Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Exercise Restraint (Monthly Pass Update) What kind of experience is it to be invited to sleep with a beautiful girl? Ifia nestled in the corner of the luxurious bed. Despite the soft mattress that was as comfortable as a cloud, her attention was not on it, but on Amelia lying on it! Compared to Ifia's loveliness, Amelia's beauty was more aggressive. At this moment, she leaned against the pillow casually, her sexy and full body stretched out, looking like a goddess in a painting. Her mysterious purple eyes shimmered in the soft light with a smile on her lips. Seemingly catching Ifia's avoiding gaze, Amelia raised her eyebrows and said, "Ifia, can't sleep? Want to chat?" Hearing Amelia's invitation, Ifia twisted and turned nervously. It was not that she was afraid of any loss, but she felt that she might taint Amelia's purity. Someone as wonderful as Amelia deserved the best in the world… Even though Ifia didn't have any excessive thoughts, she still felt like she had done something wrong. Besides, she had never slept in the same bed as a girl before, so she still couldn't let go. However, not wanting to refuse Amelia's kindness, Ifia slowly moved closer, like a clumsy turtle, but ultimately reached the end. Because of her final persistence, Ifia still kept some distance from Amelia and didn’t get too close... Such things needed a girl's consent to do! Amelia didn't mind these at all; she still had a faint smile on her face. However, the next topic she brought up was particularly weighty: "Ifia, do you think the Empire's class distinction is too discriminatory? Different treatment for nobles and commoners has led to quite a bit of opposition in the Sith Empire." "…” Ifia blinked in silence. Was she allowed to say these things now? And in front of the Duke's daughter! Although Ifia had already regarded Amelia as her friend, having grown up in a noble family, she knew how to look out for herself, even if she was stupid. Therefore, she organized her words and replied cautiously. "The class distinctions in the Empire have been maintained for so many years. It's unlikely there will be any other changes, so complaining about these things is just that, complaining. It's very difficult to truly change." Unlike other common students at the Pris Academy, Ifia didn't naively believe that after graduating and starting a job, she could avoid different treatments based on class. In a deeply rooted environment, it was extremely difficult to overthrow and change things. Many historic changes came with blood and death, and now it was the same for the Sith Empire. Maybe some people have lofty ideals, but Ifia was just an ordinary person who liked to lie down flat. Unless the current living environment had a significant impact, seriously threatening life… like when she would die without eating black bread, then Ifia would take real action. "But don't you think sticking to conventions is too boring? It would be very interesting to see a huge change in the Empire. No, if all countries started to change, that would be even more interesting." However, unlike Ifia's cautiousness, Amelia had a direct and carefree attitude. These words, which were rebellious in the Empire, didn't seem like something the Duke's daughter could say. Especially in Ifia's impression, Amelia was a steady person. Her every move was elegant, her tone of speech soft and pleasant, and she was always appropriately dressed in any situation. Even the jewelry she wore was carefully selected, exquisitely making her the most aristocratic person Ifia had ever seen. As Ifia was surprised, her hidden system wanted to exclaim loudly. The villainess had finally revealed her true colors!!! Stupid host, look at that, the villainess is a demon, she wants to destroy the world… Although the system wanted to say that, to prevent the host from lying flat or being caught by the villainess on the spot, it could only shamefully think it in its heart. "I think a peaceful life is good now. Everyone does their own thing, like me studying seriously at the academy and coming over to chat and have meals. And now that I have a customized wok, I can cook more dishes for you in the future." Compared to Amelia's bold remarks, Ifia's words seemed much more content. After all, a plain life is the most real! Even though her current life couldn't compare to the luxury she had before, one must learn to be content. Otherwise, if she were to die again, who knew if she would open her eyes again. Of course, it would be better if this world didn't perish so quickly. Then she could continue to lie flat for a few more years. Thinking of this, before Amelia could speak, Ifia, quite tactfully, added, "If, Amelia, you could become my friend, that would be even better." Upon hearing Ifia speak about how a peaceful life is good, Amelia's expression didn't change. But as she caught the phrase that Ifia could cook more dishes for her, her face finally showed a pleased smile. Well, then let's wait a little longer! It wouldn't be boring now that there was an interesting toy. But regarding Ifia's later request, Amelia still didn't give a direct reply. Instead, she patted the spot next to her, though she didn't speak, her interested expression said it all. In the end, she couldn't escape, right! ... The next morning, when Ifia woke up, Amelia was no longer beside her. Getting up from the bed, she stretched her stiff arms. Being a large doll all night was really exhausting! Although it wasn't considered out of the ordinary for good friends to sleep together. After all, they were just chatting under the covers and not doing anything strange. Amelia's sleeping position was pretty good, soft and fragrant, so theoretically, it shouldn’t have been bothersome. But being held tightly by her, Ifia inexplicably felt as if she were being coiled by a snake, making her feel suffocated and powerless, which led to her having nightmares all night. So, after getting up today, Ifia felt as if her energy had been drained. Dark circles were starting to emerge! However, the good news was that after agreeing to sleep with Amelia last night, she completed her first system task! "Good morning, Ifia, I slept really well last night." After quickly freshening up, Ifia came to the dining room with a maid and found a splendid breakfast already laid out on the table. Amelia was sitting at the head, sipping a cup of coffee. When she saw Ifia, she greeted her in a good mood. In contrast, Ifia, feeling a bit weak from staying up late, nodded and also said good morning. After sitting down and eating a bit, she immediately drank a large cup of coffee to refresh herself. "Miss Barin, please, please save my beloved Dana Lyn! She's been missing for three days. I'm willing to give everything, just bring her back!" Just as Ifia was about to inform Amelia that she needed to control herself for the time being, a disheveled man burst into the dining room. Despite his unkempt appearance, his attire indicated that he was a nobleman. His plea about a missing case reminded Ifia of the conversation among Irene and others in the dorm not long ago! Could it be that there was a new victim?