Chapter 41 - A Sweet Girl Won’t Be Fooled By The Villainess

Chapter 41: Meow Meow Meow! Though Ifia was puzzled, it did not hinder her actions. She immediately went to the window and pushed one of the windows open. Shortly after, a black cat leaped out gracefully from the side and jumped into the dormitory through the open window. The fur of this black cat, Asmode, was sleek and glossy. Every time Ifia saw it, she felt that it was as smooth as silk. But due to the lack of opportunities to bond with it, Ifia, a lover of fluffy things, felt somewhat regretful. Now that she finally had the chance, Ifia smiled at the black cat. Afterwards, she immediately reached out to grab it, ready to skillfully pet the cat... Asmode was startled at first, but then seeing Ifia wanting to stroke it, a strange smile crept onto the cat's face. It not only did not resist, but also lay down obediently. It looked so well-behaved that one might want to pet it until it was bald. However, the moment Ifia's fingers touched its fur, Asmode suddenly shivered, instantly jumping up and almost reaching the ceiling. After landing, its fur bristled all over, its ears were pressed backward, and its tail stood straight like an antenna. "Meow meow meow!" The pitiful meows rang out again, contrasting the previous leisurely mood with real distress. Asmode glanced at Ifia's pocket, sensing the terrifying magical aura of the Grand Sovereign. It just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy a massage from the beautiful girl, but it nearly got killed by magic... Ugh, the Grand Sovereign's possessiveness is truly unbearable for demons. It slipped away. Unable to take advantage, Asmode didn't want to stay in the dormitory anymore. It quickly leaped onto the windowsill. Its previously bristled fur slowly returned to its original state, and its black tail swayed back and forth, meowing to signal Ifia to follow. This left Ifia, who hadn't had the chance to pet the cat, feeling regretful, but she still followed Asmode a few steps forward. As she peered outside the window, she noticed a small package placed on the windowsill. Asmode walked over, pressing its head against the package and then looked back at Ifia, indicating for her to quickly take the package inside. Seeing this, without waiting for Asmode to urge her with more meows, Ifia reached out and brought the package into the dormitory. The package was just the size of a palm, not heavy at all. Seeing the neatly wrapped fabric with golden embroidery, Ifia immediately confirmed the source of the package. Curious, she opened the fabric and was surprised to see a caramel pudding in a thin glass bowl. Ifia widened her eyes in amazement. Ah, Amelia really is so thoughtful; she sent caramel pudding! Taking the caramel pudding out of the package, just the sweet aroma alone was satisfying. When Ifia raised her head again, Asmode was nowhere to be seen outside the window, leaving her only able to regret not having another chance to pet the cat. Afterward, Ifia took the caramel pudding and went straight to the bed. She didn't rush to eat it, but instead held it in her arms, sitting cross-legged on the bed, resting her chin on her hand, gazing at the caramel pudding and showing off to the system. "Hehehe, system, did you see that? Amelia specially sent me caramel pudding; she's really good to me." "Please don't forget the mission, Host!" This time, the system didn't remain silent but responded. "??? Speaking of the mission, I wonder, am I not friends with Amelia now? She's been so good to me; it's clear she already considers me a friend!" "The villainess has not personally stated her friendship with the Host, so the mission has not been completed." "...Okay!" To think that the completion standard of the mission was actually to have Amelia admit it personally. Directly asking would be too embarrassing. But luckily, she was preparing a gift recently. When the time comes, she could casually ask, and the system's mission could be completed effortlessly. Meanwhile, the system, seeing how clueless Ifia was about the possibility of rejection, couldn't help but sigh, thinking perhaps it was too pessimistic and tended to focus on the negative, considering that the villainess would reject being the Host's friend. In fact, the villainess had a great interest in the Host. Therefore, becoming friends wasn't that difficult of a task. The difficulty lay in the subsequent series of missions... It wasn't known when they would be issued, and whether the Host might turn against her. Moreover, gradually gaining the villainess's favor meant constantly getting close to her, putting the Host repeatedly on the edge of danger. There was no telling when the villainess might be provoked, and the Host would be in trouble then. However, apart from playing on her emotions, there was really no other effective way to stop the world from being destroyed... Either way, they would die, so it was better to choose the one with a higher success rate! Among the hundreds of recorded instances of the world collapsing, most systems and Hosts wanting to save the world had either showcased their strength or intelligence, or resorted to political schemes, successfully breaking into the upper circles of the Sisis Empire. They even managed to obtain noble titles and positions. The most remarkable Host even became a new duke! He formed a three-party power balance with the king and the Baron Duke. Due to his commoner background and his methods of both grace and wrath, he not only gained the respect of the nobles but was also beloved by the common people. In the end, he managed to turn the tables, found evidence against the Baron Duke, exiled him, and overthrew the king, aiding Prince Carloi to become the new king. At this point, the mission should have been perfectly completed, but... The villainess was ruthless. She directly transformed! Leading a horde of demons, she massacred the upper-class nobles of the Sisis Empire, sparing no one. After the demons devoured human souls, they took over the bodies of the nobles, used sweet words to lead the people, and directly attacked other countries, initiating battles and conflicts. In the end, the mission to save the world naturally ended in failure, and the system and the Host were killed. The Host, who had with his own abilities become a new duke, was intelligent and bold, yet still got killed by the villainess... The truth was, it wasn't his fault; it was that the villainess was a bug in this world! Therefore, even if its Host was naive, but miraculously gained the favor of the villainess, it might truly achieve a happy ending. It could only wait and see. However, apart from playing on her emotions, there was actually a backup plan. It could assist the Host in finding the most powerful item or special character to suppress the villainess, entirely exploiting the limitations of the world's rules to kill her. However, regarding the use of the item to suppress the villainess, the system wasn't at all sure, because all related records from before had somehow been locked, except if it had the authority granted by the main deity. Thus, it could only rely on luck! But after seeing Amelia treat Medeine as if she were playing with a toy, and the light item, which had already changed its attributes, the system thought it best not to use the backup plan if it didn't have to. The villainess was just too strong!!! "Hey, there's a card pinned to the bottom of the bowl with words written on it. Amelia left me a note." While the system sighed solemnly about its bleak future, Ifia found a card. She placed the caramel pudding to the side and opened the card.