Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Hail Amelia! At a single glance, Amelia was certain that Daphne would act just as she had expected. Handle the situation at its root. Daphne wouldn't want things to escalate. Despite putting on a facade of rationality, Daphne's stand to intervene was out of helplessness. Though she tried to cover it up, she still carried the pride of a noble. With a little restraint, it would detonate. As for Carlo's hypocritical nature, he wouldn't ignore Irene. This would further entangle them, and it would be hard to shake off this sticky situation. This was just perfect. It would also prevent Carlo from getting idle and scheming constantly. Humans were synonymous with trouble. She was fed up with human greed and transparent conspiracies. If it weren't for certain limitations preventing her from taking action, she could have wiped them all out, and the world would have been peaceful and quiet. As for the extinction of humans causing demons to starve... simple. Might makes right. If they didn't want to go hungry, the lesser demons could feed on each other. On the second floor of the cafeteria, Amelia absentmindedly played with her cutlery. The tantalizing aroma of the steak on the table failed to pique her appetite. However, watching Ifia enjoy her meal on the opposite side slightly lifted her spirits. Not all humans got on her nerves. Apart from those full of schemes, there were those like Ifia, pure and simple. Moreover, Ifia was a great cook. Once she tasted her dishes, she couldn't forget them. "Amelia, the steak on the second floor is so delicious. No wonder it's so expensive." Unlike Amelia's lack of appetite, Ifia, who had been hungry for a while, thought she could eat a couple more juicy steaks. The cafeteria at the Pris Academy wasn't initially divided this way. Both noble and common students could choose freely. However, while the choice was free, the pricing wasn't. The use of exquisite ingredients in the premium dishes on the second floor resulted in their steep prices. Not to mention the careful cooking by the specially appointed chefs. Even a seemingly ordinary egg sandwich was unaffordable for a common student. As a result, common students gradually stopped going to the second floor, while the noble students flocked to it. Thus, an unspoken rule was established at the Pris Academy - the second floor belonged exclusively to the nobles. During the last exam period, after Ifia was caught by Jessina outside the classroom, she shamelessly tagged along with Lucy to eat and drink. It was then that she was shocked by the exorbitant menu prices on the second floor. Three silver coins for a simple glass of juice? Was it mixed with gold? Nevertheless, Jessina, who was rich and generous, treated them to a free lunch and dessert despite their hostile relationship. After tasting the overpriced juice, Ifia found that the high price was due to added sugar. It was a well-known fact that food with added sugar was pricey in the Sis Empire. This reminded her of her previous life, where sugar was cheap. In fact, due to health reasons, some high-sugar foods used artificial sweeteners. Sigh, things that were easy to obtain were less valued. It was too late to regret it now. "If you like it, come again next time." Amelia's teasing expression made Ifia chuckle. Then, she put down her cutlery, took out a small wallet from her pocket, and clicked it open. She took out a coin-sized brooch and handed it to the bewildered Ifia. When Ifia took it and examined it carefully, she was immediately wide-eyed in astonishment. A pure gold brooch! The small brooch featured a shield and a sword as its background, with intricate gold thread forming a three-dimensional pattern of a roaring one-eyed tiger in the center. More of an art piece than a brooch. It was highly collectible. "This is the emblem of the Barren family. It's authentic and can be used for expenditures in the capital. Someone will handle the reimbursement... Don't worry, I have the authority to use these emblems as I see fit, so you can spend without any concerns." Amelia had already told Ifia everything she needed to know without giving her a chance to respond. She then considerately added a couple more remarks, telling her not to worry too much. It left Ifia momentarily at a loss for words. Amelia was too generous! She was like a hamster daydreaming about unexpectedly falling into a paddy. After admiring the brooch, Ifia ultimately declined the gift. It was one thing to share meals, but she couldn't accept such a valuable present, even from a friend. She didn't have anything to reciprocate with. Ifia firmly believed that friendships tainted with too much self-interest would eventually end in disappointment. Human interactions needed a certain boundary for comfort. Besides, she had no place to spend money at the moment. Even though she had bought expensive ingredients last time, the money left was enough for her living expenses. Speaking of which, she needed to cook something for Jessina and Lucy when she had the time. Lucy was her good tablemate, while Jessina was her source of income. However, Jessina had joined a small group and couldn't be profited from anymore. Ifia had her principles and wouldn't cheat her own kind! Amelia, though disappointed that Ifia didn't accept, didn't push it. Within her control, she respected Ifia's choice. After lunch, Ifia was supposed to return to her dorm to rest, but before bidding farewell to Amelia, she was taken back to her dorm by Amelia. Now, the usually haughty dorm supervisor and the loud-mouthed one were now subservient and meek in front of her. Without wasting any time, Amelia arranged for Ifia to move to a deluxe single room, a privilege reserved only for noble students. With Amelia by her side, the dorm supervisor didn't dare object. And so, Ifia started living in a luxurious single room, and she couldn't quite snap out of the pleasant surprise during afternoon classes. Sitting at her desk, she couldn't help but drift off, and a desire to pinch herself to see if she was dreaming crept in. She had finally left the room she shared with Irene! Hail Amelia!!! "Ifia, did Miss Barren really resolve the cafeteria situation for you? If I had known, I wouldn't have gone to that family gathering! Oh, I regret it so much!" During class, Jessina sighed and lamented, drawing laughter from Lucy. The trio caught everyone's attention in their area, with only Ifia being gazed upon. She was rumoured to be the protagonist of the cafeteria incident, supposedly endorsed by the Duke's daughter. But whether it was true or false remained uncertain. Unfazed by her classmates' speculation, Ifia thought it wasn't worth acknowledging. It wasn't like she would gain anything, for her change of accommodation had made her happy. All of this seemed insignificant. "Is Ifia here, Ifia?" Suddenly, a voice called out to Ifia at the classroom door. Turning her gaze, she saw a unfamiliar noble student smiling at her and, to everyone's surprise, announced that the art club was about to start an exclusive activity and all members had to attend. She was required to be present after school.