Chapter 180 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 180 - Poison Master - Part 1 Hwarin could die. Even for someone like Hwarin, controlling the toxic energy of the Human-Faced Earthworm and the Thousand Year Toad within her body and forming a Poison Pill could be impossible. Her whole body might dissolve into a small puddle of poison. "This could be your last conversation with her, so make sure it has no regrets." The Master of Orthodoxy shared the cruel truth with me, his face somber. After all the struggles to finally obtain the poison pill of the Human-Faced Earthworm, the thought that all efforts could be futile was unsettling. Any other person might have been driven to despair, but I had one more option available to me. 'I have to kiss Hwarin to save her.' It wasn't because Hwarin was a princess trapped in an endless sleep that she couldn't wake from, nor was it to break a curse that would turn her into an animal. Hwarin’s body might not withstand the toxic energies from the two legendary creatures. So, all I needed to do was find a way for her to endure it. After much thought, I recalled the conversation from the night I parted ways with Sohee. - Cheon Gija said that thanks to Yunho's sincerity during the Ssangyong Clan incident, the energy of the Reversal Sage was transferred to me. He said that I wouldn't be overwhelmed by the killing intent for a while. The kiss that helped bring Sohee back to her senses. That's right, I had a solution. 'I managed to calm the murderous intent of the Heavenly Killer Star within Sohee with a kiss.' Only I possess the power to save women fated for tragedy in this world. 'It's worth a try.' My power as the Reversal Sage turned Hwarin’s body into one capable of withstanding the poison. If a kiss could temporarily grant her an even greater ability? I asked the Master of Orthodoxy once more, with this question in mind. - Even if she successfully creates a Poison Pill, couldn’t she still die from failing to withstand the toxic energy? - Being able to create a Poison Pill means one has all the toxic energy under control within their body. If the Poison Pill can be formed, there would be no further need for worry. Then, is it just a matter of enduring while creating the Poison Pill in the body? It's a challenge worth taking. With a kiss, I defied even the fate determined by the heavens. Denying the fate concocted by mere humans should be even easier. However, there was one huge problem. "Will Hwarin permit a kiss?" Dang ‘The Iron Wall’ Hwarin. Whether Hwarin has romantic feelings for me or not, it's tough. It's troubling that I have to consider whether or not Hwarin feels any romantic affection toward me at all. Of course, Hwarin doesn't dislike me. Of this much I was certain. There had to be some affinity. But whether this meant she would pucker up for a kiss at my request was a whole other matter. It's true that in living with Hwarin, I saw signs that could be misinterpreted as signals of romantic interest. But I had to take into account Hwarin’s uniqueness. Hwarin had never made proper friends in her life, let alone a boyfriend. Some distance is supposed to exist even between just friends, but being her first friend, perhaps she wasn’t able to establish that distance. 'It should be fine, right?' I'm not sure, but it seems unlikely that I would be rejected. I don't know. To me, the matter of affection is more difficult than standing face to face with martial arts masters and betting my life. "Now, how should I go about the kiss?" Fortunately, in my life, I've kissed two people. However, both times, it was them who had initiated. Just how should I ask Hwarin for a kiss? Time is short and a kiss is necessary. There's not enough time to set the mood – not that I even know how to create the right atmosphere. "Let's share a kiss." After much contemplation, the choice I made was the naïve direct approach. ************************** I felt like I was going to die. That’s how Dang Hwarin felt up until she woke up and met Kang Yoonho. Waking up felt like being forcefully pulled out of a quagmire. Even after regaining consciousness, there was an unpleasant feeling as if my whole body was covered in mud that couldn’t be washed away. Despite the unpleasant feeling, it was still fortunate. Having lost control of the flow of vital energy and toxic energy in my body for an instant, I was on the cusp of despair and had lost consciousness, yet to be able to open my eyes was nothing short of a miracle. - It was a close call, but you’ve woken up at a good time. Today, internally, you must turn the Human-Faced Earthworm's poison pill into a Poison Pill in order to survive. Everyone will do their utmost to help. Naturally, to continue the miracle, another one was necessary. The Thousand Year Toad’s poison pill was hard enough to withstand. On top of that, the toxic energy of the Human-Faced Earthworm... Could it really be possible to handle that by myself? The thought crossed my mind. Perhaps sensing Dang Hwarin’s despair, the Master of Orthodoxy concluded his explanation and imparted significant news. - Kang Yoonho has risked everything for you. You must survive no matter what. Members of the Orthodox faction added their voices one after another. - If only you’d heard what Kang Young Master risked his life to say in front of the council of elders. - It felt as though the grudges in one’s heart were being relieved. The Master of Orthodoxy and his disciples lavished ongoing praises, recounting how much Yoonho strived for Dang Hwarin. As Dang Hwarin listened to the praises with joy, an Orthodox disciple delivered shocking news that could blow away all the discomfort and despair from the poison energy she was enduring. - When Kang Young Master stood before the Master of Orthodoxy and declared, ‘I came because I want to protect my woman,’ it almost seemed he was indeed the true protagonist of the Dang Family Storm. What? What? "What did you just say?" Dang Hwarin, flustered, asked if she had heard wrong. The Orthodox disciples, wearing smiles all over their faces, elaborated on the situation in detail. - In front of everyone, he gave up his heir’s rights, all to save his woman. It made us wonder if this is what true love looks like. - Saying in front of the head of the Dang family and the elders that Hwarin is 'my woman'... She hadn't heard wrong. 