Chapter 43 - A Sweet Girl Won’t Be Fooled By The Villainess

Chapter 43 Eat this cutie! The disappearance case in the city had just surfaced, and not much detail had been disclosed, so it quickly became the topic of conversation... In order to prevent Fiona, who had a romantic mind, from speaking out, the girls quickly threw out a new topic. Talking about how a certain noble at Pris Academy bullied commoners, leaving them battered and bloodied, and how the teachers at the academy turned a blind eye, allowing the matter to be swept under the rug. In the Sis Empire, class consciousness was strong, and the differential treatment between nobles and commoners at Pris Academy was just a small reflection of the society at large. However, for the young commoner students, they had experienced too little. Currently, they still had beautiful expectations for their future lives. Believing that no matter how noble the nobles were, the commoners also had human rights, and as long as individuals were excellent, they would be appreciated! With such thoughts in mind, because of the many restrictions they faced at Pris Academy, they hoped to find a good job after graduation to try to escape this uncomfortable differential treatment. Irene and her friends' gossip chat didn't last long and soon dwindled with the reduced topics, bidding farewell one after another, agreeing to meet again next time. Fiona left with a lingering look at Ifia before departing, not speaking to her about her love story with Lanny, leaving her feeling unwilling, but with Irene around, she couldn't do anything. She could only wait for another opportunity. Once the girls had all gone, the dorm returned to tranquility. Ifia finally put down the novel in her hands and took out the caramel pudding she had put away earlier. She had been so excited by the card that she had forgotten to eat this little cutie! Opening the lid, Ifia picked up the delicate silver spoon that came with it and scooped a large piece into her mouth. Delicious!!! In addition to its enticing appearance, the pudding's delicate and smooth texture, combined with the unique sweetness of the caramel, created a captivating flavor. Rich and soft, sweet and aromatic. Ifia, based on her material and culinary expertise, just opened the lid and the rich sweet fragrance dispersed immediately, causing Irene, who was preparing to study, to look up and spot the glass bowl of caramel pudding. Light and colorful. These were Garlin glass products! Irene had seen them before and was deeply impressed. In a match at Pris Academy, the cup that Prince Carlo used for drinking was made of this material, and the nobles who watched the game with Irene at the time were all envious. This kind of Garlin glass, made by master craftsmen, was the most expensive glass in the Sis Empire due to its extremely light and thin nature. The specific price started at gold coins. The higher the requirements, the more expensive it became. The exorbitant price left a deep impression on Irene, and now seeing Ifia holding the same Garlin glass product, just for the sake of serving dessert... Irene couldn't help but grip the book tightly, causing it to become creased, and her eyes harbored jealousy and discontent. Both of them were commoner students from Pris Academy, so why did Ifia have such good luck! Was it just because Ifia was good-looking? While she was worrying about a silver coin, Ifia had no worries or troubles at all. Just from the exorbitantly priced Garlin glass product, it was evident that the nobles with whom Ifia associated had a high status, and giving such an expensive item on a whim showed how wealthy and generous that noble was! In Pris Academy, there were few nobles who met Ifia's criteria, unless the noble Ifia had befriended was Prince Carlo! Thinking of this possibility, Irene felt as if her anger had materialized and wanted to incinerate Ifia. Irene's gaze was too intense, and Ifia, who was indulging in the dessert, even though she was slow to notice, raised her eyes to look at Irene, instinctively protecting the caramel pudding in her hands, and then spoke. "Irene, do you have something to tell me?" They could chat, but sharing was absolutely not an option! The caramel pudding specially sent by Amelia must be for her alone, not for sharing with dorm-mates! "Nothing, Ifia, your friend is so nice to send dessert so late." Hearing Ifia's words, Irene didn't panic, she tried to maintain a smile. Compared to sharing dessert with Ifia, she wanted to know more about the noble who was friends with Ifia. Upon hearing that Irene didn't covet the caramel pudding, Ifia relaxed instantly. Her face wore an overly sweet smile as she replied, "Yes, she is really nice, she is my best friend!" Even though the system mission had not been completed at the moment, Ifia unilaterally announced that Amelia was her best friend! Even if she would make other friends in the future, Amelia would be irreplaceable in her heart! Thinking this, Ifia took another spoonful of pudding and felt delighted. "Is she the noble lady you mentioned in the classroom before?" Irene probed coolly, but it made Ifia frown involuntarily when she heard it. Why bring this up now? Previously, it was Irene who mentioned her staying out late, prompting Ifia to clarify the matter in public... Now that old issue was being brought up again. Did the main character have some kind of problem? "Yes." Out of politeness, she gave a perfunctory response, then chose not to pay further attention to Irene and turned her body to savor the dessert slowly, leaving Irene dissatisfied with her noncommittal answer, but there was no way to get Ifia to open up. She could only continue sitting and brooding in her seat, completely abandoning her original plan for revision. ... Ifia skipped class again for two days, and during this period, in order to create a surprise, she endured without visiting Amelia. Finally, after school on this day, she refused Lucy and Jessina's study invitation and eagerly went to Coraline Street. She retrieved the custom-made wok from the blacksmith and bought vegetables and spices from the shop she had marked for this occasion. Spending most of the money in her pocket, Ifia finally stopped herself. However, before leaving Coraline Street, she bought a delicate little gift box. When there was no one around, she put the Pris Academy commemorative coin into it, then tied a pretty bow on it, and put it in her pocket. With everything ready, Ifia carried the pot and ingredients and rushed excitedly to Amelia's residence. "Miss Ifia, hello!" Just as she arrived near the villa, she happened to meet the butler, Heber. Upon hearing his respectful greeting, Ifia responded in kind, "Hello, Butler Heber, are you feeling better now?" Since their last meeting, Butler Heber had been sick for a while, his sickly pale appearance as if he had a terminal illness, but fortunately, he had made a good recovery by now. "Thanks to your blessings, I'm mostly better now. Are you here to see Miss Baren?" "Yes!" "Miss Baren is drinking tea in the living room. Do you need me to show you the way?" "No, I can find my way there myself." Ifia waved off the butler's offer to accompany her and walked into the villa with the bag of wares. Soon, she spotted the elegantly dressed Amelia, sitting at a table sipping coffee with an elegant demeanor, her beautiful face showing a faint expression, as if lost in thought. Upon hearing the noise, she looked up and saw that Ifia had arrived. Amelia's lips twitched slightly upward as she set down her cup and, locking her purple gaze directly onto Ifia, spoke calmly, "Ifia, did you have fun with your new friend?" Good job!