Chapter 40 - A Sweet Girl Won’t Be Fooled By The Villainess

Chapter 40: A Craving for Dramatic Tales As Jessina spoke, she scared herself with her own words, conjuring a frightening image of a terrified girl in her mind. However, perhaps due to Ifia's company or the fact that only the blood-curdling parts were scary, Jessina quickly recovered and continued. "After that, it seemed like her eyes were completely blinded, and she's still undergoing treatment. But according to the rumors, Saint Tiffany's eyes are beyond help. Every time she's at the church, she wears a white silk blindfold." "During the church services, Saint Tiffany appears in full regalia and seems to be in good spirits." "But, according to a noble who wishes to remain anonymous, Saint Tiffany is very dangerous!" Ifia felt that Jessina could make a living by telling stories in the streets, earning a wealth of coins. She seemed to be privy to too many rumors! Also, she shouldn't leave them hanging like this. It's making Ifia so curious! Ifia's eager, gossip-loving expression amused Jessina. Now that the scary part was skipped, Jessina's storytelling zeal was invigorated, and she continued even more forcefully. "I heard that at night in Saint Tiffany's room, terrifying screams can be heard. It's not a cry that a human can make, but more like the roar of a demon crawling out of hell!" "Once, a noble secretly went near Saint Tiffany's residence while the church priest was unaware, and hiding in a dark corner, he saw the demon!" At this point, Jessina paused again, trying to steal a glance at Ifia's expectant and anxious expression to entertain herself. This made Ifia unable to bear it any longer. With a wry smile on her face, she chose to use words as a weapon. "Jessina, if you pause one more time, I'll talk bad about you in front of Amelia." "!!!" Indeed, at the mention of Amelia, Jessina immediately became compliant. She didn't dare to continue keeping them in suspense. “According to the noble's description, the demon is three meters tall, with long limbs and a pitch-black body. Its emaciated form shows every single rib, and its horrifying appearance could give someone nightmares just by looking at it. It has six rows of razor-sharp teeth, and the drool that falls from its mouth corrodes the ground, leaving small pits behind." "Saint Tiffany stands in front of the demon with her eyes covered in white silk, accompanied by several church clergy as assistants, and they commenced an extremely perilous exorcism." "The demon was cruel, vicious, and cunning. It seemed to know that Saint Tiffany was the main threat and turned its attention to the other clergy, easily biting off their heads. But it was Saint Tiffany who made the crucial move!" "She took off the white silk blindfold, and then…” Jessina stopped here with a dejected expression. Before Ifia could urge her to continue, she spoke again. "The noble said that after Saint Tiffany removed the blindfold, he immediately fainted. When he woke up, he found himself in the church's resting room." "A priest was there, and when the noble inquired about Tiffany and the demon, the priest laughed and said it was all just a dream. Saint Tiffany had been listening to the believers' grievances in the confessional." "That's all, no one knows what happened after Saint Tiffany removed the blindfold. This has become the top hot topic among the nobles!" After listening, Ifia nodded in agreement. It felt like reading a novel at its climax, only to reach the last line saying “End of Part One. Please look forward to the sequel,” leaving him unsure if he'd ever get to read the second part in his lifetime. However, based on Jessina's detailed description, Ifia felt the demon's story was likely fabricated. If an ordinary person encountered a demon, it would be impressive if they didn't faint on the spot, let alone observe the demon's teeth so clearly. Saint Tiffany was also unlucky, becoming the subject of urban legends. "Because of the spreading rumors, the nobles considered it too dangerous to continue seeking blessings or exorcisms from Saint Tiffany. Hence, they started turning to fortune-tellers, and it became a burgeoning trend." “If given the chance, I really want to see the eyes of Saint Tiffany.” Jessina epitomized the phrase "having a craving for drama." Looking at her eager expression, Ifia couldn't bear to dampen her enthusiasm. After all, there were no real demons in this world. Furthermore, the residence of the church's saint wouldn't be easy to approach. As for the noble sneaking near Saint Tiffany's residence, it was probably a fabrication to set the stage for the demon's appearance... Compared to the fabricated demon, Ifia felt it was more important to be cautious around those who seemed a bit unhinged. You never knew when they might turn violent... Medene, the recently discharged psychiatric patient, left a deep impression on Ifia! "Alright, let's not think about demons anymore. It's time for you to accompany me to buy some items." Not letting Jessina continue her imaginative storytelling, Ifia pulled her out of the fortune-telling house and the two began strolling around Corifin Street. After careful selection, they finally found a reputable blacksmith and placed an order for a batch of kitchenware according to Ifia's requirements. Unlike the commonly used flat pans and baking sheets in the Sis Empire, Ifia requested a customized wok. Jessina curiously looked at the blueprint, and upon gesturing the depth of the wok, she couldn't help but be amazed. It was almost as deep as a soup pot! Ifia wondered what she needed such a wok for? She watched the blacksmith draw the blueprint according to her specifications and felt reassured. She could finally begin casting the wok according to the plan and would soon be able to showcase her skills! In addition, Ifia paid an expedited fee. The wok would be ready in two days. Next, they went to scout for fresh ingredients and spices. Ifia wanted to use the best ingredients at the time of cooking. The thought of Amelia's astonished expression after tasting her food immediately filled Ifia with an eager impulse. She couldn't wait for the wok to be completed and considered bringing it to Amelia overnight. With this excited mood, Ifia and Jessina strolled until the late afternoon when Jessina grew tired, so they reluctantly ended their trip. Upon returning to the dorm, Ifia felt relieved to find her roommate Irene absent. Since achieving first place in her grade and George being expelled from the academy, Irene hadn't shown any animosity towards Ifia. She even offered a congratulatory smile in the dorm as if nothing had changed. But the more she behaved this way, the more guarded Ifia became. However, without the ability to change rooms, Ifia could only adapt to the situation and wait to see what Irene would do. Nevertheless, winning over Amelia was the main concern, not guarding against the female lead’s mischief! "Meow!" Just as Ifia felt tired and wanted to lie down in bed, a familiar mournful meow came from outside the window, accompanied by tapping on the glass. It left Ifia puzzled—how did Amelia's cat get there?