'My woman’? He claimed her as 'my woman' in front of everyone, and no less than Yoonho! The frustrating Kang Yoonho did! Dang Hwarin’s face started turning red at an alarming rate. "That idiot. What on earth has he done?" Although curses spilled out from Dang Hwarin’s mouth, she couldn’t help but suppress her laughter. "He even blocks the path of others’ marriages." Now, it seemed like she had no choice but to marry him. Fiddling with her fingers in embarrassment, Dang Hwarin contemplated her next steps. I feel like I’m going to die. To think he’d say "my woman" in front of everyone. I’m so embarrassed I could die. Yunho called me his woman. I’m so happy I could die. I could actually die soon. But the joy is overwhelming enough to overshadow the fear of death. The Orthodox disciples secretly smiled at Dang Hwarin's grumbling demeanor. --------------- Yunho will come in soon. Dang Hwarin could hear Yunho’s voice she longed for, behind the door. - I came to protect my woman. What the heck, really. It’s just way too cool. Dang Hwarin kept picturing tall and commanding Kang Yoonho standing boldly in front of everyone, calling her 'my woman.' 'No, this is no good, it’s bad for my heart.' What will Yunho do when he comes in? Will he just hug me and say, "Hwarin, you're my woman?" Dang Hwarin couldn’t contain the corners of her mouth from turning up just imagining what was to come. It’s embarrassing. But I want to keep imagining it. What if Yunho looks at me with affectionate eyes? How should I react? Dang Hwarin found herself in a quandary. 'After all the heartache I’ve gone through, I can't just accept him easily. Yeah, that's right. So, I should act a bit pushy... No, then he might run away again. No, but wouldn’t that seem too easy? No, still... Ugh.' My head is too cluttered. I can't contain my laughter. I can't contain my joy. But I still want to see Yunho’s face. I have to welcome Yunho soon. That means I need to manage my expressions first. Dang Hwarin decided to murmur the martial arts verses of the Poison Master taught by the Orthodox masters to get her facial expressions under control. Soon Yunho came in, and Dang Hwarin slightly opened her eyes without him noticing. 'It’s been a while since we've seen each other, where should I look first?' Dang Hwarin felt slightly inclined to speak up, but she let the thought go and opened her chest wide open. 'If you wish to look, you may.' The majestic waterfall of her luxurious robes plunged even more fiercely to the ground. Kang Yoonho tried to hide the sound of his impressed breath, but she, who was focusing all her attention on Yunho, could not miss it. Dang Hwarin's confidence was fully recharged under his gaze and admiration. 'I want to hear Yunho's confession.' Soon I have to swallow the Poison Pill that Yunho prepared from the Human-Faced Earthworm. I can't predict what might happen afterwards. Dang Hwarin steeled herself, thinking about the future just ahead. I should open my eyes adult-like and begin the conversation with a bad dream. I want to hear Yunho’s confession. ------------------------ "Let's share a kiss." That was not the confession Dang Hwarin had anticipated. What in the world was Yunho saying? Despite racking her brain, Dang Hwarin couldn’t comprehend the situation. Who? Kang Yunho. What did he say? A kiss. What in the world was happening? This wasn't the scenario Dang Hwarin had expected. If Yunho said "you're my woman," she’d have initially pushed him away lightly, and if he showed the slightest attempt to leave, she planned to cling tightly to him. 'It’s Yunho, isn’t it?' No, it was definitely Yunho's skin she pinched just a moment ago. Dang Hwarin found herself having unexpected thoughts due to such an unanticipated statement. 'Yunho, this is too sudden.' There should be an exchange of hearts, the building of affection, sharing meals together, holding hands, whispering secrets in secluded places... 'We've already done all of that.' We even live in the same house, in the same room. Dang Hwarin suddenly realized that the only step left for her was kissing. "Hwarin..." While Dang Hwarin was pondering, Yunho's face gradually approached her. Is he really going to do it? "Wait, w-wait!" Dang Hwarin pushed Yunho's face away with a trembling voice and the palms of her hands. She should have pulled Yunho's face closer, and the more she pushed it away, the deeper the regret became. It felt wrong to turn away such an opportunity, but she had no choice. "I'm sorry." Kang Yunho's face began to darken with the embarrassment of rejection. "No, it's not that!" Dang Hwarin hastily had to deny Yunho’s assumptions. "Then?" 'I want to hear it first.' Dang Hwarin looked at the bewildered Yunho and thought. "Yunho, answer me." "Huh?" Though she was willing to take the next step, she absolutely wanted to hear it first. "How do you, you, you think of me?" She wanted to hear Yunho's confession.