Chapter 44

Chapter 44: She is Invincible! (Haha, is Her Majesty feeling jealous? I can smell the sourness even from far away) (Hmph, what's so great about humans? Weak like insects, they are so boring. Her Majesty, come and take a look at me, as a qualified enchantress, I am much more interesting than humans) (Shakbar, your sheep's rear end has been completely played with, go away!) (I think this human is quite decent, looks fragrant and soft, the smooth black hair is truly captivating for the demons. It's no wonder Her Majesty is interested so suddenly) As Amelia and Ifia talked, some hidden demons in the living room drifted in. Afraid to approach due to Amelia's aura, they could only maintain a distance, huddling together shapelessly, teasing each other. Chattering, occasional bursts of crazy laughter, causing the hidden system to wear a mask of pain... Why are there so many demons popping up today? It would be great if it, like the host, couldn't see these demons. After all, if it can see the demons, it means the demons could also see it. It seems that, to prevent being discovered, it must remain silent no matter what from now on. As for the host surrounded by the demons... It's fine. As long as the idiotic host can't see, she is invincible! As the system prepared to silently submerge, Ifia, who was about to show off her skills, was still in an excited state. Therefore, even though she noticed something different about Amelia, she didn't pay much attention and just nodded with a smile. Her watery black eyes were like a sky full of stars, and her sweet smile was excessively sugary! And Ifia's nod seemed to have ignited a fuse, causing Amelia's violet eyes to narrow, as if she was staring into a deep, unfathomable pool, and her previously raised lips slowly fell. It seems that the interesting toy has become less engaging! Might as well take her soul into the abyss while the interest still lingers. In that case, when she thinks of Ifia in the future, she can quietly listen to the soul's wailing. It should be quite enjoyable. Amelia appeared to be casually rubbing the cup handle with her fingers, but in reality, a sudden burst of anger made her momentarily lose control of her magic. The dense black magic seemed to solidify, darkening the room, and within the spread of the black domain, the trapped souls were compressed and struggled desperately, causing painful ghostly faces to emerge in the black magic, constantly wailing. As a result, the demons in the living room were also affected, and the powerful pressure made their ethereal bodies unstable. Alongside the demons' miserable screams, the system shuddered, sincerely wishing that the host it was bound to could see a bit better in the next life. The villainess is about to act!!! They are all going to be in trouble. "Thanks to Jessina's guidance, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to buy these good things~" Ifia, who was completely unaware that she was in danger, lifted the cloth bag in her hand towards Amelia. Just the thought of Amelia tasting the food she prepared herself made Ifia feel extremely excited! For this, she couldn't wait any longer and continued, "Amelia, thank you for all your help. Although I'm poor and can't gift you expensive jewels, I can only offer my best culinary skills at the moment. But the feeling of gratitude is the most sincere. I hope you can accept it!" "Culinary skills?" Amelia, puzzled by Ifia's words, did not immediately act. Then, as Ifia opened the bag and took out the cooking utensils and ingredients, it seemed that she got the answer without needing to ask. The lit fuse had been cut. Still, Amelia confirmed by asking, "Ifia, have you been busy with these things these past few days?" "Yeah, even though my funds are limited, I want to give you the best! Thanks to Jessina's help, otherwise, those greedy shopkeepers might have emptied my pockets and still offered inferior quality!" Speaking of which, Ifia was also quite angry. She thought buying ingredients and spices would not be difficult. However, due to the rarity of Eastern spices, they were very expensive. Those shopkeepers were really ruthless. If a commoner entered their shop, they would overcharge and if the customer argued... they would call the patrol team and have them escorted out. Of course, it was also because the primary clientele of the Corifin Street were nobles. Although there were no restrictions on commoners entering, they would still receive a lot of disdain. Because of Jessina's guidance, Ifia avoided being a sucker, and the shopkeepers were very polite to her. However, when she saw other commoners purchasing spices as she was about to leave, Ifia witnessed the shopkeepers ruthlessly overcharging them. In the end, the patrol team escorted the commoners away... Tsk tsk, the class consciousness of the Sis Empire is seriously distorted! "Just, Jessina can be so talkative... Oh, Amelia, you don't know yet. Jessina is your loyal follower. Since seeing you at the Divination House last time, she's been praising you in my ears every day. Although, Amelia, you are indeed beautiful and elegant, but she really talks too much, to the extent that..." As Ifia rambled on, Amelia blinked lightly, and her mood brightened, as if the dark clouds had dissipated to reveal the sun. From bad to good in an instant. The completely suppressed negative emotions vanished into thin air, and her new toy was still as interesting as ever. Perhaps because of Ifia's words "I want to give you the best", Amelia's hostility towards Jessina lessened a bit, and Ifia's new acquaintance seemed somewhat pleasing. Then, let her live for now. The demons who had been persisting under the oppression of magic were finally liberated after Amelia withdrew her domain. They all breathed a sigh of relief and, to the silent observation of the system, as though nothing had happened, they approached the direction where Amelia was. Obviously, gossiping about Her Majesty was more important than their lives being threatened! "Now is the perfect time. Amelia, let me prepare dinner for you!" Amelia naturally would not refuse Ifia's request and then personally led Ifia to the kitchen, where the chefs and assistants helped Ifia. The chefs who prepared meals for Amelia were not as polite as the dessert chef. Although they treated Ifia well in front of Amelia, as soon as Ifia urged Amelia to leave first, their attitudes changed immediately. Occasional cold snorts and discontent in their eyes, clearly wanting to say plenty to the uninvited Ifia but refraining due to Amelia's presence. However, Ifia didn't mind, she just wanted to make a meal for Amelia. She wasn't planning on staying in the kitchen permanently. Next, it was Ifia's time to shine. She was determined to satisfy Amelia with her cooking!