Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Bah! "Sorry, Miss Baron, it's our oversight. Let's take him away right away!" Just as the slovenly nobleman barged into the dining hall, the butler Heber immediately arrived with two male servants and quickly restrained the slovenly nobleman. Then, he hurriedly apologized to Amelia. After returning with Ifia to visit Miss Baron recently, Heber fell seriously ill when he returned home. Feeling weak and suffering from unbearable headaches, he thought he had a terminal illness. However, after consulting a doctor, he found it was just simple fatigue from overworking his brain. After resting for a while, Heber has recently regained his strength and is prepared to show his excellent butler skills to Miss Baron. However, this slovenly nobleman has disrupted his plans! Leaving aside the fact that it was extremely unreasonable to visit without prior notice, now, he has sneaked up to Miss Baron while they were not paying attention! When he saw this man, Heber knew he was going to be trouble. But out of respect for the nobleman's status, he couldn't drive him away directly. Then, he took advantage of their inattention while instructing the servants to prepare items, and sneaked over to disturb Miss Baron! "Miss Baron, I know my sudden visit is irregular, but please understand the plight of a man worried about his companion. Please help me find Dainalin! I beg you, I can't be without Dainalin!" Despite being restrained by the male servants, the slovenly nobleman persisted in loudly pleading with Amelia. Talking about Dainalin made tears uncontrollably stream down his brown eyes, making his poignant love story intriguing. Coupled with its relevance to the disappearance case, Ifia perked up to eavesdrop. As for helping? Better not! As an ordinary commoner, even beneath this slovenly nobleman, what could she do? Help the nobleman persuade Amelia? Hmm, she's no saint with a benevolent heart for the world. She wouldn't do such a bizarre thing... Otherwise, she should go sit on the temple's Buddha pedestal. Amelia ignored the slovenly nobleman, letting him perform alone. She remained indifferent, sparing even the applause, but she was keenly focused on Ifia. So, a bit of gossip emerged, and seeing that, Ifia, who was previously languid, suddenly perked up. Her round eyes, divinely assuming they were concealed, peered over while absentmindedly tearing the bread into strips. If she had ears, they'd have perked up by now. How adorable. "Miss Baron, you must help me. You are the only kind-hearted person in the empire!" However, at the moment Amelia admired Ifia's cuteness, the slovenly nobleman persisted, using flattery even! Ifia understood his anguish over his companion's disappearance, but it is not right to strong-arm someone into helping! While Amelia is indeed a very good noblewoman, she cannot help everyone indiscriminately. This slovenly nobleman's current flattering words are merely a moral coercion due to Amelia's status as a duke's daughter, with the authority to mobilize the empire's soldiers. She sighed in silence, finding this unpalatable, and decided it was not so intriguing after all! When she came to her senses, Ifia noticed that the bread in her hand was now inedible... Thinking of the pain of having eaten black bread before, she felt it was wasteful not to eat it. Its appearance is just not good, but the taste is still the same. Just as Ifia was about to surreptitiously eat the unsightly bread, Amelia suddenly spoke to the slovenly nobleman, "Viscount Kelton, if I remember correctly, you are already married to the daughter of the Linda family and have children. So, who is Dainalin?" As soon as Amelia's voice fell, Ifia widened her eyes in shock, forgetting even to eat the bread. Goodness! She thought it was a romantic man. But he turned out to be a scumbag! Bah! Who gave him the courage to dare coming over and asking Amelia for help! "Dainalin is a maid employed by my wife, but we are genuinely in love, and my marriage is only for the sake of the family. Dainalin is a diligent and kind woman. Anyone who interacts with her will develop feelings. I can't imagine where she is suffering after being missing for three days!" Viscount Kelton passionately defended his love, but Amelia was uninterested. Humans are always like this. Their words sound lofty but their actions deviate from morality and decency. They always find a suitable excuse for themselves... even demons detest these hypocritical humans. Of course, this doesn't prevent demons from devouring their souls; after all, innocent souls make good food. Having seen many people like Viscount Kelton and being indifferent to the disappearance case, Amelia frowned wearily and then waved her hand towards the butler Heber without listening to Viscount Kelton's nonsense any longer. Compared to the previous butler, Heber is an astute person. Even when Amelia didn't speak, through her body language, he immediately understood and instructed the servants to escort Viscount Kelton out and not linger to bother anyone further. Though initially hesitant due to his status, now Viscount Kelton had disturbed Miss Baron, and as the butler, Heber had the right to hold Viscount Kelton accountable! After the butler and his men took their leave, the dining hall returned to calmness. Ifia's attention also returned to the table. She hadn't finished eating her bread, but just as she looked at it, before she could put it in her mouth, Amelia pushed a piece of Black Forest cake towards her. The exquisite cake was on a silver platter and emitted an irresistible aroma. "Ifia, try this." Amelia's recommendation was impossible to refuse. After hesitating for a moment, Ifia immediately put down the bread in her hand and reluctantly accepted the cake. She scooped a bit with a spoon and as it entered her mouth, she felt like she was ascending. Delicious~ She finished a piece of Black Forest cake, yogurt pudding, and a sweet fruit juice. Until the end, Ifia didn't even have the chance to eat the bread she had trampled. Instead, she found herself patting her overeaten stomach, watching as the maid cleared the table. She had classes this morning, and after resting, Ifia followed Amelia to the academy. After waving goodbye to Amelia, Ifia cheerfully walked towards the classroom. It was at this exact moment that the system, which had been missing for a day and night, suddenly spoke up. "Host, the system has verified that you have completed the system mission, and the task rewards have been issued!" "Congratulations, Host, on obtaining a complete encyclopedia of plants." "A new task has been issued. Host, choose whether to accept the task... This task cannot be refused and will be mandatory!" "Everyone has an untold pain in their hearts. As a friend, Host, please understand the most painful thing in the memory of the Villainess. Completing the task can yield a random major character plot fragment x1."