Chapter 56

Chapter 56 She's in Panic! It is well-known that among all the clubs at the Pris Academy, the Art Club is the most difficult to enter. The threshold is so high that even noble students are mostly screened out. Only a few manage to meet the membership requirements. However, this is just the initial test, followed by the second round and the final exam. If there's a mistake at any of these stages, the opportunity is completely lost. It is said that entering the Art Club is almost as difficult as entering the Privy Council... The Privy Council is a consultative institution under the king, which assists His Majesty in handling state affairs. According to the rumors, aside from being well-known in the art circle, the Art Club also has many members who have ventured into administrative roles and become important figures in the political circle after inheriting their family's titles. Since its establishment to the present, there has never been a commoner student joining, making it a standout among the noble students! And now, Ifia, a commoner, has silently joined the Art Club! Originally, the students in the class did not witness the cafeteria incident and naturally refused to believe that the esteemed Duke's daughter, Miss Barren, would approve a commoner. It must be a rumor! The Pris Academy has many outstanding noble students who couldn't get Miss Barren's approval. The fact that a commoner... However, now that they've heard about Ifia entering the Art Club, the rumors have fallen apart. If Ifia were to be accepted into the Art Club based on her own merits, it would be laughable to deceive even a three-year-old, and it would be laughed at as an unrealistic idea. It is definitely the work of Miss Barren! Only Miss Barren could make an exception for the Art Club. Miss Barren has actually gone to such lengths for a commoner student. Even if they were unwilling to believe it, they could no longer deceive themselves. "Okay, I understand." Despite the intense gazes from her classmates, Ifia maintained a calm reply on her face, while inside, she thought that today was truly too exciting. First, she exposed her friendship with Amelia in the cafeteria, and now she couldn't hide the news of joining the Art Club. Was today the day for secret revelations? However, while being admired by everyone, she knew her own situation very well. Joining the Art Club may seem impressive, but in reality... her position in the Art Club was somewhat special. Ifia had joined the Art Club by unconventional means and was not a full-fledged member. What would she be able to do when the Art Club holds internal events? Act as a prop, or... wait, Amelia is also a member of the Art Club. She would definitely participate in this event too. Could it be that as an exclusive model, she would have to start working? Or maybe even boldly reveal herself as a model when necessary! Just thinking about it made her flustered!!! "Ifia, you actually joined the Art Club. Pinch me, Lucy, to see if it's real." In the midst of everyone's astonishment, Jessina was just as surprised. She hadn't had time to maintain her noble etiquette, with her mouth still wide open and her hazel eyes staring in disbelief, as if she had seen an alien. Lucy, on the other hand, remained composed. She didn't confirm but instead said helplessly, "Jessina, it's true. Everyone in the class has heard about it." Compared to Jessina's dumbfounded expression, Lucy's acceptance was better. This was mainly because all the surprises for the day had already been contributed in the cafeteria, so hearing about Ifia joining the Art Club now wasn't that shocking... The fact that the Duke's daughter punishes noble students for Ifia shows how much she dotes on her. It's just a trivial matter. Jessina had really not seen the world. Unlike her, Lucy swiftly accepted the reality. "Wow, Ifia, I'm really so envious of you!" How Ifia managed to join the Art Club, those who understood knew, so Jessina didn't ask unnecessary questions. Instead, she expressed her envy with her hands cupping her cheeks. Although jealous, she wasn't envious. After all, other than Ifia, no one else at the Pris Academy had managed to get close to Miss Barren. As a result, Miss Barren was always alone at the Pris Academy, so it was nice that Ifia could accompany her... Thinking silently about what's best for her idol, Jessina looked at Ifia once again with a satisfied expression in her eyes. Then she said earnestly, "Ifia, you must take good care of Miss Barren!" Upon hearing Jessina's words, Ifia subtly pursed her lips. Although she wanted to nod in agreement, since meeting Amelia, it had always been Amelia taking care of her. She also wanted to take charge for once! While the three of them were chatting, the students in the class were discussing in hushed tones. Unlike the noble students who were considerate of the Duke's daughter and restrained in their words, the commoner students spoke freely as they had no reservations. After all, they were discussing a commoner, not a noble. Even if she was acknowledged by the Duke's daughter, it couldn't change her class status immediately. "I never imagined that Ifia has such incredible abilities. She is the Duke's daughter, after all!" "I understand now. Ifia always has good clothes and things, unlike a commoner. It turns out she's behind such a big tree; even if there's a bit of a leak, it is enough to live extravagantly." "I think we shouldn't speculate if we don't know the specifics. Ifia is really capable. She was the top student in this year's exams." "Hmph, who knows how she achieved top marks. Irene has the best grades in the class. She should be the one to get top marks!" As they spoke, the topic shifted to Irene, who sat silently on the side without saying a word. During lunch in the cafeteria, even with Prince Carloi's help, Daphne firmly insisted on compensation. The price of five gold coins was beyond Irene's means, so she had to ask Prince Carloi for help. Fortunately, Prince Carloi did not refuse but directly paid the compensation on the spot and patiently persuaded her to relax and not be affected by these matters... Thinking of Prince Carloi's handsome face, Irene just felt her heart warming. She couldn't silently admire him like before. If she wanted to get close to His Royal Highness, she had to act immediately! After rushing back to the dormitory from the cafeteria, Irene originally wanted to apologize and repair her relationship with Ifia, but as soon as she returned to the dormitory, she found Ifia's bed tidied up and all her belongings gone. She found out from other students that Ifia had already moved to a single dorm. In the past, she would have envied the privileges that Ifia enjoyed by being good friends with the Duke's daughter, but now that she planned to get close to His Royal Highness, she believed that she would be happier than Ifia if she succeeded. After all, the Duke's daughter is only Ifia's friend, not a lover. With these thoughts in mind, Irene felt that her mindset would be stable, but upon hearing that Ifia had joined the Art Club, she unconsciously broke the quill in her hand. Uncontrolled thoughts rushed into Irene's mind: When Ifia mentioned in the dorm that she wanted to join the Art Club, Irene thought she was daydreaming, but in just a few days, Ifia had actually joined the Art Club! How could Ifia have such ability and fortune?!!! Waves of jealousy surged in Irene. Seeing Ifia's smiling face from time to time, Irene couldn't maintain her composure; her rationality was shattered and on the verge of collapse. As fellow commoner freshmen at the Pris Academy, sharing the same class and living in the same dorm before, why did Ifia have it better than her! She couldn't let Ifia be so cocky. Even if it meant creating some trouble, she had to wipe the smile off Ifia's face! With these thoughts, Irene looked at Fiona, who was sitting beside her with a distressed expression, and immediately began to formulate a plan.