she's just…” Jessina couldn't stop talking when she started talking about Amelia. Ifia's ears were aching from Jessina's chatter, so she quickly interrupted her enthusiasm, “Jessina, do you know who the saintess is?” Despite Medene being just an unlicensed business owner and suspected mental patient, the mention of a saintess by her had piqued Ifia's curiosity, and she was still asking Jessina for answers. Upon hearing the question, Jessina was surprised and then, as if she had realized something, her initially shocked expression turned into sympathy. She sighed inexplicably, then patted Ifia's shoulder and encouraged her, "Ifia, I never expected you to be from the countryside. I thought you were from the capital based on your accent." "The saintess mentioned by Medene should be referring to the 'Divine Eye' Tiffany of the church." Jessina indeed knew who the saintess was. However, when mentioning the saintess, she used a special title, which made Ifia even more curious. Ifia ignored Jessina's emotional speculation about her coming from the countryside and quickly asked, "What does the Divine Eye mean? Does the saintess have the ability to foresee the future?" "Ifia, sometimes I think your imagination is too rich! The Divine Eye is just a title. In fact, the saintess Tiffany has been blind since birth, but her eyes have a peculiar trait." As she said this, Jessina's expression became hesitant, as if she didn't know how to continue. This immediately increased Ifia's curiosity. After a brief pause, Jessina continued, "Saintess Tiffany cannot see during the day, but her sight is restored at night. It's because of her unique condition that the current pope adopted her from an orphanage and took her under his wing." "Before the witches' divination, the nobles favored seeking blessings from the saintess at the church. They believed that as she was born in the light and didn’t need to open her eyes during the day, but during the night, as the demons roamed, Tiffany had the responsibility to eliminate them, hence her sight was restored at night, as an act of dedication." With her captivating storytelling, Jessina described the story of the church's saintess Tiffany, leaving Ifia amazed but still unsure whether the saintess Tiffany's unique eyes were real. It all sounded a bit like a con! Just as religion often expands outwards, stories that seem miraculous are spun, and followers will surely follow suit... As an Efyan from the Blue Star, Ifia did not believe in religion; as a new generation successor in society, she believed in science! "In that case, why don't the nobles continue to visit the church?" "That's because of an incident. It's said that while blessing a certain dignitary, the saintess Tiffany's eyes suddenly started to weep blood…"